                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                       May 6, 2019
        Introduced  by M. of A. MALLIOTAKIS, REILLY -- read once and referred to
          the Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions
        AN ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to  the  member-
          ship of the metropolitan transportation authority
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subparagraph 1 of paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section
     2  1263 of the public authorities law, as amended by section 3 of part H of
     3  chapter 25 of the laws of 2009, is amended to read as follows:
     4    (1) There is hereby created the "metropolitan transportation  authori-
     5  ty."  The authority shall be a body corporate and politic constituting a
     6  public benefit corporation. The authority shall consist of  a  chairman,
     7  [sixteen]  seventeen  other  voting members, and two non-voting and four
     8  alternate non-voting members, as described in subparagraph two  of  this
     9  paragraph  appointed  by the governor by and with the advice and consent
    10  of the senate. Any member appointed to a term  commencing  on  or  after
    11  June  thirtieth,  two thousand nine shall have experience in one or more
    12  of the following areas: transportation, public administration,  business
    13  management,  finance,  accounting, law, engineering, land use, urban and
    14  regional  planning,  management  of  large   capital   projects,   labor
    15  relations,  or have experience in some other area of activity central to
    16  the mission of the authority. [Four] Five  of  the  [sixteen]  seventeen
    17  voting  members,  one member from each of New York city's five boroughs,
    18  as defined in section 2-202 of the administrative code of  the  city  of
    19  New  York,  other  than  the  chairman shall be appointed on the written
    20  recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York; and each  of  seven
    21  other  voting  members  other than the chairman shall be appointed after
    22  selection from a written list of three recommendations  from  the  chief
    23  executive  officer  of  the  county  in  which  the particular member is
    24  required to reside pursuant to the provisions of  this  subdivision.  Of
    25  the  members  appointed on recommendation of the chief executive officer
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7469                             2
     1  of a county, one such member shall be, at the  time  of  appointment,  a
     2  resident  of  the  county  of  Nassau,  one  a resident of the county of
     3  Suffolk, one a resident of the county of Westchester, one a resident  of
     4  the  county  of  Dutchess, one a resident of the county of Orange, one a
     5  resident of the county of Putnam and one a resident  of  the  county  of
     6  Rockland,  provided  that  the term of any member who is a resident of a
     7  county that has withdrawn from the metropolitan commuter  transportation
     8  district pursuant to section twelve hundred seventy-nine-b of this arti-
     9  cle  shall terminate upon the effective date of such county's withdrawal
    10  from such district. Of the five voting members, other than the chairman,
    11  appointed by the governor without recommendation from any other  person,
    12  three shall be, at the time of appointment, residents of the city of New
    13  York  and  two  shall  be, at the time of appointment, residents of such
    14  city or of any of the aforementioned counties in the metropolitan commu-
    15  ter transportation district. The chairman and each of the members  shall
    16  be  appointed for a term of six years, provided however, that the chair-
    17  man first appointed shall serve for a term ending June thirtieth,  nine-
    18  teen  hundred  eighty-one, provided that thirty days after the effective
    19  date of the chapter of the laws of two thousand nine which amended  this
    20  subparagraph,  the term of the chairman shall expire; provided, further,
    21  that such chairman may continue to discharge the duties of  his  or  her
    22  office  until  the  position of chairman is filled by appointment by the
    23  governor upon the advice and consent of the senate and the term of  such
    24  new  chairman  shall terminate June thirtieth, two thousand fifteen. The
    25  sixteen other members first appointed  shall  serve  for  the  following
    26  terms:  The  members  from  the counties of Nassau and Westchester shall
    27  each serve for a term ending June thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-
    28  five;  the  members  from the county of Suffolk and from the counties of
    29  Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Rockland shall each serve for a term ending
    30  June  thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred  ninety-two;  two  of  the   members
    31  appointed  on  recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York shall
    32  each serve for a term ending June thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-
    33  four  and,  two shall each serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nine-
    34  teen hundred eighty-one; two of the members appointed  by  the  governor
    35  without  the  recommendation  of any other person shall each serve for a
    36  term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-two, two shall  each
    37  serve  for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty and one
    38  shall serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen  hundred  eighty-
    39  five. Thirty days after the effective date of the chapter of the laws of
    40  two  thousand nineteen which amended this subparagraph, the terms of the
    41  members appointed on recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York
    42  shall expire, provided, that such members may continue to discharge  the
    43  duties  of  his or her office until the positions are filled by appoint-
    44  ment on recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York and the term
    45  of three of such new members shall terminate June thirtieth,  two  thou-
    46  sand twenty-two, and the term of two of such new members shall terminate
    47  June  thirtieth,  two  thousand twenty-five. The two non-voting and four
    48  alternate non-voting members shall serve until January first, two  thou-
    49  sand  one. The members from the counties of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and
    50  Rockland shall cast one collective vote.
    51    § 2. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of  section  1263  of  the  public
    52  authorities  law, as amended by section 4 of part H of chapter 25 of the
    53  laws of 2009, is amended to read as follows:
    54    (a) There is hereby created the "metropolitan transportation  authori-
    55  ty."  The authority shall be a body corporate and politic constituting a
    56  public benefit corporation. The authority shall consist  of  a  chairman

        A. 7469                             3
     1  and  [sixteen]  seventeen other members appointed by the governor by and
     2  with the advice and consent of the senate. Any  member  appointed  to  a
     3  term commencing on or after June thirtieth, two thousand nine shall have
     4  experience  in  one or more of the following areas of expertise:  trans-
     5  portation, public administration, business management, finance, account-
     6  ing, law, engineering, land use, urban and regional planning, management
     7  of large capital projects, labor relations, or have experience  in  some
     8  other  area  of activity central to the mission of the authority. [Four]
     9  Five of the [sixteen] seventeen members, one member  from  each  of  New
    10  York  city's  five boroughs, as defined in section 2-202 of the adminis-
    11  trative code of the city of New York, other than the chairman  shall  be
    12  appointed  on the written recommendation of the mayor of the city of New
    13  York; and each of seven other members other than the chairman  shall  be
    14  appointed  after  selection from a written list of three recommendations
    15  from the chief executive officer of the county in which  the  particular
    16  member is required to reside pursuant to the provisions of this subdivi-
    17  sion.  Of the members appointed on recommendation of the chief executive
    18  officer of a county, one such member shall be, at the time  of  appoint-
    19  ment,  a  resident of the county of Nassau; one a resident of the county
    20  of Suffolk; one a resident of the county of Westchester; and one a resi-
    21  dent of the county of Dutchess, one a resident of the county of  Orange,
    22  one  a resident of the county of Putnam and one a resident of the county
    23  of Rockland, provided that the term of any member who is a resident of a
    24  county that has withdrawn from the metropolitan commuter  transportation
    25  district pursuant to section twelve hundred seventy-nine-b of this arti-
    26  cle  shall terminate upon the effective date of such county's withdrawal
    27  from such district. Of  the  five  members,  other  than  the  chairman,
    28  appointed  by the governor without recommendation from any other person,
    29  three shall be, at the time of appointment, residents of the city of New
    30  York and two shall be, at the time of  appointment,  residents  of  such
    31  city or of any of the aforementioned counties in the metropolitan commu-
    32  ter  transportation district. The chairman and each of the members shall
    33  be appointed for a term of six years, provided however, that the  chair-
    34  man  first appointed shall serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nine-
    35  teen hundred eighty-one, provided that thirty days after  the  effective
    36  date  of the chapter of the laws of two thousand nine which amended this
    37  paragraph, the term of the chairman  shall  expire;  provided,  further,
    38  that  such  chairman  may continue to discharge the duties of his office
    39  until the position of chairman is filled by appointment by the  governor
    40  upon  the  advice  and  consent  of  the senate and the term of such new
    41  chairman shall terminate  June  thirtieth,  two  thousand  fifteen.  The
    42  sixteen  other  members  first  appointed  shall serve for the following
    43  terms: The members from the counties of  Nassau  and  Westchester  shall
    44  each  serve  for  a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-
    45  five; the members from the county of Suffolk and from  the  counties  of
    46  Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Rockland shall each serve for a term ending
    47  June   thirtieth,  nineteen  hundred  ninety-two;  two  of  the  members
    48  appointed on recommendation of the mayor of the city of New  York  shall
    49  each  serve  for  a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-
    50  four and, two shall each serve for a term ending June  thirtieth,  nine-
    51  teen  hundred  eighty-one;  two of the members appointed by the governor
    52  without the recommendation of any other person shall each  serve  for  a
    53  term  ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-two, two shall each
    54  serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty and  one
    55  shall  serve  for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-
    56  five. Thirty days after the effective date of the chapter of the laws of

        A. 7469                             4
     1  two thousand nineteen which amended this paragraph,  the  terms  of  the
     2  members appointed on recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York
     3  shall  expire, provided, that such members may continue to discharge the
     4  duties  of  his or her office until the positions are filled by appoint-
     5  ment on recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York and the term
     6  of three of such new members shall terminate June thirtieth,  two  thou-
     7  sand twenty-two, and the term of two of such new members shall terminate
     8  June  thirtieth, two thousand twenty-five. The members from the counties
     9  of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam and Rockland shall cast one collective vote.
    10    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately;  provided,  however,  the
    11  amendments  to  subparagraph  (1)  of  paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of
    12  section 1263 of the public authorities law made by section one  of  this
    13  act  shall  be subject to the expiration and reversion of such paragraph
    14  pursuant to section 3 of chapter 549 of the laws of  1994,  as  amended,
    15  when upon such date the provisions of section two of this act shall take
    16  effect.