

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     March 20, 2023

        Introduced  by  M. of A. FAHY -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Governmental Operations

        AN ACT to amend the executive law and the  public  authorities  law,  in
          relation to the utilization of renewable energy at state-owned facili-
          ties in Albany

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1.  This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Renewable
     2  Capitol Act".
     3    § 2. The executive law is amended by adding a new section 204 to  read
     4  as follows:
     5    §  204. Renewable capitol project. 1. For the purpose of this section,
     6  the following terms shall have the following meanings:
     7    (a) The "advisory committee"  shall  mean  the  committee  established
     8  pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision three of this section.
     9    (b)  The  "CLCPA" shall mean the New York state climate leadership and
    10  community protection act enacted as chapter one hundred six of the  laws
    11  of two thousand nineteen, as it shall from time to time be amended.
    12    (c) "Co-pollutants" shall have the same meaning as set forth in subdi-
    13  vision three of section 75-0101 of the environmental conservation law.
    14    (d)  "Emergency  generator"  shall  mean  the set of diesel generators
    15  located on Sheridan Avenue in Albany, New York as of the effective  date
    16  of  this  section,  that  are  intended  to power the empire state plaza
    17  complex during an emergency fault condition causing an  interruption  to
    18  normal electricity service from the grid.
    19    (e)  "Empire  state  plaza  complex"  or  the "complex" shall mean the
    20  complex of state-owned buildings and the land  thereon  in  Albany,  New
    21  York  that utilize the steam distribution network of the Sheridan Avenue
    22  steam plant, including what are popularly known as Empire  State  Plaza,
    23  the State Capitol Building, the State Museum, the Alfred E. Smith Build-
    24  ing,  the State Education Building, the Sheridan Avenue steam plant, and

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 5633                             2

     1  the former Albany New York Solid Waste Energy Recovery System  incinera-
     2  tor building.
     3    (f)  "Greenhouse  gas"  shall  have  the  same meaning as set forth in
     4  subdivision seven of section 75-0101 of the  environmental  conservation
     5  law.
     6    (g)  The  "local community" shall mean the portion of Albany, New York
     7  designated as the local community under the plan, which  shall  include,
     8  at  a  minimum,  the  Albany Sheridan Hollow, Arbor Hill, Center Square,
     9  Mansion, Washington Park, West Hill and South End neighborhoods.
    10    (h) "NYSERDA" shall mean the New York state energy research and devel-
    11  opment authority created under section eighteen hundred fifty-two of the
    12  public authorities law.
    13    (i) The "office of general services" or the "office"  shall  mean  the
    14  agency created under section two hundred of this article.
    15    (j)  The  "plan" shall mean the plan set forth in subdivision three of
    16  this section.
    17    (k) The "project" shall mean  the  work  on  the  empire  state  plaza
    18  complex mandated by this section.
    19    (l)  A  "power purchase agreement" shall mean an agreement between two
    20  parties, the seller and the buyer, to enter  into  a  contractual  obli-
    21  gation for the purchase of electricity.
    22    (m)  "Renewable  energy  systems" means systems that entirely generate
    23  electricity or thermal energy through use of the following technologies:
    24  solar thermal, photovoltaics, on land and offshore wind,  hydroelectric,
    25  geothermal  electric,  geothermal ground source heat, tidal energy, wave
    26  energy, ocean thermal, and fuel cells which do not utilize a fossil fuel
    27  resource in the process of generating electricity or thermal energy.
    28    (n) "Sheridan Avenue steam plant" shall mean the steam plant  facility
    29  owned  by New York state located as of the time of the effective date of
    30  this section at 79 Sheridan Avenue in Albany, New York.
    31    2. (a) Within three years after the effective date  of  this  section,
    32  the office of general services, in consultation with the power authority
    33  of  the  state of New York, shall ensure that all operations that power,
    34  heat or cool the empire state plaza complex shall entirely use renewable
    35  energy systems. In satisfying this requirement, the  office  may  demon-
    36  strate  that  the  amount  of  electrical energy credited to the complex
    37  annually from renewable sources through a power  purchase  agreement  or
    38  similar  instrument  is  not  less  than the amount of electrical energy
    39  consumed annually by the  complex.  Notwithstanding  this  mandate,  the
    40  emergency  generator shall be permitted to utilize non-renewable energy,
    41  but the office shall be empowered to retire  or  convert  the  emergency
    42  generator to wholly or entirely utilize renewables if possible.
    43    (b)  The  project and the empire state plaza complex shall comply with
    44  the CLCPA, and any rules and  regulations  issued  thereunder,  and,  in
    45  particular,  section  seven  of  such  law; the statewide greenhouse gas
    46  emissions limits set forth  in  section  75-0107  of  the  environmental
    47  conservation  law;  and  the  targets  established in subdivision two of
    48  section sixty-six-p of the public service law. Nothing in this paragraph
    49  shall preclude the office from mandating lower greenhouse gas  emissions
    50  limits  or  compliance with greenhouse gas emissions limits in a shorter
    51  timeframe than set forth in section 75-0107 of the environmental conser-
    52  vation law, or in mandating a higher percentage of renewables  or  in  a
    53  shorter  timeframe than in subdivision two of section sixty-six-p of the
    54  public service law. Except in regard to the provision regarding  to  the
    55  emergency  generator  as set forth in paragraph (a) of this subdivision,
    56  any action taken in  furtherance  of  the  project  that  leads  to  any

        A. 5633                             3

     1  increase in the emissions of greenhouse gases shall be deemed inconsist-
     2  ent with and in interference with the attainment of the statewide green-
     3  house  gas  emissions  limits established in article seventy-five of the
     4  environmental  conservation  law and therefore shall trigger the process
     5  set forth in subdivision two of section seven of the CLCPA.
     6    (c) Any contractor receiving payments for work conducted  pursuant  to
     7  this section shall pay employees and other workers under such contract a
     8  wage  not  less  than the prevailing rates of wages for such work in the
     9  locality where the work is performed, in  conformity  with    prevailing
    10  wage laws.
    11    3.  (a)  Within  one  year  of the effective date of this section, the
    12  office shall issue a plan in conformity with this subdivision and subdi-
    13  vision two of this section.
    14    (b) Within sixty days of the  effective  date  of  this  section,  the
    15  office  shall establish an advisory committee to advise it on the prepa-
    16  ration, design and content of the plan.   The advisory  committee  shall
    17  consist of the commissioner of the department of environmental conserva-
    18  tion and the chief executive officer of NYSERDA, or their designees, and
    19  additional  members  which  shall  be  appointed by such commissioner in
    20  consultation with such chief executive officer, as follows: three repre-
    21  sentatives of Albany community organizations, at least two of which  are
    22  from  organizations  whose mission, in whole or in part, is to represent
    23  the interests of the Arbor Hill and/or Sheridan Hollow neighborhoods  in
    24  Albany;  two  additional  representatives of local environmental justice
    25  organizations; one individual not employed by New York state with recog-
    26  nized expertise in renewable energy; a representative of labor organiza-
    27  tions; a scientist with expertise in energy and climate policy; an engi-
    28  neer with expertise in energy (including geothermal) and climate policy;
    29  and the mayor of Albany or his or her designee. The  advisory  committee
    30  shall  meet  at  least  three times annually, or additional times as the
    31  committee shall by majority vote determine.   At  such  meetings,  which
    32  shall  be  open  to  the  public,  the office, among other things, shall
    33  report on the progress made in  completing  the  project  and  otherwise
    34  implementing  this section. The advisory committee members shall receive
    35  no compensation for their services but shall  be  reimbursed  for  their
    36  actual  and  necessary  expenses  incurred  in  the performance of their
    37  duties. All agencies of the state or subdivisions thereof  may,  at  the
    38  request  of the advisory panel or the office, provide the advisory panel
    39  with such facilities, assistance and data as will  enable  the  advisory
    40  panel to carry out its powers and duties.
    41    (c)  Each  member  of  the advisory committee shall be entitled to one
    42  vote.  No action may be taken by the advisory committee unless there  is
    43  a  quorum,  which shall at all times be a majority of the members of the
    44  committee.
    45    (d) The office shall retain a third party to  perform  an  engineering
    46  study to be completed within one hundred eighty days after the effective
    47  date  of  this  section,  which  shall consider the matters set forth in
    48  paragraph (f) of this subdivision and any other matters consistent  with
    49  this  section  that  the  office  shall direct. For the purposes of this
    50  paragraph, the term "third party" shall mean  a  professional  engineer,
    51  not  employed by the state of New York, or an engineering firm, provided
    52  that none of the engineers employed by such firm shall also be  employed
    53  by the state of New York.
    54    (e)  The  office  shall be transparent in its work to develop the plan
    55  and shall maintain a website where the draft plan  and  other  documents
    56  relevant to its development shall be posted for public review. The advi-

        A. 5633                             4

     1  sory  committee  shall  hold  at least two public hearings within thirty
     2  days after the release of the draft plan and prior to the release of the
     3  final plan, of which one shall be held in Arbor Hill or Sheridan  Hollow
     4  neighborhoods and one shall be held during the evening or weekend hours.
     5  An additional public hearing shall also be held within thirty days after
     6  the  creation of the advisory committee to receive public input into the
     7  development of the draft plan.
     8    (f) The plan shall contain recommendations on regulatory measures  and
     9  other  state  actions  to ensure that the mandates in subdivision two of
    10  this section are met. The measures and actions set  forth  in  the  plan
    11  shall include:
    12    i.  a timeline for planned steps toward the completion of the project,
    13  including, but not limited to construction of the project and  obtaining
    14  the  necessary permits to begin operation.  The timeline should maximize
    15  the potential for achieving, and if feasible  making  greater  emissions
    16  reductions  than the statewide greenhouse gas emissions limits set forth
    17  in section 75-0107 of the environmental conservation law and meeting the
    18  other mandates of the CLCPA;
    19    ii. measures to maximize the benefits to the local community,  includ-
    20  ing prioritizing the reduction of greenhouse gases and co-pollutants and
    21  improving public health in the local community;
    22    iii.  measures  to  optimize  thermal load sharing, energy efficiency,
    23  demand response, and energy conservation;
    24    iv. comprehensive consideration of renewable heat exchange systems  or
    25  a  combination  of such systems to meet the heating and cooling needs of
    26  the empire state plaza complex, including but not limited to: geothermal
    27  heat exchange with the earth, geothermal heat exchange with  the  Hudson
    28  River, open-loop and closed-loop geothermal heat exchange with the aqui-
    29  fer,  heat  exchange  with  potable  water  supplies, heat recovery from
    30  wastewater sources, air-source heat pump technology, and  thermal  stor-
    31  age,  provided  that  such systems do not use combustion-based or fossil
    32  fuel energy;
    33    v. prioritization of electricity procurement  from  renewable  sources
    34  within  New  York Independent System Operator (NYISO) Zone F, especially
    35  sources most capable of providing  electricity  serving  real-time  load
    36  conditions  of  the  empire state plaza complex. This shall include, but
    37  not be limited to, consideration of  projects  that  expand  electricity
    38  generation from ecologically-responsible, run-of-the-river hydroelectric
    39  facilities within the region; and
    40    vi.    electricity service upgrades for the empire state plaza complex
    41  necessary to support measures identified in this section.
    42    (g) In designing the plan, the office shall be guided by any recommen-
    43  dations contained in the engineering study mandated by paragraph (d)  of
    44  this  subdivision, and any comments or recommendations made by the advi-
    45  sory committee, including as to such engineering  study.  Such  advisory
    46  committee  shall also be entitled to reject or modify any recommendation
    47  upon a finding that such recommendation would be  inconsistent  with  or
    48  will interfere with the attainment of the statewide greenhouse gas emis-
    49  sions  limits  established  in article seventy-five of the environmental
    50  conservation law, the climate justice provisions of the CLCPA, any rules
    51  or regulations issued thereunder, or this  section.    If  the  advisory
    52  committee  rejects  or modifies any recommendation, the original version
    53  of the recommendations as set  forth  in  the  engineering  study  shall
    54  presumptively  not  be  considered  by  the  office,  unless substantial
    55  evidence exists to support the study's initial recommendations.

        A. 5633                             5

     1    (h) The plan shall prioritize project implementation efforts to  maxi-
     2  mize the creation of quality jobs in New York state and the local commu-
     3  nity.  The  plan  shall  also designate the geographic boundaries of the
     4  local community. In designating such boundaries, which shall include the
     5  Albany  Sheridan  Hollow, Arbor Hill, Center Square, Mansion, Washington
     6  Park, West Hill, and South End neighborhoods, the office shall  consider
     7  including  in  its  designation  any  other  communities that experience
     8  impacts on their water, air quality, noise and traffic from  the  empire
     9  state plaza complex.
    10    §  3.   The tenth undesignated paragraph of section 1005 of the public
    11  authorities law, as added by chapter 55 of the laws of 1992, is  amended
    12  to read as follows:
    13    The  authority is further authorized, as deemed feasible and advisable
    14  by the trustees, to acquire,  maintain,  manage,  operate,  improve  and
    15  reconstruct as a project or projects of the authority one or both of the
    16  steam  generation  facilities  owned  by the state known as the Sheridan
    17  [avenue] Avenue steam [generating] plant [on Sheridan avenue in the city
    18  of Albany and used to supply steam to state facilities],  together  with
    19  any  properties,  buildings and equipment at the sites thereof or ancil-
    20  lary thereto, for the generation and sale  of  thermal  energy  and  the
    21  cogeneration  and sale of electricity for use by facilities of the state
    22  within the county of Albany. All the authority's  costs,  including  its
    23  acquisition,  capital,  operating and maintenance costs, shall be recov-
    24  ered fully from the customers receiving service  from  such  project  or
    25  projects.  Thermal  energy and electricity not required by the state may
    26  be sold by the authority to others. The authority is not  authorized  to
    27  use  refuse or refuse-derived fuel in operating the project or projects.
    28  As of the time period specified in paragraph (a) of subdivision  two  of
    29  section  two  hundred  four  of  the  executive  law, all of the energy,
    30  including but not limited to heat, cooling and electricity, produced  at
    31  the  Sheridan Avenue steam plant shall utilize renewable energy systems.
    32  Any agreement for such acquisition shall insure that  the  authority  is
    33  not  liable  or otherwise responsible for circumstances arising from the
    34  prior operation of such facilities. The acquisition and purchase of such
    35  land, buildings and equipment by the authority, and any actions taken to
    36  effect such  acquisition  and  purchase,  are  hereby  exempt  from  the
    37  provisions  of  article eight of the environmental conservation law. The
    38  application of such exemption shall be strictly limited to the  acquisi-
    39  tion and purchase of such land, buildings and equipment by the authority
    40  and  such  agreements  with  the  state. Nothing herein shall exempt the
    41  authority from  otherwise  applicable  laws  respecting  the  expansion,
    42  conversion, operation and maintenance of such land, buildings and equip-
    43  ment.  For the purposes of this subdivision, the terms "renewable energy
    44  systems" and "Sheridan Avenue steam plant" shall have the same  meanings
    45  as in subdivision one of section two hundred four of the executive law.
    46    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.