            S. 4117                                                  A. 4838
                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                SENATE - ASSEMBLY
                                    February 3, 2017
        IN SENATE -- Introduced by Sen. LAVALLE -- read twice and ordered print-
          ed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Local Govern-
        IN  ASSEMBLY  -- Introduced by M. of A. THIELE -- read once and referred
          to the Committee on Local Governments
        AN ACT in relation to the trustees of the Freeholders and the Commonalty
          of the town of Southampton, county of Suffolk
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Legislative findings. The legislature enacted chapter 255
     2  of the laws of 1818 and chapter 283 of the laws of 1831, addressing  the
     3  respective  powers  of the trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of
     4  the town of Southampton, a body politic created by the Dongan Patent  of
     5  1686, and the trustees for the proprietors of the town of Southampton, a
     6  body  created  by  chapter  255 of the laws of 1818, with respect to the
     7  title to and use of the ocean beaches in the town, and further, to  make
     8  clear  the  continuing  ownership of the trustees of the Freeholders and
     9  Commonalty of the town of Southampton of the  underwater  lands  in  the
    10  town  and the taking of the products thereof, and their right to protect
    11  the public's right to use and enjoy the easement upon the ocean  beaches
    12  that  was  granted  to  them  by the Dongan Patent. The trustees for the
    13  proprietors of the town of Southampton sold the last of the ocean  beach
    14  lands  owned  by  them  and  disbanded the board of trustees in 1882 and
    15  thereafter ceased to exist. The Legislature enacted chapter 257  of  the
    16  laws  of  1892 and chapter 872 of the laws of 1896 authorizing the Trus-
    17  tees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the town of Southampton, "from
    18  time to time, whenever in their judgment it shall become  necessary"  to
    19  determine  the  necessity and location of one or more inlets in the town
    20  of Southampton from the Atlantic Ocean to Shinnecock Bay, or into  Mecox
    21  Bay,  or into Sag Pond, and to exercise the power of eminent domain over
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4117                             2                            A. 4838
     1  ocean beaches in order to locate such inlet or inlets. For more  than  a
     2  century  the  courts  of this state have rendered inconsistent decisions
     3  with respect to the powers of the said trustees over the ocean  beaches.
     4  The  legislature  wishes  to  confirm  that the Proprietors' Trustees no
     5  longer exist, address the powers of the trustees of the Freeholders  and
     6  Commonalty  of the town of Southhampton in light of contemporary circum-
     7  stances, and clarify the application of chapter 255 of the laws of  1818
     8  and chapter 283 of the laws of 1831.
     9    § 2. The Legislature confirms that the Trustees for the Proprietors of
    10  the town of Southampton, created by chapter 255 of the laws of 1818, are
    11  extinguished as a body politic.
    12    § 3. Notwithstanding any provisions of chapter 255 of the laws of 1818
    13  and chapter 283 of the laws of 1831 to the contrary, the trustees of the
    14  Freeholders  and  Commonalty  of  the town of Southampton have and shall
    15  continue to have the authority to  enforce  the  public's  easement  and
    16  access  upon the ocean beaches within the town of Southampton, including
    17  all rights of the public with respect to the said  ocean  beaches  which
    18  were  conferred  upon them by the Dongan Patent of 1686. The legislature
    19  recognizes that any authority over the ocean beaches that may have  been
    20  conferred upon the trustees for the proprietors of the town of Southamp-
    21  ton revert to the trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the town
    22  of Southampton.
    23    §  4.  For the purposes of this act, "ocean beaches" shall be the area
    24  of the Atlantic Ocean beaches within the town  of  Southampton,  whether
    25  within  or  without an incorporated village, that lies between the crest
    26  of the primary dune and the high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean.
    27    § 5. The trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty  of  the  town  of
    28  Southampton  shall  continue  to  have and exercise all of the rights of
    29  ownership over the waters of the town of Southampton  and  the  products
    30  thereof  that  they  had and exercised by virtue of the powers conferred
    31  upon them by the Dongan Patent, as well as the rights of ownership  over
    32  the said waters and the productions thereof that they were authorized to
    33  have  and exercise by chapter 255 of the laws of 1818 and chapter 283 of
    34  the laws of 1831.
    35    § 6. Nothing in this act shall be construed to take from the  trustees
    36  of  the Freeholders and Commonalty of the town of Southampton any of the
    37  powers conferred upon them by chapter 283 of the laws of 1831, including
    38  the power to make rules, orders and by-laws for the  management  of  the
    39  property  and  franchises  of  the  town;  to regulate their affairs; to
    40  impose penalties on any person offending against such rules,  orders  or
    41  by-laws;  and  to  appropriate  and  apply  the funds arising from their
    42  activities as they deem most proper to promote the interest of the town.
    43    § 7. This act shall take effect immediately.