

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 22, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. EPSTEIN, STIRPE -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A.
          RAMOS, L. ROSENTHAL, ZEBROWSKI  --  read  once  and  referred  to  the
          Committee on Governmental Operations

        AN  ACT  to  amend the executive law, in relation to purchase of cleaner
          vehicles for use by state agencies

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. The executive law is amended by adding a new section 201-b
     2  to read as follows:
     3    § 201-b.  Purchase of cleaner vehicles for use by state  agencies.  1.
     4  Definitions. As used in this section:
     5    (a)  "Alternative  fuel"  means  natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas,
     6  hydrogen, electricity, and any other fuel which is at least  eighty-five
     7  percent,  singly or in combination, methanol, ethanol, any other alcohol
     8  or ether.
     9    (b) "Alternative fuel motor vehicle" means a  motor  vehicle  that  is
    10  operated using solely an alternative fuel or is operated using solely an
    11  alternative fuel in combination with gasoline or diesel fuel.
    12    (c)  "Gross  vehicle  weight  rating" means the value specified by the
    13  manufacturer of a motor vehicle  model  as  the  maximum  design  loaded
    14  weight of a single vehicle of that model.
    15    (d)  "Light-duty vehicle" means any motor vehicle having a gross vehi-
    16  cle weight rating of eight thousand five hundred pounds or less.
    17    (e) "Medium-duty vehicle" means any motor vehicle having a gross vehi-
    18  cle weight rating of more than eight thousand five  hundred  pounds  but
    19  not more than fourteen thousand pounds.
    20    (f)  "Motor  vehicle" means a vehicle operated or driven upon a public
    21  highway which is propelled by  any  power  other  than  muscular  power,
    22  except electrically-driven mobility assistance devices operated or driv-
    23  en by a person with a disability.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4707                             2

     1    (g) "Purchase" means purchase, lease, borrow, or otherwise acquire.
     2    (h)  "State  agency"  means any department, board, bureau, commission,
     3  division, office, council, committee or  officer  of  the  state,  or  a
     4  public  benefit  corporation  or  public authority at least one of whose
     5  members is appointed by the governor, but shall not include the governor
     6  or agencies in the legislative or judicial branches.
     7    (i) "B100" shall mean bio-diesel in its pure form.
     8    (j) "B20" shall mean a mixture of twenty percent bio-diesel and eighty
     9  percent petroleum fuel.
    10    (k) "B5" shall mean a mixture of five percent bio-diesel  and  ninety-
    11  five percent petroleum fuel.
    12    (l)  "E85"  shall  mean  a  mixture of eighty-five percent ethanol and
    13  fifteen percent petroleum fuel.
    14    2. On and after January first, two thousand twenty-four,  one  hundred
    15  percent of all new light-duty vehicles purchased by state agencies shall
    16  be  alternative  fuel  motor  vehicles  with the exception of specialty,
    17  police or emergency vehicles as designated by the division of the  budg-
    18  et.
    19    3.  (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section two hundred one-a of
    20  this article, and except as provided for in paragraphs (b)  and  (c)  of
    21  this  subdivision,  on and after January first, two thousand twenty-four
    22  each medium-duty vehicle that a state agency purchases, with the  excep-
    23  tion  of  specialty,  police  or emergency vehicles as designated by the
    24  division of the budget, shall  achieve  the  highest  of  the  following
    25  ratings, with subparagraph (i) of this paragraph being the highest vehi-
    26  cle  rating, applicable to motor vehicles certified to California LEV II
    27  standards and available within the applicable model year for  a  medium-
    28  duty  vehicle  that  meets the requirements for the intended use of such
    29  vehicle:
    30    (i) zero emission vehicle (ZEV)
    31    (ii) advanced technology partial zero emission vehicle (ATPZEV)
    32    (iii) partial zero emission vehicle (PZEV)
    33    (iv) super ultra low emission vehicle (SULEV)
    34    (v) ultra low emission vehicle (ULEV)
    35    (vi) low emission vehicle (LEV)
    36    (b) The state agency shall not be required to purchase a zero emission
    37  vehicle or advanced technology partial zero emission vehicle in  accord-
    38  ance  with  subparagraph (i) of paragraph (a) of this subdivision if the
    39  only available vehicle or vehicles  that  achieve  such  a  rating  cost
    40  greater than fifty percent more than the lowest bid as determined by the
    41  applicable procurement process for a vehicle available in the next high-
    42  est  rating category that meets the requirements for the intended use by
    43  the agency of such vehicle.
    44    (c) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (a) of this subdivi-
    45  sion, such requirements need not apply to a maximum of five  percent  of
    46  the medium-duty vehicles purchased within each year.
    47    4.  When  purchasing  vehicles  other  than light-duty and medium-duty
    48  vehicles, including non-road vehicles, state agencies shall purchase the
    49  most fuel efficient model in the vehicle class unless  the  agency  head
    50  certifies  in  writing  that  purchase  of such model would not meet the
    51  needs of the agency.
    52    5. All vehicles shall be maintained and operated  in  a  manner  which
    53  maximizes  fuel efficiency and minimizes air pollution. The commissioner
    54  of general services  shall  adopt  regulations  and  implement  policies
    55  designed  to  reduce  petroleum  consumption  and emissions through such
    56  measures as the establishment of fleet management  practices  to  reduce

        A. 4707                             3

     1  vehicle  miles  traveled, and the institution and enforcement of mainte-
     2  nance, fueling and driving policies to maximize fuel economy.
     3    6.  All state agencies shall ensure that vehicles capable of operating
     4  on E85 ethanol fuel shall do so whenever it is feasible to  do  so.  The
     5  governor's  clean  vehicle  council shall prepare a plan outlining steps
     6  that can be taken to ensure that, to the greatest extent  possible,  all
     7  flexible-fueled  vehicles  in  the  state fleet that can utilize ethanol
     8  fuels will do so, and identify and implement  measures  to  provide  for
     9  such refueling.
    10    7.  (a)  The  governor's  clean vehicle council shall prepare a report
    11  detailing how such agencies shall  purchase,  allocate,  distribute  and
    12  utilize  bio-diesel  in  state  vehicles. State agencies shall purchase,
    13  allocate, distribute and  utilize  bio-diesel  in  accordance  with  the
    14  aforementioned report, and as specified in the table below. The percent-
    15  age  of diesel shall be a blended equivalent which results in an overall
    16  consumption of B100 as set forth below.
    17    Calendar Year                                   B100 Percentage
    18    2023                                            6.0%
    19    2024                                            7.0%
    20    2025                                            8.0%
    21    2026                                            10.0%
    22    In two thousand twenty-eight and thereafter, the percentage of  diesel
    23  as  specified above shall be set by the commissioner of general services
    24  by regulation, but shall not be less than ten percent.
    25    (b) In complying with the requirements  of  subdivision  two  of  this
    26  section,  state  agencies  may  substitute the use of four hundred fifty
    27  gallons of B100 for the acquisition of one alternative fuel motor  vehi-
    28  cle.    Use  of  two thousand two hundred fifty gallons of B20 or use of
    29  nine thousand gallons of B5 may also be substituted for one  alternative
    30  fuel motor vehicle. No more than fifty percent of a given state agency's
    31  alternative  fueled  motor  vehicle  purchase  requirement may be met by
    32  substituting B100, B20 or B5 in accordance with this paragraph.
    33    (c) The requirements of this subdivision  may  be  waived,  either  in
    34  whole or in part, by any state agency upon a finding by the head of such
    35  agency  that  adherence  to  such  requirement  would  have unacceptable
    36  impacts upon the reliable and safe operation of such vehicles,  or  upon
    37  the  life  cycle or warranted performance of certain critical components
    38  of such vehicles. Such waivers shall be in effect no longer than  neces-
    39  sary  to  address the condition, or for a maximum of sixty days from the
    40  issuance of the finding, whichever one is less; however,  in  the  event
    41  that the condition that gives rise to the waiver is not capable of being
    42  resolved  within a sixty-day period, such waivers may be extended for an
    43  additional period by the head of the agency with the concurrence of  the
    44  president  of  the  New  York  state research and development authority,
    45  after consultation with the commissioner of environmental conservation.
    46    8. Not later than February fifteenth, two  thousand  twenty-five,  and
    47  not  later  than February fifteenth of each year thereafter, the commis-
    48  sioner of general services shall submit to the governor,  the  temporary
    49  president  of the senate and the speaker of the assembly a report on the
    50  efforts of each agency to implement this section. Such report  shall  be
    51  prepared  in  conjunction  with the governor's clean vehicle council and
    52  shall include, at a minimum, information  on  the  following  activities
    53  during  the immediately preceding calendar year: (a) the total number of
    54  light-duty vehicles, medium-duty vehicles, heavy-duty vehicles and other
    55  motor vehicles (including non-road vehicles), respectively, purchased by
    56  such agency; (b) the type or types of fuel used by  each  such  vehicle;

        A. 4707                             4

     1  (c) the total number of vehicles, respectively, purchased by such agency
     2  that  are  certified  to  California LEV II standards in each of the six
     3  rating categories listed in paragraph (a) of subdivision three  of  this
     4  section, disaggregated according to vehicle model; (d) the total vehicle
     5  miles  traveled  by  such  vehicles;  and  (e)  the total amount of fuel
     6  consumed by each category of motor vehicles operated by  an  agency  and
     7  the  estimated total amount of equivalent carbon dioxide emitted by such
     8  vehicles, disaggregated according to fuel type.
     9    § 2. Not later than February 15, 2024,  the  commissioner  of  general
    10  services  shall  submit  to the governor, the temporary president of the
    11  senate and the speaker of the assembly a report on the status  of  motor
    12  vehicles  operated  by  state agencies. Such report shall be prepared in
    13  conjunction with the governor's clean vehicle council and shall include,
    14  at a minimum, the following information: (a) the total number of  light-
    15  duty vehicles, medium-duty vehicles, heavy-duty vehicles and other motor
    16  vehicles  (including  non-road vehicles), respectively, operated by such
    17  agency; (b) the type or types of fuel used by each such vehicle; (c) the
    18  total number of vehicles, respectively, operated by such agency that are
    19  certified to California LEV II standards in each of the six rating cate-
    20  gories listed in paragraph (a) of subdivision 3 of section 201-b of  the
    21  executive  law,  as  added  by  section  one  of this act, disaggregated
    22  according to vehicle model; (d) the total vehicle miles traveled by such
    23  vehicles in 2020; and (e) the total amount  of  fuel  consumed  by  each
    24  category of motor vehicles operated by an agency and the estimated total
    25  amount  of  equivalent  carbon dioxide emitted by such vehicles in 2021,
    26  disaggregated according to fuel type.
    27    § 3. This act shall take effect January 1, 2024.  Effective immediate-
    28  ly, the addition, amendment and/or repeal  of  any  rule  or  regulation
    29  necessary  for  the implementation of this act on its effective date are
    30  authorized to be made and completed on or before such effective date.