

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 12, 2021

        Introduced by M. of A. JOYNER -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Labor

        AN  ACT to amend the workers' compensation law and the insurance law, in
          relation to diversifying the New York state insurance  fund's  invest-
          ment authority

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The section heading and subdivisions  1,  2,  3  and  7  of
     2  section  87  of  the  workers' compensation law, the section heading and
     3  subdivision 1 as amended and subdivisions 2, 3 and 7 as added by section
     4  20 of part GG of chapter 57 of the laws of 2013, are amended to read  as
     5  follows:
     6    [Investment of surplus or reserve] Investments.  1. Any of the reserve
     7  funds belonging to the state insurance fund, by order of the commission-
     8  ers,  approved  by  the  superintendent  of  financial  services, may be
     9  invested in the types of [securities] investments described in [subdivi-
    10  sions one, two, three, four, five, six, eleven, twelve, twelve-a,  thir-
    11  teen,  fourteen,  fifteen,  nineteen,  twenty, twenty-one, twenty-one-a,
    12  twenty-four, twenty-four-a, twenty-four-b, twenty-four-c and twenty-five
    13  of section two hundred thirty-five of the banking law or  in  paragraph]
    14  paragraphs  one,  two,  three  and four of subsection (b) of section one
    15  thousand four hundred two of the insurance law and paragraphs one,  two,
    16  three,  four,  five, six, seven, and eleven of subsection (a) of section
    17  one thousand four hundred four of the insurance law with the qualitative
    18  standards or quantitative limitations which are set forth in such  para-
    19  graphs  except  that  [up  to] a minimum of five percent of such reserve
    20  funds [may] shall be invested in the types of securities [of any solvent
    21  American institution as] described in [such  paragraph  irrespective  of
    22  the  rating  of such institution's obligations or other similar qualita-
    23  tive standards described therein] paragraphs one, two, three and four of

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7507                             2

     1  subsection (b) of section one thousand four hundred two of the insurance
     2  law.
     3    2.  Any  [of  the surplus] funds belonging to the state insurance fund
     4  exceeding seventy percent  of  the  aggregate  of  loss  reserves,  loss
     5  expense  reserves  and  fifty  percent  of unearned premium reserves, by
     6  order of the commissioners, approved by the superintendent of  financial
     7  services,  may  be  invested  in  the  types of [securities described in
     8  subdivisions one, two, three, four, five, six, eleven, twelve, twelve-a,
     9  thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-one-a,
    10  twenty-four, twenty-four-a, twenty-four-b, twenty-four-c and twenty-five
    11  of section two hundred thirty-five of the banking law or,  up  to  fifty
    12  percent  of  surplus  funds,  in the types of securities or] investments
    13  described in [paragraphs two, three, eight and ten of]  paragraphs  one,
    14  two,  three  and  four  of  subsection  (b) of section one thousand four
    15  hundred two of the insurance law and subsection (a) of section one thou-
    16  sand four hundred four of the insurance law,  [except  that  up  to  ten
    17  percent  of  surplus  funds  may  be  invested  in the securities of any
    18  solvent American institution as described in such  paragraphs  irrespec-
    19  tive  of  the  rating of such institution's obligations or other similar
    20  qualitative standards described therein,] but such investments shall not
    21  be subject to the  qualitative  standards  or  quantitative  limitations
    22  which  are  set  forth  with respect to any investment permitted by such
    23  subsection and [up to fifteen percent of surplus funds in securities  or
    24  investments  which  do  not  otherwise qualify for investment under this
    25  section as shall be made with the care, prudence and diligence under the
    26  circumstances then prevailing that a prudent person  acting  in  a  like
    27  capacity  and  familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an
    28  enterprise of a like character and with like aims as  provided  for  the
    29  state  insurance  fund  under  this  article,  but shall not include any
    30  direct derivative instrument or derivative transaction except for  hedg-
    31  ing  purposes]  in accordance with section one thousand four hundred ten
    32  of the insurance law.   [Notwithstanding any  other  provision  in  this
    33  subdivision,  the  aggregate  amount  that  the state insurance fund may
    34  invest in the types of securities or investments described in paragraphs
    35  three, eight and ten of subsection (a)  of  section  one  thousand  four
    36  hundred  four  of  the insurance law and as a prudent person acting in a
    37  like capacity would invest as provided in  this  subdivision  shall  not
    38  exceed fifty percent of such surplus funds.]
    39    3. Any [of the surplus or reserve] funds belonging to the state insur-
    40  ance  fund,  upon  like  approval  of  the  superintendent  of financial
    41  services, may be loaned on  the  pledge  of  any  such  securities.  The
    42  commissioners,  upon  like  approval  of the superintendent of financial
    43  services, may also sell any of such securities or investments.
    44    7. Notwithstanding any provision in this  section,  the  [surplus  and
    45  reserve]  funds of the state insurance fund shall not be invested in any
    46  investment that has  been  found  by  the  superintendent  of  financial
    47  services  to be against public policy or in any investment prohibited by
    48  the provisions of [paragraph six of subsection (a) of section one  thou-
    49  sand  four  hundred  four  of the insurance law or by the provisions of]
    50  paragraph one, two, three, four, six,  seven,  eight,  nine  or  ten  of
    51  subsection  (a) of section one thousand four hundred seven of the insur-
    52  ance law or in excess of any limitation provided under section one thou-
    53  sand four hundred nine of the insurance law.
    54    § 2. Subsection (c) of section 1108 of the insurance law,  as  amended
    55  by  section  38 of part SS of chapter 54 of the laws of 2016, is amended
    56  to read as follows:

        A. 7507                             3

     1    (c) The  state  insurance  fund  of  this  state,  except  as  to  the
     2  provisions  of  section one thousand four hundred ten, subsection (d) of
     3  section two thousand three hundred thirty-nine, section  three  thousand
     4  one  hundred ten, subsection (a), paragraph one of subsection (b), para-
     5  graph  three of subsection (c) and subsection (d) of section three thou-
     6  sand two hundred one, sections three thousand  two  hundred  two,  three
     7  thousand  two hundred four, subsections (a) through (d) of section three
     8  thousand two hundred twenty-one, subsections (b) and (c) of section four
     9  thousand two hundred twenty-four,  section  four  thousand  two  hundred
    10  twenty-six  and  subsections  (a)  and  (b), (g) through (j), and (n) of
    11  section four thousand two hundred thirty-five of this chapter and except
    12  as otherwise specifically provided by the laws of this state.
    13    § 3. Subsection (a) of section 1410 of the insurance law, as added  by
    14  chapter 650 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:
    15    (a)  For  purposes  of  this  section,  except  subsection (k) of this
    16  section, an insurer shall mean  a  domestic  life  insurer,  a  domestic
    17  property/casualty  insurer,  a  domestic  reciprocal insurer, a domestic
    18  mortgage guaranty insurer,  a  domestic  co-operative  property/casualty
    19  insurance  corporation  [or],  a domestic financial guaranty insurer, or
    20  the state insurance fund of this state.
    21    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.