                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 7, 2017
        Introduced  by M. of A. RAMOS -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Codes
        AN ACT to amend the penal law, the civil practice  law  and  rules,  the
          state  finance  law,  the  correction  law, the education law, and the
          mental hygiene law, in relation to defining offenses involving  crimi-
          nal  street  gangs, creating the criminal street gang prevention fund,
          and providing for gang prevention services in schools; and  to  repeal
          sections  120.06  and 120.07 of the penal law, relating to offenses of
          gang assault
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Legislative  findings and purpose. The legislature hereby
     2  finds that New York laws are insufficient regarding the  prosecution  of
     3  criminal  street gangs and the protection of public order and individual
     4  safety against gang-related violence, because of the  lack  of  programs
     5  and  activities  specifically designed to prevent the growth of criminal
     6  street gangs, facilitate prosecution and punishment of members of crimi-
     7  nal street gangs, and punish those who solicit others to participate  in
     8  criminal  street  gangs  and  in  acts  of  gang-related violence or who
     9  provide support or resources  to  those  who  commit  or  encourage  the
    10  commission of such acts.
    11    The  legislature  further  finds  that  the threat of violence and the
    12  disruption of public order and safety presented by criminal street gangs
    13  have reached a crisis point that threatens the  right  of  residents  of
    14  this state to be secure and protected from fear, intimidation, and phys-
    15  ical harm.
    16    The legislature therefore finds and declares that it is in every sense
    17  in  the  public  interest  to  establish a comprehensive approach to the
    18  protection of public order and individual safety against criminal street
    19  gangs and gang-related violence, by severely criminalizing  such  activ-
    20  ities,  by creating anti-crime programs that focus on patterns of crimi-
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 5252                             2
     1  nal gang activity and  organization,  and  by  expanding  education  and
     2  intervention  to prevent the growth of criminal street gangs as provided
     3  in this legislation.
     4    § 2. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 2 of section 60.07 of the penal law,
     5  as  added  by  chapter  148  of  the laws of 2000, is amended to read as
     6  follows:
     7    (a) the term "specified offense"  shall  mean  an  attempt  to  commit
     8  murder  in  the second degree as defined in section 125.25 of this chap-
     9  ter, gang assault in the first degree as  defined  in  section  [120.07]
    10  495.06  of this chapter, gang assault in the second degree as defined in
    11  section [120.06] 495.05 of this chapter, assault in the first degree  as
    12  defined  in  section  120.10  of this chapter, manslaughter in the first
    13  degree as defined in section 125.20 of this chapter, manslaughter in the
    14  second degree as defined in section 125.15 of this chapter,  robbery  in
    15  the  first  degree as defined in section 160.15 of this chapter, robbery
    16  in the second degree as defined in section 160.10 of  this  chapter,  or
    17  the  attempted commission of any of the following offenses: gang assault
    18  in the first degree as defined in section [120.07]  495.06,  assault  in
    19  the first degree as defined in section 120.10, manslaughter in the first
    20  degree  as  defined  in section 125.20 or robbery in the first degree as
    21  defined in section 160.15;
    22    § 3. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subdivision 1 of section 70.02  of  the
    23  penal  law,  paragraph (a) as amended by chapter 368 of the laws of 2015
    24  and paragraph (b) as amended by chapter 1  of  the  laws  of  2013,  are
    25  amended to read as follows:
    26    (a)  Class  B  violent felony offenses: an attempt to commit the class
    27  A-I felonies of murder in  the  second  degree  as  defined  in  section
    28  125.25, kidnapping in the first degree as defined in section 135.25, and
    29  arson  in the first degree as defined in section 150.20; manslaughter in
    30  the first degree as defined in section 125.20,  aggravated  manslaughter
    31  in  the  first  degree  as  defined in section 125.22, rape in the first
    32  degree as defined in section 130.35, criminal sexual act  in  the  first
    33  degree  as  defined  in  section  130.50, aggravated sexual abuse in the
    34  first degree as defined in section  130.70,  course  of  sexual  conduct
    35  against  a  child  in  the  first  degree  as defined in section 130.75;
    36  assault in the first degree as defined in section 120.10, kidnapping  in
    37  the  second  degree  as defined in section 135.20, burglary in the first
    38  degree as defined in section 140.30,  arson  in  the  second  degree  as
    39  defined  in  section  150.15,  robbery in the first degree as defined in
    40  section 160.15, sex trafficking as defined in paragraphs (a) and (b)  of
    41  subdivision  five  of  section  230.34,  incest  in  the first degree as
    42  defined in section 255.27, criminal possession of a weapon in the  first
    43  degree  as  defined  in section 265.04, criminal use of a firearm in the
    44  first degree as defined in section 265.09, criminal sale of a firearm in
    45  the first degree as defined in section 265.13, aggravated assault upon a
    46  police officer or a peace officer as defined  in  section  120.11,  gang
    47  assault  in  the  first  degree  as  defined in section [120.07] 495.06,
    48  intimidating a victim or witness in  the  first  degree  as  defined  in
    49  section  215.17,  hindering prosecution of terrorism in the first degree
    50  as defined in section 490.35, criminal possession of a  chemical  weapon
    51  or  biological weapon in the second degree as defined in section 490.40,
    52  and criminal use of a chemical weapon or biological weapon in the  third
    53  degree as defined in section 490.47.
    54    (b)  Class  C violent felony offenses: an attempt to commit any of the
    55  class B felonies set forth in paragraph (a) of this subdivision;  aggra-
    56  vated criminally negligent homicide as defined in section 125.11, aggra-

        A. 5252                             3
     1  vated  manslaughter  in  the second degree as defined in section 125.21,
     2  aggravated sexual abuse in the  second  degree  as  defined  in  section
     3  130.67, assault on a peace officer, police officer, fireman or emergency
     4  medical services professional as defined in section 120.08, assault on a
     5  judge as defined in section 120.09, gang assault in the second degree as
     6  defined in section [120.06] 495.05, strangulation in the first degree as
     7  defined  in  section 121.13, burglary in the second degree as defined in
     8  section 140.25, robbery in the  second  degree  as  defined  in  section
     9  160.10,  criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree as defined
    10  in section 265.03, criminal use of a firearm in  the  second  degree  as
    11  defined  in  section  265.08,  criminal  sale of a firearm in the second
    12  degree as defined in section 265.12, criminal sale of a firearm with the
    13  aid of a  minor  as  defined  in  section  265.14,  aggravated  criminal
    14  possession  of  a  weapon  as  defined  in section 265.19, soliciting or
    15  providing support for an act of terrorism in the first degree as defined
    16  in section 490.15, hindering prosecution  of  terrorism  in  the  second
    17  degree as defined in section 490.30, and criminal possession of a chemi-
    18  cal  weapon  or  biological  weapon  in  the  third degree as defined in
    19  section 490.37.
    20    § 4. Sections 120.06 and 120.07 of the penal law are REPEALED.
    21    § 5. Subdivision 2 of section 130.91 of the penal law, as  amended  by
    22  chapter 405 of the laws of 2010, is amended to read as follows:
    23    2.  A  "specified  offense"  is a felony offense defined by any of the
    24  following provisions of this chapter: assault in the  second  degree  as
    25  defined  in  section  120.05,  assault in the first degree as defined in
    26  section 120.10, gang assault in the second degree as defined in  section
    27  [120.06]  495.05, gang assault in the first degree as defined in section
    28  [120.07] 495.06, stalking in the first  degree  as  defined  in  section
    29  120.60, strangulation in the second degree as defined in section 121.12,
    30  strangulation  in  the  first  degree  as  defined  in  section  121.13,
    31  manslaughter in the second degree  as  defined  in  subdivision  one  of
    32  section  125.15,  manslaughter in the first degree as defined in section
    33  125.20, murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25, aggra-
    34  vated murder as defined in section 125.26, murder in the first degree as
    35  defined in section 125.27, kidnapping in the second degree as defined in
    36  section 135.20, kidnapping in the first degree  as  defined  in  section
    37  135.25,  burglary  in  the  third  degree  as defined in section 140.20,
    38  burglary in the second degree as defined in section 140.25, burglary  in
    39  the  first  degree  as  defined  in  section 140.30, arson in the second
    40  degree as defined in section  150.15,  arson  in  the  first  degree  as
    41  defined  in  section  150.20,  robbery in the third degree as defined in
    42  section 160.05, robbery in the  second  degree  as  defined  in  section
    43  160.10,  robbery  in  the  first  degree  as  defined in section 160.15,
    44  promoting prostitution in  the  second  degree  as  defined  in  section
    45  230.30, promoting prostitution in the first degree as defined in section
    46  230.32,  compelling  prostitution  as defined in section 230.33, dissem-
    47  inating indecent material to minors in the first degree  as  defined  in
    48  section  235.22,  use  of  a child in a sexual performance as defined in
    49  section 263.05, promoting an obscene sexual performance by  a  child  as
    50  defined  in section 263.10, promoting a sexual performance by a child as
    51  defined in section 263.15, or any felony attempt or conspiracy to commit
    52  any of the foregoing offenses.
    53    § 6. Title Y-2 of the penal law is redesignated title Y-3  and  a  new
    54  title Y-2 is added to read as follows:
    55                                   TITLE Y-2

        A. 5252                             4
     1                                 ARTICLE 495
     3  Section 495.01 Definitions.
     4          495.02 Participation in a criminal street gang.
     5          495.03 Participation in a criminal street gang related offense.
     6          495.04 Solicitation for participation in a criminal street gang.
     7          495.05 Gang assault in the second degree.
     8          495.06 Gang assault in the first degree.
     9          495.07 Abatement of premises used by a criminal street gang.
    10          495.08 Preemption.
    11  § 495.01 Definitions.
    12    As  used in this article, the following terms shall have the following
    13  meanings:
    14    1. "Criminal street gang member" shall mean an individual  who  is  in
    15  possession  of  or exhibits criminal street gang paraphernalia, criminal
    16  street gang affiliated tattoos, criminal street gang clothing or colors,
    17  or any other indicia of criminal street gang membership, and
    18    a. proclaims to be a criminal street gang member;
    19    b. is identified as a criminal street  gang  member  by  a  documented
    20  reliable witness or informant;
    21    c.  is  identified  as  a  criminal street gang member by a witness or
    22  informant of previously untested reliability if such  identification  is
    23  corroborated by independent information;
    24    d. has been arrested more than once in the company of identified crim-
    25  inal  street  gang  members  for offenses that are consistent with usual
    26  criminal street gang activity; or
    27    e. is identified as a criminal street gang member by physical evidence
    28  such as photographs or other written or electronic documentation.
    29    2. "Criminal street gang" shall mean an  ongoing  formal  or  informal
    30  association  of  persons  in which members or associates individually or
    31  collectively engage in the  commission,  attempted  commission,  facili-
    32  tation,  solicitation,  or  conspire to commit any specified offense and
    33  have at least one individual who is a criminal street gang member.
    34    3. "Criminal street gang related offense"  shall  mean  any  specified
    35  offense, that is committed for any of the following reasons:
    36    a. for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with any
    37  criminal  street  gang,  or  is  committed  with  the intent to promote,
    38  further, or assist in any criminal conduct by the gang;
    39    b. to gain admission, prestige, or promotion within the gang;
    40    c. to increase or maintain  the  gang's  size,  membership,  prestige,
    41  dominance, or control in a geographical area;
    42    d.  to  exact revenge or retribution for the gang or any member of the
    43  gang;
    44    e. to obstruct  justice,  or  intimidate,  or  eliminate  any  witness
    45  against the gang or any member of the gang;
    46    f.  to directly or indirectly knowingly cause any benefit, aggrandize-
    47  ment, gain, profit or other advantage for a gang, its reputation, influ-
    48  ence, or membership.
    49    4. "Specified offense" shall mean any offense defined by  any  of  the
    50  following  provisions of this chapter: Offenses constituting a specified
    51  offense as defined in subdivision three of section 485.05 (hate crimes),
    52  article one hundred fifteen (criminal facilitation), one  hundred  thir-
    53  ty-five (kidnapping, coercion and related offenses), one hundred seventy
    54  (forgery  and  related  offenses),  one  hundred seventy-eight (criminal
    55  diversion of prescription medications and  prescriptions),  two  hundred
    56  twenty-five   (gambling  offenses),  two  hundred  thirty  (prostitution

        A. 5252                             5
     1  offenses), two hundred thirty-five (obscenity and related offenses), two
     2  hundred sixty-five (firearms and other dangerous weapons),  two  hundred
     3  seventy  (other  offenses  relating  to  public  safety),  four  hundred
     4  (licensing  and  other  provisions related to firearms), or four hundred
     5  seventy (money laundering).
     6  § 495.02 Participation in a criminal street gang.
     7    A person is guilty of participation in a criminal street gang if  such
     8  person  is  a  criminal  street gang member and has knowledge that other
     9  members engage in or  have  engaged  in  criminal  street  gang  related
    10  offenses.
    11    Participation in a criminal street gang is a class A misdemeanor.
    12  § 495.03 Participation in a criminal street gang related offense.
    13    1.  A  person  is  guilty  of  participation in a criminal street gang
    14  related offense  when  he  or  she  willfully  and  knowingly  promotes,
    15  furthers,  assists  in,  conducts,  or  participates in the affairs of a
    16  criminal street gang by participating in a criminal street gang  related
    17  offense.
    18    2. When a person is convicted of the crime of participation in a crim-
    19  inal street gang related offense pursuant to this article and the speci-
    20  fied  offense  is  a  misdemeanor, class C, D, or E felony, the crime of
    21  participation in a criminal street gang related offense shall be  deemed
    22  to  be  one  category  higher  than  the specified offense the defendant
    23  committed, or one category higher than the offense level  applicable  to
    24  the  defendant's  conviction  for  an  attempt or conspiracy to commit a
    25  specified offense, whichever is applicable.
    26    3. Notwithstanding any other  provision  of  law,  when  a  person  is
    27  convicted  of  the  crime  of  participation  in  a criminal street gang
    28  related offense pursuant to this article and the specified offense is  a
    29  class B felony:
    30    a. The maximum term of the indeterminate sentence must be at least six
    31  years  of imprisonment if the defendant is sentenced pursuant to section
    32  70.00 of this chapter;
    33    b. The term of the determinate sentence must be at least  eight  years
    34  of  imprisonment if the defendant is sentenced pursuant to section 70.02
    35  of this chapter;
    36    c. The term of determinate sentence must be at least twelve  years  of
    37  imprisonment  if the defendant is sentenced pursuant to section 70.04 of
    38  this chapter;
    39    d. The maximum term of the indeterminate sentence  must  be  at  least
    40  four  years  of  imprisonment  if the defendant is sentenced pursuant to
    41  section 70.05 of this chapter; or
    42    e. The maximum term of the indeterminate sentence or the term  of  the
    43  determinate  sentence  must be at least ten years of imprisonment if the
    44  defendant is sentenced pursuant to section 70.06 of this chapter.
    45    4. Any other provision of any other law to the contrary  notwithstand-
    46  ing, when a person is convicted of the crime of participation in a crim-
    47  inal street gang related offense pursuant to this article and the speci-
    48  fied  offense  is  a  class  A-1  felony,  the  minimum  period  of  the
    49  indeterminate sentence shall not be less than twenty years of  imprison-
    50  ment. Notwithstanding any other law, the court may strike the additional
    51  punishment  for  the  enhancements  provided in subdivisions two through
    52  five of this section or refuse to impose the minimum jail  sentence  for
    53  misdemeanors  in  an  unusual  case where the interests of justice would
    54  best be served, if the court specifies on the record and enters into the
    55  minutes the circumstances indicating the manner in which  the  interests
    56  of  justice  would  be  served by such disposition.  Notwithstanding the

        A. 5252                             6
     1  foregoing, in the case of a minor found  to  be  guilty  of  an  offense
     2  described  in  this  article who is a first time offender, the court may
     3  order that a parent or guardian retain custody of that  minor,  and  may
     4  order  the  parent  or  guardian  to attend anti-gang violence parenting
     5  classes established pursuant to standards of the  division  of  criminal
     6  justice  services. The father, mother, spouse or other person liable for
     7  the support of the minor, the estate of that person, and the  estate  of
     8  the  minor  shall  be liable for the cost of classes ordered pursuant to
     9  this section, unless the court finds that the person or estate does  not
    10  have  the  financial  ability to pay. In evaluating financial ability to
    11  pay, the court shall take  into  consideration  the  combined  household
    12  income,  the  necessary  obligations  of  the  household,  the number of
    13  persons dependent on this income, and whether reduced  monthly  payments
    14  would obviate the need to waive liability for the full costs.
    15    5. When a person is convicted of the crime of participation in a crim-
    16  inal street gang related offense pursuant to this section, and the spec-
    17  ified  crime is a violent felony offense, as defined in section 70.02 of
    18  this chapter, the crime of  participation  in  a  criminal  street  gang
    19  related offense shall be deemed a violent felony offense.
    20  § 495.04 Solicitation for participation in a criminal street gang.
    21    A  person  is  guilty  of solicitation for participation in a criminal
    22  street gang if such person:
    23    1. solicits or recruits another to actively participate in a  criminal
    24  street  gang  with  the  intent  that  the person solicited or recruited
    25  participate in a pattern of criminal street gang  related  offenses,  or
    26  with the intent that such person promote, further, conduct, or assist in
    27  any  pattern  of criminal street gang related offenses by members of the
    28  criminal street gang; or
    29    2. threatens a person  with  physical  violence  with  the  intent  to
    30  coerce,  induce,  or  solicit such person or another to participate in a
    31  criminal street gang; or
    32    3. uses physical violence to coerce, induce, or solicit another person
    33  to participate in a criminal street gang.
    34    Solicitation for participation in a criminal street gang is a class  E
    35  felony.
    36  § 495.05 Gang assault in the second degree.
    37    A  person  is  guilty  of gang assault in the second degree when, with
    38  intent to cause physical injury to another person and when aided by  two
    39  or  more  other persons actually present, he or she causes serious phys-
    40  ical injury to such person or to a third person.
    41    Gang assault in the second degree is a class C felony.
    42  § 495.06 Gang assault in the first degree.
    43    A person is guilty of gang assault in  the  first  degree  when,  with
    44  intent to cause serious physical injury to another person and when aided
    45  by  two or more other persons actually present, he or she causes serious
    46  physical injury to such person or to a third person.
    47    Gang assault in the first degree is a class B felony.
    48  § 495.07 Abatement of premises used by a criminal street gang.
    49    1. A building or place used by members of a criminal street  gang  for
    50  the  purpose  of  engaging  in  a pattern of criminal gang activity is a
    51  nuisance which shall be enjoined, abated, and prevented, and  for  which
    52  damages  may  be  recovered,  irrespective  of  whether it constitutes a
    53  public or private nuisance.
    54    2. Any action for an injunction or abatement filed pursuant to  subdi-
    55  vision  one of this section shall proceed according to the provisions of

        A. 5252                             7
     1  the civil practice law and rules, except that all of the following shall
     2  apply:
     3    (a)  the  court  shall  not  assess a civil penalty against any person
     4  unless that person knew or  should  have  known  of  the  unlawful  acts
     5  committed on or in the premises;
     6    (b) no order of eviction or closure may be entered;
     7    (c)  all  injunctions  issued  shall  be limited to those necessary to
     8  protect the health and safety of the residents or the  public  or  those
     9  necessary to prevent further criminal activity; and
    10    (d)  suit  may  not  be  filed until a thirty day notice period of the
    11  unlawful use or criminal conduct has been provided to the owner by mail,
    12  return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the last known address.
    13    3. No not-for-profit or charitable organization  which  is  conducting
    14  its  affairs  with  ordinary care and skill, and no governmental entity,
    15  shall be abated pursuant to the provisions of subdivisions one  and  two
    16  of this section.
    17    4.  Nothing  in  this section shall preclude any aggrieved person from
    18  seeking any other remedy provided by law.
    19    5. When an injunction is issued  pursuant  to  this  section  for  the
    20  abatement  of  premises  used  for  criminal street gang activities, the
    21  attorney general or any district attorney or any prosecuting city attor-
    22  ney may maintain an action for money damages on behalf of the  community
    23  or neighborhood injured by the nuisance. Any money damages awarded shall
    24  be  paid  by or collected from assets of the criminal street gang or its
    25  members that were derived from  the  pattern  of  criminal  street  gang
    26  activity  being abated or enjoined. Only persons who knew or should have
    27  known of the unlawful acts shall be personally liable for the payment of
    28  the damages awarded. In a civil action for damages brought  pursuant  to
    29  this  subdivision,  the  attorney  general,  district  attorney, or city
    30  attorney may use, but is not limited to the use  of,  the  testimony  of
    31  experts  to  establish damages suffered by the community or neighborhood
    32  injured by the nuisance. Damages recovered pursuant to this  subdivision
    33  shall  be  deposited  into a separate segregated fund for payment to the
    34  governing body of the city or county in whose political subdivision  the
    35  community  or neighborhood is located, and that governing body shall use
    36  those assets for the benefit of the community or neighborhood injured by
    37  the nuisance.
    38  § 495.08 Preemption.
    39    Nothing in this article shall preempt an  appropriate  alternative  or
    40  additional charge pursuant to this chapter.
    41    §  7.  The  opening  paragraph  of  paragraph  (h) of subdivision 2 of
    42  section 1349 of the civil practice law and rules, as  added  by  chapter
    43  655 of the laws of 1990, is amended to read as follows:
    44    [All]  Except with respect to a circumstance to which paragraph (i) of
    45  this subdivision  applies,  all  moneys  remaining  after  distributions
    46  pursuant  to  paragraphs  (a)  through  (g) of this subdivision shall be
    47  distributed as follows:
    48    § 8. Subdivision 2 of section 1349 of the civil practice law and rules
    49  is amended by adding a new paragraph (i) to read as follows:
    50    (i) If the defendant against whom a forfeiture action is commenced  is
    51  convicted  of  an  offense listed in article four hundred ninety-five of
    52  the penal law, all moneys  remaining  after  distributions  pursuant  to
    53  paragraphs  (a)  through (g) of this subdivision shall be distributed to
    54  the criminal  street  gang  prevention  fund,  established  pursuant  to
    55  section ninety-seven-yyyy of the state finance law.

        A. 5252                             8
     1    §  9. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section 97-yyyy
     2  to read as follows:
     3    §  97-yyyy.  Criminal  street gang prevention fund. 1. There is hereby
     4  established in the joint  custody  of  the  state  comptroller  and  the
     5  commissioner  of  taxation  and  finance an account of the miscellaneous
     6  special revenue fund to be known as the criminal street gang  prevention
     7  fund.
     8    2.  The  comptroller is authorized and directed to receive for deposit
     9  to the credit of the cultural education account revenues designated  for
    10  such deposit by law or appropriation.
    11    3.  Moneys  of  the  fund, following appropriation by the legislature,
    12  shall be available to support the  criminal  street  gang  and  violence
    13  prevention  partnership  program  established pursuant to section twelve
    14  hundred thirteen of the education law.
    15    § 10. The opening paragraph of section 15-b of the correction law,  is
    16  designated  subdivision  1  and  a new subdivision 2 is added to read as
    17  follows:
    18    2. The commissioner of education shall be  empowered  to  develop  and
    19  implement  an  educational  program,  to  be  known as the department of
    20  corrections gang education and prevention program, whereby  inmates  can
    21  receive instruction concerning the impact of, and risks associated with,
    22  gang  affiliation and receive support services in relation to the cessa-
    23  tion of gang membership. The commissioner shall be empowered to  promul-
    24  gate rules and regulations necessary to effectuate this program.
    25    §  11. The education law is amended by adding a new article 25 to read
    26  as follows:
    27                                  ARTICLE 25
    28                               GANG PREVENTION
    29  Section 1210. Gang prevention.
    30          1211. Model gang violence curriculum; prevention activities.
    31          1212. Dress code concerning gang-related apparel.
    32          1213. Criminal street gang and violence  prevention  partnership
    33                  program.
    34    §  1210.  Gang prevention. The department shall prepare and distribute
    35  to schools guidelines for  incorporating  in-service  training  in  gang
    36  violence  for  teachers,  counselors,  athletic  directors, school board
    37  members, and other educational  personnel  into  the  staff  development
    38  plans,  and shall, upon request, assist any school in developing compre-
    39  hensive gang violence in-service training programs. Such information and
    40  guidelines, to the maximum extent possible, shall encourage  schools  to
    41  avoid  duplication  of effort by sharing resources; adapting or adopting
    42  model in-service training programs; developing joint  and  collaborative
    43  programs;  and  coordinating  efforts with existing state and local gang
    44  violence staff development programs, county  and  city  law  enforcement
    45  agencies,  and other public and private agencies providing gang violence
    46  prevention, or other related services at the local level.
    47    The department shall additionally assist schools in qualifying for the
    48  receipt of federal and  state  funds  to  support  their  gang  violence
    49  prevention  in-service  training  programs. The department shall consult
    50  with the division of criminal justice services regarding gang violence.
    51    The term "gang violence prevention in-service  training"  as  used  in
    52  this  section  means  the  presentation  of  programs,  instruction, and
    53  curricula that will help educators develop competencies  in  interacting
    54  in  a positive manner with children and youth to assist them in develop-
    55  ing the positive values, self-esteem,  knowledge,  and  skills  to  lead
    56  productive, gang-free, and drug-free lives, including the development of

        A. 5252                             9
     1  knowledge  of  the causes of gang violence and training regarding avail-
     2  able information and resources concerning gang violence.  It shall  also
     3  include  methods  that  will  help  educators  interact with and educate
     4  parents of at-risk youth concerning the risks associated with, and warn-
     5  ing signs of, gang affiliation.
     6    §  1211. Model gang violence curriculum; prevention activities. 1. The
     7  department, in collaboration  with  the  division  of  criminal  justice
     8  services,  shall develop a model gang violence prevention curriculum for
     9  use in schools, and shall provide for an independent biennial evaluation
    10  of the curriculum and of pupil outcomes.
    11    2. In developing the curriculum, the department, in  conjunction  with
    12  the  division  of  criminal  justice  services, shall assess the current
    13  status of school crime committed on school campuses and at school-relat-
    14  ed functions, and identify appropriate strategies and programs that will
    15  provide or maintain a high  level  of  school  safety  and  address  the
    16  school's  procedures  for complying with existing laws related to school
    17  safety.
    18    3. Upon request, the  department  shall  assist  school  districts  in
    19  developing  comprehensive  gang  violence  and  drug  and  alcohol abuse
    20  prevention in-service training programs. Such guidelines  shall  to  the
    21  maximum  extent  possible encourage school districts to share resources,
    22  develop joint and collaborative programs, and  coordinate  efforts  with
    23  other existing state and local programs.
    24    4.  The  department  shall  prepare and distribute to school districts
    25  guidelines for incorporating in-service training in  gang  violence  and
    26  drug  and  alcohol  abuse  prevention for teachers, counselors, athletic
    27  directors, school board members, and other  educational  personnel  into
    28  the  staff  development plans of all school districts and county offices
    29  of education. Such training shall include instruction  to  teachers  and
    30  administrators on the subtleties of identifying constantly changing gang
    31  regalia and gang affiliation.
    32    §   1212.  Dress  code  concerning  gang-related  apparel.  Any  other
    33  provision of any other law to the contrary notwithstanding, the  govern-
    34  ing board of any school district may adopt or rescind a reasonable dress
    35  code policy that requires pupils to wear a schoolwide uniform or prohib-
    36  its pupils from wearing "gang-related apparel" if the governing board of
    37  the school district approves a plan that may be initiated by an individ-
    38  ual school's principal, staff, and parents and determines that the poli-
    39  cy  is  necessary  for  the health and safety of the school environment.
    40  Individual schools may include the reasonable  dress  code  policy.  The
    41  governing board shall provide a method whereby parents may choose not to
    42  have  their  children  comply  with an adopted school uniform policy. No
    43  pupil shall be penalized academically or otherwise discriminated against
    44  nor denied attendance to school if the pupil's parents chose not to have
    45  the pupil comply with the school uniform  policy.  The  governing  board
    46  shall  continue  to have responsibility for the appropriate education of
    47  such pupils. The commissioner shall adopt rules and regulations to carry
    48  out the intent and purposes of this section.
    49    § 1213. Criminal  street  gang  and  violence  prevention  partnership
    50  program. 1.  The department, in collaboration with the division of crim-
    51  inal  justice services, shall evaluate requests for funding for programs
    52  from the criminal street gang prevention fund, established  pursuant  to
    53  section ninety-seven-yyyy of the state finance law. All such funds shall
    54  be  disbursed  to  non-profit  agencies  that  comply  with  the program
    55  requirements and who meet funding criteria.

        A. 5252                            10
     1    2. Grants disbursed pursuant to this section may enhance but shall not
     2  supplant local, state, or federal funds that would otherwise  be  avail-
     3  able  for  the prevention or intervention of youth involvement in gangs,
     4  crime, or violence.  Grants shall be awarded pursuant to a  request  for
     5  proposals  that  informs  applicants of the purposes and availability of
     6  funds to be awarded and solicits proposals to provide services  consist-
     7  ent with this article. Agencies receiving funds pursuant to this section
     8  shall  utilize  the funds to provide services and activities designed to
     9  prevent or deter at-risk youth from  participating  in  gangs,  criminal
    10  activity,  or  violent behavior. Such funds may not be used for services
    11  or activities related to suppression, law enforcement, incarceration, or
    12  other purposes not related to the prevention and  deterrence  of  gangs,
    13  crime,  and  violence.  Nothing  in this subdivision shall prevent funds
    14  from being used  for  violence  prevention  and  gang  crime  deterrence
    15  services  provided by nonprofit agencies to youths incarcerated in juve-
    16  nile detention facilities. Services and activities provided  with  funds
    17  under  this  section  shall be used for at-risk youth who are defined as
    18  persons from age five to twenty years of age  and  who  are  current  or
    19  former  gang  members,  or who have one or more family members living at
    20  home who are current or former members of a gang.
    21    3. The department shall conduct an evaluation of the  criminal  street
    22  gang  and  violence  prevention  partnership  program after two years of
    23  program operation and each year thereafter, to assess the  effectiveness
    24  and  results  of the program. The evaluation shall be conducted by staff
    25  or an independent body that has experience in evaluating programs  oper-
    26  ated  by  community-based organizations or nonprofit agencies. After two
    27  years of program operation, and each  year  thereafter,  the  department
    28  shall  prepare and submit an annual report to the legislature describing
    29  in detail the operation of the program and the results obtained.
    30    § 12. Subdivision (f) of section 10.03 of the mental hygiene  law,  as
    31  amended  by  chapter  405  of  the  laws  of 2010, is amended to read as
    32  follows:
    33    (f) "Designated felony" means any felony offense defined by any of the
    34  following provisions of the penal law: assault in the second  degree  as
    35  defined  in  section  120.05,  assault in the first degree as defined in
    36  section 120.10, gang assault in the second degree as defined in  section
    37  [120.06]  495.05, gang assault in the first degree as defined in section
    38  [120.07] 495.06, stalking in the first  degree  as  defined  in  section
    39  120.60, strangulation in the second degree as defined in section 121.12,
    40  strangulation  in  the  first  degree  as  defined  in  section  121.13,
    41  manslaughter in the second degree  as  defined  in  subdivision  one  of
    42  section  125.15,  manslaughter in the first degree as defined in section
    43  125.20, murder in the second degree as defined in section 125.25, aggra-
    44  vated murder as defined in section 125.26, murder in the first degree as
    45  defined in section 125.27, kidnapping in the second degree as defined in
    46  section 135.20, kidnapping in the first degree  as  defined  in  section
    47  135.25,  burglary  in  the  third  degree  as defined in section 140.20,
    48  burglary in the second degree as defined in section 140.25, burglary  in
    49  the  first  degree  as  defined  in  section 140.30, arson in the second
    50  degree as defined in section  150.15,  arson  in  the  first  degree  as
    51  defined  in  section  150.20,  robbery in the third degree as defined in
    52  section 160.05, robbery in the  second  degree  as  defined  in  section
    53  160.10,  robbery  in  the  first  degree  as  defined in section 160.15,
    54  promoting prostitution in  the  second  degree  as  defined  in  section
    55  230.30, promoting prostitution in the first degree as defined in section
    56  230.32,  compelling  prostitution  as defined in section 230.33, dissem-

        A. 5252                            11
     1  inating indecent material to minors in the first degree  as  defined  in
     2  section  235.22,  use  of  a child in a sexual performance as defined in
     3  section 263.05, promoting an obscene sexual performance by  a  child  as
     4  defined  in section 263.10, promoting a sexual performance by a child as
     5  defined in section 263.15, or any felony attempt or conspiracy to commit
     6  any of the foregoing offenses.
     7    § 13. This act shall take effect on the first of January next succeed-
     8  ing the date on which it shall have become a law.