                               2015-2016 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      May 27, 2015
        Introduced  by M. of A. BARCLAY -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Cities -- recommitted to the Committee on Cities in  accordance
          with  Assembly  Rule  3, sec. 2 -- committee discharged, bill amended,
          ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN ACT authorizing the city of Fulton to discontinue its use of  certain
          waterfront parklands
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. 1. Subject to the provisions  of  this  act,  the  city  of
     2  Fulton, located in the county of Oswego, is hereby authorized, acting by
     3  and  through  its city council, to discontinue its use of the waterfront
     4  parklands described in section two of this act,  and  to  enter  into  a
     5  contract  to  convey  its  interest  in such real property, along with a
     6  permanent easement and right-of-way for  ingress  and  egress  over  the
     7  parkland,  to  the town of Granby, located in the county of Oswego, upon
     8  terms agreed to by the city of Fulton and the town of  Granby;  provided
     9  that  the  town  of Granby continue to use the property as parkland, and
    10  that the town shall continue to provide access to such parkland  to  the
    11  general public; provided further that the city of Fulton agrees that the
    12  town  of Granby may enact fees that are higher for residents of the city
    13  notwithstanding the general prohibition of the enactment of  fees  which
    14  are higher for residents of the municipality conveying the parkland than
    15  those  fees charged to residents of the municipality receiving the park-
    16  land.
    17    2. Any revenues received by the city of Fulton  as  a  result  of  the
    18  conveyance of property and/or easement interest described in section two
    19  of  this act shall be used for capital improvements of existing park and
    20  recreational facilities and/or for acquisition of  additional  park  and
    21  recreational facilities.
    22    §  2.  For purposes of this act, the description of the property to be
    23  transferred is described as follows:   1. All that tract  or  parcel  of
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7813--A                          2
     1  land,  situated  in  the  City of Fulton, County of Oswego, State of New
     2  York and being part of Lot 65  in  said  city  being  more  particularly
     3  described as follows: Commencing at a point situate in the centerline of
     4  New  York  State Route 48, said point being 1,651.54' northerly from the
     5  south line of Lot 65 and the north line of the City of Fulton  as  meas-
     6  ured  along  the centerline of New York State Route 48; thence N 78° 03'
     7  10" E, a distance of 33.19' to a point in the  east  line  of  New  York
     8  State  Route 48; thence, N 17° 50' 46" W along the east line of New York
     9  State Route 48, a distance of 50.27' to a point; thence, N 78°  03'  10"
    10  E, a distance of 919.00' to a point; thence, N 06° 12' 26" W, a distance
    11  of  107.02'  to  a  point;  thence, northerly along a curve to the right
    12  having a radius of 163.80', an arc length of 85.97'; thence, N  23°  51'
    13  54" E, a distance of 158.96' to a point; thence, northerly along a curve
    14  to  the  left  having  a radius of 146.24', an arc length of 78.09' to a
    15  point; thence, N 06° 43' 47" W,  a  distance  of  164.41'  to  a  point;
    16  thence,  S  83°  16' 13" W, a distance of 194.63' to a point, said point
    17  being the southeast corner of Brenton (Bk. 1261/Pg. 256) and  the  Point
    18  of  Beginning  of  the premises conveyed herein; thence, N 17° 54' 47" E
    19  along the east line of said Brenton and the east line  of  Brannan  (Bk.
    20  1214/Pg.  004),  a  distance  of  439.21' to a point being the northeast
    21  corner of said Brannan and the south  line  of  Gorman  (R-2011-005902);
    22  thence,  N  82°  59'  21"  E along the south line of said Gorman and the
    23  south line of Gorman (Bk. 1437/Pg. 76), a  distance  of  547.5'  to  the
    24  westerly  edge  of  the  Oswego  River;  thence, southeasterly along the
    25  westerly edge of the Oswego River as it winds and turns, a  distance  of
    26  690.8'  to  a  point; thence, S 83° 16' 13" W, a distance of 1,266.1' to
    27  the point and place of beginning containing 8.3 acres of land; and
    28    2.  The description for the property to be granted as an easement  for
    29  ingress and egress is described as follows:  All that tract or parcel of
    30  land, situate in the City of Fulton, County of Oswego, State of New York
    31  and  being part of Lot 65 in said city being more particularly described
    32  as follows: Commencing at a point situate in the center line of New York
    33  State Route 48, said point being 1,651.54' northerly from the south line
    34  of Lot 65 and the north line of the City of Fulton as measured along the
    35  centerline of New York State Route 48;  thence,  N  78°  03'  10"  E,  a
    36  distance  of  33.19' to a point in the east line of New York State Route
    37  48 and the Point of Beginning of the premises conveyed herein; thence, N
    38  17° 50' 46" W along the east line of New York State Route 48, a distance
    39  of 50.27' to a point; thence, N 78° 03' 10" E, a distance of 919.00'  to
    40  a  point;  said point being the southwest corner of a 28' wide right-of-
    41  way and easement, thence, N 06° 12' 26" W, a distance of  107.02'  to  a
    42  point;  thence,  northerly along a curve to the right having a radius of
    43  163.80', an arc length of 85.97'; thence, N 23° 51' 54" E, a distance of
    44  158.96' to a point; thence, northerly along a curve to the left having a
    45  radius of 146.24', an arc length of 78.09' to a point; thence, N 06° 43'
    46  47" W, a distance of 164.41' to a point; thence, N  83°  16'  13"  E,  a
    47  distance  of  28.00'  to a point; thence, S 06° 43' 47" E, a distance of
    48  164.41'; thence, southerly along a curve to the right having a radius of
    49  174.24', an arc length of 93.04'; thence, S 23° 51' 54" W, a distance of
    50  158.96'; thence, southerly along a curve to the left having a radius  of
    51  135.80',  an arc length of 71.27' to a point; thence, S 06° 12' 26" E, a
    52  distance of 154.46' to a point; thence, S 78° 03' 10" W, a  distance  of
    53  936.94'  to  the  point  and place of beginning containing 1.46 acres of
    54  land.  The town of Granby shall maintain all of the  28'  wide  easement
    55  northerly to the 8.3 acres described in subdivision one of this section.

        A. 7813--A                          3
     1    §  3.  The  land to be transferred pursuant to this act shall be owned
     2  and maintained by the town of Granby as parkland, and made available for
     3  uses normally associated with waterfront parkland. Where the availabili-
     4  ty of the parklands and/or facilities located thereon  is  limited,  the
     5  use  of  such  shall be determined by an equitable method which provides
     6  priority use to the general public based on  a  reservation  policy  for
     7  free or nominal charge.
     8    § 4.  If the property described in section two of this act, and trans-
     9  ferred  to  the town of Granby pursuant to the provisions thereof, shall
    10  ever be used for a purpose other than as public parkland,  ownership  of
    11  such property shall revert back to the city of Fulton.
    12    §  5. If the parkland that is subject of this act has received funding
    13  pursuant to the federal land and water conservation fund, the discontin-
    14  uance of parkland authorized by the provisions of  this  act  shall  not
    15  occur  until  the  town of Granby has complied with the federal require-
    16  ments pertaining to the conversion of  parklands,  including  satisfying
    17  the  secretary  of the interior that the discontinuance will include all
    18  conditions which the secretary of the interior deems necessary to assure
    19  the substitution of other lands shall be equivalent in fair market value
    20  and recreational usefulness to the lands being discontinued.
    21    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately.