

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     March 31, 2023

        Introduced  by M. of A. BRONSON -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Economic Development --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,
          ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  alcoholic  beverage control law, in relation to
          permitting the sale or promotional gifting  of  certain  complementary
          products for wine and spirits

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 104 of the  alco-
     2  holic beverage control law, as amended by chapter 2 of the laws of 2013,
     3  is amended to read as follows:
     4    (a)  No wholesaler shall be engaged in any other business on the prem-
     5  ises to be licensed; except  that  nothing  contained  in  this  chapter
     6  shall:  (1)  prohibit  a  beer wholesaler from (i) acquiring, storing or
     7  selling non-alcoholic snack foods, as defined in paragraph (b)  of  this
     8  subdivision, (ii) manufacturing, bottling, storing, or selling non-alco-
     9  holic  carbonated  beverages,  (iii)  manufacturing,  storing or selling
    10  non-alcoholic non-carbonated soft drinks, mineral waters, spring waters,
    11  drinking water, non-taxable malt  or  cereal  beverages,  juice  drinks,
    12  fruit  or vegetable juices, ice, liquid beverage mixes and dry or frozen
    13  beverage mixes, (iv) acquiring, storing or selling  wine  products,  (v)
    14  the  sale  of  promotional  items  on such premises, or (vi) the sale of
    15  tobacco products at retail by wholesalers who are licensed to sell  beer
    16  and  other  products  at retail; (2) prohibit a wholesaler authorized to
    17  sell wine from manufacturing, acquiring or selling wine merchandise,  as
    18  defined  in  paragraph  (d) of this subdivision; (3) prohibit a licensed
    19  winery or licensed farm winery from engaging in the business of  a  wine
    20  wholesaler  for  New  York  state labeled wines produced by any licensed
    21  winery or licensed farm winery or prohibit  such  wine  wholesaler  from
    22  exercising any of its rights pursuant to sections seventy-six and seven-
    23  ty-six-a  of  this  chapter provided that the operation of such beer and

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 6050--A                          2

     1  wine wholesalers business shall be subject to such rules and regulations
     2  as the liquor authority may prescribe; (4) prohibit  a  beer  wholesaler
     3  who  is  authorized  to  sell beer at retail from selling at retail: (i)
     4  candy,  chewing  gum and cough drops; (ii) non-refrigerated salsa; (iii)
     5  cigarette lighters, lighter fluid, matches and ashtrays;  (iv)  barbecue
     6  and  picnic-related  products and supplies, which shall include, but not
     7  be limited to, charcoal, grills, propane gas, plastic  and  paper  cups,
     8  paper  or  plastic  tablecloths and coolers; (v) beer making and brewing
     9  supplies and publications, which shall include, but not be  limited  to,
    10  books, magazines, equipment and ingredients; (vi) steins, mugs and other
    11  glassware  appropriate  for  the consumption of beer, malt beverages and
    12  wine products; (vii) items typically used to serve beer and malt  bever-
    13  ages  including,  but not limited to, taps, kegerators, koozies and beer
    14  socks; (viii) lemons, limes and oranges, provided that no more than  two
    15  dozen  of  each  shall be displayed at any one time; (ix) rock salt, ice
    16  and snow melting compounds, snow  shovels;  windshield  washer  solvent;
    17  firewood;  beach  umbrellas;  sunglasses  and sun block; and (x) prepaid
    18  telephone cards; [or] (5) prohibit the installation and operation  of  a
    19  single automated teller machine in the premises of a beer wholesaler who
    20  is  authorized  to  sell beer at retail; or (6) prohibit a liquor whole-
    21  saler from transporting or selling gifts or promotional items associated
    22  with wine or spirit products as provided  for  in  subdivision  four  of
    23  section  sixty-three  of this chapter. For the purposes of this subdivi-
    24  sion, "automated teller machine" means a device which is linked  to  the
    25  accounts  and records of a banking institution and which enables consum-
    26  ers to carry out banking transactions, including  but  not  limited  to,
    27  account  transfers,  deposits,  cash  withdrawals, balance inquiries and
    28  loan payments.
    29    § 2. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 3 of section 101-b of the  alcoholic
    30  beverage control law, as amended by section 1 of part E of chapter 56 of
    31  the laws of 2006, is amended to read as follows:
    32    (a)  No  brand  of  liquor  or wine shall be sold to or purchased by a
    33  wholesaler, irrespective of the place of  sale  or  delivery,  unless  a
    34  schedule, as provided by this section, is transmitted to and received by
    35  the  liquor  authority,  and  is  then in effect. Such schedule shall be
    36  transmitted to the authority in such form, manner, medium and format  as
    37  the  authority  may  direct; shall be deemed duly verified by the person
    38  submitting such schedule upon its transmission  to  the  authority;  and
    39  shall contain, with respect to each item, the exact brand or trade name,
    40  capacity  of  package, nature of contents, age and proof where stated on
    41  the label, the number of bottles contained in each case, the bottle  and
    42  case  price  to  wholesalers,  the net bottle and case price paid by the
    43  seller, which prices, in each instance, shall  be  individual  for  each
    44  item  and  not  in  "combination" with any other item, the discounts for
    45  quantity, if any, and the discounts for time of payment,  if  any.  Such
    46  brand  of  liquor or wine shall not be sold to wholesalers except at the
    47  price and discounts then in effect unless prior  written  permission  of
    48  the authority is granted for good cause shown and for reasons not incon-
    49  sistent  with the purpose of this chapter. Such schedule shall be trans-
    50  mitted by (1) the owner of such brand, or (2) a wholesaler selling  such
    51  brand  and  who  is  designated  as agent for the purpose of filing such
    52  schedule if the owner of the brand is not licensed by the authority,  or
    53  (3)  with  the  approval of the authority, by a wholesaler, in the event
    54  that the owner of the brand is unable to transmit a schedule  or  desig-
    55  nate  an  agent  for  such purpose. As used in this subdivision the term
    56  "item" shall be deemed to include a sealed, pre-wrapped package consist-

        A. 6050--A                          3

     1  ing of a sealed container or containers of liquor, wine or wine  product
     2  and  other  merchandise  reasonably used in connection with the prepara-
     3  tion, storage, promotion, gifting, or service of liquor,  wine  or  wine
     4  products  provided  that  such other merchandise shall not be potable or
     5  edible.  For the purposes of this section, gift  and  promotional  items
     6  shall only include those items that are complimentary and directly asso-
     7  ciated  with  the  sale of wine or distilled spirits they are gifting or
     8  promoting and shall mean: (i) items that are de minimis in value, but in
     9  no instance shall  merchandise be valued at more than fifteen dollars in
    10  total; (ii) items that are imprinted with the wine or spirits brand logo
    11  on the gift or promotional item; and (iii) items that  are  included  as
    12  part  of  a  manufactured  pre-sealed package with the wine or distilled
    13  spirit that is being gifted or promoted. Further, for  the  purposes  of
    14  this  section,  gift  or  promotional  items shall not include any food,
    15  non-alcoholic beverage, or other drink or  food  mix,  nor  shall  these
    16  items be offered for sale to the general public as individual items.
    17    §  3.  Subdivision  4  of section 63 of the alcoholic beverage control
    18  law, as amended by section 3 of part H of chapter  58  of  the  laws  of
    19  2019, is amended to read as follows:
    20    4.  No licensee under this section shall be engaged in any other busi-
    21  ness on the licensed premises. The sale of lottery  tickets,  when  duly
    22  authorized  and lawfully conducted, the sale of reusable bags as defined
    23  in section 27-2801 of the environmental conservation law,  the  sale  of
    24  corkscrews  or  the  sale  of ice or the sale of publications, including
    25  prerecorded video and/or audio cassette tapes, or educational  seminars,
    26  designed  to  help educate consumers in their knowledge and appreciation
    27  of alcoholic beverages, as defined in section three of this chapter  and
    28  allowed  pursuant  to their license, or the sale of non-carbonated, non-
    29  flavored mineral waters, spring waters and drinking waters or  the  sale
    30  of  glasses  designed  for  the  consumption  of  wine or spirits, racks
    31  designed for the storage of  wine,  and  devices  designed  to  minimize
    32  oxidation  in  bottles  of wine which have been uncorked, or the sale of
    33  gift bags, gift boxes, associated gift or promotional  items,  or  wrap-
    34  ping,  for  alcoholic beverages purchased at the licensed premises shall
    35  not constitute engaging in another business within the meaning  of  this
    36  subdivision.  Any  fee  obtained from the sale of an educational seminar
    37  shall not be considered as a fee for any tasting  that  may  be  offered
    38  during an educational seminar, provided that such tastings are available
    39  to  persons who have not paid to attend the seminar and all tastings are
    40  conducted in accordance with section sixty-three-a of this article.  For
    41  the purposes of this section,  gift  or  promotional  items  shall  only
    42  include  those items that are complimentary and directly associated with
    43  the sale of wine or distilled spirits they are promoting and shall mean:
    44  (i) items that are de  minimis  in  value,  but  in  no  instance  shall
    45  merchandise  be valued at more than fifteen dollars in total; (ii) items
    46  that are imprinted with the wine or spirits brand  logo on the  gift  or
    47  promotional  item; and (iii) items that are included as part of a  manu-
    48  factured pre-sealed package with the wine or distilled  spirit  that  is
    49  being  gifted  or  promoted.  Further, for the purposes of this section,
    50  promotional items shall not include any food, non-alcoholic beverage, or
    51  other drink or food mix, nor shall these items be offered  for  sale  to
    52  the general public as individual items.
    53    §  4.  This  act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall
    54  have become a law.