

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 26, 2023

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  BRAUNSTEIN  -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Cities

        AN ACT to amend the local finance law, in relation  to  the  maintenance
          and  application  of  a  general debt service fund for the city of New
          York, and agreements and covenants with respect to obligations  issued
          by such city

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The local finance law is amended by adding  a  new  section
     2  54.15 to read as follows:
     3    § 54.15 Maintenance and application of a general debt service fund for
     4  the  city  of New York. (a) The following words shall have the following
     5  meanings unless the context shall indicate another or different  meaning
     6  or intent.
     7    (i)  "Available tax levy" with respect to an issue of tax anticipation
     8  notes means, at any date of computation, the total amount of  city  real
     9  estate  taxes  or  assessments  projected, consistent with the financial
    10  plan then in effect, to be received in cash on or before the  fifth  day
    11  preceding  the  maturity  date of such tax anticipation note issue, less
    12  amounts required during the period between the date of  computation  and
    13  the  fifth  day preceding such maturity date to be paid into the general
    14  debt service fund or otherwise required to pay interest payable on other
    15  outstanding city bonds and notes,  principal,  including  payments  into
    16  sinking  funds, coming due on outstanding city bonds and principal to be
    17  paid from sources other than the proceeds of bonds or renewal  notes  on
    18  other outstanding city notes, exclusive of revenue anticipation notes or
    19  renewals  thereof issued less than two years prior to the date of compu-
    20  tation, but not including payments from sinking funds  required  by  the
    21  terms of certain city bonds.
    22    (ii) "City" means the city of New York.
    23    (iii) "Comptroller" means the comptroller of the state of New York.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7642                             2

     1    (iv)  "Fund"  means the general debt service fund established pursuant
     2  to this section.
     3    (v)  "RAN  debt  service  account" means the revenue anticipation note
     4  debt service account  established  within  the  fund  pursuant  to  this
     5  section.
     6    (vi)  "TAN  debt service account" means the tax anticipation note debt
     7  service account established within the fund pursuant to this section.
     8    (b) The city shall maintain  a  general  debt  service  fund  for  the
     9  purpose of paying debt service due or becoming due in the current fiscal
    10  year  and  in  subsequent  fiscal years. All monies in the fund shall be
    11  held by the comptroller, who shall administer and maintain the  fund  in
    12  accordance with the provisions of this section.
    13    (c) All payments of or on account of real estate taxes or assessments,
    14  other  than the proceeds of tax anticipation notes, shall be immediately
    15  upon receipt deposited in  such  fund.  The  comptroller  shall  retain,
    16  disburse and apply monies in the fund during each month as follows:
    17    (i)  During  the  first  month  of each fiscal quarter, there shall be
    18  retained in the fund all real estate tax payments deposited in the  fund
    19  until  there  shall  have  been retained from monies so deposited during
    20  such month an amount equal to the total monthly debt  service,  computed
    21  as  of  the  date  of  any  disbursement of money from the fund, for the
    22  second and third months of  such  fiscal  quarter;  provided  that  such
    23  amount  shall  be  reduced by any amount already on deposit in the fund,
    24  which may be used to pay the monthly debt service for such  months.  For
    25  purposes  of  this  section,  the  term  "fiscal quarter" shall mean the
    26  three-month period beginning July first, October first, January first or
    27  April first, and the term "monthly debt service" shall mean, as  of  any
    28  date  of computation, the amount of monies equal to the aggregate of (1)
    29  all interest payable during such month on bonds and notes of  the  city,
    30  plus (2) the amount of principal, including payments into sinking funds,
    31  maturing  or  otherwise coming due during such month on all bonds of the
    32  city, excluding principal payments made from sinking funds  required  by
    33  the  terms of certain city bonds, plus (3) the amount of principal to be
    34  paid on notes of the city during such month from sources other than  the
    35  proceeds  of  bonds  or renewal notes, exclusive of revenue anticipation
    36  notes and tax anticipation notes or renewals thereof  issued  less  than
    37  two years prior to the date of computation.
    38    (ii)  During the second and third months of each fiscal quarter, there
    39  shall be retained in the fund all real estate tax payments deposited  in
    40  the  fund  until there shall have been retained from monies so deposited
    41  during such month an amount equal to the  total  monthly  debt  service,
    42  computed as of the date of any disbursement of monies from the fund, for
    43  the  first  month  of  the next succeeding fiscal quarter; provided that
    44  such amount shall be reduced by any amount already  on  deposit  in  the
    45  fund, which may be used to pay the monthly debt service for such month.
    46    (iii)  During  any  month  of  a  fiscal quarter, after the retentions
    47  required by subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of this paragraph have been  made
    48  for  such  month, the comptroller shall deposit any remaining balance of
    49  real estate taxes received during such month, first into  the  TAN  debt
    50  service  account  to  the  extent  required  under paragraph (f) of this
    51  section, and second into the general fund of the city.
    52    (iv) The city may at any time pay into the fund any monies required by
    53  law to be used to pay monthly debt service and any other  monies  avail-
    54  able for such purpose.
    55    (d) If the mayor of the city at any time determines that retentions in
    56  the fund pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section are

        A. 7642                             3

     1  or  are  likely to be insufficient to provide for the payment of monthly
     2  debt service when due, in order to ensure that the amounts on deposit in
     3  the fund will be sufficient to pay monthly debt service  when  due,  the
     4  mayor  of  the  city  shall require (i) that real estate tax receipts be
     5  retained in the fund in greater amounts or at  earlier  dates  than  the
     6  provisions  of  such  paragraph  require, or (ii) that other revenues or
     7  cash resources of the city be paid into the fund.
     8    (e) The payment of monthly debt service of  the  city  shall  be  made
     9  first  from  amounts  retained in the fund. Amounts retained in the fund
    10  shall be used only to pay debt service of the city.
    11    (f) Upon the issuance of any  tax  anticipation  notes  following  the
    12  effective  date of this section, the comptroller shall establish and, so
    13  long as any tax anticipation notes shall be outstanding, shall  maintain
    14  a TAN debt service account within the fund for the purpose of paying the
    15  principal of tax anticipation notes.
    16    (g) The city shall determine the date on which the principal due or to
    17  become due on an outstanding issue of tax anticipation notes shall equal
    18  ninety percent of the available tax levy with respect to such issue, and
    19  upon  reasonable  notice thereof, the comptroller shall commence on such
    20  date to pay into the TAN debt service account from collections  of  such
    21  taxes  and assessments, after retaining amounts required to be deposited
    22  in the fund, amounts sufficient to pay when due, the principal  of  such
    23  issue  of  tax  anticipation notes. The payments of the principal of tax
    24  anticipation notes shall be made first from amounts retained in the  TAN
    25  debt service account.
    26    (h)  Upon the issuance of any revenue anticipation notes following the
    27  effective date of this section, the comptroller shall establish and,  so
    28  long as any revenue anticipation notes shall be outstanding, shall main-
    29  tain  a  RAN  debt  service  account  within the fund for the purpose of
    30  paying the principal of revenue anticipation notes. Each  specific  type
    31  of  revenue in anticipation of which such notes are issued and available
    32  for such purpose shall be deposited in  such  account  immediately  upon
    33  receipt  by  the city. Where such revenue consists of state aid or other
    34  revenue to be paid to the city by the  comptroller,  on  the  date  such
    35  revenue  is  payable  to  the  city,  the comptroller shall deposit such
    36  revenue directly into such account in lieu of payment to  the  city  for
    37  the purpose of paying the principal of revenue anticipation notes.
    38    (i) The city shall determine the date on which the principal due or to
    39  become  due  on an outstanding issue of revenue anticipation notes shall
    40  equal ninety percent of the total amount of revenue against  which  such
    41  notes  were  issued  remaining  to  be paid to the city on or before the
    42  fifth day prior to the maturity date of such notes, and upon  reasonable
    43  notice thereof, the comptroller shall commence on such date to retain in
    44  the  RAN  debt service account from amounts deposited or to be deposited
    45  therein of each specific type of revenue in anticipation of which reven-
    46  ue such anticipation notes were issued, an amount sufficient to pay when
    47  due, the principal of such revenue anticipation notes.  Monies  retained
    48  in  such  account shall vest immediately in the comptroller in trust for
    49  the benefit of the holders of the revenue anticipation notes  in  antic-
    50  ipation  of  which such notes were issued. No person having any claim of
    51  any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against such city shall have any
    52  right to or claim against any monies of the state  appropriated  by  the
    53  state  and  in  anticipation of which such notes have been issued, other
    54  than a claim for payment by the holders of such notes, and  such  monies
    55  shall  not  be  subject to any order, judgment, lien, execution, attach-
    56  ment, setoff or counter-claim by any  such  person;  provided,  however,

        A. 7642                             4

     1  that  nothing  contained  in this paragraph shall be construed to limit,
     2  impair, impede or otherwise adversely affect in any manner the rights or
     3  remedies of the purchasers and holders and owners of any bonds or  notes
     4  of  the state or any agency, instrumentality, public benefit corporation
     5  or political subdivision thereof, including the city of New York,  under
     6  which  such  purchasers and holders and owners have any right of payment
     7  of such bonds or notes by recourse to  state  aid  or  local  assistance
     8  monies  held  by  the  state  or for the payment of which bonds or notes
     9  state aid or local  assistance  monies  are  a  designated  source.  The
    10  payment  of  the  principal  of revenue anticipation notes shall be made
    11  first from amounts retained in the RAN debt service account.
    12    (j) Whenever the amount contained in the TAN debt service  account  or
    13  the  RAN debt service account exceeds the amount required to be retained
    14  in such account such excess monies, including earnings on investments of
    15  monies in the fund, shall be withdrawn from such account and  paid  into
    16  the general fund of the city.
    17    (k)  The  comptroller  shall invest the monies retained in the fund in
    18  accordance with law.
    19    (l) The limitations imposed upon the city by this section shall be  in
    20  addition to any other limitations imposed upon the city by this chapter.
    21  In  the event any other provisions of this chapter shall be inconsistent
    22  with the provisions of this section,  the  provisions  of  this  section
    23  shall prevail.
    24    (m)  While  the New York state financial emergency act for the city of
    25  New York remains in effect, such act shall  prevail  in  the  event  any
    26  provision  of such act shall be inconsistent with the provisions of this
    27  section.  The powers, duties and obligations set forth in  this  section
    28  shall  be  subject to the powers, duties and obligations placed upon any
    29  state or local officer or agency, including but not limited to  the  New
    30  York  state  financial  control  board, by or pursuant to such act while
    31  such act remains in effect.
    32    (n) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the city  may
    33  at  any  time, subject to approval by the comptroller, designate a trust
    34  company or bank having its principal place of business in the  state  of
    35  New  York  and  having the powers of a trust company in the state of New
    36  York to hold all or any part of the monies in the fund and to administer
    37  and maintain the monies  so  held  in  accordance  with  the  applicable
    38  provisions of this section and any agreements made pursuant thereto.
    39    (o)  The  mayor  of the city is hereby authorized to enter into agree-
    40  ments and to make covenants with any purchaser or holder of  obligations
    41  issued by the city to protect and safeguard the security and rights of a
    42  purchaser or holder or to protect and safeguard the source of payment of
    43  such  obligations or as deemed appropriate by the mayor which agreements
    44  or covenants may contain provisions providing for (i) the compliance  by
    45  the  city  with any of the provisions of this section, (ii) restrictions
    46  on the issuance by the city  of  its  obligations,  limitations  on  the
    47  inclusion of expense items in its capital budgets and financial records,
    48  reporting   and   disclosure   requirements  in  addition  to  any  such
    49  restrictions, limitations or requirements  contained  in  this  section,
    50  (iii)  compliance  by  the city with its financial plan as modified from
    51  time to time, (iv) conditions that  would  give  rise  to  an  event  of
    52  default  on  such obligations, and (v) remedies available to a purchaser
    53  or holder of such obligations, other than acceleration or  the  required
    54  elimination  or  reduction of specific municipal expenditures, including
    55  the circumstances, if any, under which a trustee or trustees or a fiscal
    56  agent may be appointed or may act as  a  representative  of  holders  of

        A. 7642                             5

     1  obligations  issued by the city in connection with an issue or issues of
     2  obligations of the city and the rights, powers and duties which  may  be
     3  vested in such trustee, trustees or fiscal agent as such representative.
     4  The  state  of  New  York hereby pledges and agrees that it will take no
     5  action that would impair the power of the city  to  comply  with  or  to
     6  perform  any  covenant  or agreement made pursuant to this paragraph, or
     7  any right or remedy of a purchaser or holder to enforce such covenant or
     8  agreement; and the city is hereby authorized to include such pledge  and
     9  agreement  in  any  agreement  made  pursuant to this paragraph. Nothing
    10  contained in this paragraph shall preclude the  state  from  authorizing
    11  the city to exercise, or the city from exercising, any power provided by
    12  law  to  seek  application  of  laws then in effect under the bankruptcy
    13  provisions of the United States constitution or shall preclude the state
    14  from validly exercising its police powers.
    15    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.