

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 22, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. FITZPATRICK, TAGUE -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of
          A.  BARCLAY, DeSTEFANO, HAWLEY, MANKTELOW -- read once and referred to
          the Committee on Education

        AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to electronic  and  print
          publication  of  certain  school  district  reports,  and to amend the
          general municipal law, in relation to additional definitions

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The education law is amended by adding a new section 2-f to
     2  read as follows:
     3    §  2-f.  Publication  of  school reports. Notwithstanding any contrary
     4  provision of law or regulation, no later than seven calendar days  after
     5  the  approval  by any trustee, principal, officer, or board of education
     6  of any public school in any BOCES, city, union free, common  or  central
     7  school  district or any charter school, such school shall make available
     8  on a school or district sponsored website and in  printed  form  at  the
     9  district office all audit reports, proposed and enacted budgets, expend-
    10  iture  reports,  union  contracts,  superintendent  contracts,  and  the
    11  minutes of all school board meetings.
    12    § 2. Subdivision 3 of section 810 of the  general  municipal  law,  as
    13  amended  by  section  5  of part J of chapter 59 of the laws of 2013, is
    14  amended to read as follows:
    15    3. The term "local officer or employee" shall mean  a  superintendent,
    16  district superintendent or school business official as well as the heads
    17  (other  than  local  elected officials) of any agency, department, divi-
    18  sion, council, board, commission, or bureau of a  political  subdivision
    19  and  their  deputies  and  assistants, and the officers and employees of
    20  such agencies, departments, divisions, boards, bureaus,  commissions  or
    21  councils who hold policy-making positions, as annually determined by the
    22  appointing  authority  and set forth in a written instrument which shall
    23  be filed with the appropriate body during the month of February;  except

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4683                             2

     1  that  the  term  "local  officer  or  employee"  shall not mean a judge,
     2  justice, officer or employee of the unified court system. Members, offi-
     3  cers, and employees of each industrial development agency and  authority
     4  established  by  this  chapter  or created by the public authorities law
     5  shall be deemed officers or employees of the county, city,  village,  or
     6  town  for  whose  benefit  such  agency  or  authority is established or
     7  created.
     8    § 3. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
     9  it shall have become a law.