

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     March 31, 2023

        Introduced   by  M.  of  A.  BICHOTTE HERMELYN,  STIRPE,  COLTON,  CRUZ,
          referred to the Committee on Insurance -- recommitted to the Committee
          on  Insurance  in accordance with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee -- again reported from said  committee  with  amend-
          ments, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  to  amend the insurance law, in relation to requiring insurance
          policies to provide coverage for transvaginal ultrasounds during preg-

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Paragraph  10  of  subsection  (i) of section 3216 of the
     2  insurance law is amended by adding a new subparagraph  (C)  to  read  as
     3  follows:
     4    (C)  Coverage  provided  under  this  paragraph for care and treatment
     5  during pregnancy shall include medically necessary  transvaginal  ultra-
     6  sounds  when  recommended  by  nationally  recognized  clinical practice
     7  guidelines. For the purposes of this  subparagraph,  "nationally  recog-
     8  nized  clinical practice guidelines" means evidence-based clinical prac-
     9  tice guidelines informed by a  systematic  review  of  evidence  and  an
    10  assessment  of  the  benefits,  and  risks  of  alternative care options
    11  intended to optimize patient care developed by independent organizations
    12  or medical professional societies utilizing  a  transparent  methodology
    13  and reporting structure and with a conflict of interest policy.
    14    §  2.  Paragraph  5 of subsection (k) of section 3221 of the insurance
    15  law is amended by adding a new subparagraph (C) to read as follows:
    16    (C) Coverage provided under this  paragraph  for  care  and  treatment
    17  during  pregnancy  shall include medically necessary transvaginal ultra-
    18  sounds when  recommended  by  nationally  recognized  clinical  practice

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 6042--B                          2

     1  guidelines.  For  the  purposes of this subparagraph, "nationally recog-
     2  nized clinical practice guidelines" means evidence-based clinical  prac-
     3  tice  guidelines  informed  by  a  systematic  review of evidence and an
     4  assessment  of  the  benefits,  and  risks  of  alternative care options
     5  intended to optimize patient care developed by independent organizations
     6  or medical professional societies utilizing  a  transparent  methodology
     7  and reporting structure and with a conflict of interest policy.
     8    §  3.  Paragraph  1 of subsection (c) of section 4303 of the insurance
     9  law is amended by adding a new subparagraph (D) to read as follows:
    10    (D) Coverage provided under this  paragraph  for  care  and  treatment
    11  during  pregnancy  shall include medically necessary transvaginal ultra-
    12  sounds when  recommended  by  nationally  recognized  clinical  practice
    13  guidelines.  For  the  purposes of this subparagraph, "nationally recog-
    14  nized clinical practice guidelines" means evidence-based clinical  prac-
    15  tice  guidelines  informed  by  a  systematic  review of evidence and an
    16  assessment of the  benefits,  and  risks  of  alternative  care  options
    17  intended to optimize patient care developed by independent organizations
    18  or  medical  professional  societies utilizing a transparent methodology
    19  and reporting structure and with a conflict of interest policy.
    20    § 4. This act shall take effect January 1, 2026 and shall apply to any
    21  policy or contract issued, renewed, modified, altered, or amended on  or
    22  after such date.