

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                      May 11, 2023

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  STECK,  FAHY,  SANTABARBARA -- read once and
          referred to the Committee on Local Governments

        AN ACT in relation to establishing a pilot program for  a  county  self-
          funded or self-insured health plan in Albany and Schenectady counties;
          and providing for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration there-

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. (a) The superintendent of financial services shall  author-
     2  ize a pilot program for a county self-funded or self-insured health plan
     3  in  Albany and Schenectady counties. Notwithstanding article 44 or 47 of
     4  the insurance law or any other provision of law  to  the  contrary,  and
     5  subject  to  the  requirements set forth in this section, a municipality
     6  located in such counties is permitted, with the consent  of  the  county
     7  and  the  governing body of such municipality, to join such county self-
     8  funded or self-insured health plan in the county in which  such  munici-
     9  pality  is  located  in whole or in part. Municipality is defined as any
    10  city, town,  village  or  any  other  municipal  corporation,  a  school
    11  district  or  any governmental entity operating a public school, college
    12  or university, a  public  improvement  or  special  district,  a  public
    13  authority,  commission,  or  public  benefit  corporation,  or any other
    14  public corporation, agency or  instrumentality  or  unit  of  government
    15  which  exercises  governmental powers under the laws of the state but is
    16  not a part of, nor a department of, nor an agency of the state. In order
    17  for a municipality or municipalities to join such county self-funded  or
    18  self-insured  health plan, the county shall file with the superintendent
    19  of financial services certification that, with inclusion of the lives to
    20  be covered in the plan following admission of the municipality or  muni-
    21  cipalities, such plan meets the following six requirements:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7109                             2

     1    1.  That the county and any municipality or municipalities joining the
     2  county self-funded or self-insured health plan have  mutually  consented
     3  to join such plan.
     4    2. That the county self-funded or self-insured health plan maintains a
     5  reserve  fund,  calculated  as  a  percentage  of  total annual incurred
     6  claims, of a minimum of 12% of claims.
     7    3. That the county self-funded  or  self-insured  health  plan  has  a
     8  surplus  account,  established  and  maintained  for the sole purpose of
     9  satisfying unexpected obligations of the benefit plan in  the  event  of
    10  termination or abandonment of such plan, which shall not be less than 5%
    11  of  the  annualized earned premium equivalents during the current fiscal
    12  year of such plan.
    13    4. That the county self-funded or  self-insured  health  plan  has  in
    14  effect  a  specific  stop  loss per individual claim only, no aggregate,
    15  with a minimum deductible of $200,000 to $250,000.
    16    5. That the county self-funded or self-insured health plan has a mini-
    17  mum of 1,000 covered lives including retirees, but not including  depen-
    18  dents.
    19    6.  That  joint  and several liability of participating municipalities
    20  for the obligations of the county  self-funded  or  self-insured  health
    21  plan  is  hereby  abolished,  and  such  liability  shall be governed as
    22  follows:
    23    (i) If the plan does not have admitted assets, as defined  in  section
    24  107 of the insurance law, at least equal to the aggregate of its liabil-
    25  ities  and  reserves  and  minimum surplus as provided in paragraph 2 of
    26  this subdivision, the governing board of such plan shall, within 30 days
    27  thereafter, order an assessment for the amount that will provide  suffi-
    28  cient  funds  to  remove such impairment and collect from each municipal
    29  corporation a pro rata share of such assessed amount.
    30    (ii) Every municipal corporation that participated in the plan at  any
    31  time  during  the  two-year period prior to the issuing of an assessment
    32  order by the plan's governing board shall, if notified of  such  assess-
    33  ment, pay its pro rata share of such assessment within 90 days after the
    34  issuance of that assessment order.
    35    (iii) A municipal corporation's pro rata share of any assessment shall
    36  be  determined  by applying the ratio of (A) the total assessment to the
    37  total contributions or premium  equivalents  earned  during  the  period
    38  covered  by  the  assessment  on  all  municipal corporations subject to
    39  assessment to (B) the contribution or premium equivalent  earned  during
    40  such period attributable to such municipal corporation.
    41    (iv) The contingent liability of municipal corporations for additional
    42  premium  equivalents or assessments shall not be included as an asset in
    43  the financial statements of the plan.
    44    (b) The superintendent of financial services shall have the  authority
    45  to  review  such  certification to determine that the six aforementioned
    46  requirements have been met; provided, however, that in the absence of  a
    47  finding  of the superintendent to the contrary within a six-month period
    48  following the filing of such certification, the admission of the munici-
    49  pality to the county self-funded or self-insured health plan shall  take
    50  effect.  In  January  of every year following the initial filing of such
    51  certification, the county shall file a subsequent certification that the
    52  six aforementioned requirements remain in full force and effect.
    53    (c) The duration of a county self-funded or self-insured  health  plan
    54  undertaken  by  participating municipalities shall be at least two years
    55  and shall be allowed to become permanent should either county  determine
    56  the plan to be successful.

        A. 7109                             3

     1    (d) Thirty months after the effective date of this section, the super-
     2  intendent  of  financial services shall submit a report to the governor,
     3  the temporary president of the senate, and the speaker of the  assembly,
     4  analyzing  the data provided by participating municipalities, as well as
     5  recommendations based on the data collected from the pilot program.
     6    §  2.  This  act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall
     7  have become a law.