

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     April 14, 2021

        Introduced by M. of A. CUSICK -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions

        AN  ACT to amend the energy law, in relation to providing a customer the
          right to energy usage information; and  to  repeal  subdivision  7  of
          section 3-101 of the energy law relating to energy planning

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Legislative intent. A customer's right  to  their  personal
     2  energy  data  is  increasingly important in today's technological world.
     3  This legislation reaffirms a consumer's right to their own energy  usage
     4  information  through  data.  By  empowering the consumer with this know-
     5  ledge, they can make their own choice on energy conservation,  renewable
     6  resources,  innovative  energy  products  and  services  that suit their
     7  specific needs.
     8    § 2. Subdivision 7 of section 3-101 of the energy law is REPEALED  and
     9  a new subdivision 7 is added to read as follows:
    10    7.  to  afford  energy  consumers with the right to their energy usage
    11  information  to  encourage  informed  choices  for  energy  consumption,
    12  including,  but  not  limited to conservation, sustainability and energy
    13  service solutions.
    14    § 3. The energy law is amended by adding a new article 22 to  read  as
    15  follows:
    16                                  ARTICLE 22
    17                              ENERGY USAGE DATA
    18  Section 22-101. Consumer usage information.
    19          22-102. Right to energy usage information.
    20          22-103. Informed consent.
    21          22-104. Use of consumer energy data.
    22    § 22-101. Consumer usage information. A consumer's energy usage infor-
    23  mation  shall  include  individual consumer usage data and corresponding
    24  system conditions.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 6951                             2

     1    § 22-102. Right to energy usage information. Residential,  commercial,
     2  industrial  and  institutional  energy  consumers,  and their designated
     3  agents, shall have the right to their  energy  usage  information  in  a
     4  standardized and machine readable, electronic format.
     5    § 22-103. Informed consent. Prior to receipt of a residential, commer-
     6  cial,  industrial  or institutional energy consumer's usage information,
     7  the consumer shall authorize the types of information to be obtained, to
     8  whom such information shall be given, how such information will be used,
     9  and how long such authorization shall be valid, provided, however,  that
    10  the authorization shall be valid for no longer than twelve months unless
    11  the consumer's authorization sets forth a longer period.
    12    § 22-104. Use of consumer energy data. Any user of a consumer's energy
    13  usage  information  shall  take  appropriate  measures  to safeguard the
    14  consumer's identity and personal information.
    15    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.