

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                       May 7, 2021

        Introduced  by M. of A. STECK -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Energy

        AN ACT to authorize the New York state energy research  and  development
          authority  to  enter into agreements to establish a New York renewable
          energy laboratory

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Legislative  findings.  New  York  state  is committed to
     2  expanding and advancing energy efficiency and renewable energy  projects
     3  to  reduce  greenhouse  gas emissions, reduce out of state dependency on
     4  fossil fuels, promote public health and create new  jobs.  The  goal  of
     5  this  act  is to make the state of New York a national and global leader
     6  in renewable energy research and development.
     7    § 2. For purposes of this act "NYREL" means  the  New  York  renewable
     8  energy laboratory.
     9    §  3. (a) The New York state energy research and development authority
    10  shall undertake to establish, through public and  private  partnerships,
    11  which  shall  include  New York based colleges and universities, private
    12  businesses, and not-for-profit entities, a  NYREL  to  be  headquartered
    13  near  JFK  International Airport in Jamaica, Queens, New York City. Such
    14  laboratory shall be an independent not-for-profit corporation  organized
    15  under the laws of the state of New York. It shall be governed by a board
    16  of directors which shall have seventeen members.
    17    (b) Such board shall include:
    18    (i)  one  member appointed by the chancellor of the city university of
    19  New York (CUNY);
    20    (ii) one member appointed by the chancellor of the state university of
    21  New York (SUNY);
    22    (iii) four members appointed by the governor; one  of  whom  shall  be
    23  appointed by the governor to be the chair;
    24    (iv) two members appointed by the temporary president of the senate;

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7404                             2

     1    (v) two members appointed by the speaker of the assembly;
     2    (vi)  the president of the New York state energy research and develop-
     3  ment authority;
     4    (vii) the president of empire state development;
     5    (viii) the president of the New York power authority;
     6    (ix) the president of the Long Island power authority;
     7    (x) the commissioner of the department of environmental conservation;
     8    (xi) the commissioner of the department of transportation; and
     9    (xii) the chair of the New York public service commission.
    10    (c) The New York state energy research and development authority shall
    11  work with  collaborating  businesses  and  educational  institutions  to
    12  ensure  that  a  cooperative working relationship is established between
    13  those institutions and potential participants of such research institute
    14  so that resources are made available and used in a responsible manner to
    15  support the successful development of the proposed  research  laboratory
    16  and  the  creation  of  ongoing linkages between the training, research,
    17  development, demonstration and  technology  transfer  resources  of  the
    18  region's higher education institutions, and private sector businesses.
    19    (d)  The  mission  of  NYREL is to develop renewable energy and energy
    20  efficiency technologies and practices, advance related science and engi-
    21  neering, create jobs, promote economic  development  and  manufacturing,
    22  and transfer knowledge and innovations to address the state's energy and
    23  environmental  goals.  NYREL  shall  emphasize  a  comprehensive  energy
    24  approach that encompasses  the  relationship  among  key  systems:  fuel
    25  production;  transportation;  the  built  environment;  and  electricity
    26  generation and delivery. Areas of research and development shall include
    27  but not be limited to the following:  solar,  wind,  geothermal,  tidal,
    28  energy  storage, energy efficiency, hydropower, biofuel, smart grids and
    29  alternative transportation, including  electric  vehicles.  NYREL  shall
    30  have  an education and training component. NYREL shall include a goal to
    31  recruit minority  students,  scientists,  engineers  and  MWBEs  in  its
    32  programs.
    33    (e)  NYREL shall seek to develop partnerships especially with CUNY and
    34  SUNY campuses  in  Albany,  Buffalo,  Syracuse,  Rochester,  Binghamton,
    35  Hudson Valley, Long Island and the city of New York.
    36    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.