

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      June 6, 2023

        Introduced  by M. of A. LUPARDO -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Transportation

        AN ACT to amend the transportation law, in relation to the  purchase  of
          zero-emission capable hybrid and zero-emission buses; and to amend the
          public  authorities  law and the general municipal law, in relation to
          the procurement of electric-powered buses, vehicles or  other  related
          equipment;  and  providing  for the repeal of such provisions upon the
          expiration thereof

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The transportation law is amended by adding a new section
     2  17-c to read as follows:
     3    § 17-c. Zero-emission capable hybrid buses  and  zero-emission  buses.
     4  1. For the four-year period commencing January first, two thousand twen-
     5  ty-five  and  ending  December  thirty-first, two thousand twenty-eight,
     6  every public transportation system eligible to receive operating assist-
     7  ance under the provisions of section eighteen-b of this article shall be
     8  required to purchase only zero-emission capable hybrid buses or zero-em-
     9  ission buses and related equipment and facilities as part of the  normal
    10  replacement of its fleet.
    11    2. (a) For purposes of this section "zero-emission capable hybrid bus"
    12  shall  mean  a  motor  vehicle that has a seating capacity of fifteen or
    13  more passengers in addition to the driver and used for transportation of
    14  persons; is capable of being propelled by an electric motor and  associ-
    15  ated  power  electronics  which provide acceleration torque to the drive
    16  wheels during normal vehicle operation and  draws  electricity  from  an
    17  onboard battery or electric generator; has an internal combustion engine
    18  for extended driving range where recharging infrastructure is not readi-
    19  ly  accessible,  and  otherwise as needed for safe and effective travel;
    20  and is capable of operating on demand without direct emission  of  atmo-

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7731                             2

     1  spheric pollutants, and being paired with geofencing technology to auto-
     2  matically shut down the engine in specified locations.
     3    (b)  For  purposes  of  this  section "zero-emission bus" shall mean a
     4  motor vehicle that has a seating capacity of fifteen or more  passengers
     5  in addition to the driver and used for the transportation of persons; is
     6  propelled  by  an  electric motor and associated power electronics which
     7  provide acceleration torque to the drive wheels  during  normal  vehicle
     8  operation  and  draws  electricity  from  a hydrogen fuel cell or from a
     9  battery which is capable of being recharged from an external  source  of
    10  electricity; or otherwise operates without direct emission of atmospher-
    11  ic pollutants.
    12    3.  (a)  Notwithstanding  any  provision  of  law to the contrary, all
    13  rights or benefits, including terms and conditions  of  employment,  and
    14  protection  of  civil  service  and  collective bargaining status of all
    15  existing  employees  of  authorized  entities  shall  be  preserved  and
    16  protected.    Nothing in this section shall result in the: (i) displace-
    17  ment of any currently employed worker or  loss  of  position  (including
    18  partial  displacement  such  as a reduction in the hours of non-overtime
    19  work, wages, or employment benefits) or  result  in  the  impairment  of
    20  existing  collective  bargaining  agreements;  (ii) transfer of existing
    21  duties and functions related to  maintenance  and  operations  currently
    22  performed  by existing employees of authorized entities to a contracting
    23  entity; or (iii) transfer of  future  duties  and  functions  ordinarily
    24  performed by employees of authorized entities to a contracting entity.
    25    (b) Prior to the beginning of the procurement process for new zero-em-
    26  ission capable hybrid buses and zero-emission buses, the transit author-
    27  ity,  agency  or  municipality  shall  create  and implement a workforce
    28  development report that (i) forecasts the number  of  jobs  provided  by
    29  existing  omnibuses,  rolling stock, vehicles or equipment that would be
    30  eliminated or substantially changed after the purchase, as well  as  the
    31  number  of  jobs  expected  to be created at the transit provider by the
    32  proposed purchase over a five-year period from the date of the  publica-
    33  tion of the workforce development report, (ii) identifies gaps in skills
    34  needed  to  operate  and  maintain  the new zero-emission capable hybrid
    35  buses and zero-emission buses, rolling stock, vehicles or related equip-
    36  ment, (iii) includes a  comprehensive  plan  to  transition,  train,  or
    37  retrain  employees  that are impacted by the proposed purchase, and (iv)
    38  contains an estimated budget to transition, train, or retrain  employees
    39  that are impacted by the proposed purchase.
    40    (c)  Nothing  contained  herein  shall  be construed to affect (i) the
    41  existing rights of employees pursuant to an existing collective bargain-
    42  ing agreement, or (ii) the existing representational relationships among
    43  employee organizations  or  the  bargaining  relationships  between  the
    44  employer  and  an employee organization. Prior to beginning the procure-
    45  ment process for new zero-emission capable hybrid buses  and  zero-emis-
    46  sion  buses,  rolling  stock, vehicles or related equipment, the transit
    47  authority, agency or municipality shall inform the respective collective
    48  bargaining agent of any potential jobs that may be affected, altered, or
    49  eliminated as a result of the purchase, and  it  shall  be  a  mandatory
    50  subject for collective bargaining.
    51    § 2. The transportation law is amended by adding a new section 18-c to
    52  read as follows:
    53    §  18-c.  Capital  plan  requirements.  In  formulating  the five-year
    54  department of transportation capital plans, the  department  shall:  (a)
    55  consider  the  requirement of section seventeen-c of this article in its
    56  disbursement of payment for the costs  of  mass  transportation  capital

        A. 7731                             3

     1  projects  and  facilities and give preference in the form of payments to
     2  public transportation systems eligible to receive  operating  assistance
     3  under the provisions of section eighteen-b of this article that are able
     4  to demonstrate commitments made towards purchasing zero-emission capable
     5  hybrid  buses  and zero-emission buses and related equipment and facili-
     6  ties; and (b) facilitate for purposes  of  meeting  the  requirement  of
     7  section  seventeen-c  of  this  article  the coordination of purchasing,
     8  installation and sharing services between public transportation  systems
     9  serving primarily outside the city of New York.
    10    § 3. Section 2878-a of the public authorities law is amended by adding
    11  a new subdivision 3 to read as follows:
    12    3.  (a) A transportation authority established under this chapter may,
    13  by resolution approved by a two-thirds  vote  of  its  members  then  in
    14  office,  or  by a declaration that competitive bidding is impractical or
    15  inappropriate with respect to electric-powered omnibuses, rolling stock,
    16  vehicles or other  related  equipment  because  the  item  is  available
    17  through  an  existing  contract  between a vendor and (i) another public
    18  authority provided that such  other  authority  utilized  a  process  of
    19  competitive  bidding  or a process of competitive requests for proposals
    20  to award such contracts, or (ii) the state of New York, or (iii) a poli-
    21  tical subdivision of the state of New York, provided that  in  any  case
    22  when under this subdivision the authority determines that obtaining such
    23  item  thereby would be in the public interest and sets forth the reasons
    24  for such determination. The authority shall accept  sole  responsibility
    25  for  any payment due the vendor as a result of the authority's order. In
    26  each case where the authority declares competitive  bidding  impractical
    27  or  inappropriate,  it  shall  state  the reason therefor in writing and
    28  summarize any negotiations that have been conducted. The authority shall
    29  not award any contract pursuant to this subdivision earlier than  thirty
    30  days  from  the  date  on  which the authority declares that competitive
    31  bidding is  impractical  or  inappropriate.  All  procurements  approved
    32  pursuant to this subdivision shall be subject to audit and inspection by
    33  the  department  of  audit  and  control or any successor agencies.  For
    34  purposes of  this  subdivision,  "transportation  authority"  shall  not
    35  include  transportation  authorities  governed under titles nine, nine-A
    36  and eleven of article five of this chapter or  title  three  of  article
    37  three  of this chapter. For the purposes of this subdivision, "electric-
    38  powered omnibuses" shall include any bus owned, leased, rented or other-
    39  wise controlled by the authority that otherwise meets the definition  of
    40  bus  provided  in section five hundred nine-a of the vehicle and traffic
    41  law that is propelled by an electric motor and  associated  power  elec-
    42  tronics  which  provide  acceleration  torque to the drive wheels during
    43  normal vehicle operation and draws electricity from a hydrogen fuel cell
    44  or from a battery which is capable of being recharged from  an  external
    45  source  of electricity; or otherwise operates without direct emission of
    46  atmospheric pollutants.
    47    (b) (i) Notwithstanding any provision of  law  to  the  contrary,  all
    48  rights  or  benefits,  including terms and conditions of employment, and
    49  protection of civil service and  collective  bargaining  status  of  all
    50  existing  employees  of  authorized  entities  shall  be  preserved  and
    51  protected.  Nothing in this section shall result in the:  (1)  displace-
    52  ment  of  any  currently  employed worker or loss of position, including
    53  partial displacement such as a reduction in the  hours  of  non-overtime
    54  work,  wages,  or  employment  benefits,  or result in the impairment of
    55  existing collective bargaining  agreements;  (2)  transfer  of  existing
    56  duties  and  functions  related  to maintenance and operations currently

        A. 7731                             4

     1  performed by existing employees of authorized entities to a  contracting
     2  entity;  or  (3)  transfer  of  future  duties  and functions ordinarily
     3  performed by employees of authorized entities to a contracting entity.
     4    (ii)  Prior  to the beginning of the procurement process for new elec-
     5  tric-powered omnibuses, rolling stock, vehicles  or  related  equipment,
     6  the  authority shall create and implement a workforce development report
     7  that (1) forecasts the number of jobs provided  by  existing  omnibuses,
     8  rolling  stock,  vehicles  or  equipment  that  would  be  eliminated or
     9  substantially changed after the purchase, as well as the number of  jobs
    10  expected  to be created at the authority by the proposed purchase over a
    11  five-year period from the date  of  the  publication  of  the  workforce
    12  development  report, (2) identifies gaps in skills needed to operate and
    13  maintain the new electric-powered omnibuses, rolling stock, vehicles  or
    14  related  equipment,  (3)  includes  a  comprehensive plan to transition,
    15  train, or retrain employees that are impacted by the proposed  purchase,
    16  and  (4)  contains  an estimated budget to transition, train, or retrain
    17  employees that are impacted by the proposed purchase.
    18    (c) Nothing contained herein shall be  construed  to  affect  (i)  the
    19  existing rights of employees pursuant to an existing collective bargain-
    20  ing agreement, or (ii) the existing representational relationships among
    21  employee  organizations  or  the  bargaining  relationships  between the
    22  employer and an employee organization. Prior to beginning  the  procure-
    23  ment process for new electric-powered omnibuses, rolling stock, vehicles
    24  or  related  equipment,  the transit agency or municipality shall inform
    25  the respective collective bargaining agent of any  potential  jobs  that
    26  may be affected, altered, or eliminated as a result of the purchase, and
    27  it shall be a mandatory subject for collective bargaining.
    28    §  4.  Section 104 of the general municipal law is amended by adding a
    29  new subdivision 3 to read as follows:
    30    3. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section one hundred three  of
    31  this  article  or  of any other general, special or local law, any chief
    32  executive officer of a political subdivision or agency which operates  a
    33  public  transportation  system  is authorized to make purchases of elec-
    34  tric-powered omnibuses or other  related  equipment  upon  a  resolution
    35  approved  by  a  two-thirds vote of its board then in office because the
    36  item is available through an existing contract between a vendor and  (i)
    37  a  public  authority  of  the  state  provided that such other authority
    38  utilized a process of competitive bidding or a  process  of  competitive
    39  requests for proposals to award such contracts, or (ii) the state of New
    40  York,  or  (iii)  a  political  subdivision  of  the  state of New York,
    41  provided that in any case when  under  this  subdivision  the  political
    42  subdivision  determines that obtaining such item thereby would be in the
    43  public interest and sets forth the reasons for such  determination.  The
    44  political  subdivision  shall  not  award  any contract pursuant to this
    45  subdivision earlier than thirty days from the date on  which  the  poli-
    46  tical  subdivision  declares  that competitive bidding is impractical or
    47  inappropriate. All purchases shall be subject to audit and inspection by
    48  the political subdivision for which made, in addition to the  department
    49  of  audit  and  control of New York state. For purposes of this subdivi-
    50  sion, "political subdivision or agency which operates a public transpor-
    51  tation system" shall not  include  transportation  authorities  governed
    52  under  titles  nine,  nine-A  and  eleven  of article five of the public
    53  authorities law or title three of article three of the  public  authori-
    54  ties  law. For the purposes of this subdivision, "electric-powered omni-
    55  buses"  shall  include  any  bus  owned,  leased,  rented  or  otherwise
    56  controlled  by  the political subdivision that otherwise meets the defi-

        A. 7731                             5

     1  nition of bus provided in section five hundred nine-a of the vehicle and
     2  traffic law that is propelled by an electric motor and associated  power
     3  electronics which provide acceleration torque to the drive wheels during
     4  normal vehicle operation and draws electricity from a hydrogen fuel cell
     5  or  from  a battery which is capable of being recharged from an external
     6  source of electricity; or otherwise operates without direct emission  of
     7  atmospheric pollutants.
     8    (b)  (i)  Notwithstanding  any  provision  of law to the contrary, all
     9  rights or benefits, including terms and conditions  of  employment,  and
    10  protection  of  civil  service  and  collective bargaining status of all
    11  existing  employees  of  authorized  entities  shall  be  preserved  and
    12  protected.    Nothing in this section shall result in the: (1) displace-
    13  ment of any currently employed worker or  loss  of  position,  including
    14  partial  displacement  such  as a reduction in the hours of non-overtime
    15  work, wages, or employment benefits, or  result  in  the  impairment  of
    16  existing  collective  bargaining  agreements;  (2)  transfer of existing
    17  duties and functions related to  maintenance  and  operations  currently
    18  performed  by existing employees of authorized entities to a contracting
    19  entity; or (3)  transfer  of  future  duties  and  functions  ordinarily
    20  performed by employees of authorized entities to a contracting entity.
    21    (ii)  Prior  to the beginning of the procurement process for new elec-
    22  tric-powered omnibuses, rolling stock, vehicles  or  related  equipment,
    23  the  transit  agency  or municipality shall create and implement a work-
    24  force development report that (1) forecasts the number of jobs  provided
    25  by  existing  omnibuses, rolling stock, vehicles or equipment that would
    26  be eliminated or substantially changed after the purchase,  as  well  as
    27  the number of jobs expected to be created at the transit provider by the
    28  proposed  purchase over a five-year period from the date of the publica-
    29  tion of the workforce development report, (2) identifies gaps in  skills
    30  needed to operate and maintain the new electric-powered omnibuses, roll-
    31  ing  stock,  vehicles or related equipment, (3) includes a comprehensive
    32  plan to transition, train, or retrain employees that are impacted by the
    33  proposed purchase, and (4) contains an estimated budget  to  transition,
    34  train, or retrain employees that are impacted by the proposed purchase.
    35    (c)  Nothing  contained  herein  shall  be construed to affect (i) the
    36  existing rights of employees pursuant to an existing collective bargain-
    37  ing agreement, or (ii) the existing representational relationships among
    38  employee organizations  or  the  bargaining  relationships  between  the
    39  employer  and  an employee organization. Prior to beginning the procure-
    40  ment process for new electric-powered omnibuses, rolling stock, vehicles
    41  or related equipment, the transit agency or  municipality  shall  inform
    42  the  respective  collective  bargaining agent of any potential jobs that
    43  may be affected, altered, or eliminated as a result of the purchase, and
    44  it shall be a mandatory subject for collective bargaining.
    45    § 5. Section 104 of the general municipal law, as amended  by  section
    46  27  of  part  L of chapter 55 of the laws of 2012, is amended to read as
    47  follows:
    48    § 104. Purchase through office of general services. 1. Notwithstanding
    49  the provisions of section one hundred three of this article  or  of  any
    50  other  general,  special or local law, any officer, board or agency of a
    51  political subdivision, of a district therein, of a fire company or of  a
    52  voluntary  ambulance  service is authorized to make purchases of commod-
    53  ities and services available pursuant to section one hundred sixty-three
    54  of the state finance law, may make such purchases through the office  of
    55  general  services  subject to such rules as may be established from time
    56  to time pursuant to section one hundred sixty-three of the state finance

        A. 7731                             6

     1  law or through the general services administration pursuant  to  section
     2  1555  of the federal acquisition streamlining act of 1994, P.L. 103-355;
     3  provided that any such purchase shall exceed five  hundred  dollars  and
     4  that  the  political  subdivision,  district,  fire company or voluntary
     5  ambulance service for which such officer, board  or  agency  acts  shall
     6  accept sole responsibility for any payment due the vendor. All purchases
     7  shall  be  subject to audit and inspection by the political subdivision,
     8  district, fire company or voluntary ambulance service for which made. No
     9  officer, board or agency of a political subdivision, or a district ther-
    10  ein, of a fire company or of a voluntary ambulance  service  shall  make
    11  any  purchase  through such office when bids have been received for such
    12  purchase by such officer, board or agency, unless such purchase  may  be
    13  made upon the same terms, conditions and specifications at a lower price
    14  through  such  office. Two or more fire companies or voluntary ambulance
    15  services may join in making purchases pursuant to this section, and  for
    16  the purposes of this section such groups shall be deemed "fire companies
    17  or voluntary ambulance services."
    18    2.  (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section one hundred three of
    19  this article or of any other general, special or local  law,  any  chief
    20  executive  officer of a political subdivision or agency which operates a
    21  public transportation system is authorized to make  purchases  of  elec-
    22  tric-powered  omnibuses  or  other  related  equipment upon a resolution
    23  approved by a two-thirds vote of its board then in  office  because  the
    24  item  is available through an existing contract between a vendor and (a)
    25  a public authority of the  state  provided  that  such  other  authority
    26  utilized  a  process  of competitive bidding or a process of competitive
    27  requests for proposals to award such contracts, or (b) the state of  New
    28  York,  or (c) a political subdivision of the state of New York, provided
    29  that in any case when under this subdivision the  political  subdivision
    30  determines  that  obtaining  such  item  thereby  would be in the public
    31  interest and sets forth the reasons for such  determination.  The  poli-
    32  tical subdivision shall not award any contract pursuant to this subdivi-
    33  sion  earlier  than  thirty  days  from  the date on which the political
    34  subdivision declares that competitive bidding is impractical or inappro-
    35  priate. All purchases shall be subject to audit and  inspection  by  the
    36  political  subdivision  for which made, in addition to the department of
    37  audit and control of New York state. For purposes of  this  subdivision,
    38  "political  subdivision or agency which operates a public transportation
    39  system" shall not  include  transportation  authorities  governed  under
    40  titles nine, nine-A and eleven of article five of the public authorities
    41  law  or  title three of article three of the public authorities law. For
    42  purposes of this subdivision, "electric-powered omnibuses" shall include
    43  any bus owned, leased, rented or otherwise controlled by  the  political
    44  subdivision  that  otherwise  meets  the  definition  of bus provided in
    45  section five hundred nine-a of the  vehicle  and  traffic  law  that  is
    46  propelled  by  an  electric motor and associated power electronics which
    47  provide acceleration torque to the drive wheels  during  normal  vehicle
    48  operation  and  draws  electricity  from  a hydrogen fuel cell or from a
    49  battery which is capable of being recharged from an external  source  of
    50  electricity; or otherwise operates without direct emission of atmospher-
    51  ic pollutants.
    52    (b)  (i)  Notwithstanding  any  provision  of law to the contrary, all
    53  rights or benefits, including terms and conditions  of  employment,  and
    54  protection  of  civil  service  and  collective bargaining status of all
    55  existing  employees  of  authorized  entities  shall  be  preserved  and
    56  protected.    Nothing in this section shall result in the: (1) displace-

        A. 7731                             7

     1  ment of any currently employed worker or  loss  of  position,  including
     2  partial  displacement  such  as a reduction in the hours of non-overtime
     3  work, wages, or employment benefits, or  result  in  the  impairment  of
     4  existing  collective  bargaining  agreements;  (2)  transfer of existing
     5  duties and functions related to  maintenance  and  operations  currently
     6  performed  by existing employees of authorized entities to a contracting
     7  entity; or (3)  transfer  of  future  duties  and  functions  ordinarily
     8  performed by employees of authorized entities to a contracting entity.
     9    (ii)  Prior  to the beginning of the procurement process for new elec-
    10  tric-powered omnibuses, rolling stock, vehicles  or  related  equipment,
    11  the  transit  agency  or municipality shall create and implement a work-
    12  force development report that (1) forecasts the number of jobs  provided
    13  by  existing  omnibuses, rolling stock, vehicles or equipment that would
    14  be eliminated or substantially changed after the purchase,  as  well  as
    15  the number of jobs expected to be created at the transit provider by the
    16  proposed  purchase over a five-year period from the date of the publica-
    17  tion of the workforce development report, (2) identifies gaps in  skills
    18  needed to operate and maintain the new electric-powered omnibuses, roll-
    19  ing  stock,  vehicles or related equipment, (3) includes a comprehensive
    20  plan to transition, train, or retrain employees that are impacted by the
    21  proposed purchase, and (4) contains an estimated budget  to  transition,
    22  train, or retrain employees that are impacted by the proposed purchase.
    23    (c)  Nothing  contained  herein  shall  be construed to affect (i) the
    24  existing rights of employees pursuant to an existing collective bargain-
    25  ing agreement, or (ii) the existing representational relationships among
    26  employee organizations  or  the  bargaining  relationships  between  the
    27  employer  and  an employee organization. Prior to beginning the procure-
    28  ment process for new electric-powered omnibuses, rolling stock, vehicles
    29  or related equipment, the transit agency or  municipality  shall  inform
    30  the  respective  collective  bargaining agent of any potential jobs that
    31  may be affected, altered, or eliminated as a result of the purchase, and
    32  it shall be a mandatory subject for collective bargaining.
    33    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately and shall  expire  and  be
    34  deemed  repealed  December  31, 2028; provided, however, that the amend-
    35  ments to section 104 of the general municipal law made by  section  four
    36  of  this  act  shall  be subject to the expiration and reversion of such
    37  section pursuant to section 9 of subpart A of part C of  chapter  97  of
    38  the  laws  of  2011,  as  amended, when upon such date the provisions of
    39  section five of this act shall take effect.