S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2011-2012 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                   February 10, 2011
       Introduced by M. of A. WRIGHT -- read once and referred to the Committee
         on Social Services
       AN ACT to amend the welfare reform act of 1997, the social services law,
         the  tax  law,  the banking law, the civil practice law and rules, the
         executive law, the family court act, the insurance law, the labor law,
         the lien law, the public service law, the real  property  actions  and
         proceedings  law,  the  state finance law, the vehicle and traffic law
         and the mental hygiene law, in relation to changing the  name  of  the
         office of temporary and disability assistance
    1    Section 1. Paragraph 2 of subdivision (a) of section 122 of part B  of
    2  chapter  436 of the laws of 1997, constituting the welfare reform act of
    3  1997, is amended to read as follows:
    4    (2) the office  of  [temporary  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC
    6    S  2.  Subdivision  14  of  section  22 of the social services law, as
    7  amended by chapter 524 of the laws  of  2005,  is  amended  to  read  as
    8  follows:
    9    14. To provide an analysis of the outcome of the fair hearings process
   10  within  the  office  of  [temporary  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC
   11  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY to identify inadequacies and potential  improve-
   12  ments  in the functioning of the fair hearings system, such office shall
   13  prepare for inclusion in the annual report required by  subdivision  (d)
   14  of  section  seventeen of this article to be filed with the governor and
   15  the legislature prior to the fifteenth day of December of each  year,  a
   16  report containing with respect to income maintenance programs, including
   17  the  family  assistance  program, the safety net assistance program, the
   18  medical assistance program and any other program, the number of affirma-
   19  tions and reversals by local districts and by program including a break-
   20  down by local districts of the number  of  fair  hearings  requested  by
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 5001                             2
    1  program and the number of fair hearings held by program, formal requests
    2  by  local  districts  and recipients for reconsideration or rehearing of
    3  appeals, and a summary of court actions on hearing decisions.
    4    S  3.  Paragraph  (f)  of  subdivision  5  of section 49 of the social
    5  services law, as added by chapter 204 of the laws of 1998, is amended to
    6  read as follows:
    7    (f) the provision of or  referral  to  support  services  designed  to
    8  stabilize  households  in  permanent  and  habitable  housing  including
    9  services related to substance abuse,  domestic  violence,  housekeeping,
   10  budgeting,  education,  day  care, employment, parenting, mental health,
   11  physical health, and such other services deemed necessary by the  office
   12  of  [temporary  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTU-
   13  NITY.  Service provided to homeless households pursuant  to  this  para-
   14  graph must be provided for a period of at least six months beginning the
   15  first  day  of  the  month  following  the month in which such household
   16  secured permanent housing.
   17    S 4. Section 51 of the social services law, as amended by chapter  204
   18  of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:
   19    S 51. Regulations. The office of [temporary and disability assistance]
   20  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall, in consultation with other agen-
   21  cies  deemed  appropriate by the commissioner, promulgate such rules and
   22  regulations as are necessary to carry out the provisions of  this  arti-
   23  cle.
   24    S 5. Subdivision 11 of section 95 of the social services law, as added
   25  by chapter 333 of the laws of 2002, is amended to read as follows:
   26    11.  Notwithstanding  any  other provision of law to the contrary, the
   27  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
   28  OPPORTUNITY  within  the department of family assistance shall develop a
   29  brief, simplified application form for the food stamp program only.  The
   30  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   31  OPPORTUNITY shall develop the  form  in  consultation  with  food  stamp
   32  outreach organizations and consider how the form may be used to reach as
   33  many potential applicants as possible, especially those over sixty years
   34  of age and those who are employed.
   35    S  6.  Subparagraph  1 of paragraph (b) of subdivision 12 and subpara-
   36  graph 1 of paragraph (b) of subdivision  15  of  section  111-b  of  the
   37  social  services law, as amended by chapter 624 of the laws of 2002, are
   38  amended to read as follows:
   39    (1) When a support obligor who is or was under a court  order  to  pay
   40  child  support  or  combined  child  and  spousal  support  to a support
   41  collection unit on behalf of persons receiving services under this title
   42  has accumulated support arrears equivalent to or greater than the amount
   43  of support due pursuant to such order for a period of four  months,  the
   44  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   45  OPPORTUNITY shall notify the support obligor in writing that his or  her
   46  continued  failure  to pay the support arrears shall result in notifica-
   47  tion to  the  department  of  motor  vehicles  to  suspend  the  support
   48  obligor's  driving  privileges  unless the support obligor complies with
   49  the requirements set forth in paragraph (e)  of  this  subdivision.  For
   50  purposes  of  determining  whether  a  support  obligor  has accumulated
   51  support arrears equivalent to or greater than the amount of support  due
   52  for  a  period  of  four  months, the amount of any retroactive support,
   53  other than periodic payments of retroactive support which are past  due,
   54  shall  not be included in the calculation of support arrears pursuant to
   55  this section; however, if at least four months of support  arrears  have
   56  accumulated subsequent to the date of the court order, the entire amount
       A. 5001                             3
    1  of  any  retroactive support may be collected pursuant to the provisions
    2  of this subdivision or as otherwise authorized by law.
    3    (1)  When  a  support obligor who is or was under a court order to pay
    4  child support or  combined  child  and  spousal  support  to  a  support
    5  collection unit on behalf of persons receiving services under this title
    6  has accumulated support arrears equivalent to or greater than the amount
    7  of  support  due pursuant to such order for a period of four months, the
    8  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
    9  OPPORTUNITY  shall notify the support obligor in writing that his or her
   10  continued failure to fully pay  the  support  arrears  shall  result  in
   11  notification  to  the  department  of taxation and finance that they are
   12  authorized to collect such  arrearage.    For  purposes  of  determining
   13  whether  a support obligor has accumulated support arrears equivalent to
   14  or greater than the amount of support due for a period of  four  months,
   15  the  amount  of any retroactive support, other than periodic payments of
   16  retroactive support which are past due, shall not  be  included  in  the
   17  calculation  of support arrears pursuant to this section; however, if at
   18  least four months of support arrears have accumulated subsequent to  the
   19  date  of  the  court order, the entire amount of any retroactive support
   20  may be collected pursuant to the provisions of this  subdivision  or  as
   21  otherwise authorized by law.
   22    S 7. Subdivisions 1 and 3 of section 111-u of the social services law,
   23  as  amended  by  chapter 624 of the laws of 2002, are amended to read as
   24  follows:
   25    1. The  office  of  [temporary  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC
   26  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY, or a social services district, or its author-
   27  ized representative shall have a lien against real and personal property
   28  owned by a support obligor when such support obligor is or was  under  a
   29  court  order  to pay child support or combined child and spousal support
   30  to a support collection unit on behalf  of  persons  receiving  services
   31  under  this title, and such obligor has accumulated support arrears/past
   32  due in an amount equal to or greater than  the  amount  of  support  due
   33  pursuant  to  such  order  for  a period of four months. Such lien shall
   34  incorporate unpaid support which accrues in the future.
   35    3. When the office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC
   36  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY, or a social services district, or its author-
   37  ized representative on behalf of a person receiving services pursuant to
   38  this title determines that the requisite amount of child support is past
   39  due, it shall send, by first class mail, a notice of intent  to  file  a
   40  lien  to  the support obligor.  The obligor may assert a mistake of fact
   41  and shall have an opportunity to make a submission  in  support  of  the
   42  assertion.  The  assertion  and any supporting papers shall be submitted
   43  within thirty-five days from the date a notice was  mailed.  Thereafter,
   44  the   social  services  district  shall  determine  the  merits  of  the
   45  assertion, and shall notify the  obligor  of  its  determination  within
   46  ninety days after notice to the obligor was mailed.
   47    S  8.  Subdivision  13 of section 131-a of the social services law, as
   48  added by chapter 477 of the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows:
   49    13. Pursuant to regulations of the office of [temporary and disability
   50  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, public  assistance  eligi-
   51  bility  shall,  to the extent permitted by federal law, not lapse solely
   52  by reason of the death of the adult relative caretaker of a minor child,
   53  until arrangements are completed for the addition of the child to anoth-
   54  er public assistance household, reclassification  of  the  case,  foster
   55  care or other appropriate financial support. For purposes of subdivision
   56  eight  of  section  one  hundred fifty-three of this article, safety net
       A. 5001                             4
    1  assistance given to such a child during the first forty-five days  after
    2  application  therefor shall be regarded as being given to meet emergency
    3  circumstances.
    4    S  9.  Subdivision  4  of section 131-i of the social services law, as
    5  added by chapter 513 of the laws of 1999, is amended to read as follows:
    6    4. From amounts appropriated for such purpose, the department of labor
    7  in consultation with the office of [temporary and disability assistance]
    8  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY is hereby authorized  and  directed  to
    9  solicit proposals to establish up to four new family loan programs. Such
   10  programs  shall  operate  according to provisions set forth in [subdivi-
   11  sion] SUBDIVISIONS one through three of this section; provided, however,
   12  that such programs may provide no- or low-interest  loans,  and  further
   13  provided  that  applications submitted by a consortium of not-for-profit
   14  organizations or local  government  agencies  shall  be  viewed  as  one
   15  program  and may receive greater funding by the department of labor than
   16  an application submitted by a single organization or agency.  Low-inter-
   17  est  loans  shall not exceed a rate greater than two-thirds of the prime
   18  rate. No not-for-profit organization or local government agency  awarded
   19  funding  from appropriations made in the nineteen hundred ninety-seven--
   20  nineteen hundred ninety-eight fiscal year shall be  eligible  for  funds
   21  made  available from appropriations made in the nineteen hundred ninety-
   22  nine--two thousand fiscal year.
   23    S 10. Subdivisions 1, 2 and 3 of section 131-aa of the social services
   24  law, subdivisions 1 and 3 as amended  and  subdivision  2  as  added  by
   25  section  5  of  part J of chapter 58 of the laws of 2006, are amended to
   26  read as follows:
   27    1. Reporting requirements. The commissioner of the office  of  [tempo-
   28  rary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall
   29  issue, within sixty days of the end of each month, a monthly statistical
   30  report containing each of the tables in  the  March  two  thousand  four
   31  Temporary and Disability assistance statistics report as provided on the
   32  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   33  OPPORTUNITY website. Such report  shall  also  include  aggregate  total
   34  claims  for  both  New  York  city  and the rest of the state related to
   35  [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY
   36  not  already included in the March 2004 Temporary and Disability Assist-
   37  ance Statistics report as provided on the office of [temporary and disa-
   38  bility assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY website. The commis-
   39  sioner  may  also  include   similar   tables   containing   statistical
   40  information  including,  but  not  limited to, [temporary and disability
   41  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY claims on  emergency  child
   42  care, family shelter, shelter for victims of domestic violence, eviction
   43  prevention  including, but not limited to, security deposits and brokers
   44  fees, supplemental claims, cancellations or  refunds,  drug  or  alcohol
   45  treatment,  and  increased  costs  associated with cases for individuals
   46  with AIDS. The commissioner  may  also  include  any  other  statistical
   47  information  related  to  [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC
   48  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY that he or she  deems  to  be  appropriate.  The
   49  commissioner  shall  also,  within  sixty days of the completion of each
   50  quarter of the state fiscal year, issue an update of monthly  [temporary
   51  and  disability  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY claims for
   52  each of the previous twenty-four months based on actual claims  received
   53  by  the end of such quarter; provided, however, the update following the
   54  third quarter of the state fiscal year shall be completed within  thirty
   55  days.  Such  update  shall  include  the total number of recipients, the
   56  monthly average payment, and total claims, received by the end  of  such
       A. 5001                             5
    1  quarter,  for  New  York  city,  the  rest of the state, and total state
    2  claims.
    3    2.  Additional  reporting requirements. In addition to the information
    4  required to be included in the monthly statistical  report  pursuant  to
    5  subdivision  one  of  this  section,  the  commissioner of the office of
    6  [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY
    7  shall  include  in  such monthly statistical report detailed tables with
    8  comprehensive data for federally  participating  family  assistance  and
    9  safety net cases, safety net non-maintenance of effort cases, and safety
   10  net  maintenance  of  effort  cases,  for each county and New York city,
   11  according to the following categories:
   12    (a) Work participation rates.  A  statistical  table  containing  data
   13  related  to  federally  required work participation rates including, but
   14  not limited to, the numerator applied to  the  required  federal  calcu-
   15  lation for work participation and the denominator applied to the federal
   16  calculation  for  work participation; and any other information that the
   17  commissioner deems to be appropriate.
   18    (b) Earned income. A statistical table containing data related to  the
   19  aggregate  amount of earned income reported by public assistance recipi-
   20  ents including, but not limited to, aggregate earned income used in  the
   21  calculation  of  public  assistance  benefits, both before and after the
   22  earnings disregard is applied to such benefits, the number of cases  for
   23  which earned income is applied to the calculation of such benefits, both
   24  before  and after the earnings disregard, and any other information that
   25  the commissioner deems to be appropriate.
   26    (c) Sanctioned cases. A statistical table containing data  related  to
   27  the  number of cases in sanction status and the reason for such sanction
   28  including, but not limited to, the number of sanctioned  cases  included
   29  in  the federal work participation calculation, the number of sanctioned
   30  cases not included in the federal work  participation  calculation,  and
   31  any other information that the commissioner deems to be appropriate.
   32    (d)  Home  energy  assistance  program (HEAP). For each county and New
   33  York city, a statistical table containing data related to the allocation
   34  of federal and state monies for the HEAP  program  and  the  number  and
   35  dollar  amount  of  benefits provided including, but not limited to, the
   36  number, dollar amount and average dollar amount of regular autopay bene-
   37  fits, regular non-autopay benefits, emergency benefits,  allocation  for
   38  administrative  costs,  and  any other information that the commissioner
   39  deems to be appropriate.
   40    3. Upon issuance, the reports required by this section shall be posted
   41  on the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC  SUPPORT
   42  AND OPPORTUNITY website, and shall also be submitted by the commissioner
   43  to  the  governor, the temporary president of the senate, the speaker of
   44  the assembly, the chair of the senate finance committee and the chair of
   45  the assembly ways and means committee.
   46    S 11. Subdivision 17 of section 153 of the  social  services  law,  as
   47  added  by  section  1  of  part  J of chapter 58 of the laws of 2006, is
   48  amended to read as follows:
   49    17. From an amount specifically appropriated therefor, the commission-
   50  er of the office  of  [temporary  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC
   51  SUPPORT  AND OPPORTUNITY shall provide additional enhanced reimbursement
   52  for administration of income maintenance, food  stamps,  and  employment
   53  programs  to social services districts which meet the work participation
   54  rates set forth in subdivision seven of section  three  hundred  thirty-
   55  five-b  of  this  chapter. The amount of reimbursement available to each
   56  social services district shall be established by the commissioner of the
       A. 5001                             6
    1  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
    2  OPPORTUNITY  with  the  approval of the director of the budget. Separate
    3  amounts of  reimbursement  shall  be  available  to  a  social  services
    4  district  for  meeting each of the following categories:  for households
    5  receiving assistance funded under the federal temporary  assistance  for
    6  needy  families  block grant program in which there is an adult or minor
    7  head of household; and for households with dependent children  in  which
    8  there  is  an  adult  or  minor head of household and which is receiving
    9  safety net assistance and payment for which is used to meet  the  feder-
   10  ally  required  maintenance  of  effort for the temporary assistance for
   11  needy families block grant. The  office  of  [temporary  and  disability
   12  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY may advance reimbursement
   13  that would be available for full compliance and may recover any  amounts
   14  unearned by the district by withholding any other reimbursement due from
   15  the state to the social services district.
   16    S  12.  Subdivision  12  of section 159 of the social services law, as
   17  added by section 4 of part J of chapter 58  of  the  laws  of  2006,  is
   18  amended to read as follows:
   19    12.  To  the extent allowable under federal law and to the extent that
   20  the state has spending sufficient to exceed the federally required main-
   21  tenance of effort for the temporary assistance for needy families  block
   22  grant,  the  office  of  [temporary  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC
   23  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY may maximize the state's work participation rate
   24  by targeting safety net assistance payments utilized to meet the  feder-
   25  ally  required  maintenance  of  effort for the temporary assistance for
   26  needy families block grant to safety net assistance cases that  are  not
   27  exempt  from  work activities, that have not been in sanction status for
   28  over three months, and that do not include two parents who are  eligible
   29  for  assistance  who live in the same dwelling unit, or to other catego-
   30  ries of cases, as defined by the office  of  [temporary  and  disability
   31  assistance]  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, that have no other poten-
   32  tial impediments to participating in countable federal work activities.
   33    S 13. Subdivision 1 of section 210 of  the  social  services  law,  as
   34  amended  by  chapter  515  of  the  laws  of 2006, is amended to read as
   35  follows:
   36    1. Any inconsistent provisions of this title or any other law notwith-
   37  standing, but subject to the provisions of subdivisions two and three of
   38  this section, an individual who is deemed to have  met  the  eligibility
   39  criteria  for  additional  state  payments  pursuant to paragraph (c) of
   40  subdivision one of section two hundred nine  of  this  title,  shall  be
   41  entitled  to  receive  for  each  month after December, nineteen hundred
   42  seventy-three an additional state payment in an amount which, when added
   43  to the supplemental security income benefit and other countable  income,
   44  is  equal  to such individual's December, nineteen hundred seventy-three
   45  cash grant of assistance under the state's program of  old  age  assist-
   46  ance,  assistance  to  the  blind,  aid  to the disabled or the combined
   47  program of aid to aged, blind and  disabled  persons,  plus  income  not
   48  excluded  under such state program, plus an amount equal to the January,
   49  nineteen hundred seventy-two bonus value of food stamps as determined in
   50  accordance with the regulations of the office of [temporary and disabil-
   51  ity assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY  plus,  for  any  month
   52  after  June,  nineteen  hundred  seventy-five,  an amount reflecting the
   53  federal supplemental security increases resulting from July first, nine-
   54  teen hundred seventy-five cost of living  increases  in  such  benefits,
   55  plus  for  any  month after June, nineteen hundred eighty-two, an amount
   56  equal to the July first, nineteen  hundred  eighty-two  federal  supple-
       A. 5001                             7
    1  mental  security  income cost of living adjustment, providing such indi-
    2  vidual was eligible to receive a  mandatory  state  supplement  for  the
    3  month of December, nineteen hundred eighty-one, plus for any month after
    4  June, nineteen hundred eighty-three, an amount equal to $17.70 for indi-
    5  viduals,  $26.55  for couples who are living alone or living with others
    6  and $35.40 for couples receiving family care, residential care  or  care
    7  in schools for the mentally retarded, plus for any month after December,
    8  nineteen hundred eighty-three, an amount equal to $9.70 for individuals,
    9  $15.60 for couples who are living alone or living with others and $19.40
   10  for  couples  receiving family care, residential care or care in schools
   11  for the mentally retarded, plus for any month after  December,  nineteen
   12  hundred  eighty-four,  an amount equal to $11.00 for individuals, $16.00
   13  for couples who are living alone or living with others  and  $22.00  for
   14  couples  receiving  family care, residential care or care in schools for
   15  the mentally retarded, plus  for  any  month  after  December,  nineteen
   16  hundred  eighty-five,  an amount equal to $11.00 for individuals, $16.00
   17  for couples who are living alone or living with others  and  $22.00  for
   18  couples  receiving  family care, residential care or care in schools for
   19  the mentally retarded, plus  for  any  month  after  December,  nineteen
   20  hundred  eighty-six  an amount equal to $4.00 for individuals, $6.00 for
   21  couples who are living alone or living with others and $8.00 for couples
   22  receiving family care, residential care  or  care  in  schools  for  the
   23  mentally  retarded,  plus for any month after December, nineteen hundred
   24  eighty-seven an amount equal  to  $14.00  for  individuals,  $22.00  for
   25  couples  who  are  living  alone  or  living  with others and $28.00 for
   26  couples receiving family care, residential care or care in  schools  for
   27  the  mentally  retarded,  plus  for  any  month after December, nineteen
   28  hundred eighty-eight an amount equal to $14.00 for  individuals,  $21.00
   29  for  couples  who  are living alone or living with others and $28.00 for
   30  couples receiving family care, residential care or care in  schools  for
   31  the mentally retarded, plus for any other month after December, nineteen
   32  hundred  eighty-nine  an  amount equal to $18.00 for individuals, $27.00
   33  for couples who are living alone or living with others  and  $36.00  for
   34  couples  receiving  family care, residential care or care in schools for
   35  the mentally retarded, plus  for  any  month  after  December,  nineteen
   36  hundred  ninety  an  amount  equal to $21.00 for individuals, $31.00 for
   37  couples who are living alone  or  living  with  others  and  $42.00  for
   38  couples  receiving  family care, residential care or care in schools for
   39  the mentally retarded, plus  for  any  month  after  December,  nineteen
   40  hundred ninety-one an amount equal to $15.00 for individuals, $23.00 for
   41  couples  who  are  living  alone  or  living  with others and $30.00 for
   42  couples receiving family care, residential care or care in  schools  for
   43  the  mentally  retarded,  plus  for  any  month after December, nineteen
   44  hundred ninety-two, an amount equal to $12.00  for  individuals,  $19.00
   45  for  couples  who  are living alone or living with others and $24.00 for
   46  couples receiving family care, residential care or care in  schools  for
   47  the  mentally  retarded  plus  for  any  month  after December, nineteen
   48  hundred ninety-three an amount equal to $12.00 for  individuals,  $17.00
   49  for  couples  who  are living alone or living with others and $24.00 for
   50  couples receiving family care, residential care or care in  schools  for
   51  the  mentally  retarded  plus  for  any  month  after December, nineteen
   52  hundred ninety-four an amount equal to $12.00  for  individuals,  $18.00
   53  for  couples  who  are living alone or living with others and $24.00 for
   54  couples receiving family care, residential care or care in  schools  for
   55  the  mentally  retarded,  plus  for  any  month after December, nineteen
   56  hundred ninety-five an amount equal to $12.00  for  individuals,  $18.00
       A. 5001                             8
    1  for  couples  who  are living alone or living with others and $24.00 for
    2  couples receiving family care, residential care or care in  schools  for
    3  the  mentally  retarded,  plus  for  any  month after December, nineteen
    4  hundred ninety-six, an amount equal to $14.00 for individuals and $21.00
    5  for  couples plus for any month after December, nineteen hundred ninety-
    6  seven an amount equal to $10.00 for individuals and $15.00  for  couples
    7  plus  for  any  month  after  December, nineteen hundred ninety-eight an
    8  amount equal to $6.00 for individuals and $11.00 for  couples  plus  for
    9  any  month  after December, nineteen hundred ninety-nine an amount equal
   10  to $13.00 for individuals and $18.00 for  couples  plus  for  any  month
   11  after  December,  two thousand an amount equal to $18.00 for individuals
   12  and $27.00 for couples plus for any month after December,  two  thousand
   13  one  an  amount  equal  to $15.00 for individuals and $21.00 for couples
   14  plus for any month after December, two thousand two an amount  equal  to
   15  $7.00  for  individuals  and $12.00 for couples plus for any month after
   16  December, two thousand three an amount equal to $12.00  for  individuals
   17  and  $17.00  for couples plus for any month after December, two thousand
   18  four an amount equal to $15.00 for individuals and  $23.00  for  couples
   19  plus  for any month after December, two thousand five an amount equal to
   20  $24.00 for individuals and $35.00 for couples plus for any  month  after
   21  December,  two  thousand  six  an  amount  equal  to  the  amount of any
   22  increases in federal supplemental security income benefits for  individ-
   23  uals  or couples pursuant to section 1617 of the Social Security Act (42
   24  USC S 1382f) which become effective on or after January first, two thou-
   25  sand seven.
   26    S 14. Paragraphs a and b of subdivision 1 of section 330 of the social
   27  services law, as amended by section 2 of part C of  chapter  57  of  the
   28  laws of 2005, are amended to read as follows:
   29    a.  the term "commissioner" means the commissioner of the state office
   30  of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTU-
   31  NITY; and
   32    b.  the  term  "department"  means  the state office of [temporary and
   33  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY.
   34    S 15. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 2 of section 332-b  of  the  social
   35  services  law, as amended by chapter 214 of the laws of 1998, is amended
   36  to read as follows:
   37    (b) If, prior to submitting his  or  her  medical  documentation,  the
   38  individual  is  referred  to a health care practitioner certified by the
   39  office of disability determinations of  the  office  of  [temporary  and
   40  disability  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or, if applica-
   41  ble, to the contracted agency or  institution  by  or  with  which  such
   42  health  care  practitioner  is employed or affiliated for an examination
   43  pursuant to subdivision four of this section, such individual shall make
   44  best efforts to bring such documentation to the examination, and  in  no
   45  case shall provide such records to the examining health care practition-
   46  er  certified by the office of disability determinations or, if applica-
   47  ble, to the contracted agency or  institution  by  or  with  which  such
   48  health care practitioner is employed or affiliated later than four busi-
   49  ness  days  after  such  examination;  provided  that the individual may
   50  demonstrate good cause as defined in regulations, for failure to provide
   51  such records within the specific time periods.
   52    S 16. Paragraphs (a), (b) and (d) of subdivision 1 of section 335-b of
   53  the social services law, as amended by section 2 of part J of chapter 58
   54  of the laws of 2006, are amended to read as follows:
   55    (a) Such rate for all families receiving assistance funded  under  the
   56  federal  temporary  assistance  for  needy  families program shall be as
       A. 5001                             9
    1  follows: for federal fiscal year nineteen hundred ninety-seven,  twenty-
    2  five  percent;  nineteen  hundred ninety-eight, thirty percent; nineteen
    3  hundred ninety-nine, thirty-five percent; two thousand,  forty  percent;
    4  two  thousand  one, forty-five percent; two thousand two and thereafter,
    5  fifty percent. Such rates shall apply unless the state  is  required  to
    6  meet  a  different  rate  as imposed by the federal government, in which
    7  case such different rate shall apply in accordance  with  a  methodology
    8  approved  by the commissioner of the office of [temporary and disability
   10    (b) Such rate for  two-parent  families  receiving  assistance  funded
   11  under  the federal temporary assistance for needy families program shall
   12  be as follows: for federal fiscal years  nineteen  hundred  ninety-seven
   13  and   nineteen  hundred  ninety-eight,  seventy-five  percent;  nineteen
   14  hundred ninety-nine and thereafter,  ninety  percent.  Such  rate  shall
   15  apply  unless  the state is required to meet a different rate as imposed
   16  by the federal government, in which case such different rate shall apply
   17  in accordance with a methodology approved by  the  commissioner  of  the
   18  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   20    (d) Calculation of participation rates. The commissioner of the office
   21  of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTU-
   22  NITY  shall  promulgate  regulations which define the participation rate
   23  calculation. Such calculation for families receiving  assistance  funded
   24  under the federal temporary assistance for needy families program pursu-
   25  ant  to article IV-A of the social security act shall be consistent with
   26  that established in federal law.
   27    S 17. Section 335-c of the social services law, as added by section  1
   28  of  part  H  of  chapter  109 of the laws of 2006, is amended to read as
   29  follows:
   30    S 335-c. Pilot programs.  From  the  funds  specifically  appropriated
   31  therefor  the  commissioner  of  the office of [temporary and disability
   32  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY  in  cooperation  with  the
   33  commissioner  of  the office of children and family services may conduct
   34  pilot programs in up to five social services districts to provide inten-
   35  sive employment and other supportive services  including  job  readiness
   36  and  job  placement services to non-custodial parents who are unemployed
   37  or who are working less than twenty hours per week; who  are  recipients
   38  of public assistance or whose income does not exceed two hundred percent
   39  of the federal poverty level; and who have a child support order payable
   40  through  the  support  collection unit as created by section one hundred
   41  eleven-h of this chapter or have had paternity established  for  his  or
   42  her  child  and a court proceeding has been initiated to obtain an order
   43  of child support, and the custodial or non-custodial parent is receiving
   44  child support services through a social services district. Non-custodial
   45  parents determined  to  be  eligible  for  participation  in  the  pilot
   46  programs  shall  be  informed  of the opportunity to participate in such
   47  programs on a voluntary basis. The pilot  programs  shall  have  as  one
   48  component  parenting education for the non-custodial parents. Non-custo-
   49  dial parents shall be required to attend such parenting education  as  a
   50  condition of participating in the pilot programs.
   51    S  18. Section 366-h of the social services law, as added by section 7
   52  of part B of chapter 57 of the laws of  2000,  is  amended  to  read  as
   53  follows:
   54    S 366-h. Automated system; established. Notwithstanding any inconsist-
   55  ent provision of law or regulation, the commissioner of health shall, as
   56  soon  as  practicable,  establish  an  automated  system  to ensure that
       A. 5001                            10
    1  persons who meet the criteria for receipt of medical assistance benefits
    2  under paragraph (a) or (c) of subdivision four of section three  hundred
    3  sixty-six  of this title shall remain enrolled in the medical assistance
    4  program  without interruption and receive the benefits set forth accord-
    5  ing to paragraph (a) or (c) of subdivision four of section three hundred
    6  sixty-six of  this  title.  Pending  implementation  of  such  automated
    7  system,  such  commissioner  shall,  in  consultation with the office of
    8  [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND  OPPORTUNITY,
    9  undertake  and  continue  efforts to educate local departments of social
   10  services about the measures  they  must  take  to  ensure  that  medical
   11  assistance  benefits  are provided to persons eligible for such benefits
   12  under subdivision four of section three hundred sixty-six of this title.
   13  A report on the progress to implement such  automated  system  shall  be
   14  submitted  annually  to  the governor and the legislature by the commis-
   15  sioner of health.
   16    S 19. Subdivision 13 of section 367-b of the social services  law,  as
   17  amended  by  section  8  of part C of chapter 63 of the laws of 2001, is
   18  amended to read as follows:
   19    13. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision  of  law,  in  lieu  of
   20  payments  authorized  by  this chapter and/or any of the general fund or
   21  special revenue other appropriations made to the  office  of  [temporary
   22  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND OPPORTUNITY and the
   23  office of children and family services,  from  funds  otherwise  due  to
   24  local  social services districts or in lieu of payments of federal funds
   25  otherwise due to local social services districts for  programs  provided
   26  under  the  federal social security act or the federal food stamp act or
   27  the low income home energy assistance program, funds in  amounts  certi-
   28  fied  by  the  commissioner  of  the office of [temporary and disability
   29  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or the commissioner of  the
   30  office  of children and family services or the commissioner of health as
   31  due from local social services districts as their share of payments made
   32  pursuant to this section, may be set-aside by the state  comptroller  in
   33  an interest-bearing account with such interest accruing to the credit of
   34  the  locality,  pursuant  to an estimate provided by the commissioner of
   35  health of a local social services district's share of medical assistance
   36  payments, except that in the case of the city of New York,  such  set-a-
   37  side  shall be subject first to the requirements of [a] section EIGHT OF
   38  PART C of [the] chapter SIXTY-THREE of the  laws  of  two  thousand  one
   39  which  enacted  this  provision, and then subject to the requirements of
   40  paragraph (i) of subdivision (b) of section two hundred twenty-two-a  of
   41  chapter  four hundred seventy-four of the laws of nineteen hundred nine-
   42  ty-six prior to the application of this subdivision. Should funds other-
   43  wise payable to a local social  services  district  from  appropriations
   44  made  to  the  office  of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC
   45  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, the office of children and family services, and
   46  the department of health be insufficient to fully fund the amounts iden-
   47  tified by the commissioner of health as necessary to liquidate the local
   48  share of payments to be made pursuant to this section on behalf  of  the
   49  local  social services district, the commissioner of health may identify
   50  other state or federal payments payable to that  local  social  services
   51  district  or  any  other county agency including, but not limited to the
   52  county department of health,  from  appropriations  made  to  the  state
   53  department  of  health, and may authorize the state comptroller, upon no
   54  less than five  days  written  notice  to  such  local  social  services
   55  district  or such other county agency, to set-aside such payments in the
   56  interest-bearing account with such interest accruing to  the  credit  of
       A. 5001                            11
    1  the locality. Upon such determination by the commissioner of health that
    2  insufficient  funds  are payable to a local social services district and
    3  any other county agency receiving payments from the office of [temporary
    4  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, the office
    5  of children and family services, and the state department of health from
    6  appropriations made to these agencies, the state comptroller shall, upon
    7  no less than five days written notice  to  such  local  social  services
    8  district  or such other county agency, withhold payments from any of the
    9  general fund - local assistance accounts or payments made  from  any  of
   10  the  special  revenue  -  federal  local  assistance accounts, provided,
   11  however, that such federal payments shall be withheld  only  after  such
   12  federal  funds  are  properly  credited  to the county through vouchers,
   13  claims or other warrants properly received, approved, and  paid  by  the
   14  state  comptroller,  and  set-aside  such disbursements in the interest-
   15  bearing account with such interest accruing to the credit of the locali-
   16  ty until such time that the amount withheld from each county  is  deter-
   17  mined  by the commissioner of health to be sufficient to fully liquidate
   18  the local share of payments, as estimated by the commissioner of health,
   19  to be made pursuant to this section  on  behalf  of  that  local  social
   20  services district.
   21    S  20.  Subdivision  1  of  section 483 of the social services law, as
   22  amended by section 62 of part A of chapter 56 of the laws  of  2010,  is
   23  amended to read as follows:
   24    1. There shall be a council on children and families established with-
   25  in  the office of children and family services consisting of the follow-
   26  ing members: the state commissioner of children and family services, the
   27  commissioner of [temporary and disability assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT
   28  AND  OPPORTUNITY, the commissioner of mental health, the commissioner of
   29  mental retardation and developmental disabilities, the  commissioner  of
   30  the  office of alcoholism and substance abuse services, the commissioner
   31  of education, the director of the office of probation  and  correctional
   32  alternatives,  the commissioner of health, the commissioner of the divi-
   33  sion of criminal justice services, the state advocate for  persons  with
   34  disabilities, the director of the office for the aging, the commissioner
   35  of  labor,  and  the  chair of the commission on quality of care for the
   36  mentally disabled. The governor shall designate the chair of the council
   37  and the chief executive officer (CEO).
   38    S 21. Subdivisions (a)  and  (b)  of  section  483-bb  of  the  social
   39  services law, as added by chapter 74 of the laws of 2007, are amended to
   40  read as follows:
   41    (a)  The  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC
   42  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY may coordinate with and assist  law  enforcement
   43  agencies  and district attorney's offices to access appropriate services
   44  for human trafficking victims.
   45    (b) In providing such assistance, the office of [temporary  and  disa-
   46  bility  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY  may enter into
   47  contracts with non-government organizations for  providing  services  to
   48  pre-certified victims of human trafficking as defined in subdivision (b)
   49  of  section  four  hundred  eighty-three-aa  of this article, insofar as
   50  funds are available for that purpose. Such services may include, but are
   51  not limited to, case management,  emergency  temporary  housing,  health
   52  care,  mental health counseling, drug addiction screening and treatment,
   53  language  interpretation  and  translation  services,  English  language
   54  instruction,  job  training  and  placement  assistance, post-employment
   55  services for job retention, and services to assist  the  individual  and
   56  any  of  his or her family members to establish a permanent residence in
       A. 5001                            12
    1  New York state or the United  States.  Nothing  in  this  section  shall
    2  preclude  the  office  of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC
    3  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, or any local  social  services  district,  from
    4  providing  human  trafficking  victims who are United States citizens or
    5  human trafficking victims who meet the criteria pursuant to section  one
    6  hundred  twenty-two  of  this  chapter with any benefits or services for
    7  which they otherwise may be eligible.
    8    S 22. Subdivisions (a)  and  (b)  of  section  483-cc  of  the  social
    9  services law, as added by chapter 74 of the laws of 2007, are amended to
   10  read as follows:
   11    (a)  As  soon as practicable after a first encounter with a person who
   12  reasonably appears to a law enforcement agency or a district  attorney's
   13  office  to  be  a  human trafficking victim, that agency or office shall
   14  notify the office of  [temporary  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC
   15  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY  and the division of criminal justice services
   16  that such person may be eligible for services under this article.
   17    (b) Upon receipt of such a  notification,  the  division  of  criminal
   18  justice  services,  in  consultation  with  the office of [temporary and
   19  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY and  the  refer-
   20  ring  agency  or  office, shall make a preliminary assessment of whether
   21  such victim or possible victim appears to meet the criteria for  certif-
   22  ication  as  a  victim  of  a  severe  form of trafficking in persons as
   23  defined in section 7105 of title 22 of the United States Code (Traffick-
   24  ing Victims Protection) or appears to  be  otherwise  eligible  for  any
   25  federal,  state or local benefits and services. If it is determined that
   26  the victim appears to meet such criteria, the office of  [temporary  and
   27  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall report the
   28  finding  to  the  victim, and to the referring law enforcement agency or
   29  district attorney's office, and may assist  that  agency  or  office  in
   30  having  such victim receive services from a case management provider who
   31  may be under contract with  the  office  of  [temporary  and  disability
   32  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, or from any other avail-
   33  able source. If the victim or possible victim is under the age of  eigh-
   34  teen,  the  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC
   35  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY also shall notify the local department of social
   36  services in the county where the child was found.
   37    S 23. Subdivision (a) of section 483-ee of the social services law, as
   38  amended by section 5 of part A-1 of chapter 56 of the laws of  2010,  is
   39  amended to read as follows:
   40    (a)  There  is established an interagency task force on trafficking in
   41  persons, which shall consist of the following members  or  their  desig-
   42  nees: (1) the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services;
   43  (2)  the commissioner of the office of [temporary and disability assist-
   44  ance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY; (3) the commissioner of  health;
   45  (4) the commissioner of the office of mental health; (5) the commission-
   46  er  of  labor; (6) the commissioner of the office of children and family
   47  services; (7) the commissioner of the office of alcoholism and substance
   48  abuse services; (8) the director of the office of victim  services;  (9)
   49  the  executive  director  of  the  office for the prevention of domestic
   50  violence; and (10) the superintendent of the division of  state  police;
   51  and  others as may be necessary to carry out the duties and responsibil-
   52  ities under this section. The task  force  will  be  co-chaired  by  the
   53  commissioners  of  the  division  of  criminal  justice services and the
   54  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
   55  OPPORTUNITY, or their designees.  It shall meet as often as is necessary
       A. 5001                            13
    1  and  under  circumstances  as  are  appropriate to fulfilling its duties
    2  under this section.
    3    S  24. Paragraph 1 of subsection (c) and paragraph 1 of subsection (d)
    4  of section 606 of the tax law, paragraph 1 of subsection (c) as  amended
    5  by  section  1 of part M and paragraph 1 of subsection (d) as amended by
    6  section 1 of part Q of chapter 63 of the laws of 2000,  are  amended  to
    7  read as follows:
    8    (1)  A  taxpayer shall be allowed a credit as provided herein equal to
    9  the applicable percentage of the credit allowable under section  twenty-
   10  one  of  the  internal  revenue  code for the same taxable year (without
   11  regard to whether the taxpayer in fact claimed  the  credit  under  such
   12  section  twenty-one  for  such  taxable year). The applicable percentage
   13  shall be the sum of (i) twenty percent and (ii) a multiplier  multiplied
   14  by  a  fraction. For taxable years beginning in nineteen hundred ninety-
   15  six and nineteen hundred ninety-seven, the numerator  of  such  fraction
   16  shall  be the lesser of (i) four thousand dollars or (ii) fourteen thou-
   17  sand dollars less the New York adjusted gross  income  for  the  taxable
   18  year,  provided, however, the numerator shall not be less than zero. For
   19  the taxable year beginning in nineteen hundred ninety-eight, the numera-
   20  tor of such fraction shall  be  the  lesser  of  (i)  thirteen  thousand
   21  dollars or (ii) thirty thousand dollars less the New York adjusted gross
   22  income  for the taxable year, provided, however, the numerator shall not
   23  be less than zero. For taxable years beginning in nineteen hundred nine-
   24  ty-nine, the numerator of such fraction  shall  be  the  lesser  of  (i)
   25  fifteen  thousand  dollars  or  (ii) fifty thousand dollars less the New
   26  York adjusted gross income for the taxable year, provided, however,  the
   27  numerator shall not be less than zero. For taxable years beginning after
   28  nineteen  hundred  ninety-nine,  the numerator of such fraction shall be
   29  the lesser of (i) fifteen thousand dollars or (ii)  sixty-five  thousand
   30  dollars  less  the  New York adjusted gross income for the taxable year,
   31  provided, however, the numerator shall not be less than zero. The denom-
   32  inator of such fraction shall be four thousand dollars for taxable years
   33  beginning in nineteen hundred ninety-six and  nineteen  hundred  ninety-
   34  seven, thirteen thousand dollars for the taxable year beginning in nine-
   35  teen  hundred  ninety-eight,  and  fifteen  thousand dollars for taxable
   36  years beginning after  nineteen  hundred  ninety-eight.  The  multiplier
   37  shall  be  ten  percent  for taxable years beginning in nineteen hundred
   38  ninety-six, forty  percent  for  taxable  years  beginning  in  nineteen
   39  hundred  ninety-seven,  and  eighty  percent for taxable years beginning
   40  after nineteen hundred  ninety-seven.  Provided,  however,  for  taxable
   41  years  beginning  after nineteen hundred ninety-nine, for a person whose
   42  New York adjusted gross income is less than forty thousand dollars, such
   43  applicable percentage shall be equal to (i) one  hundred  percent,  plus
   44  (ii)  ten  percent multiplied by a fraction whose numerator shall be the
   45  lesser of (i) fifteen thousand dollars or (ii)  forty  thousand  dollars
   46  less  the  New York adjusted gross income for the taxable year, provided
   47  such numerator shall not be less than zero, and whose denominator  shall
   48  be  fifteen  thousand  dollars. Provided, further, that if the reversion
   49  event, as defined in this paragraph, occurs, the  applicable  percentage
   50  shall, for taxable years ending on or after the date on which the rever-
   51  sion  event  occurred,  be  determined using the rules specified in this
   52  paragraph applicable to taxable  years  beginning  in  nineteen  hundred
   53  ninety-nine. The reversion event shall be deemed to have occurred on the
   54  date  on which federal action, including but not limited to, administra-
   55  tive, statutory or regulatory changes, materially reduces or  eliminates
   56  New  York  state's  allocation  of  the federal temporary assistance for
       A. 5001                            14
    1  needy families block grant, or materially reduces  the  ability  of  the
    2  state  to  spend  federal  temporary assistance for needy families block
    3  grant funds for the credit for  certain  household  and  dependent  care
    4  services necessary for gainful employment or to apply state general fund
    5  spending on the credit for certain household and dependent care services
    6  necessary  for  gainful  employment  toward the temporary assistance for
    7  needy families block grant maintenance of effort  requirement,  and  the
    8  commissioner  of  the  office  of  [temporary and disability assistance]
    9  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall certify the date of such event to
   10  the commissioner, the director of the division of the budget, the speak-
   11  er of the assembly and the temporary president of the senate.
   12    (1) General. A taxpayer shall be allowed a credit as  provided  herein
   13  equal  to  (i)  the  applicable  percentage  of the earned income credit
   14  allowed under section thirty-two of the internal revenue  code  for  the
   15  same taxable year, (ii) reduced by the credit permitted under subsection
   16  (b) of this section.
   17    The  applicable percentage shall be (i) seven and one-half percent for
   18  taxable years  beginning  in  nineteen  hundred  ninety-four,  (ii)  ten
   19  percent  for  taxable  years  beginning in nineteen hundred ninety-five,
   20  (iii) twenty percent for taxable years beginning after nineteen  hundred
   21  ninety-five  and  before  two  thousand,  (iv)  twenty-two  and one-half
   22  percent for taxable years beginning in  two  thousand,  (v)  twenty-five
   23  percent  for  taxable  years beginning in two thousand one, (vi) twenty-
   24  seven and one-half percent for taxable years beginning in  two  thousand
   25  two,  and  (vii) thirty percent for taxable years beginning in two thou-
   26  sand three and thereafter. Provided,  however,  that  if  the  reversion
   27  event,  as  defined in this paragraph, occurs, the applicable percentage
   28  shall be twenty percent for taxable years ending on or after the date on
   29  which the reversion event occurred. The reversion event shall be  deemed
   30  to  have occurred on the date on which federal action, including but not
   31  limited to, administrative, statutory or regulatory changes,  materially
   32  reduces  or eliminates New York state's allocation of the federal tempo-
   33  rary assistance for needy families block grant,  or  materially  reduces
   34  the ability of the state to spend federal temporary assistance for needy
   35  families  block  grant  funds  for  the earned income credit or to apply
   36  state general fund spending on  the  earned  income  credit  toward  the
   37  temporary  assistance  for  needy  families  block  grant maintenance of
   38  effort requirement, and the commissioner of the office of [temporary and
   39  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND  OPPORTUNITY  shall  certify
   40  the  date of such event to the commissioner of taxation and finance, the
   41  director of the division of the budget, the speaker of the assembly  and
   42  the temporary president of the senate.
   43    S  25.  Paragraph 4 of subsection (d-1) of section 606 of the tax law,
   44  as added by section 1 of part I of chapter 58 of the laws  of  2006,  is
   45  amended to read as follows:
   46    (4)  No claim for credit under this subsection shall be allowed unless
   47  the department has verified, from information provided by the office  of
   48  [temporary  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY,
   49  that a taxpayer has satisfied the qualifications set forth  in  subpara-
   50  graphs  (C), (D) and (E) of paragraph two of this subsection. The office
   51  of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTU-
   52  NITY  shall  provide to the department by January fifteenth of each year
   53  information applicable for the immediately preceding tax year  necessary
   54  for  the department to make such verification. Such information shall be
   55  provided in the manner and form agreed upon by the department  and  such
   56  office.  If  a  taxpayer's  claim  for a credit under this subsection is
       A. 5001                            15
    1  disallowed because the taxpayer has not satisfied the qualifications set
    2  forth in subparagraphs (C),  (D)  and  (E)  of  paragraph  two  of  this
    3  subsection, the taxpayer may request a review of those qualifications by
    4  the  support collection unit established pursuant to section one hundred
    5  eleven-h of the social services law  through  which  the  child  support
    6  payments  were  payable.  The support collection unit shall transmit the
    7  result of that review to the office of [temporary and disability assist-
    8  ance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY  on  a  form  developed  by  such
    9  office. Such office shall then transmit such result to the department in
   10  a manner agreed upon by the department and such office.
   11    S  26. Paragraph 3 of subsection (e) of section 697 of the tax law, as
   12  amended by chapter 182 of the laws  of  2010,  is  amended  to  read  as
   13  follows:
   14    (3)  Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the department, its
   15  officers or employees from  furnishing  information  to  the  office  of
   16  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY
   17  relating to the payment of the credit for certain household and  depend-
   18  ent  care services necessary for gainful employment under subsection (c)
   19  of section six hundred six of this article and the earned income  credit
   20  under  subsection (d) of section six hundred six of this article and the
   21  enhanced earned income credit under  subsection  (d-1)  of  section  six
   22  hundred  six  of  this  article, or pursuant to a local law enacted by a
   23  city having a population of one million or more pursuant  to  subsection
   24  (f)  of section thirteen hundred ten of this chapter, only to the extent
   25  necessary to calculate  qualified  state  expenditures  under  paragraph
   26  seven  of  subdivision  (a)  of section four hundred nine of the federal
   27  social security act or to document the  proper  expenditure  of  federal
   28  temporary assistance for needy families funds under section four hundred
   29  three  of  such act. The office of [temporary and disability assistance]
   30  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY may redisclose such information to  the
   31  United States department of health and human services only to the extent
   32  necessary  to calculate such qualified state expenditures or to document
   33  the proper expenditure of such federal temporary  assistance  for  needy
   34  families funds. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the deliv-
   35  ery  by the commissioner to a commissioner of jurors, appointed pursuant
   36  to section five hundred four of the judiciary law, or, in counties with-
   37  in cities having a population of one million  or  more,  to  the  county
   38  clerk  of  such  county, of a mailing list of individuals to whom income
   39  tax forms are mailed by the commissioner for the sole purpose of compil-
   40  ing a list of prospective jurors as provided in article sixteen  of  the
   41  judiciary  law.  Provided,  however,  such  delivery  shall only be made
   42  pursuant to an order of the chief administrator of the courts, appointed
   43  pursuant to section two hundred ten of the judiciary law. No such  order
   44  may  be  issued  unless  such chief administrator is satisfied that such
   45  mailing list is needed to compile a proper list  of  prospective  jurors
   46  for  the  county for which such order is sought and that, in view of the
   47  responsibilities imposed by the various laws of the state on the depart-
   48  ment, it is reasonable to require the commissioner to furnish such list.
   49  Such order shall provide that such list  shall  be  used  for  the  sole
   50  purpose  of compiling a list of prospective jurors and that such commis-
   51  sioner of jurors, or such county clerk, shall take all  necessary  steps
   52  to  insure that the list is kept confidential and that there is no unau-
   53  thorized use or disclosure of such  list.  Furthermore,  nothing  herein
   54  shall  be construed to prohibit the delivery to a taxpayer or his or her
   55  duly authorized representative of a certified  copy  of  any  return  or
   56  report filed in connection with his or her tax or to prohibit the publi-
       A. 5001                            16
    1  cation  of  statistics so classified as to prevent the identification of
    2  particular reports or returns and the items thereof, or  the  inspection
    3  by  the  attorney general or other legal representatives of the state of
    4  the  report  or  return  of  any taxpayer or of any employer filed under
    5  section one hundred seventy-one-h of this chapter, where  such  taxpayer
    6  or  employer  shall  bring  action  to set aside or review the tax based
    7  thereon, or against whom an action or proceeding under this  chapter  or
    8  under this chapter and article eighteen of the labor law has been recom-
    9  mended  by  the  commissioner, the commissioner of labor with respect to
   10  unemployment insurance matters, or the  attorney  general  or  has  been
   11  instituted,  or  the inspection of the reports or returns required under
   12  this article by the comptroller or duly designated officer  or  employee
   13  of  the state department of audit and control, for purposes of the audit
   14  of a refund of any tax paid by a taxpayer under  this  article,  or  the
   15  furnishing  to  the  state department of labor of unemployment insurance
   16  information obtained or derived  from  quarterly  combined  withholding,
   17  wage  reporting  and unemployment insurance returns required to be filed
   18  by employers pursuant to paragraph four of subsection (a) of section six
   19  hundred seventy-four of this article, for purposes of administration  of
   20  such  department's  unemployment  insurance program, employment services
   21  program, federal and state employment and training programs,  employment
   22  statistics  and  labor  market  information  programs, worker protection
   23  programs, federal programs for which the department  has  administrative
   24  responsibility  or  for other purposes deemed appropriate by the commis-
   25  sioner of labor consistent with the provisions of  the  labor  law,  and
   26  redisclosure  of  such  information in accordance with the provisions of
   27  sections five hundred thirty-six and five hundred  thirty-seven  of  the
   28  labor  law  or  any other applicable law, or the furnishing to the state
   29  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
   30  OPPORTUNITY  of  information  obtained  or  derived  from New York state
   31  personal income tax returns as described in paragraph (b) of subdivision
   32  two of section one hundred seventy-one-g of this chapter for the purpose
   33  of reviewing support orders enforced pursuant to title six-A of  article
   34  three  of the social services law to aid in the determination of whether
   35  such orders  should  be  adjusted,  or  the  furnishing  of  information
   36  obtained  from the reports required to be submitted by employers regard-
   37  ing newly hired or re-hired employees pursuant to  section  one  hundred
   38  seventy-one-h  of  this  chapter  to  the state office of [temporary and
   39  disability assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY,  the  state
   40  department  of  health,  the  state department of labor and the workers'
   41  compensation board for purposes of administration of the  child  support
   42  enforcement program, verification of individuals' eligibility for one or
   43  more  of  the  programs  specified  in  subsection (b) of section eleven
   44  hundred thirty-seven of the federal social security act  and  for  other
   45  public  assistance  programs authorized by state law, and administration
   46  of the state's employment security and workers'  compensation  programs,
   47  and  to  the  national  directory  of  new hires established pursuant to
   48  section four hundred fifty-three-A of the federal  social  security  act
   49  for  the  purposes  specified  in such section, or the furnishing to the
   50  state office of [temporary and disability assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT
   51  AND OPPORTUNITY of the amount of an overpayment of income tax and inter-
   52  est thereon certified to the comptroller to be credited against past-due
   53  support  pursuant  to  section one hundred seventy-one-c of this chapter
   54  and of the name and social security number of the taxpayer who made such
   55  overpayment, or the disclosing to the commissioner  of  finance  of  the
   56  city  of New York, pursuant to section one hundred seventy-one-l of this
       A. 5001                            17
    1  chapter, of the amount of an overpayment and interest thereon  certified
    2  to the comptroller to be credited against a city of New York tax warrant
    3  judgment debt and of the name and social security number of the taxpayer
    4  who made such overpayment, or the furnishing to the New York state high-
    5  er  education  services  corporation  of the amount of an overpayment of
    6  income tax and interest thereon certified to the comptroller to be cred-
    7  ited against the amount of a default in repayment of any education  loan
    8  debt, including judgments, owed to the federal or New York state govern-
    9  ment  that  is  being  collected  by the New York state higher education
   10  services corporation, and of the name and social security number of  the
   11  taxpayer  who  made  such  overpayment,  or  the furnishing to the state
   12  department of health of the information required  by  paragraph  (f)  of
   13  subdivision  two  and  subdivision  two-a  of  section two thousand five
   14  hundred eleven of the public health law  and  by  subdivision  eight  of
   15  section three hundred sixty-six-a and paragraphs (b) and (d) of subdivi-
   16  sion  two  of section three hundred sixty-nine-ee of the social services
   17  law, or the furnishing to the state university of New York or  the  city
   18  university of New York respectively or the attorney general on behalf of
   19  such state or city university the amount of an overpayment of income tax
   20  and interest thereon certified to the comptroller to be credited against
   21  the amount of a default in repayment of a state university loan pursuant
   22  to section one hundred seventy-one-e of this chapter and of the name and
   23  social security number of the taxpayer who made such overpayment, or the
   24  disclosing  to  a state agency, pursuant to section one hundred seventy-
   25  one-f of this chapter, of the amount  of  an  overpayment  and  interest
   26  thereon  certified  to the comptroller to be credited against a past-due
   27  legally enforceable debt owed to such agency and of the name and  social
   28  security  number  of  the  taxpayer  who  made  such overpayment, or the
   29  furnishing of employee and employer  information  obtained  through  the
   30  wage  reporting system, pursuant to section one hundred seventy-one-a of
   31  this chapter, as added by chapter five hundred forty-five of the laws of
   32  nineteen hundred seventy-eight, to the state office  of  [temporary  and
   33  disability  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, the department
   34  of health or to the state office of the medicaid inspector  general  for
   35  the  purpose  of verifying eligibility for and entitlement to amounts of
   36  benefits under the social services law or similar law of another  juris-
   37  diction,  locating  absent  parents or other persons legally responsible
   38  for the support of applicants for or recipients of public assistance and
   39  care under the social services law and persons legally  responsible  for
   40  the  support  of  a  recipient  of  services  under  section one hundred
   41  eleven-g of the social services law and, in  appropriate  cases,  estab-
   42  lishing  support obligations pursuant to the social services law and the
   43  family court act or similar provision of law of another jurisdiction for
   44  the purpose of evaluating the effect on  earnings  of  participation  in
   45  employment, training or other programs designed to promote self-suffici-
   46  ency  authorized  pursuant to the social services law by current recipi-
   47  ents of public assistance and care and by former applicants and  recipi-
   48  ents  of  public assistance and care, (except that with regard to former
   49  recipients, information which relates to a particular  former  recipient
   50  shall  be  provided  with client identifying data deleted), to the state
   51  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
   52  OPPORTUNITY  for the purpose of determining the eligibility of any child
   53  in the custody, care and custody or custody and guardianship of a  local
   54  social  services  district  or  of  the  office  of  children and family
   55  services for federal payments for foster care  and  adoption  assistance
   56  pursuant  to the provisions of title IV-E of the federal social security
       A. 5001                            18
    1  act by providing information with respect to the parents,  the  steppar-
    2  ents,  the  child  and  the siblings of the child who were living in the
    3  same household as such child during the month that the court proceedings
    4  leading to the child's removal from the household were initiated, or the
    5  written  instrument  transferring care and custody of the child pursuant
    6  to the provisions  of  section  three  hundred  fifty-eight-a  or  three
    7  hundred  eighty-four-a  of  the social services law was signed, provided
    8  however that the office of temporary  and  disability  assistance  shall
    9  only  use  the information obtained pursuant to this subdivision for the
   10  purpose of  determining  the  eligibility  of  such  child  for  federal
   11  payments  for  foster  care  and  adoption  assistance  pursuant  to the
   12  provisions of title IV-E of the federal social security act, and to  the
   13  state  department  of  labor,  or  other  individuals  designated by the
   14  commissioner of labor, for the purpose of  the  administration  of  such
   15  department's   unemployment   insurance   program,  employment  services
   16  program, federal and state employment and training programs,  employment
   17  statistics  and  labor  market  information  programs, worker protection
   18  programs, federal programs for which the department  has  administrative
   19  responsibility  or  for other purposes deemed appropriate by the commis-
   20  sioner of labor consistent with the provisions of  the  labor  law,  and
   21  redisclosure  of  such  information in accordance with the provisions of
   22  sections five hundred thirty-six and five hundred  thirty-seven  of  the
   23  labor  law, or the furnishing of information, which is obtained from the
   24  wage reporting system operated pursuant to section one hundred  seventy-
   25  one-a  of  this  chapter, as added by chapter five hundred forty-five of
   26  the laws of nineteen hundred  seventy-eight,  to  the  state  office  of
   27  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY
   28  so that it may furnish such information  to  public  agencies  of  other
   29  jurisdictions  with  which the state office of [temporary and disability
   30  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY has an  agreement  pursuant
   31  to  paragraph  (h)  or (i) of subdivision three of section twenty of the
   32  social services law, and to the state office of [temporary and disabili-
   33  ty assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY  for  the  purpose  of
   34  fulfilling obligations and responsibilities otherwise incumbent upon the
   35  state  department of labor, under section one hundred twenty-four of the
   36  federal family support act of nineteen hundred eighty-eight,  by  giving
   37  the federal parent locator service, maintained by the federal department
   38  of  health  and  human  services,  prompt  access to such information as
   39  required by such act, or to the state department  of  health  to  verify
   40  eligibility  under  the child health insurance plan pursuant to subdivi-
   41  sions two and two-a of section two thousand five hundred eleven  of  the
   42  public  health  law,  to verify eligibility under the medical assistance
   43  and family health plus programs pursuant to subdivision eight of section
   44  three hundred sixty-six-a and paragraphs (b) and (d) of subdivision  two
   45  of  section  three hundred sixty-nine-ee of the social services law, and
   46  to verify eligibility for the program for elderly pharmaceutical  insur-
   47  ance  coverage  under title three of article two of the elder law, or to
   48  the office of vocational and educational services for  individuals  with
   49  disabilities  of  the education department, the commission for the blind
   50  and visually handicapped and any other state  vocational  rehabilitation
   51  agency,  for purposes of obtaining reimbursement from the federal social
   52  security administration for expenditures made by such office, commission
   53  or agency on behalf of disabled individuals who have  achieved  economic
   54  self-sufficiency or to the higher education services corporation for the
   55  purpose  of  assisting the corporation in default prevention and default
   56  collection of education loan debt,  including  judgments,  owed  to  the
       A. 5001                            19
    1  federal  or  New  York  state  government;  provided, however, that such
    2  information shall be limited to the names, social security numbers, home
    3  and/or business addresses, and employer names of defaulted or delinquent
    4  student loan borrowers.
    5    Provided,  however,  that  with  respect  to  employee information the
    6  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
    7  OPPORTUNITY  shall  only  be  furnished  with the names, social security
    8  account numbers and gross wages of those employees who  are  (A)  appli-
    9  cants  for  or  recipients of benefits under the social services law, or
   10  similar provision of law of another jurisdiction (pursuant to an  agree-
   11  ment  under  subdivision  three of section twenty of the social services
   12  law) or, (B) absent parents or other persons legally responsible for the
   13  support of applicants for or recipients of public  assistance  and  care
   14  under  the  social  services  law or similar provision of law of another
   15  jurisdiction (pursuant  to  an  agreement  under  subdivision  three  of
   16  section  twenty  of  the  social  services  law), or (C) persons legally
   17  responsible for the support of a recipient of services under section one
   18  hundred eleven-g of the social services law or similar provision of  law
   19  of  another  jurisdiction  (pursuant  to  an agreement under subdivision
   20  three of section twenty of the social services law),  or  (D)  employees
   21  about  whom  wage  reporting  system  information  is being furnished to
   22  public agencies of other jurisdictions, with which the state  office  of
   23  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY
   24  has an agreement pursuant to paragraph (h) or (i) of  subdivision  three
   25  of  section  twenty  of  the social services law, or (E) employees about
   26  whom wage reporting system information is being furnished to the federal
   27  parent locator service, maintained by the federal department  of  health
   28  and  human  services,  for  the  purpose of enabling the state office of
   29  [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY
   30  to fulfill obligations and responsibilities otherwise incumbent upon the
   31  state  department of labor, under section one hundred twenty-four of the
   32  federal family support act of nineteen hundred eighty-eight,  and,  only
   33  if, the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT
   34  AND OPPORTUNITY certifies to the commissioner that such persons are such
   35  applicants,  recipients,  absent  parents or persons legally responsible
   36  for support or persons about whom information has been  requested  by  a
   37  public  agency  of another jurisdiction or by the federal parent locator
   38  service and further certifies that in the case of information  requested
   39  under  agreements  with  other  jurisdictions  entered  into pursuant to
   40  subdivision three of section twenty of the  social  services  law,  that
   41  such request is in compliance with any applicable federal law. Provided,
   42  further,  that where the office of [temporary and disability assistance]
   43  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY requests employee information  for  the
   44  purpose  of  evaluating  the  effects  on  earnings  of participation in
   45  employment, training or other programs designed to promote self-suffici-
   46  ency authorized pursuant to the  social  services  law,  the  office  of
   47  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY
   48  shall only be furnished with the quarterly gross  wages  (excluding  any
   49  reference  to  the name, social security number or any other information
   50  which could be used to identify any employee or the name or  identifica-
   51  tion number of any employer) paid to employees who are former applicants
   52  for or recipients of public assistance and care and who are so certified
   53  to  the commissioner by the commissioner of the office of [temporary and
   54  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY.  Provided,
   55  further,  that  with  respect to employee information, the department of
   56  health shall only be furnished with the information required pursuant to
       A. 5001                            20
    1  the provisions of paragraph (f) of subdivision two and subdivision two-a
    2  of section two thousand five hundred eleven of the public health law and
    3  subdivision eight of section three hundred  sixty-six-a  and  paragraphs
    4  (b) and (d) of subdivision two of section three hundred sixty-nine-ee of
    5  the  social services law, with respect to those individuals whose eligi-
    6  bility  under  the  child  health  insurance  plan,  medical  assistance
    7  program,  and family health plus program is to be determined pursuant to
    8  such provisions and with respect to those members of any  such  individ-
    9  ual's  household  whose income affects such individual's eligibility and
   10  who are so certified to the commissioner or by the department of health.
   11  Provided, further, that wage reporting information shall be furnished to
   12  the office of vocational and educational services for  individuals  with
   13  disabilities  of  the education department, the commission for the blind
   14  and visually handicapped and any other state  vocational  rehabilitation
   15  agency  only if such office, commission or agency, as applicable, certi-
   16  fies to the commissioner that such information is  necessary  to  obtain
   17  reimbursement  from  the  federal  social  security  administration  for
   18  expenditures made on behalf of disabled individuals  who  have  achieved
   19  self-sufficiency. Reports and returns shall be preserved for three years
   20  and thereafter until the commissioner orders them to be destroyed.
   21    S  27.  Subdivision  1,  paragraphs  (a) and (c) of subdivision 3, and
   22  subdivisions 4, 6, 7 and 9 of section 1613-a of the tax law, as  amended
   23  by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, are amended to read as follows:
   24    (1)  The  director  of  the  lottery, on behalf of the division of the
   25  lottery, shall enter into a written agreement with the  commissioner  of
   26  the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   27  OPPORTUNITY,  on behalf of the state office of [temporary and disability
   28  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, which shall set forth  the
   29  procedures  for  crediting  any  lottery prize of six hundred dollars or
   30  more awarded to an individual, estate or trust against past-due  support
   31  owed  by  such  individual, estate or trust of which the director of the
   32  lottery has been notified by the commissioner of the office  of  [tempo-
   33  rary  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY pursu-
   34  ant to the provisions of such agreement.
   35    (a) the procedure under which the state office of [temporary and disa-
   36  bility assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND  OPPORTUNITY  shall  notify  the
   37  division  of  the lottery of liability for past-due support, such proce-
   38  dure to specify when the division of the lottery shall be  notified  and
   39  the content of such notification;
   40    (c)  the procedure for reimbursement of the division of the lottery by
   41  the state office  of  [temporary  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC
   42  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY for the full cost of carrying out the procedures
   43  authorized by this section; and
   44    (4)  Prior  to  awarding  any  lottery prize of six hundred dollars or
   45  more, the division of the lottery shall review the notice  of  liability
   46  of past-due support provided by the state office of [temporary and disa-
   47  bility  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY. For each lottery
   48  prize winner identified on such notice as an individual, estate or trust
   49  owing past-due support, the lottery division shall credit to  the  state
   50  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   51  OPPORTUNITY such amount of the prize to satisfy  the  past-due  support,
   52  and  any  remainder shall be awarded to the prize winner. In cases where
   53  the prize winner owes past-due support to more than one person or  enti-
   54  ty,  and  the total amount of past-due support provided in the notice of
   55  liability of past-due support to the division  of  the  lottery  by  the
   56  state  office  of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT
       A. 5001                            21
    1  AND OPPORTUNITY exceeds the balance remaining, each such person or enti-
    2  ty shall receive a pro rata share of the balance remaining,  such  share
    3  to  be  based  on  the amount of past-due support owed to such person or
    4  entity  as provided to the division of the lottery by such office pursu-
    5  ant to this section. The  state  office  of  [temporary  and  disability
    6  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND OPPORTUNITY shall be responsible for
    7  determining and distributing each person's or entity's pro rata share of
    8  past-due support pursuant to regulations of such office.
    9    (6) The division of the lottery shall notify the prize winner in writ-
   10  ing of the total amount of the lottery  prize  winning  to  be  credited
   11  against  past-due  support and the remainder of such prize winning to be
   12  awarded to the prize winner. Such notice shall further advise the  prize
   13  winner that the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC
   14  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY  shall provide separate notice, in writing, to
   15  the prize winner of the procedure for and time frame by which the  prize
   16  winner may contest such crediting.
   17    (7)  The  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC
   18  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall notify the prize winner in writing, of the
   19  amount of such prize winning to be credited against past-due support and
   20  the procedure and time frame by which the prize winner may contest  such
   21  crediting  based on defenses that are not subject to family court juris-
   22  diction. Such procedure shall include the address and  telephone  number
   23  of  the  local  department  of  social services' support collection unit
   24  which may be contacted with respect to correction of any error  in  such
   25  crediting  concerning  such  individual's, estate's or trust's liability
   26  for past-due support or with respect to payment of such liability.
   27    (9) From the time the division of the lottery is notified by the state
   28  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
   29  OPPORTUNITY  of an individual's, estate's or trust's liability for past-
   30  due support under the agreement provided for in this section, the  divi-
   31  sion  of  the  lottery  and  the  department  shall be relieved from all
   32  liability to such individual, estate or trust,  their  assigns,  succes-
   33  sors,  heirs  or  representatives  for  the  amount of any lottery prize
   34  winning of six hundred dollars or more certified to the  comptroller  to
   35  be  credited  against  past-due  support  and such individual, estate or
   36  trust shall have no right to commence a court action or proceeding or to
   37  any other legal recourse against the division  of  the  lottery  or  the
   38  department to recover such overpayment or such interest certified to the
   39  comptroller  to be credited against past-due support. Provided, however,
   40  nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit such individual, estate or
   41  trust from proceeding against the state office of [temporary  and  disa-
   42  bility  assistance]  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or the appropriate
   43  local social services district to recover that part of such  overpayment
   44  or  interest  thereon  so  certified  to  the comptroller to be credited
   45  against past-due support which is greater than the  amount  of  past-due
   46  support  owed  by  such  individual, estate or trust on the date of such
   47  certification.
   48    S 28. Subdivision 1, paragraphs (a) and  (b)  of  subdivision  2,  and
   49  subdivisions  3, 5, 6 and 7 of section 1613-b of the tax law, as amended
   50  by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, are amended to read as follows:
   51    (1) Notwithstanding any limitations in section one hundred four of the
   52  social services law, the director of the lottery, on behalf of the divi-
   53  sion of the lottery, shall enter  into  a  written  agreement  with  the
   54  commissioner  of  the  office  of  [temporary and disability assistance]
   55  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, on behalf of the office of  [temporary
   56  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, which shall
       A. 5001                            22
    1  set  forth the procedures for crediting any lottery prize of six hundred
    2  dollars or more awarded to an individual  against  any  and  all  public
    3  assistance  benefits which were given to or on behalf of such individual
    4  within  a  period of up to ten years prior to the issuance of such prize
    5  of which the director of the lottery has been notified  by  the  commis-
    6  sioner  of  the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC
    7  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY pursuant to the provisions  of  such  agreement;
    8  provided,  however,  that in no event shall such credit to the office of
    9  [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY
   10  exceed  fifty  percent  of  any  such lottery prize and provided further
   11  that, unless otherwise determined cost effective by the commissioner  of
   12  the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   13  OPPORTUNITY  and  the  director  of  the lottery such procedure shall be
   14  required only to the extent that and with respect to periods  for  which
   15  it can be effected through automated type match.
   16    (a)  the procedure under which the office of [temporary and disability
   17  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY and  the  division  of  the
   18  lottery  shall  exchange  information  concerning  lottery  winnings and
   19  persons liable for receipt of public assistance within the previous  ten
   20  years;
   21    (b)  subject  to the approval of the director of the budget the proce-
   22  dure for reimbursement of the division of the lottery by the  office  of
   23  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY
   24  for the additional cost of carrying out  the  procedures  authorized  by
   25  this section;
   26    (3)  Prior  to  awarding  any  lottery prize of six hundred dollars or
   27  more, the division of the lottery shall review the notice  of  liability
   28  of  public assistance benefits paid provided by the office of [temporary
   29  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY.   For  each
   30  lottery  prize winner identified on such notice as an individual, who is
   31  receiving or has received, within the last ten years, public  assistance
   32  benefits,  the lottery division shall credit to the office of [temporary
   33  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY such  amount
   34  of  the  prize to satisfy the amount of public assistance benefits indi-
   35  cated as received within the previous ten years, and any remainder shall
   36  be awarded to the prize winner; provided,  however,  that  in  no  event
   37  shall such credit to the office of [temporary and disability assistance]
   38  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY  exceed  fifty  percent  of any such
   39  lottery prize.
   40    (5) The division of the lottery shall notify the prize winner in writ-
   41  ing of the total amount of the lottery  prize  winning  to  be  credited
   42  against  public  assistance  benefits  and  the  remainder of such prize
   43  winning to be awarded to the prize winner.  Such  notice  shall  further
   44  advise  the  prize  winner  that the office of [temporary and disability
   45  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY  shall  provide  separate
   46  notice,  in  writing,  to the prize winner of the procedure for and time
   47  frame by which the prize winner may contest such crediting.
   48    (6) The office  of  [temporary  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC
   49  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall notify the prize winner in writing, of the
   50  amount  of  such  prize winning to be credited against public assistance
   51  benefits and the procedure and time frame by which the prize winner  may
   52  contest  such  crediting.  Such  procedure shall include the address and
   53  telephone number of the office of [temporary and disability  assistance]
   54  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY and who the prize winner may contact
   55  with respect to correction of any error  in  such  crediting  concerning
       A. 5001                            23
    1  such  individual's  liability  for  public  assistance  benefits or with
    2  respect to payment of such liability.
    3    (7)  From  the  time  the  division  of the lottery is notified by the
    4  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
    5  OPPORTUNITY  of an individual's liability for public assistance benefits
    6  under the agreement provided for in this section, the  division  of  the
    7  lottery  shall  be relieved from all liability to such individual, their
    8  assigns, successors, heirs or representatives  for  the  amount  of  any
    9  lottery  prize  winning  of six hundred dollars or more certified to the
   10  comptroller to be credited against public assistance benefits  and  such
   11  individual  shall have no right to commence a court action or proceeding
   12  or to any other legal recourse against the division of  the  lottery  to
   13  recover such lottery winnings certified to the comptroller to be credit-
   14  ed against public assistance benefits. Provided, however, nothing herein
   15  shall  be  construed to prohibit such individual from proceeding against
   16  the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   17  OPPORTUNITY to recover that part of such  lottery  winnings  thereon  so
   18  certified  to  the  comptroller to be credited against public assistance
   19  benefits which is greater than the amount of public assistance  benefits
   20  paid  to  such  individual  within ten years of the date of such certif-
   21  ication.
   22    S 29. Subdivision 1, paragraphs (a), (c) and  (e)  of  subdivision  3,
   23  paragraphs  (a)  and (b) of subdivision 4, paragraph (ii) of subdivision
   24  5, and subdivision 9 of section 171-c of the  tax  law,  as  amended  by
   25  chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, are amended to read as follows:
   26    (1)  The commissioner, on behalf of the department, shall enter into a
   27  written agreement with the commissioner of the office of [temporary  and
   28  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, on behalf of
   29  the state office  of  [temporary  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC
   30  SUPPORT  AND OPPORTUNITY, which shall set forth the procedures for cred-
   31  iting any overpayment by an individual, estate or trust  of  income  tax
   32  imposed  by article twenty-two of this chapter, city personal income tax
   33  on residents imposed pursuant to the authority of article thirty of this
   34  chapter, city income tax surcharge on residents imposed pursuant to  the
   35  authority  of  article thirty-A of this chapter and city earnings tax on
   36  nonresidents imposed pursuant to the authority of  article  thirty-B  of
   37  this  chapter  and  the  interest  on such overpayments against past-due
   38  support owed by such individual, estate or trust of  which  the  commis-
   39  sioner has been notified by the commissioner of the office of [temporary
   40  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY pursuant to
   41  the provisions of such agreement.
   42    (a) the procedure under which the  state  [department  of]  office  of
   43  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY
   44  shall notify the commissioner of liability for  past-due  support,  such
   45  procedure  to  specify  when  the commissioner shall be notified and the
   46  content of such notification;
   47    (c) the procedure for reimbursement of the commissioner by  the  state
   48  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   49  OPPORTUNITY for the full cost of carrying out the procedures  authorized
   50  by this section;
   51    (e)  the  procedure  for reimbursement of the comptroller by the state
   52  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
   53  OPPORTUNITY  for  any  overpayment  and  interest thereon which has been
   54  credited against past due support owed by  a  taxpayer  filing  a  joint
   55  return,  but  which  has  been  refunded by the comptroller, pursuant to
   56  paragraph six of subsection (b) of section six hundred fifty-one of this
       A. 5001                            24
    1  chapter, to a spouse not liable for the past due support  owed  by  such
    2  taxpayer.
    3    (a)  With  regard  to  persons owed past-due support who are receiving
    4  services pursuant to title six-A of article three of the social services
    5  law, no later than thirty days prior to the date a local social services
    6  district requests the state office of [temporary and disability  assist-
    7  ance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY to notify the commissioner of the
    8  liability  of  an individual, estate or trust for past-due support, such
    9  district shall notify such individual, estate or trust in  writing  that
   10  such  request  may be made and shall also notify him or it that he or it
   11  may correct any error in such request and may avoid such notification by
   12  the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   13  OPPORTUNITY to the commissioner  by  satisfying  such  liability  within
   14  thirty  days  of  the  date  of the written notice from the local social
   15  services district to such individual, estate or trust. Such notice shall
   16  also set forth the name of an employee  of  the  local  social  services
   17  district,  including  his  address  and  telephone  number,  who  may be
   18  contacted with respect to  correction  of  any  error  in  such  request
   19  concerning such individual's, estate's or trust's liability for past-due
   20  support or with respect to payment of such liability.
   21    (b)  With  regard  to  persons owed past-due support who are receiving
   22  services pursuant to title six-B of article three of the social services
   23  law, no later than thirty days prior to the date  the  state  office  of
   24  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY
   25  notifies the commissioner of the liability of an individual,  estate  or
   26  trust  for  past-due  support, such office shall notify such individual,
   27  estate or trust in writing that such request may be made and shall  also
   28  notify him or it that he or it may correct any error in such request and
   29  may avoid such notification by such office to the commissioner by satis-
   30  fying  such  liability  and submitting proof thereof satisfactory to the
   31  office within thirty days of the date of the written  notice  from  such
   32  office  to  such individual, estate or trust. Such notice shall also set
   33  forth the name of an employee of  such  office,  including  his  or  her
   34  address  and  telephone  number,  who  may  be contacted with respect to
   35  correction of any error in such request  concerning  such  individual's,
   36  estate's  or  trust's  liability for past-due support or with respect to
   37  payment of such liability.
   38    (ii) Only the balance remaining, after such overpayment and the inter-
   39  est thereon has been credited as described  in  paragraph  (i)  of  this
   40  subdivision,  shall  be certified as an overpayment plus any interest to
   41  be credited against past-due support, with the remainder to be  refunded
   42  to  the taxpayer if such remainder is not required to satisfy the amount
   43  of a default in repayment of a state university loan or city  university
   44  loan  pursuant  to  section  one  hundred  seventy-one-e of this article
   45  and/or the amount of a past-due legally  enforceable  debt  pursuant  to
   46  section  one  hundred seventy-one-f of this article and/or a city of New
   47  York tax warrant judgment debt pursuant to section one hundred  seventy-
   48  one-l  of  this article and/or the amount of a default in repayment of a
   49  guaranteed student loan pursuant to section one hundred seventy-one-d of
   50  this article. In cases where the taxpayer owes past-due support to  more
   51  than  one  person  or  entity,  and the total amount of past-due support
   52  certified to the commissioner by the  state  office  of  [temporary  and
   53  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY exceeds the
   54  balance remaining, each such person or entity shall receive a  pro  rata
   55  share  of the balance remaining, such share to be based on the amount of
   56  past-due support owed to such person  or  entity  as  certified  to  the
       A. 5001                            25
    1  commissioner  by  such office pursuant to this section. The state office
    2  of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTU-
    3  NITY shall be responsible for determining and distributing each person's
    4  or  entity's  pro rata share of past-due support pursuant to regulations
    5  of such office.
    6    (9) From the time the commissioner is notified by the state office  of
    7  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY
    8  of an individual's, estate's or trust's liability for  past-due  support
    9  under  the  agreement provided for in this section, the commissioner and
   10  the department shall be relieved from all liability to such  individual,
   11  estate or trust, their assigns, successors, heirs or representatives for
   12  the  amount  of an over payment and interest on such amount certified to
   13  the comptroller to be credited against past-due support and  such  indi-
   14  vidual,  estate  or trust shall have no right to commence a court action
   15  or proceeding or to any other legal recourse against the commissioner or
   16  the department to recover such overpayment or such interest certified to
   17  the comptroller to  be  credited  against  past-due  support.  Provided,
   18  however,  nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit such individual,
   19  estate or trust from proceeding against the state office  of  [temporary
   20  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY or the
   21  appropriate local social services district to recover that part of  such
   22  overpayment  or  interest  thereon so certified to the comptroller to be
   23  credited against past-due support which is greater than  the  amount  of
   24  past-due support owed by such individual, estate or trust on the date of
   25  such certification.
   26    S  30.  Paragraph  (b-1)  of subdivision 5 of section 171-f of the tax
   27  law, as added by chapter 714 of the laws of 2004, is amended to read  as
   28  follows:
   29    (b-1)  No taxpayer who has applied for, and is eligible for, an earned
   30  income tax credit under subsection (d) of section  six  hundred  six  of
   31  this  chapter  shall  have  more than ten percent of any tax overpayment
   32  credited against a past due legally enforceable debt owed to the  office
   33  of  [temporary  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTU-
   34  NITY for an overpayment  of  public  assistance  unless  such  debt  was
   35  incurred  as a result of false or misleading statements or other grounds
   36  set forth in section one hundred forty-five-c  of  the  social  services
   37  law, which led to a sanction under such section.
   38    S  31. Subdivision 1, and paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of subdivi-
   39  sion 2 of section 171-g of the tax law, as amended by chapter 601 of the
   40  laws of 2007, are amended to read as follows:
   41    (1) The commissioner shall enter into a  written  agreement  with  the
   42  commissioner  of  the  office  of  [temporary and disability assistance]
   43  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, on behalf of the office of  [temporary
   44  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, which shall
   45  set  forth  the  procedures  for  providing  information limited to that
   46  described in paragraph (b) of subdivision two of this  section  obtained
   47  or  derived  from  taxpayer returns for the purpose of reviewing support
   48  orders enforced pursuant to title six-A of article three of  the  social
   49  services law.
   50    (a)  the procedure under which the office of [temporary and disability
   51  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall notify the department
   52  of the identity of those individuals subject to a review of their  court
   53  orders of support pursuant to section one hundred eleven-h of the social
   54  services law, including the requirement that such individuals be identi-
   55  fied  by  name  and  social  security number, and shall specify when the
   56  department shall be notified and the content of such notification;
       A. 5001                            26
    1    (b) a description of the specific  information  the  department  shall
    2  provide  to the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC
    3  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY with regard to individuals  identified  pursuant
    4  to  paragraph (a) of this subdivision, which shall be limited to federal
    5  adjusted  gross  income  and  New York adjusted gross income obtained or
    6  derived from the most recently filed New York state personal income  tax
    7  return, the name, address and social security number of the taxpayer and
    8  an indication of whether such income tax return was filed jointly;
    9    (c) a requirement that the office of [temporary and disability assist-
   10  ance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY maintain a record of all requests
   11  for tax information made pursuant to this section;
   12    (d) the procedure for reimbursement of the department by the office of
   13  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY
   14  for the full costs of carrying out the  procedures  authorized  by  this
   15  section; and
   16    S  32. Paragraph (c) of subdivision 4 of section 171-h of the tax law,
   17  as amended by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, is  amended  to  read  as
   18  follows:
   19    (c)  make automated comparisons of social security numbers between the
   20  state directory of new hires and the state case registry  maintained  by
   21  the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   22  OPPORTUNITY  for administration of the child support enforcement program
   23  and, where there is a match, provide the office of [temporary and  disa-
   24  bility  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY  with the name,
   25  address, and social security number of the employee to whom  the  social
   26  security  number  is  assigned, and the name and address of the employer
   27  and the employer's identifying number assigned  to  the  employer  under
   28  section  six  thousand nine of the internal revenue code of 1986, within
   29  one business day after the date the  information  is  entered  into  the
   30  state directory of new hires;
   31    S 33. Subdivision 1, subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) and paragraphs
   32  (b),  (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of subdivision 2, the opening paragraph
   33  and paragraph (a) of subdivision 3,  subdivision  4,  paragraph  (b)  of
   34  subdivision  5,  and subdivisions 6, 7 and 8 of section 171-i of the tax
   35  law, as amended by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, are amended to  read
   36  as follows:
   37    1.  The  commissioner, on behalf of the department, shall enter into a
   38  written agreement with the commissioner of the office of [temporary  and
   39  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, on behalf of
   40  the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   41  OPPORTUNITY, which shall set forth the procedures for the department  to
   42  collect child support and combined child and spousal support arrears.
   43    (ii)  cases  with  support arrears, notwithstanding the amount of such
   44  arrears, selected by the support collection unit for referral consistent
   45  with this section, in consultation with the department and the office of
   46  [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY;
   47    (b) the procedures and criteria under which the office  of  [temporary
   48  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND OPPORTUNITY and the
   49  department shall identify cases to be referred  to  the  department  for
   50  enforcement;
   51    (c)  the procedure under which the office of [temporary and disability
   52  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall notify and update the
   53  commissioner of an obligor's liability for support arrears;
   54    (d) the procedures by which the department and the office  of  [tempo-
   55  rary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall
   56  coordinate their support enforcement activities;
       A. 5001                            27
    1    (e) the procedures by which the  department  notifies  the  office  of
    2  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY
    3  of monies collected and remits such monies to the office  of  [temporary
    4  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or their
    5  fiscal  agent  for  distribution  to  the appropriate support collection
    6  units;
    7    (f) the procedure under which the commissioner shall  be  notified  by
    8  the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
    9  OPPORTUNITY that an obligor has satisfied his or her support arrears;
   10    (g) the procedure under which the department and the office of [tempo-
   11  rary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall
   12  provide notification to the other or to the support collection  unit  of
   13  the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   14  OPPORTUNITY  of  any  information  with  regard to an obligor's address,
   15  income, or employment, or identification of assets which may be  subject
   16  to enforcement by such support collection unit or by the department;
   17    The  office  of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT
   18  AND OPPORTUNITY shall send a notice by first  class  mail  to  the  last
   19  known  address  or such other place where a support obligor is likely to
   20  receive notice, no later than thirty days prior to the date  the  office
   21  of  [temporary  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTU-
   22  NITY notifies the commissioner of such obligor's liability  for  support
   23  arrears. Such notice shall provide:
   24    (a)  that such obligor can avoid notification by the office of [tempo-
   25  rary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY to  the
   26  commissioner  by  fully  satisfying  the support arrears or by complying
   27  with such other requirements as is provided  for  in  paragraph  (d)  of
   28  subdivision  fifteen  of  section  one  hundred  eleven-b  of the social
   29  services law; and
   30    4. Upon receipt of notification from  the  office  of  [temporary  and
   31  disability  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY of an obligor's
   32  eligibility for enforcement of support arrears by  the  department,  the
   33  commissioner  or  his or her agent is authorized to initiate enforcement
   34  of such arrears. When such notification is made to the commissioner, the
   35  department shall be deemed to have  obtained  a  judgment  against  such
   36  obligor for the full amount of the support arrears stated in such notice
   37  and  any  subsequent  arrears  which  may become due. The department may
   38  enforce the judgment thereby obtained with like effect and in  the  same
   39  manner  prescribed  by this chapter for the collection of tax assessment
   40  eligible to be docketed under this chapter as a warrant, except that any
   41  payment made by the support obligor to the department to satisfy support
   42  arrears shall be paid over by the department to the office of [temporary
   43  and disability assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY  or  its
   44  fiscal  agent  for  distribution  to  the appropriate support collection
   45  unit. Where the sum collected by the department exceeds  the  amount  of
   46  the  support  arrears, and the support obligator also has a liability in
   47  respect of any tax, fee or other imposition imposed by  or  pursuant  to
   48  the authority of this chapter or any other law if such tax, fee or other
   49  imposition is administered by the commissioner, the department may cred-
   50  it such excess against such liability.
   51    (b)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained in the confi-
   52  dentiality provisions of this chapter, the department  may  furnish  the
   53  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   54  OPPORTUNITY  or  the  support  collection  unit  with  the   information
   55  described  in paragraph (g) of subdivision two of this section regarding
   56  a support obligor whose case has been referred to the  commissioner  for
       A. 5001                            28
    1  enforcement pursuant to this section. The office of [temporary and disa-
    2  bility  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY  or the support
    3  collection unit, as applicable, may redisclose such information only  to
    4  the  extent  necessary  to secure the collection of support arrears from
    5  such obligor.
    6    6. Activities to enforce support arrears undertaken by the  department
    7  pursuant  to this section shall not in any way limit, restrict or impair
    8  the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
    9  OPPORTUNITY from exercising its authority  to  enforce  support  arrears
   10  under  applicable  laws;  provided, however, that the department and the
   11  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
   12  OPPORTUNITY  shall  coordinate their support enforcement activities in a
   13  way designed to minimize duplication of effort and  maximize  collection
   14  of support arrears.
   15    7.  If,  following  referral of an obligor's case to the commissioner,
   16  such obligor commences an administrative or quasi-judicial proceeding or
   17  any civil proceeding against the department or  the  commissioner  chal-
   18  lenging  such  referral,  then  the  office of [temporary and disability
   19  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY and the commissioner of the
   20  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
   21  OPPORTUNITY  shall  be  substituted as respondents or defendants in such
   22  proceeding, as the case may be. The department shall  be  bound  by  any
   23  decision in such proceeding which is no longer subject to administrative
   24  or  quasi-judicial  review.  Neither the department nor the commissioner
   25  shall be liable for any damages sustained by reason of such referral.
   26    8. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a payment  of
   27  support  arrears  made  to  the department pursuant to the provisions of
   28  this section shall be deemed to be a payment  of  such  arrears  to  the
   29  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   30  OPPORTUNITY or its fiscal agent.
   31    S 34. Subdivisions 2 and 3 of section 4 of the banking law, as amended
   32  by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, are amended to read as follows:
   33    2. If requested by an authorized representative of the state office of
   34  [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND  OPPORTUNITY,
   35  or a social services district child support enforcement unit established
   36  pursuant to section one hundred eleven-c of the social services law, the
   37  officials  of  any financial institution, as defined in paragraph one of
   38  subdivision (d) of section four hundred  sixty-nine  A  of  the  federal
   39  social security act, shall enter into an agreement with the state office
   40  of  [temporary  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTU-
   41  NITY or a social services district child  support  enforcement  unit  to
   42  develop  and operate a data match system, using automated data exchanges
   43  to the maximum extent feasible, in which each such financial institution
   44  shall provide for each calendar quarter the name, record address, social
   45  security number or other taxpayer identification number, and other iden-
   46  tifying information for each individual who maintains a  demand  deposit
   47  account,  checking  or  negotiable  withdrawal  order  account,  savings
   48  account, time deposit account, or money-market mutual  fund  account  at
   49  such  institution  and  who  owes past-due support, as identified by the
   50  state office of [temporary and disability assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT
   51  AND  OPPORTUNITY or a social services district child support enforcement
   52  unit by name and social security number or other taxpayer identification
   53  number. Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit the authority of a local
   54  social services district support collection unit pursuant to section one
   55  hundred eleven-h of the social services law.
       A. 5001                            29
    1    3. No financial institution which discloses  information  pursuant  to
    2  subdivision  two  of  this section, or discloses any financial record to
    3  the state office  of  [temporary  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC
    4  SUPPORT  AND OPPORTUNITY or a child support enforcement unit of a social
    5  services  district  for  the  purpose of enforcing a child support obli-
    6  gation of such person, shall be liable under any law to any  person  for
    7  such  disclosure,  or for any other action taken in good faith to comply
    8  with subdivision two of this section.
    9    S 35. Paragraph 2 of subdivision (b) of  section  2308  of  the  civil
   10  practice  law  and rules, as amended by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007,
   11  is amended to read as follows:
   12    (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph one of  this  subdivi-
   13  sion,  if  a  person  fails to comply with a subpoena issued pursuant to
   14  section one hundred eleven-p of the social services law by the office of
   15  [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY
   16  or  a  social  services  district,  or its authorized representative, or
   17  another state's child support enforcement agency governed by title  IV-D
   18  of  the  social  security  act, such office or district is authorized to
   19  impose a penalty against the subpoenaed person. The amount of the penal-
   20  ty shall be determined by the commissioner of the office  of  [temporary
   21  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND OPPORTUNITY and set
   22  forth in regulation, and shall not exceed fifty dollars. Payment of  the
   23  penalty  shall  not be required, however, if in response to notification
   24  of the imposition of the penalty the subpoenaed  person  complies  imme-
   25  diately with the subpoena.
   26    S  36. Paragraph (f) of rule 4518 of the civil practice law and rules,
   27  as amended by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, is  amended  to  read  as
   28  follows:
   29    (f)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, records or reports of
   30  support payments and disbursements maintained pursuant to title six-A of
   31  article three of the social services law by the office of [temporary and
   32  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY  or  the  fiscal
   33  agent  under  contract  to  the  office for the provision of centralized
   34  collection and disbursement functions are admissible in  evidence  under
   35  this  rule,  provided that they bear a certification by an official of a
   36  social services district attesting to the accuracy of the content of the
   37  record or report of support payments and that in attesting to the  accu-
   38  racy  of  the  record  or report such official has received confirmation
   39  from the  office  of  [temporary  and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC
   40  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or the fiscal agent under contract to the office
   41  for  the  provision of centralized collection and disbursement functions
   42  pursuant to section one hundred eleven-h of the social services law that
   43  the record or report of support payments reflects the processing of  all
   44  support  payments in the possession of the office or the fiscal agent as
   45  of a specified date, and that the document is  a  record  or  report  of
   46  support  payments maintained pursuant to title six-A of article three of
   47  the social services law. If so certified, such record or report shall be
   48  admitted into evidence under this rule without the need  for  additional
   49  foundation  testimony.  Such records shall be the basis for a permissive
   50  inference of the facts contained therein unless the trier of fact  finds
   51  good cause not to draw such inference.
   52    S  37.  Subparagraph (ii) of paragraph 3 of subdivision (b) of section
   53  5241 of the civil practice law and rules, as amended by chapter  601  of
   54  the laws of 2007, is amended to read as follows:
   55    (ii)  if  such  a  parent is enrolled but fails to make application to
   56  obtain coverage of such dependent child, immediately enroll such depend-
       A. 5001                            30
    1  ent child under such health benefit coverage upon  application  by  such
    2  child's  other  parent  or  by  the  office of [temporary and disability
    3  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or social services district
    4  furnishing medical assistance to such child, and
    5    S 38. Paragraph 1 and the opening paragraph of paragraph 2 of subdivi-
    6  sion (c) of section 5242 of the civil practice law and rules, as amended
    7  by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, are amended to read as follows:
    8    (1)  When  the  court  enters an order of support on behalf of persons
    9  other than those in receipt  of  public  assistance  or  in  receipt  of
   10  services pursuant to section one hundred eleven-g of the social services
   11  law,  or registers pursuant to article five-B of the family court act an
   12  order of support which has been issued by  a  foreign  jurisdiction  and
   13  which  is not to be enforced pursuant to title six-A of article three of
   14  the social services law, where the court determines that the  respondent
   15  earns  wages  that  could  be  subject to an income deduction order, the
   16  court shall issue an income deduction order to  obtain  payment  of  the
   17  order at the same time it issues or registers the order. The court shall
   18  enter  the  income deduction order unless the court finds and sets forth
   19  in writing (i) the reasons that there is good cause not to require imme-
   20  diate income withholding; or (ii) that an  agreement  providing  for  an
   21  alternative  arrangement  has  been  reached  between  the parties. Such
   22  agreement may include a written agreement or an oral  stipulation,  made
   23  on  the  record,  that  results in a written order. For purposes of this
   24  subdivision, good cause shall mean substantial harm to the  debtor.  The
   25  absence  of  an  arrearage  or  the mere issuance of an income deduction
   26  order shall not constitute good cause. When the  court  determines  that
   27  there  is  good cause not to issue an income deduction order immediately
   28  or when the parties agree to an alternative arrangement as  provided  in
   29  this  paragraph, the court shall state expressly in the order of support
   30  the basis for its decision. In entering the income deduction order,  the
   31  court  shall  specify an amount to be withheld by the debtor's employer,
   32  which shall be sufficient to ensure compliance with the order of support
   33  and also shall include  an  additional  amount  to  be  applied  to  the
   34  reduction  of  arrears,  if any, and shall specify the names, addresses,
   35  and social security numbers of the parties to the support proceeding and
   36  the mailing address of the unit within the state  office  of  [temporary
   37  and  disability  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY designated
   38  to receive such deductions. The court  shall  transmit  copies  of  such
   39  order to the parties and to such unit.
   40    An  employer served with an income deduction order entered pursuant to
   41  this subdivision shall commence deductions from the income due or there-
   42  after due to the debtor no later than the first pay period  that  occurs
   43  fourteen  days  after  service  of the income deduction order, and shall
   44  remit payments to the state office of [temporary and disability  assist-
   45  ance]  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY pursuant to subdivision fourteen
   46  of section one hundred eleven-b of the social services  law  within  ten
   47  days  of  the date that the debtor is paid. Each payment remitted by the
   48  employer shall be made payable to the creditor named in the  order,  and
   49  shall  include  the names, addresses, and social security numbers of the
   50  debtor and the creditor, and the date and the amount of each withholding
   51  of the debtor's income included in the payment.  An  employer  shall  be
   52  liable  to  the  creditor for failure to deduct the amounts specified in
   53  the income deduction order,  provided  however  that  deduction  by  the
   54  employer  of  the  amounts specified shall not relieve the debtor of the
   55  underlying obligation of support. If an employer shall fail  to  so  pay
   56  the creditor, the creditor may commence a proceeding against the employ-
       A. 5001                            31
    1  er  for accrued deductions, together with interest and reasonable attor-
    2  ney's fees. If the debtor's employment is terminated by  resignation  or
    3  dismissal  at  any time after service of the income deduction order, the
    4  order  shall  cease  to have force and effect unless the debtor is rein-
    5  stated or re-employed by the same employer. An employer must notify  the
    6  creditor promptly when the debtor terminates employment and must provide
    7  the  debtor's  last address and the name and address of the debtor's new
    8  employer, if known. Where the income is compensation paid or payable  to
    9  the  debtor  for  personal services, the amount withheld by the employer
   10  shall not exceed the following:
   11    S 39. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 169 of  the  executive
   12  law,  as  amended  by  section 20 of part B of chapter 56 of the laws of
   13  2010, is amended to read as follows:
   14    (a) commissioner of correctional services, commissioner of  education,
   15  commissioner  of  health, commissioner of mental health, commissioner of
   16  mental retardation and developmental disabilities, commissioner of chil-
   17  dren and family services,  commissioner  of  [temporary  and  disability
   18  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND OPPORTUNITY, chancellor of the state
   19  university of New York, commissioner of transportation, commissioner  of
   20  environmental conservation, superintendent of state police, commissioner
   21  of general services and commissioner of the division of homeland securi-
   22  ty and emergency services;
   23    S  40.  Paragraph (a) of subdivision 6 of section 256 of the executive
   24  law, as amended by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, is amended  to  read
   25  as follows:
   26    (a)  Each  probation agency or department and state operated probation
   27  services  shall  provide  for  intake,  investigation,  supervision  and
   28  conciliation  services  relating  to  custody,  visitation and paternity
   29  proceedings and may provide for such  services  in  support  proceedings
   30  under the provisions of articles four, five, five-A and six of the fami-
   31  ly  court  act.  For  purposes of this subdivision, intake services: (i)
   32  relating to support proceedings  under  article  four  and  relating  to
   33  paternity proceedings under articles five and five-A of the family court
   34  act,  shall  include referral to the office of [temporary and disability
   35  assistance's] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY'S child support  enforce-
   36  ment  unit  in  cases where a person is applying for or receiving public
   37  assistance or where a person chooses to utilize  the  services  of  such
   38  unit;  (ii)  relating  to  support proceedings under article four of the
   39  family court act, shall include  services  rendered  to  the  payors  of
   40  support orders seeking to modify such orders.
   41    S  41.  Section  354-a  of the executive law, as separately amended by
   42  sections 34 and 68 of part A of chapter 56  of  the  laws  of  2010,  is
   43  amended to read as follows:
   44    S 354-a. Information  on  status  of  veterans  receiving  assistance.
   45  Departments, divisions, bureaus, boards, commissions and agencies of the
   46  state and political  subdivisions  thereof,  which  provide  assistance,
   47  treatment,  counseling,  care,  supervision  or custody in service areas
   48  involving health, mental health, family services,  criminal  justice  or
   49  employment,  including  but  not limited to the office of alcoholism and
   50  substance abuse services, office of mental health, office  of  probation
   51  and  correctional  alternatives, office of children and family services,
   52  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
   53  OPPORTUNITY,  department of health, department of labor, local workforce
   54  investment boards, office of mental retardation and developmental  disa-
   55  bilities,  department  of  correctional services and division of parole,
   56  shall request assisted persons to provide  information  with  regard  to
       A. 5001                            32
    1  their  veteran  status and military experiences. Individuals identifying
    2  themselves as veterans shall be advised that the division  of  veterans'
    3  affairs  and  local  veterans'  service agencies established pursuant to
    4  section  three hundred fifty-seven of this article provide assistance to
    5  veterans regarding benefits under federal  and  state  law.  Information
    6  regarding  veterans  status  and  military  service provided by assisted
    7  persons solely to implement this section shall be protected as  personal
    8  confidential  information under article six-A of the public officers law
    9  against disclosure of confidential material, and used only to assist  in
   10  the diagnosis, treatment, assessment and handling of the veteran's prob-
   11  lems  within the agency requesting such information and in referring the
   12  veteran to the division of veterans' affairs for information and assist-
   13  ance with regard to benefits and entitlements under  federal  and  state
   14  law.
   15    S  42. Subdivision 4 of section 532-a of the executive law, as amended
   16  by section 14 of part E of chapter 57 of the laws of 2005, is amended to
   17  read as follows:
   18    4. "Approved runaway program" shall mean any  non-residential  program
   19  approved  by the office of children and family services after submission
   20  by the county youth bureau, as part of its comprehensive  plan,  or  any
   21  residential  facility  which  is  operated  by  an  authorized agency as
   22  defined in subdivision ten of section three hundred seventy-one  of  the
   23  social  services  law, and approved by the office of children and family
   24  services after submission by the county youth  bureau  as  part  of  its
   25  comprehensive  plan,  established  and  operated  to provide services to
   26  runaway and homeless youth in accordance with  the  regulations  of  the
   27  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   28  OPPORTUNITY and  the  office  of  children  and  family  services.  Such
   29  programs  may also provide non-residential crisis intervention and resi-
   30  dential respite services to youth in  need  of  crisis  intervention  or
   31  respite  services,  as  defined  in  this section.   Residential respite
   32  services in an approved runaway program may be provided for no more than
   33  twenty-one days in accordance with the  regulations  of  the  office  of
   34  children and family services.
   35    S  43.  Subdivision  (f)  of  section  532-e  of the executive law, as
   36  amended by chapter 182 of the laws  of  2002,  is  amended  to  read  as
   37  follows:
   38    (f) develop and promulgate regulations in consultation with the office
   39  of  [temporary  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTU-
   40  NITY concerning the provision of services  by  transitional  independent
   41  living support programs consistent with the provisions of this article.
   42    S 44. Subdivision 5 of section 454 of the family court act, as amended
   43  by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, is amended to read as follows:
   44    5.  The court may review a support collection unit's denial of a chal-
   45  lenge made by a support obligor pursuant to paragraph (d) of subdivision
   46  twelve of section one hundred eleven-b of the  social  services  law  if
   47  objections  thereto  are  filed  by  a  support obligor who has received
   48  notice that the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC
   49  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY intends to notify the department of motor  vehi-
   50  cles  that the support obligor's driving privileges are to be suspended.
   51  Specific written objections to a support collection unit's denial may be
   52  filed by the support obligor within thirty-five days of the  mailing  of
   53  the  notice  of  the support collection unit's denial. A support obligor
   54  who files such objections shall serve a copy of the objections upon  the
   55  support  collection unit, which shall have ten days from such service to
   56  file a written rebuttal to such objections and a copy of the record upon
       A. 5001                            33
    1  which the support collection  unit's  denial  was  made,  including  all
    2  documentation  submitted  by the support obligor. Proof of service shall
    3  be filed with the court at the time of  filing  of  objections  and  any
    4  rebuttal.  The  court's  review  shall  be  based  upon  the  record and
    5  submissions of the support obligor and the support collection unit  upon
    6  which  the  support collection unit's denial was made. Within forty-five
    7  days after the rebuttal, if any, is filed, the family court judge  shall
    8  (i)  deny  the  objections  and remand to the support collection unit or
    9  (ii) affirm the objections if the court finds the determination  of  the
   10  support  collection unit is based upon a clearly erroneous determination
   11  of fact or error of law, whereupon the court shall  direct  the  support
   12  collection  unit  not  to  notify  the  department  of motor vehicles to
   13  suspend the support obligor's driving privileges. Provisions  set  forth
   14  herein relating to procedures for appeal to the family court by individ-
   15  uals  subject  to  suspension  of  driving privileges for failure to pay
   16  child support shall apply solely to such cases and not affect or  modify
   17  any  other  procedure for review or appeal of administrative enforcement
   18  of child support requirements.
   19    S 45. Paragraphs 1 and 2 of subsection  (e)  of  section  320  of  the
   20  insurance  law,  as  amended by section 117-a of part C of chapter 58 of
   21  the laws of 2009, are amended to read as follows:
   22    (1) Every insurer shall, upon request of an authorized  representative
   23  of  the  state  office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC
   24  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, or a social  services  district  child  support
   25  enforcement unit established pursuant to section one hundred eleven-c of
   26  the  social  services law, enter into an agreement with the state office
   27  of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTU-
   28  NITY  or  a social services district to develop and operate a data match
   29  system, using automated data exchanges to the maximum  extent  feasible,
   30  in  which  each  such  insurer, pension fund, retirement system or other
   31  organization shall provide for each calendar quarter  the  name,  record
   32  address, social security number or other taxpayer identification number,
   33  and  other  identifying  information for each individual who maintains a
   34  demand deposit account, checking or negotiable withdrawal order account,
   35  savings account, time  deposit  account,  or  money-market  mutual  fund
   36  account at such institution and who owes past-due support, as identified
   37  by  the  state  office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC
   38  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or a  social  services  district  child  support
   39  enforcement  unit  by  name and social security number or other taxpayer
   40  identification number. Nothing herein  shall  be  deemed  to  limit  the
   41  authority  of  a  local social services district support collection unit
   42  pursuant to section one hundred eleven-h of the social services law.
   43    (2) No insurer which discloses information pursuant to  paragraph  one
   44  of  this  subsection,  or  discloses  any  financial record to the state
   45  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
   46  OPPORTUNITY or a social services district child support enforcement unit
   47  for  the purpose of enforcing a child support obligation of such person,
   48  shall be liable under any law to any person for such disclosure, or  for
   49  any  other  action  taken  in good faith to comply with paragraph one of
   50  this subsection.
   51    S 46. Paragraph e of subdivision 3 of section 537 of the labor law, as
   52  amended by chapter 601 of the laws  of  2007,  is  amended  to  read  as
   53  follows:
   54    e.  Nothing  herein  shall  be construed to prohibit the disclosure of
   55  claim information as defined in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph d of this
   56  subdivision to the "state directory of new hires," as established  under
       A. 5001                            34
    1  section  one hundred seventy-one-h of the tax law as amended, and to the
    2  state office of [temporary and disability assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT
    3  AND OPPORTUNITY for disseminating to support collection units designated
    4  by  social  services  districts  or their duly authorized agents for all
    5  purposes designated by the personal responsibility and  worker  opportu-
    6  nity reconciliation act of 1996, public law 104-193. The cost of provid-
    7  ing  such  claim information shall be reimbursed consistent with federal
    8  law and regulations.
    9    S 47. Section 540 of the labor law, as amended by chapter 601  of  the
   10  laws of 2007, is amended to read as follows:
   11    S  540.   Informational pamphlet about food stamp program. The commis-
   12  sioner shall establish procedures whereby each person who files a  claim
   13  for  unemployment  insurance pursuant to section five hundred ninety-six
   14  of this article, shall receive an informational leaflet about  the  food
   15  stamp  program  provided  by  the  office  of  [temporary and disability
   16  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY pursuant to subdivision six
   17  of section ninety-five-a of the social services law.
   18    S 48. Subdivisions 1 and 2 of section 65 of the lien law,  as  amended
   19  by chapter 624 of the laws of 2002, are amended to read as follows:
   20    1.  The New York state office of [temporary and disability assistance]
   21  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, or a local social  services  district,
   22  or  its  authorized  representative,  on  behalf  of  persons  receiving
   23  services under title six-A of article three of the social services  law,
   24  shall  have a lien against real property owned by a support obligor when
   25  such support obligor is or was under a court order to pay child  support
   26  or  combined  child and spousal support to a support collection unit and
   27  such support obligor has accumulated support arrears/past due support in
   28  an amount equal to or greater than the amount of support due pursuant to
   29  such order for a period of four months. Such lien shall be in an  amount
   30  sufficient  to  satisfy  the support arrears/past due support. Such lien
   31  shall be enforceable upon filing a notice of lien in the office  of  the
   32  clerk  of  the county in which real property subject to any such lien is
   33  situated. In the event the real property is located  in  more  than  one
   34  county,  filing  shall  occur  in the office of the clerk in each county
   35  where the real property is situated. The county  clerk  of  each  county
   36  shall  accept and maintain the notice of lien as part of a comprehensive
   37  index of liens against real property. If a child support obligor against
   38  whom a lien is filed subsequently acquires an interest in real property,
   39  the lien shall be perfected and have effect upon the recording or filing
   40  of the instrument by which such interest  is  obtained.  The  filing  of
   41  notice  of lien or a release of lien may be done by electronic means and
   42  without payment of a fee.
   43    2. Said lien shall terminate upon  payment  in  full  of  all  support
   44  arrears/past  due  support.  The  office  of  [temporary  and disability
   45  assistance] ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY  or  a  social  services
   46  district  or  its  authorized  representative may file a release of lien
   47  against specified property, which action shall not of itself discharge a
   48  lien arising by operation of law.
   49    S 49. Subdivision 1 of section 211 of the  lien  law,  as  amended  by
   50  chapter 624 of the laws of 2002, is amended to read as follows:
   51    1.  The New York state office of [temporary and disability assistance]
   52  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, or a local social  services  district,
   53  or its authorized representative on behalf of persons receiving services
   54  under title six-A of article three of the social services law shall have
   55  a  lien  against  personal property owned by a support obligor when such
   56  support obligor is or was under a court order to pay  child  support  or
       A. 5001                            35
    1  combined child and spousal support to a support collection unit and such
    2  support  obligor  has accumulated support arrears/past due support in an
    3  amount equal to or greater than the amount of support  due  pursuant  to
    4  such  order for a period of four months. Such lien shall be in an amount
    5  sufficient to satisfy such support arrears/past due support.  Said  lien
    6  shall  be  perfected in the case of a vehicle as that term is defined in
    7  section two thousand one hundred one of the vehicle and traffic law with
    8  the department of motor vehicles. The filing of a notice of lien or of a
    9  release of lien shall be completed without payment of a fee. The  filing
   10  of notice of lien or release of lien may be done by electronic means.
   11    S  50.  Section  65-a of the public service law, as amended by chapter
   12  601 of the laws of 2007, is amended to read as follows:
   13    S 65-a. Notification to  social  services  officials.  The  commission
   14  shall,  to  the  extent not inconsistent with other requirements of law,
   15  establish requirements relating to the notification  of  an  appropriate
   16  social  services  official by a gas corporation, electric corporation or
   17  municipality that  payment  for  utility  services  furnished  a  person
   18  receiving  public  assistance,  supplemental security income benefits or
   19  additional state payments pursuant to the social services  law  has  not
   20  been made and such person is known by the corporation or municipality to
   21  be  a recipient of such assistance, benefits or payments. The commission
   22  shall consult with the office of [temporary and  disability  assistance]
   23  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY in fulfilling the objectives of this
   24  section.
   25    S 51. Subdivision 3-c of section 89-b of the public  service  law,  as
   26  amended  by  chapter  601  of  the  laws  of 2007, is amended to read as
   27  follows:
   28    3-c. It shall be unlawful for any water-works corporation  to  discon-
   29  tinue  the  supply  of  water  to  any person or entity receiving public
   30  assistance, for nonpayment of bills rendered for service, if the payment
   31  for such service is to be paid directly by the office of [temporary  and
   32  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or the social
   33  services official in such locality.
   34    S 52. Subparagraph (i) of paragraph (b) of subdivision  2  of  section
   35  745  of  the  real  property  actions and proceedings law, as amended by
   36  chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, is amended to read as follows:
   37    (i) The court shall not require the respondent to deposit the  portion
   38  of rent or use and occupancy, if any, which is payable by direct govern-
   39  ment  housing  subsidy,  any currently effective senior citizen increase
   40  exemption authorized pursuant to sections four hundred sixty-seven-b and
   41  four hundred sixty-seven-c of the real property tax law, direct  payment
   42  of rent or a two-party check issued by a social services district or the
   43  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   44  OPPORTUNITY, or rental assistance that  is  payable  pursuant  to  court
   45  orders  issued  in litigation commenced in nineteen hundred eighty-seven
   46  in a proceeding in which the amount of shelter allowance is at issue  on
   47  behalf  of  recipients of family assistance. In the event the respondent
   48  or other adult member of  the  respondent's  household  receives  public
   49  assistance  pursuant  to title three or title ten of article five of the
   50  social services law, the respondent shall, when directed by the court to
   51  deposit rent and use or occupancy, only be required to deposit with  the
   52  court  the amount of the shelter allowance portion of the public assist-
   53  ance grant issued by the office of [temporary and disability assistance]
   54  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or a social services district.  In  the
   55  event  the  respondent receives supplemental security income pursuant to
   56  title sixteen of the federal social security act and title six of  arti-
       A. 5001                            36
    1  cle  five  of  the  social  services  law,  the respondent shall only be
    2  required to deposit  one-third  of  the  monthly  supplemental  security
    3  income payment.
    4    S  53.  Subdivision  2  of  section  91-c of the state finance law, as
    5  amended by chapter 601 of the laws  of  2007,  is  amended  to  read  as
    6  follows:
    7    2. In addition to any other payments from the account, the comptroller
    8  shall  remit overpayments of grants and allowances of public assistance,
    9  as determined by the office of  [temporary  and  disability  assistance]
   10  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or a local social services district, to
   11  local social services districts, which shall remit such funds, as appro-
   12  priate,  to  local  social  services  districts for proper crediting and
   13  distribution or for reimbursement to state funds.
   14    S 54. Subdivisions 2, 4, 7, 8 and 9 of section  97-ttt  of  the  state
   15  finance  law, as added by section 6 of part F of chapter 405 of the laws
   16  of 1999, are amended to read as follows:
   17    2. Such fund shall consist of those revenues specified by  the  office
   18  of  [temporary  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTU-
   19  NITY or the department of health, as approved by  the  director  of  the
   20  budget,  and properly received from the federal government on account of
   21  federal revenue maximization activities conducted by the former  depart-
   22  ment  of  social  services  or  the  office of [temporary and disability
   23  assistance] ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY  or  the  department  of
   24  health,  and  social services districts, both directly and through their
   25  contractors, that are credited or transferred  thereto  from  any  other
   26  fund or source pursuant to law.
   27    4.  Moneys  in  the fund, pursuant to appropriation by the legislature
   28  and issuance of a certificate of approval by the director of the  budget
   29  shall be made available for the following purposes:
   30    (a)  payment  of  fees,  pursuant  to a contract approved by the state
   31  comptroller, to a contractor of the former department of social services
   32  or the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC  SUPPORT
   33  AND  OPPORTUNITY  or  the department of health providing federal revenue
   34  maximization services; and
   35    (b) payment or reimbursement of the federal share of  social  services
   36  district expenditures based on social services district claims for addi-
   37  tional  federal  reimbursements submitted in accordance with section one
   38  hundred thirty-one-g of the social services law and  identified  by  the
   39  commissioner  of  the  office  of  [temporary and disability assistance]
   40  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or the department of health, as federal
   41  revenue maximization claims submitted on behalf  of  a  city  or  county
   42  department  or social services district. Moneys shall be paid out of the
   43  fund on the audit and warrant  of  the  state  comptroller  on  vouchers
   44  certified  or  approved  by the commissioner of the office of [temporary
   45  and disability assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY  or  the
   46  department of health and the director of the budget.
   47    7.  Upon  the identification, by the director of the budget, of moneys
   48  resulting from federal revenue maximization activities conducted by  the
   49  former  department  of  social  services or the office of [temporary and
   50  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or  the  depart-
   51  ment  of  health,  the  state  comptroller shall apportion the moneys as
   52  follows:
   53    (a) the first portion shall be deposited to the  revenue  maximization
   54  contractor  account,  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  the  applicable
   55  contract with the former department of social services or the office  of
   56  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY
       A. 5001                            37
    1  or the department of health, or a social services district. The director
    2  of the budget shall review and approve or disapprove the amounts  to  be
    3  so deposited;
    4    (b)  the  second  portion shall be deposited to the local maximization
    5  account, in amounts to be determined by the director of  the  budget  in
    6  consultation with the commissioner of the office of [temporary and disa-
    7  bility  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY and any other state
    8  department or agency, as necessary; and
    9    (c) remaining moneys shall be deposited  to  the  contingency  reserve
   10  fund.
   11    8.  Payments  to  a  contractor  of  the  former  department of social
   12  services or the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC
   13  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY or the department of health or a social services
   14  district, who was engaged in revenue maximization activities  generating
   15  reimbursement  specified for deposit in the federal revenue maximization
   16  fund pursuant to subdivision three of this section, shall be  made  only
   17  from the revenue maximization contractor account.
   18    9.  Notwithstanding  any  law  to the contrary, and in accordance with
   19  section four of [the state finance law] THIS CHAPTER, the comptroller is
   20  hereby authorized and directed to transfer, upon request from the direc-
   21  tor of the budget, $95,000,000 from any of the office of [temporary  and
   22  disability  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY special revenue
   23  federal funds to the federal revenue  maximization  fund  (359)  or  the
   24  contingency reserve fund (005).
   25    S  55.  Section 179-aa of the state finance law, as amended by chapter
   26  292 of the laws of 2007, is amended to read as follows:
   27    S 179-aa. Advisory committee. There is hereby established  a  not-for-
   28  profit  contracting  advisory  committee.  The  advisory committee shall
   29  consist of sixteen members which shall include eight appointed  members,
   30  four  to  be  appointed  by the governor who shall be representatives of
   31  not-for-profit organizations providing services in the  state,  and  two
   32  each  to  be appointed by the governor upon recommendation of the tempo-
   33  rary president of the senate and speaker of the assembly, and  eight  ex
   34  officio  members of the committee, one each designated from the division
   35  of the budget, the department of law, the  office  of  the  state  comp-
   36  troller, and the education department. The governor shall also designate
   37  four members from among the following agencies: the department of state,
   38  the office of children and family services, the office of [temporary and
   39  disability  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, the department
   40  of health, the office of mental hygiene, the office of  mental  retarda-
   41  tion  and  developmental disabilities, and the department of labor.  The
   42  governor shall designate an appointee to serve as chair of  the  commit-
   43  tee.  The  advisory committee shall meet at least quarterly and upon its
   44  own initiative may: comment and report on the implementation and  opera-
   45  tion  of  the  not-for-profit short-term revolving loan fund; advise the
   46  governor, comptroller and state agencies on the implementation and oper-
   47  ation of this article; evaluate the  benefits  of  requiring  all  state
   48  agencies to use standard contract language and the extent to which stan-
   49  dard language may be effectively included in contracts with not-for-pro-
   50  fit organizations; review annually the report of the office of the state
   51  comptroller made pursuant to section one hundred seventy-nine-bb of this
   52  article;  and propose any legislation they deem necessary to improve the
   53  fund and this article. The committee shall report to  the  governor  and
   54  the legislature with recommendations on improving the contracting proce-
   55  dures  with  not-for-profit  organizations  which  receive  state  funds
       A. 5001                            38
    1  through the intermediary of municipalities.  Such reports shall  be  due
    2  annually not later than December first.
    3    S  56.  Paragraph 1, subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) of paragraph 2,
    4  and paragraphs 3 and 4 of subdivision 4-e of section 510 of the  vehicle
    5  and  traffic  law,  as  amended  by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, are
    6  amended to read as follows:
    7    (1) The commissioner, on behalf of the department, shall enter into  a
    8  written  agreement with the commissioner of the office of [temporary and
    9  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY,  on  behalf  of
   10  the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   11  OPPORTUNITY,  which  shall  set  forth the procedures for suspending the
   12  driving privileges of individuals who have failed to  make  payments  of
   13  child support or combined child and spousal support.
   14    (i)  the procedure under which the office of [temporary and disability
   15  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall notify the department
   16  of an individual's liability for support arrears;
   17    (ii) the procedure under which the department shall be notified by the
   18  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
   19  OPPORTUNITY that an individual has satisfied or commenced payment of his
   20  or  her  support  arrears; or has made satisfactory payment arrangements
   21  thereon and shall have the suspension of his or her  driving  privileges
   22  terminated;
   23    (iii) the procedure for reimbursement of the department and its agents
   24  by  the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT
   25  AND OPPORTUNITY for the full additional costs of carrying out the proce-
   26  dures authorized by this  section,  and  may  include,  subject  to  the
   27  approval of the director of the budget, a procedure for reimbursement of
   28  necessary  additional costs of collecting social security numbers pursu-
   29  ant to section five hundred two of this title;
   30    (3) Upon receipt of notification from the  office  of  [temporary  and
   31  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY of a person's
   32  failure to satisfy support  arrears  or  to  make  satisfactory  payment
   33  arrangements  thereon pursuant to paragraph (e) of subdivision twelve of
   34  section one hundred eleven-b of the social services law or  notification
   35  from  a  court  issuing an order pursuant to section four hundred fifty-
   36  eight-a of the family court act or section two hundred  forty-four-b  of
   37  the  domestic  relations law, the commissioner or his or her agent shall
   38  suspend the license of such person to operate a motor  vehicle.  In  the
   39  event  such person is unlicensed, such person's privilege of obtaining a
   40  license shall be suspended. Such suspension shall take effect  no  later
   41  than  fifteen  days  from  the  date of the notice thereof to the person
   42  whose license or privilege of obtaining a license is  to  be  suspended,
   43  and  shall  remain  in  effect  until  such  time as the commissioner is
   44  advised that the person has satisfied the support arrears  or  has  made
   45  satisfactory  payment  arrangements thereon pursuant to paragraph (e) of
   46  subdivision twelve  of  section  one  hundred  eleven-b  of  the  social
   47  services  law  or until such time as the court issues an order to termi-
   48  nate such suspension;
   49    (4) From the time the  commissioner  is  notified  by  the  office  of
   50  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY
   51  of a person's liability for support  arrears  under  this  section,  the
   52  commissioner  shall  be relieved from all liability to such person which
   53  may otherwise arise under this section, and such person  shall  have  no
   54  right  to  commence  a  court action or proceeding or to any other legal
   55  recourse against the commissioner to recover such driving privileges  as
   56  authorized  by  this  section.  In  addition,  notwithstanding any other
       A. 5001                            39
    1  provision of law, such person shall have no right to a hearing or appeal
    2  pursuant to this chapter with respect to a suspension of driving  privi-
    3  leges  as  authorized  by this section. However, nothing herein shall be
    4  construed  to  prohibit  such person from proceeding against the support
    5  collection unit pursuant to article seventy-eight of the civil  practice
    6  law and rules.
    7    S  57.  Subdivision  (a), and paragraphs 1 and 2 of subdivision (b) of
    8  section 2105-a of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chapter 601
    9  of the laws of 2007, are amended to read as follows:
   10    (a) The commissioner, on behalf of the department, shall enter into  a
   11  written  agreement with the commissioner of the office of [temporary and
   12  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY which shall  set
   13  forth  the  procedures for creation of security interests on vehicles in
   14  favor of the office of [temporary and  disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC
   15  SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY,  a social services district or its authorized
   16  representative as provided for in section two hundred eleven of the lien
   17  law and section one hundred eleven-u of the social services law.
   18    (1) the procedures under which the office of [temporary and disability
   19  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall notify the department
   20  of a security interest arising for failure to  make  payments  of  child
   21  support  or combined child and spousal support, including data standards
   22  for determining that the person against whom such lien will  be  imposed
   23  is the person owing such arrears;
   24    (2) the procedures under which the office of [temporary and disability
   25  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY shall notify the department
   26  that an individual has satisfied the security interest;
   27    S  58. Subdivision (c) of section 2116 of the vehicle and traffic law,
   28  as amended by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, is  amended  to  read  as
   29  follows:
   30    (c)  The  filing  of  a notice of lien by the office of [temporary and
   31  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY,  or  a  local
   32  social services district, or its authorized representative, or a lien of
   33  another  state  agency operating under title IV-D of the social security
   34  act, shall constitute an application for the naming of a lienholder on a
   35  certificate of title.  The filing of an application by any  such  agency
   36  shall be completed without payment of a fee.
   37    S 59. Section 2122 of the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chap-
   38  ter 601 of the laws of 2007, is amended to read as follows:
   39    S 2122. Duty  of  lienholder.  A  lienholder named in a certificate of
   40  title shall, upon written request of the owner or of another  lienholder
   41  named  on  the certificate, disclose any pertinent information as to his
   42  security agreement and the indebtedness secured by  it.  The  office  of
   43  [temporary  and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY,
   44  or a social services district, or its authorized representative shall be
   45  deemed to have complied with this section upon disclosing  the  name  of
   46  the obligor and the amount of the debt.
   47    S  60.  Subdivision  (g) of section 7.09 of the mental hygiene law, as
   48  amended by chapter 601 of the laws  of  2007,  is  amended  to  read  as
   49  follows:
   50    (g) The commissioner shall work cooperatively with the commissioner of
   51  the  office of mental retardation and developmental disabilities and the
   52  commissioner of the office  of  [temporary  and  disability  assistance]
   53  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY to assist the commissioner of education
   54  in  furnishing integrated employment services to individuals with severe
   55  disabilities, including the  development  of  an  integrated  employment
       A. 5001                            40
    1  implementation  plan,  pursuant  to  article twenty-one of the education
    2  law.
    3    S  61.  Subdivision (d) of section 13.09 of the mental hygiene law, as
    4  amended by chapter 601 of the laws  of  2007,  is  amended  to  read  as
    5  follows:
    6    (d) The commissioner shall work cooperatively with the commissioner of
    7  the  office  of  mental  health  and  the  commissioner of the office of
    8  [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT  AND  OPPORTUNITY
    9  to assist the commissioner of education in furnishing integrated employ-
   10  ment  services  to  individuals  with severe disabilities, including the
   11  development of an integrated employment implementation plan, pursuant to
   12  article twenty-one of the education law.
   13    S 62. Paragraph 1 of subdivision (f) of section 16.17  of  the  mental
   14  hygiene  law,  as amended by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, is amended
   15  to read as follows:
   16    (1) Except as provided in paragraph two of this subdivision,  anything
   17  contained  in this section to the contrary notwithstanding, an operating
   18  certificate of a facility shall be revoked upon a finding by the  office
   19  that  any individual, member of a partnership or shareholder of a corpo-
   20  ration to whom or to which an operating certificate has been issued, has
   21  been convicted of a class A, B or C felony or a felony  related  in  any
   22  way  to any activity or program subject to the regulations, supervision,
   23  or administration of the office or of the office of [temporary and disa-
   24  bility assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, the  department  of
   25  health,  or  another  office  of the department of mental hygiene, or in
   26  violation of the public officers law in a court of  competent  jurisdic-
   27  tion  of  the  state,  or  in a court in another jurisdiction for an act
   28  which would have been a class A, B or C felony in this state or a felony
   29  in any way related to any activity or program which would be subject  to
   30  the  regulations, supervision, or administration of the office or of the
   31  office of [temporary and disability  assistance]  ECONOMIC  SUPPORT  AND
   32  OPPORTUNITY,  the department of health, or another office of the depart-
   33  ment of mental hygiene, or for an act which would be in violation of the
   34  public officers law. The commissioner shall  not  revoke  or  limit  the
   35  operating certificate of any facility, solely because of the conviction,
   36  whether  in  the courts of this state or in the courts of another juris-
   37  diction, more than ten years prior to the effective date of such revoca-
   38  tion or limitation, of any person of a felony, or what would amount to a
   39  felony if committed within the state, unless the  commissioner  makes  a
   40  determination that such conviction was related to an activity or program
   41  subject  to  the  regulations,  supervision,  and  administration of the
   42  office or of the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOM-
   43  IC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, the department of health, or another  office
   44  of the department of mental hygiene, or in violation of the public offi-
   45  cers law.
   46    S  63.  Paragraph  3 of subdivision (a) of section 19.09 of the mental
   47  hygiene law, as amended by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007,  is  amended
   48  to read as follows:
   49    (3)   The  commissioner  may  coordinate  alcoholism,  alcohol  abuse,
   50  substance abuse, substance dependence and  chemical  dependence  related
   51  activities  in  all  departments  of  the  state by convening at regular
   52  intervals a coordinating committee of representatives of the departments
   53  of health, correctional services, labor,  economic  development,  educa-
   54  tion,  and  motor  vehicles, and the office of [temporary and disability
   55  assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY and any other department or
   56  agency having an interest therein.
       A. 5001                            41
    1    S 64. Paragraph 1 of subdivision (f) of section 31.16  of  the  mental
    2  hygiene  law,  as amended by chapter 601 of the laws of 2007, is amended
    3  to read as follows:
    4    1.  Except  as provided in paragraph two of this subdivision, anything
    5  contained in this section to the contrary notwithstanding, an  operating
    6  certificate  of a facility shall be revoked upon a finding by the office
    7  that any individual, member of a partnership or shareholder of a  corpo-
    8  ration to whom or to which an operating certificate has been issued, has
    9  been  convicted  of  a class A, B or C felony or a felony related in any
   10  way to any activity or program subject to the regulations,  supervision,
   11  or administration of the office or of the office of [temporary and disa-
   12  bility  assistance]  ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, the department of
   13  health, or another office of the department of  mental  hygiene,  or  in
   14  violation  of  the public officers law in a court of competent jurisdic-
   15  tion of the state, or in a court in  another  jurisdiction  for  an  act
   16  which would have been a class A, B or C felony in this state or a felony
   17  in  any way related to any activity or program which would be subject to
   18  the regulations, supervision, or administration of the office or of  the
   19  office  of  [temporary  and  disability assistance] ECONOMIC SUPPORT AND
   20  OPPORTUNITY, the department of health, or another office of the  depart-
   21  ment of mental hygiene, or for an act which would be in violation of the
   22  public  officers  law.  The  commissioner  shall not revoke or limit the
   23  operating certificate of any facility, solely because of the conviction,
   24  whether in the courts of this state or in the courts of  another  juris-
   25  diction, more than ten years prior to the effective date of such revoca-
   26  tion or limitation, of any person of a felony, or what would amount to a
   27  felony  if  committed  within the state, unless the commissioner makes a
   28  determination that such conviction was related to an activity or program
   29  subject to the  regulations,  supervision,  and  administration  of  the
   30  office or of the office of [temporary and disability assistance] ECONOM-
   31  IC  SUPPORT AND OPPORTUNITY, the department of health, or another office
   32  of the department of mental hygiene, or in violation of the public offi-
   33  cers law.
   34    S 65. Terms occurring in laws, contracts and other documents. Whenever
   35  the former department of social services  or  office  of  temporary  and
   36  disability  assistance is referred to or designated in any law, contract
   37  or document pertaining to the functions, powers, obligations and  duties
   38  of  that  department transferred by part B of chapter 436 of the laws of
   39  1997 to such office, such reference or designation shall  be  deemed  to
   40  refer  to  the office of economic support and opportunity or the commis-
   41  sioner thereof.
   42    S 66. Existing rights and remedies preserved.  No  existing  right  or
   43  remedy of any character shall be lost, impaired or affected by reason of
   44  this act.
   45    S  67.  Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision,
   46  section or part contained in any part of this act shall be  adjudged  by
   47  any  court  of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall
   48  not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof,  but  shall  be
   49  confined  in  its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivi-
   50  sion, section or part contained in any part thereof directly involved in
   51  the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.  It  is
   52  hereby  declared to be the intent of the legislature that this act would
   53  have been enacted even if such invalid provisions had not been  included
   54  herein.
   55    S 68. This act shall take effect immediately; provided however that:
       A. 5001                            42
    1    (a)  the  amendments  to subdivision 12 of section 111-b of the social
    2  services law, made by section six of this  act,  shall  not  affect  the
    3  repeal of such subdivision and shall be deemed repealed therewith;
    4    (b)  the amendments to section 483-ee of the social services law, made
    5  by section twenty-three of this act, shall not affect the repeal of such
    6  section and shall be deemed repealed therewith;
    7    (c) the amendments to subdivision 5 of section 454 of the family court
    8  act, made by section forty-four of this act, shall not affect the repeal
    9  of such subdivision and shall be deemed repealed therewith; and
   10    (d) the amendments to subdivision 4-e of section 510  of  the  vehicle
   11  and traffic law, made by section fifty-six of this act, shall not affect
   12  the repeal of such subdivision and shall be deemed repealed therewith.