S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                     May 22, 2013
       Introduced  by  M. of A. GRAF -- read once and referred to the Committee
         on Local Governments -- committee discharged,  bill  amended,  ordered
         reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
       AN  ACT  to authorize the town of Islip to transfer ownership of certain
         parklands to the village of Islandia
    1    Section  1.  (a) The town of Islip acting through its legislative body
    2  is hereby authorized to  discontinue  the  use  of  Nichols  Road  Park,
    3  described  in section two of this act, and to convey its interest in the
    4  parkland to the village of Islandia upon terms agreed upon by  the  town
    5  if  Islip  and  the village of Islandia, provided that such village uses
    6  such lands for continued park and recreational purposes. (b) The village
    7  of Islandia shall continue to provide access  to  the  parklands  and/or
    8  recreational  facilities  described  in  section  two of this act to all
    9  residents of the town of Islip, and shall not enact any fees  which  are
   10  higher  for  the residents of the town of Islip who are not residents of
   11  the village of Islandia. (c) Any revenues received by the town of  Islip
   12  from the conveyance of parkland authorized by this act shall be used for
   13  capital  improvements  to existing town park and recreational facilities
   14  and/or for the acquisition of  additional  town  park  and  recreational
   15  facilities.
   16    S  2.  The  parkland  authorized  to  be conveyed by the town of Islip
   17  pursuant to this act are located, bounded and described as follows:
   18    All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being
   19  at the village of Islandia, Town of Islip, County of Suffolk  and  State
   20  of New York, being bounded and described as follows:
   21    Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Nichols Road (Old Nichols
   22  Road),  said  point  being  distant  the  following  two (2) courses and
   23  distances southerly from the intersection between the easterly  side  of
   24  Nichols Road (Old Nichols Road) and the southerly side of South Connect-
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 7492--A                          2
    1  ing  Road.  Along  the  widened  line of Nichols Road (Old Nichols Road)
    2  proceed:
    3    1. South 40 Degrees 40 Minutes 00 Seconds West 141.54 feet;
    4    2.  North  56  Degrees  36  Minutes  00 Seconds West 10.29 feet to the
    5  existing line of Nichols Road (Old Nichols Road) and the point of begin-
    6  ning (POB).
    7    From said point of beginning proceed along  the  following  seven  (7)
    8  courses and distances:
    9    1. South 56 Degrees 36 Minutes 00 Seconds East 200.07 feet;
   10    2. North 41 Degrees 30 Minutes 35 Seconds East 151.90 feet;
   11    3. South 56 Degrees 36 Minutes 00 Seconds East 448.00 feet;
   12    4. South 43 Degrees 45 Minutes 00 Seconds West 223.57 feet;
   13    5. South 44 Degrees 54 Minutes 52 Seconds West 336.35 feet;
   14    6. North 50 Degrees 47 Minutes 54 Seconds West 608.36 feet;
   15    7.  North  40  Degrees  40  Minutes 00 Seconds East 340.37 feet to the
   16  point of beginning and containing within said bounds 298,786 square feet
   17  or 6.86 acres more or less.
   18    S 3.  The parkland to be conveyed pursuant to this act, and all struc-
   19  tures and facilities situated on such  parkland,  shall  be  maintained,
   20  owned and operated by the village of Islandia.
   21    S  4.  The  use of such parkland and facilitates shall be available to
   22  the public. Where the availability of such facilities  is  limited,  the
   23  use  of such facilities shall be determined by an equitable method which
   24  provides priority use to the public based on a  reservation  policy  for
   25  free or nominal charge.
   26    S 5. This act shall take effect immediately.