                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     March 15, 2017
        Introduced  by M. of A. ENGLEBRIGHT, COLTON, FINCH -- Multi-Sponsored by
          -- M. of A.  McDONOUGH -- read once and referred to the  Committee  on
        AN ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to providing for
          the  inspection  of  residential  electric  generating  equipment  and
          providing grants for the installation and interconnection thereof
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subdivision (h) of section 1020-g of the public authorities
     2  law,  as  amended by chapter 546 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read
     3  as follows:
     4    (h) (i) To implement programs and policies designed to provide for the
     5  interconnection of: [(i)] (A) (1) solar  electric  generating  equipment
     6  owned  or  operated by residential customers, [(B)] (2) farm waste elec-
     7  tric generating equipment  owned  or  operated  by  customer-generators,
     8  [(C)]  (3)    solar  electric  generating equipment owned or operated by
     9  non-residential customers,  [(D)]  (4)  micro-combined  heat  and  power
    10  generating equipment owned, leased or operated by residential customers,
    11  [(E)] (5) fuel cell electric generating equipment owned, leased or oper-
    12  ated  by residential customers, and [(F)] (6) micro-hydroelectric gener-
    13  ating equipment owned, leased or operated by customer-generators and for
    14  net energy metering consistent with section sixty-six-j  of  the  public
    15  service  law,  to  increase  the  efficiency of energy end use, to shift
    16  demand from periods of high demand to  periods  of  low  demand  and  to
    17  facilitate the development of cogeneration; and [(ii)] (B) wind electric
    18  generating  equipment  owned  or operated by customer-generators and for
    19  net energy metering consistent with section sixty-six-l  of  the  public
    20  service law.
    21    (ii)(A)  To enter into a contract with an independent entity qualified
    22  to inspect the interconnection and energy efficiency of electric  gener-
    23  ating  equipment installed pursuant to the programs and policies adopted
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 6687                             2
     1  pursuant to paragraph (i) of this subdivision when the  customer-genera-
     2  tor  receives  financial  assistance  from  the authority. All financial
     3  assistance by the authority for the installation and interconnection  of
     4  electric  generating  equipment  shall  be subject to the inspection and
     5  approval of such equipment by the independent inspector.
     6    (B) In addition to any other  financial  assistance  provided  by  the
     7  authority  for  the  installation  and  interconnection  of the electric
     8  generating equipment described in paragraph (i) of this subdivision, the
     9  authority shall provide a grant of not more than three  hundred  dollars
    10  for each inspected and approved installation.
    11    §  2.  The  public  authorities law is amended by adding a new section
    12  1855-a to read as follows:
    13    § 1855-a. Interconnection of electric generating equipment.  1.    The
    14  authority  shall  establish and implement programs and policies designed
    15  for the interconnection of:
    16    (a)(i) solar electric generating equipment owned or operated by  resi-
    17  dential  customers,  (ii) farm waste electric generating equipment owned
    18  or operated by  customer-generators,  (iii)  solar  electric  generating
    19  equipment  owned  or  operated by non-residential customers, (iv) micro-
    20  combined heat and power generating equipment owned, leased  or  operated
    21  by  residential  customers, and (v) fuel cell electric generating equip-
    22  ment owned, leased or operated by residential  customers,  and  for  net
    23  energy  metering  consistent  with  section  sixty-six-j  of  the public
    24  service law, to increase the efficiency of  energy  end  use,  to  shift
    25  demand  periods from high demand to periods of low demand and to facili-
    26  tate the development of cogeneration; and
    27    (b) wind electric generating equipment owned or operated by  customer-
    28  generators  and  for  net energy metering consistent with section sixty-
    29  six-l of the public service law.
    30    2. (a) The authority shall enter into a contract with  an  independent
    31  entity qualified to inspect the interconnection and energy efficiency of
    32  electric  generating  equipment  installed  pursuant to the programs and
    33  policies adopted pursuant to subdivision one of this  section  when  the
    34  customer-generator receives financial assistance from the authority. All
    35  financial assistance by the authority for the installation and intercon-
    36  nection  of  electric  generating  equipment  shall  be  subject  to the
    37  inspection and approval of such equipment by the independent inspector.
    38    (b) In addition to any other  financial  assistance  provided  by  the
    39  authority  for  the  installation  and  interconnection  of the electric
    40  generating equipment described in subdivision one of this  section,  the
    41  authority  shall  provide a grant of not more than three hundred dollars
    42  for each inspected and approved installation.
    43    § 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    44  it shall have become a law; provided that,  effective  immediately,  any
    45  actions  necessary to implement the provisions of this act on its effec-
    46  tive date are authorized and directed to be completed on or before  such
    47  date.