

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     April 22, 2021

        Introduced  by  M. of A. GONZALEZ-ROJAS -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Housing

        AN ACT to amend the real property law, in relation to establishing secu-
          rity deposit options for certain tenants;  and  to  amend  the  public
          housing  law, in relation to establishing the security deposit guaran-
          tee program

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The  real property law is amended by adding a new section
     2  238-b to read as follows:
     3    § 238-b. Security deposit. 1.  A  landlord  who  requires  a  security
     4  deposit  to  be  paid  by a tenant which is covered by the provisions of
     5  section 7-108 of the general obligations law, at  the  request  of  such
     6  tenant,  shall  offer to accept at least one of the following options in
     7  lieu of such security deposit:
     8    a. Rental security insurance, defined as a surety  bond  or  insurance
     9  policy  issued by a licensed carrier in the state of New York that guar-
    10  antees or indemnifies a tenant after default of a  financial  obligation
    11  under the rental agreement, that satisfies the following criteria:
    12    (i)  the  insurance  provider  is  an approved carrier licensed by the
    13  department of financial services  pursuant  to  article  eleven  of  the
    14  insurance law;
    15    (ii)  the  coverage is effective upon the payment of the first premium
    16  or fee and remains effective for the entire lease term; and
    17    (iii) the coverage provided per claim is no less than the amount  such
    18  landlord requires for security deposits;
    19    b.  Payment  of any security deposit over a series of no less than six
    20  equal monthly installments payments, which installments shall be due  on
    21  the  same day as the monthly rent payment and which may be paid together
    22  with the monthly rent payment in a single transaction, absent a separate
    23  agreement between such landlord and tenant;

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7105                             2

     1    c. Payment of a reduced security deposit which shall be no  more  than
     2  fifty percent of the amount of one month's rent under such contract; or
     3    d.  If such tenant qualifies, payment of any deposit through the secu-
     4  rity deposit guarantee program established by section fourteen-a of  the
     5  public housing law.
     6    2.  A tenant who elects to provide rental security insurance, pursuant
     7  to paragraph a of subdivision one of this section, in lieu of a required
     8  security deposit shall not be required to provide additional security or
     9  insurance coverage per claim  in  an  amount  greater  than  the  amount
    10  required for the security deposit.
    11    3. Such landlord shall not impose any additional fees or interest on a
    12  tenant  that  pays  his  or  her security deposit in an alternate manner
    13  pursuant to subdivision one of this section.
    14    4. Any agreement to pay a security deposit in  installments  shall  be
    15  included  within such contract, lease or agreement and shall specify the
    16  total deposit amount due and the amount due for each installment.
    17    5. Prior to entering into a contract,  lease  or  rental  agreement  a
    18  landlord  shall provide the tenant written notice of the available secu-
    19  rity deposit alternatives and include  the  following  language:  "If  a
    20  security  deposit is required, tenant has the right to request and land-
    21  lord is required to accept one of the following  four  alternatives:  a.
    22  rental security insurance; b. a deposit paid over no less than six equal
    23  monthly  installments; c. a one-time reduced security deposit payment of
    24  no more than fifty percent of the monthly rental rate  charged  for  the
    25  rental  unit;  or if such tenant qualifies d. a deposit paid through the
    26  security deposit guarantee program. Tenant  shall  not  be  required  to
    27  provide rental security insurance coverage per claim in an amount great-
    28  er than the amount required for the security deposit".
    29    § 2. The public housing law is amended by adding a new section 14-a to
    30  read as follows:
    31    § 14-a. The security deposit guarantee program. 1. (a) The commission-
    32  er  shall  establish  within  available appropriations, and administer a
    33  security deposit guarantee program for any person who:
    34    (i) (A) is a  recipient  of:  the  supplemental  nutrition  assistance
    35  program  pursuant  to  section  ninety-five  of the social services law,
    36  safety net assistance pursuant to title three of  article  five  of  the
    37  social  services  law,  or  any other qualifying federal or state public
    38  assistance program as determined by the commissioner;
    39    (B) has a documented showing of financial need; and
    40    (ii)(A) is residing in an emergency shelter or homeless housing estab-
    41  lished under article two-A of the social services law; or
    42    (B) have a certification, voucher or allowance from the public assist-
    43  ance shelter allowance established by section one  hundred  thirty-one-a
    44  of  the  social  services  law,  the  federal  Section 8 housing voucher
    45  program or the Section 8 housing certificate program (42 U.S.C. 1437  et
    46  seq.).
    47    (b) The commissioner shall provide security deposit guarantees for use
    48  by  such  persons  in  lieu  of a security deposit on residential rental
    49  property or rental dwelling unit.
    50    (c) Eligible persons shall receive a security deposit guarantee in  an
    51  amount not to exceed the equivalent of one month's rent on such residen-
    52  tial rental property or rental dwelling unit.
    53    (d) No person shall apply for and receive a security deposit guarantee
    54  more than once in any eighteen-month period without the express authori-
    55  zation  of  the  commissioner,  except as provided in subdivision two of
    56  this section.

        A. 7105                             3

     1    2. (a) In the case of a person who  qualifies  for  a  guarantee,  the
     2  commissioner  or  any  local or regional nonprofit corporation or social
     3  service organization under contract with the  division  of  housing  and
     4  community renewal to assist in the administration of the security depos-
     5  it  program  established  pursuant  to  subdivision one of this section,
     6  shall execute a written agreement to pay the landlord  for  any  damages
     7  suffered by the landlord due to the tenant's failure to comply with such
     8  tenant's  obligations  pursuant to the contract for use or rental of the
     9  residential rental property or rental dwelling unit, provided the amount
    10  of any such payment shall not exceed the amount of the requested securi-
    11  ty deposit.
    12    (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision one of this section,
    13  if a person who has previously received a grant for a  security  deposit
    14  or  a security deposit guarantee becomes eligible for a subsequent secu-
    15  rity deposit guarantee within eighteen months after  a  claim  has  been
    16  paid  on  a  prior security deposit guarantee, such person may receive a
    17  security deposit guarantee. The amount of the subsequent security depos-
    18  it guarantee for which such person would otherwise  have  been  eligible
    19  shall  be  reduced  by any amount of a previous grant which has not been
    20  returned to the department pursuant to this section, or  the  amount  of
    21  any payment made to the landlord for damages pursuant to this section.
    22    3.  Any  payment  made  pursuant to this section to a person receiving
    23  assistance pursuant to any federal, state or local program shall not  be
    24  deducted  from  the  amount  of  assistance to which the recipient would
    25  otherwise be entitled under such program.
    26    4. The commissioner may, within available appropriations, on  a  case-
    27  by-case basis, provide a security deposit grant to a person eligible for
    28  the  security deposit guarantee program established pursuant to subdivi-
    29  sion one of this section, in an amount not to exceed the  equivalent  of
    30  one  month's rent on such residential rental property or rental dwelling
    31  unit, provided the commissioner determines that emergency  circumstances
    32  exist  which  threaten  the  health,  safety  or  welfare of a child who
    33  resides with such person. Such person shall not  be  eligible  for  more
    34  than  one  such  grant  without  the authorization of said commissioner.
    35  Nothing in this section shall preclude the approval  of  such  one-month
    36  security  deposit grant in conjunction with a one-month security deposit
    37  guarantee.
    38    5. Nothing in this section shall preclude the commissioner from enter-
    39  ing into a contract with one or more local  or  regional  not-for-profit
    40  corporations  or social service organizations for the purpose of issuing
    41  security deposit guarantees pursuant to this section.
    42    6. A landlord shall submit a claim for damages not later  than  forty-
    43  five days after the date of termination of the tenancy. Payment shall be
    44  made  only for a claim that includes receipts for repairs made. No claim
    45  shall be paid for a dwelling unit from which a  tenant  vacated  because
    46  substandard  conditions made such dwelling unit uninhabitable, as deter-
    47  mined by a local, state or federal regulatory agency.
    48    7. Any person who is found eligible  to  receive  a  security  deposit
    49  guarantee  under  this  section and for whom the commissioner has paid a
    50  claim by a landlord, shall contribute five percent of one  month's  rent
    51  under  such contract to the payment of the security deposit. The commis-
    52  sioner may waive such payment for good cause.
    53    8. The commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations, to  admin-
    54  ister the program established pursuant to this section and to set eligi-
    55  bility criteria for such program.

        A. 7105                             4

     1    § 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after
     2  it  shall have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amend-
     3  ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen-
     4  tation of this act on its effective date are authorized to be  made  and
     5  completed on or before such effective date.