                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      March 7, 2017
        Introduced by M. of A. HUNTER -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Transportation
        AN  ACT  to amend the vehicle and traffic law, the family court act, the
          social services law, the alcoholic beverage control law, the education
          law, the judiciary law and the  real  property  law,  in  relation  to
          disallowing  suspension  or  revocation  of  an  individual's driver's
          license for non-payment of child  support  or  taxes;  and  to  repeal
          certain  provisions  of  the vehicle and traffic law, the family court
          act, the domestic relations law, the social services law and  the  tax
          law relating thereto
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subdivision 4-e of section 510 of the vehicle  and  traffic
     2  law is REPEALED.
     3    §  2. Subdivision 4-f of section 510 of the vehicle and traffic law is
     4  REPEALED.
     5    § 3. Subdivision 7 of section 511 of the vehicle and  traffic  law  is
     6  REPEALED.
     7    §  4.  Subdivision 5 of section 530 of the vehicle and traffic law, as
     8  amended by section 31 of part LL of chapter 56 of the laws of  2010,  is
     9  amended to read as follows:
    10    (5) A restricted use license or privilege shall be valid for the oper-
    11  ation  of  any  motor  vehicle,  except a vehicle for hire as a taxicab,
    12  livery, coach, limousine, van or wheelchair accessible van or tow  truck
    13  as  defined  in this chapter subject to the conditions set forth herein,
    14  which the holder would otherwise be entitled to operate had his  drivers
    15  license  or  privilege  not  been  suspended or revoked. Notwithstanding
    16  anything to the contrary in a certificate of relief from disabilities or
    17  a certificate of good conduct issued pursuant to article twenty-three of
    18  the correction law, a restricted use license shall not be valid for  the
    19  operation  of a commercial motor vehicle. A restricted use license shall
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 6409                             2
     1  not be valid for the operation of a  vehicle  for  hire  as  a  taxicab,
     2  livery,  coach, limousine, van or wheelchair accessible van or tow truck
     3  where the holder thereof had his or her  drivers  license  suspended  or
     4  revoked  and  (i) such suspension or revocation is mandatory pursuant to
     5  the provisions of subdivision two or two-a of section five  hundred  ten
     6  of this title; or (ii) any such suspension is permissive for habitual or
     7  persistent violations of this chapter or any local law relating to traf-
     8  fic  as  set  forth  in paragraph d or i of subdivision three of section
     9  five hundred ten of this title; or (iii) any such suspension is  permis-
    10  sive and has been imposed by a magistrate, justice or judge of any city,
    11  town  or  village, any supreme court justice, any county judge, or judge
    12  of a district court. [Except for a commercial motor vehicle  as  defined
    13  in  subdivision  four  of  section five hundred one-a of this title, the
    14  restrictions  on  types  of  vehicles  which  may  be  operated  with  a
    15  restricted license contained in this subdivision shall not be applicable
    16  to  a  restricted  license  issued  to  a  person whose license has been
    17  suspended pursuant to paragraph three of subdivision four-e  of  section
    18  five hundred ten of this title.]
    19    §  5. Subdivisions 5-a and 5-b of section 530 of the vehicle and traf-
    20  fic law are REPEALED.
    21    § 6. Subdivision 2 of section 454 of the family court act, as  amended
    22  by chapter 892 of the laws of 1986, paragraph (e) as added by chapter 81
    23  of the laws of 1995, paragraph (f) as amended and paragraph (g) as added
    24  by  chapter  398  of the laws of 1997, paragraph (h) as added by chapter
    25  214 of the laws of 1998, and paragraph (i) as added by  chapter  592  of
    26  the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    27    2.  Upon  a  finding  that  a respondent has failed to comply with any
    28  lawful order of support:
    29    (a) the court shall enter a money judgment under section four  hundred
    30  sixty of this article; and
    31    (b)  the court may make an income deduction order for support enforce-
    32  ment under section fifty-two hundred forty-two of the civil practice law
    33  and rules. If such income deduction order is made, suspension or revoca-
    34  tion of an  individual's  driver's  license  for  non-payment  of  child
    35  support shall be disallowed;
    36    (c)  the court may require the respondent to post an undertaking under
    37  section four hundred seventy-one of this article;
    38    (d) the court may make an order of sequestration  under  section  four
    39  hundred fifty-seven of this article.
    40    (e)  [the court may suspend the respondent's driving privileges pursu-
    41  ant to section four hundred fifty-eight-a of this article.
    42    (f)] the court may suspend  the  respondent's  state  professional  or
    43  business  license  pursuant  to  section  four  hundred  [fifty-eight-b]
    44  fifty-eight-a of this article;
    45    [(g)] (f) the court may suspend the recreational license  or  licenses
    46  of  the  respondent  pursuant  to  section  four hundred [fifty-eight-c]
    47  fifty-eight-b of this article.
    48    [(h)] (g) the court may require the respondent,  if  the  persons  for
    49  whom  the  respondent  has  failed  to pay support are applicants for or
    50  recipients of public assistance, to participate in  work  activities  as
    51  defined  in  title  nine-B  of  article five of the social services law.
    52  Those respondents ordered to participate in work activities need not  be
    53  applicants for or recipients of public assistance.
    54    [(i)]  (h) except as otherwise provided in paragraph [(h)] (g) of this
    55  subdivision, the court may require the respondent to participate in  job
    56  training,  employment  counseling  or other programs designed to lead to

        A. 6409                             3
     1  employment if authorized pursuant to section four hundred thirty-seven-a
     2  of this article provided such programs are available.
     3    § 7. Section 458-a of the family court act is REPEALED.
     4    §  8.  Section  458-b  of  the  family court act is renumbered section
     5  458-a.
     6    § 9. Section 458-c of the  family  court  act  is  renumbered  section
     7  458-b.
     8    §  10.  Subdivision  (f)  of  section  115 of the family court act, as
     9  amended by chapter 398 of the laws  of  1997,  is  amended  to  read  as
    10  follows:
    11    (f)  The  family  court has jurisdiction to direct the commencement of
    12  proceedings to suspend the driving privileges, recreational licenses and
    13  permits, and license, permit, registration or authority to  practice  of
    14  persons  who are delinquent in their child or combined child and spousal
    15  support obligations or persons who have failed, after  receiving  appro-
    16  priate  notice, to comply with summonses, subpoenas or warrants relating
    17  to paternity and child support proceedings as set forth in sections four
    18  hundred fifty-eight-a, four hundred fifty-eight-b, [four hundred  fifty-
    19  eight-c,  five  hundred  forty-eight-a,] five hundred forty-eight-b, and
    20  five forty-eight-c of this act. Such jurisdiction shall  include  juris-
    21  diction  over  all  boards,  departments,  authorities or offices of the
    22  state for the purposes of implementing such section.
    23    § 11. Subdivision 5  of  section  454  of  the  family  court  act  is
    24  REPEALED.
    25    § 12. Section 244-b of the domestic relations law is REPEALED.
    26    §  13.  Subdivision  12 of section 111-b of the social services law is
    27  REPEALED.
    28    § 14. Subdivision 7 of section 336 of  the  social  services  law,  as
    29  amended  by  chapter  214  of  the  laws  of 1998, is amended to read as
    30  follows:
    31    7. In accordance with the provisions of paragraph [(h)] (g) of  subdi-
    32  vision two of section four hundred fifty-four of the family court act or
    33  as  otherwise required by the court, the court may assign to work activ-
    34  ities the non-custodial parents of children receiving public  assistance
    35  and  require  a  report  to  such court of any failure of said parent to
    36  comply with the requirements of such program.
    37    § 15. Section 171-v of the tax law is REPEALED.
    38    § 16. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 4 of section 119 of  the  alcoholic
    39  beverage  control law, as amended by chapter 398 of the laws of 1997, is
    40  amended to read as follows:
    41    (a)  The provisions of this subdivision shall apply in  all  cases  of
    42  licensee  or  permittee  failure  after receiving appropriate notice, to
    43  comply with a summons, subpoena or warrant relating to  a  paternity  or
    44  child  support  proceeding  and  arrears  in payment of child support or
    45  combined child and spousal support referred to the authority by a  court
    46  pursuant  to the requirements of section two hundred forty-four-c of the
    47  domestic  relations  law   or   pursuant   to   section   four   hundred
    48  [fifty-eight-b] fifty-eight-a or five hundred forty-eight-b of the fami-
    49  ly court act.
    50    §  17.  Subdivision 1 of section 6509-b of the education law, as added
    51  by chapter 81 of the laws of 1995, is amended to read as follows:
    52    1. The provisions of this section shall apply in all cases of licensee
    53  or registrant arrears in payment of child support or combined child  and
    54  spousal  support referred to the board of regents by a court pursuant to
    55  the requirements of section two hundred  forty-four-c  of  the  domestic

        A. 6409                             4
     1  relations  law  or  pursuant  to  section  four  hundred [fifty-eight-b]
     2  fifty-eight-a of the family court act.
     3    §  18.  Subdivision 1 of section 6509-c of the education law, as added
     4  by chapter 398 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read as follows:
     5    1.  The provisions of this section shall apply in all cases of  licen-
     6  see  or registrant failure after receiving appropriate notice, to comply
     7  with a summons, subpoena or warrant relating to  a  paternity  or  child
     8  support  proceeding referred to the board of regents by a court pursuant
     9  to the requirements of section two hundred forty-four-c of the  domestic
    10  relations  law  or  pursuant  to  section  four  hundred [fifty-eight-b]
    11  fifty-eight-a or five hundred forty-eight-b of the family court act.
    12    § 19. Paragraph a of subdivision 2-a of section 90  of  the  judiciary
    13  law,  as  amended by chapter 398 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read
    14  as follows:
    15    a. The provisions of this subdivision shall apply in all cases  of  an
    16  attorney  licensed, registered or admitted to practice in this state who
    17  has failed after receiving appropriate notice, to comply with a summons,
    18  subpoena or warrant relating to a paternity or child support  proceeding
    19  involving  him  or  her  personally,  or who is in arrears in payment of
    20  child support or combined child and spousal support which  matter  shall
    21  be referred to the appropriate appellate division by a court pursuant to
    22  the  requirements  of  section  two hundred forty-four-c of the domestic
    23  relations law  or  pursuant  to  section  four  hundred  [fifty-eight-b]
    24  fifty-eight-a or five hundred forty-eight-b of the family court act.
    25    §  20.  Subparagraph  (i) of paragraph (b) of subdivision 1 of section
    26  441-c of the real property law, as amended by chapter 398 of the laws of
    27  1997, is amended to read as follows:
    28    (i)  The provisions of this paragraph shall  apply  in  all  cases  of
    29  licensed  broker  or  licensed salesman who have failed, after receiving
    30  appropriate notice, to comply with a summons, subpoena or warrant relat-
    31  ing to a paternity or child support  proceeding  or  is  in  arrears  in
    32  payment  of child support or combined child and spousal support referred
    33  to the department by a court pursuant to the requirements of section two
    34  hundred forty-four-c of  the  domestic  relations  law  or  pursuant  to
    35  section  four  hundred  [fifty-eight-b]  fifty-eight-a  or  five hundred
    36  forty-eight-b of the family court act.
    37    § 21. Section 548-a of the family court act is REPEALED.
    38    § 22. This act shall take effect immediately, provided, however,  that
    39  the  amendments to subdivision 5 of section 530 of the vehicle and traf-
    40  fic law made by section four of this act shall not affect the expiration
    41  of such subdivision and shall be deemed to expire therewith.