                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 3, 2017
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  ENGLEBRIGHT -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Higher Education
        AN ACT to amend the education law, in  relation  to  the  profession  of
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The article heading of article 133 of the education law, as
     2  added by chapter 987 of the laws of 1971, is amended to read as follows:
     3                        DENTISTRY [AND], DENTAL HYGIENE
     4                               AND DENTUROLOGY
     5    § 2. Section 6600 of the education law, as added by chapter 987 of the
     6  laws of 1971, is amended to read as follows:
     7    § 6600. Introduction. This  article  applies  to  the  professions  of
     8  dentistry [and], dental hygiene and denturology.  The general provisions
     9  for  all  professions  contained  in  article one hundred thirty of this
    10  title apply to this article.
    11    § 3. Section 6603 of the education law, as amended by chapter  393  of
    12  the laws of 1999, is amended to read as follows:
    13    § 6603. State  board  for dentistry. A state board for dentistry shall
    14  be appointed by the board of regents on recommendation  of  the  commis-
    15  sioner for the purpose of assisting the board of regents and the depart-
    16  ment  on  matters  of professional licensing and professional conduct in
    17  accordance with section sixty-five hundred  eight  of  this  title.  The
    18  board  shall  be composed of not less than thirteen dentists licensed in
    19  this state for at least five  years,  not  less  than  five  denturology
    20  educators  practicing  in  this  state for at least five years, not less
    21  than three dental hygienists licensed in this state for  at  least  five
    22  years, and not less than one certified dental assistant licensed in this
    23  state  for  at least one year. An executive secretary to the board shall
    24  be appointed by the board of regents on recommendation  of  the  commis-
    25  sioner and shall be a dentist licensed in this state.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4676                             2
     1    §  4.  Subdivisions  4  and 5 of section 6610 of the education law, as
     2  added by chapter 987 of the  laws  of  1971,  are  amended  to  read  as
     3  follows:
     4    4.  An  employee of a federal agency from using the title of and prac-
     5  ticing as a dentist [or], dental hygienist or denturologist  insofar  as
     6  such activities are required by his salaried position;
     7    5.  A  dentist [or], a dental hygienist or a denturologist licensed in
     8  some other state or country  from  making  a  teaching  clinical  demon-
     9  stration  before  a  regularly  organized  dental  or medical society or
    10  group, or from meeting licensed dentists in this state for consultation,
    11  provided such activities are limited to such demonstration or  consulta-
    12  tion.
    13    §  5.  Section  6610  of  the education law is amended by adding a new
    14  subdivision 3-a to read as follows:
    15    3-a. A student from engaging in clinical practice as part of a  regis-
    16  tered program operated by a school of denturology under supervision of a
    17  dentist holding a license or limited permit for instructing in dentistry
    18  in a school of denturology.
    19    §  6. Subdivisions 1, 2, 3 and 7 of section 6611 of the education law,
    20  subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 576 of the laws  of  2001,  subdivi-
    21  sions  2  and 3 as added by chapter 987 of the laws of 1971 and subdivi-
    22  sion 7 as amended by chapter 649 of the laws of  2006,  are  amended  to
    23  read as follows:
    24    1.  Except  upon  the  written  dental  laboratory  prescription  of a
    25  licensed dentist or a licensed denturologist and except by  the  use  of
    26  impressions  or  casts  made by a licensed dentist, no dental laboratory
    27  shall furnish, supply, construct, reproduce, place,  adjust,  or  repair
    28  any  dental  prosthesis,  device,  or  appliance.  A  dental  laboratory
    29  prescription shall be made out in duplicate. It shall contain such  data
    30  as  may  be prescribed by the commissioner's regulations. One copy shall
    31  be retained by the practitioner of dentistry or denturology for a period
    32  of one year. The other copy shall be  issued  to  the  person,  firm  or
    33  corporation  engaged  in filling dental laboratory prescriptions, who or
    34  which shall each retain and file in their respective offices  or  places
    35  of business their respective copies for a period of one year.
    36    2.  The  department  is empowered to inspect and to have access to all
    37  places, including the office or offices of  a  licensed  dentist,  where
    38  copies  of  dental  laboratory prescriptions issued by him or a licensed
    39  denturologist under his or her supervision are retained as  required  by
    40  this  section,  and  to all places where dental laboratory prescriptions
    41  are filled or to any workroom or workrooms in which prosthetic  restora-
    42  tions,  prosthetic dentures, bridges, orthodontic or other appliances or
    43  structures to be used as substitutes for natural teeth or tissue or  for
    44  the  correction  of  malocclusion  or  deformities are made, repaired or
    45  altered, with power to subpoena and examine records of dental laboratory
    46  prescriptions. A person who fails to grant access to such places or  who
    47  fails  to  maintain  prescriptions  as required by this section shall be
    48  guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
    49    3. The department may arrange for the conduct of clinical examinations
    50  in the clinic of any school of dentistry [or], dental hygiene or  dentu-
    51  rology,  within  or outside the state for dental [or], dental hygiene or
    52  denturology candidates.
    53    7. Any dentist [or], dental hygienist or  denturologist,  who  in  the
    54  performance  of  dental services, x-rays the mouth or teeth of a patient
    55  shall during the performance of such x-rays shield the torso and thyroid
    56  area of such patient including but not limited to the gonads  and  other

        A. 4676                             3
     1  reproductive  organs  with a lead apron thyroid collar, or other similar
     2  protective garment or device. Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  this
     3  subdivision,  if  in  the  dentist's  professional judgment the use of a
     4  thyroid  collar  would be inappropriate under the circumstances, because
     5  of the nature of the patient, the type of x-ray being  taken,  or  other
     6  factors,  the  dentist  [or], dental hygienist or denturologist need not
     7  shield the thyroid area.
     8    § 7. Subdivisions 1 and 2 of section 6612 of  the  education  law,  as
     9  added  by  chapter  332  of  the  laws  of  1985, are amended to read as
    10  follows:
    11    1. Except as provided herein, every dentist or denturologist  licensed
    12  in  this  state  making  or  directing to be made a removable prosthetic
    13  denture, bridge, appliance or other structure to be used and worn  as  a
    14  substitute  for  natural  teeth, shall offer to the patient for whom the
    15  prosthesis is intended the opportunity to have  such  prosthesis  marked
    16  with the patient's name or initials. Such markings shall be accomplished
    17  at  the time the prosthesis is made and the location and methods used to
    18  apply or implant them shall be  determined  by  the  dentist  [or],  the
    19  person acting on behalf of the dentist or the denturologist.  Such mark-
    20  ing shall be permanent, legible and cosmetically acceptable.
    21    2.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing, if in the judgment of the dentist
    22  [or], the person making the prosthesis or the denturologist, such  iden-
    23  tification  is  not  practicable  or clinically safe, the identification
    24  marks may be omitted entirely.
    25    § 8. The education law is amended by adding  six  new  sections  6614,
    26  6615, 6616, 6617, 6618 and 6619 to read as follows:
    27    §  6614. Definition of practice of denturology. The practice of dentu-
    28  rology  includes  prescribing  and  fabrication  of  dental  prostheses,
    29  including  the  taking  of denture impressions and bite registration for
    30  the purpose of or with a view to  the  making,  producing,  reproducing,
    31  construction,  finishing, supplying, altering or repairing of a complete
    32  upper or complete lower or partial upper  or  partial  lower  prosthetic
    33  denture,  or any combination thereof, to be fitted to an edentulous arch
    34  or arches. The practice of denturology may be conducted in the office of
    35  any licensed dentist or in an appropriately equipped  school  or  public
    36  institution  but  must  be  done  under  the  supervision  of a licensed
    37  dentist, provided, however, the final fitting of  any  partial  or  full
    38  prosthetic denture shall be done by a dentist.
    39    §  6615. Practice of denturology and use of the title "denturologist".
    40  Only a person licensed or otherwise authorized to  practice  under  this
    41  article shall practice denturology and use the title "denturologist".
    42    §  6616. Requirements for a license as a denturologist. To qualify for
    43  a license as a denturologist, an applicant shall fulfill  the  following
    44  requirements:
    45    1. Application: file an application with the department;
    46    2. Education: have received an education, including high school gradu-
    47  ation and completion of a bachelor's degree in a program in denturology,
    48  in accordance with the commissioner's regulations;
    49    3.  Experience:  have  experience  satisfactory  to  the  board and in
    50  accordance with the commissioner's regulations;
    51    4. Examination: pass an examination satisfactory to the board  and  in
    52  accordance with the commissioner's regulations;
    53    5. Age: be at least twenty-one years of age;
    54    6. Citizenship or immigration status: be a United States citizen or an
    55  alien  lawfully  admitted  for permanent residence in the United States;
    56  provided, however, that the board of regents  may  grant  a  three  year

        A. 4676                             4
     1  waiver  for  an alien to practice in an area which has been designated a
     2  federal dental health professions shortage area, except that  the  board
     3  of  regents may grant an additional extension not to exceed six years to
     4  an  alien  to enable him or her to secure citizenship or permanent resi-
     5  dent status, provided such status is being actively pursued;
     6    7. Character: be of good moral character as determined by the  depart-
     7  ment; and
     8    8.  Fees: pay a fee of one hundred fifty dollars to the department for
     9  admission to a department  conducted  examination  and  for  an  initial
    10  license,  a  fee of one hundred dollars for each reexamination, a fee of
    11  one hundred dollars for an initial license  for  persons  not  requiring
    12  admission  to  a  department  conducted  examination,  and  a fee of one
    13  hundred dollars for each triennial registration period.
    14    § 6617. Mandatory continuing education for denturologists. 1. (a) Each
    15  denturologist, licensed pursuant to this article and required to  regis-
    16  ter  triennially  with  the  department  to practice in this state shall
    17  comply  with  the  provisions  of  the  mandatory  continuing  education
    18  requirements,  except  as  set  forth  in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this
    19  subdivision. Denturologists who do not satisfy the mandatory  continuing
    20  education  requirements  shall  not  practice  until  they have met such
    21  requirements and have been issued a registration or  conditional  regis-
    22  tration certificate.
    23    (b)  Denturologists  shall  be  exempt  from  the mandatory continuing
    24  education requirement for the triennial registration period during which
    25  they are first licensed. In accordance with the intent of this  section,
    26  adjustments  to  the  mandatory  continuing education requirement may be
    27  granted by the department for reasons of health, certified by  a  physi-
    28  cian,  for  extended  active  duty  with  the armed forces of the United
    29  States, or for other good cause acceptable to the department  which  may
    30  prevent compliance.
    31    (c)  A  denturologist not engaged in the practice of denturology shall
    32  be exempt from the mandatory continuing education requirement  upon  the
    33  filing  of  a  statement  with the department declaring such status. Any
    34  licensee who returns to the practice of denturology during the triennial
    35  registration period shall notify the department prior to reentering  the
    36  profession  and  shall meet such mandatory continuing education require-
    37  ments as shall be prescribed by regulation of the commissioner.
    38    2. During each triennial registration period an applicant  for  regis-
    39  tration  shall  complete  a  minimum  of thirty-five hours of acceptable
    40  formal continuing education including  currently  mandated  child  abuse
    41  reporting instructions and infection control training as approved by the
    42  department.  Of  these  thirty-five  hours a maximum of ten hours may be
    43  self-instructional coursework as approved by the department. Any  dentu-
    44  rologist  whose  first registration date following the effective date of
    45  this section occurs less than three years from such effective date,  but
    46  on  and  after  January  first,  two  thousand  nineteen, shall complete
    47  continuing education hours on a prorated basis at the rate  of  one  and
    48  one-quarter  hours per month for the period beginning January first, two
    49  thousand eighteen up to the first registration date thereafter. A licen-
    50  see who has not satisfied the mandatory  continuing  education  require-
    51  ments  shall  not  be issued a triennial registration certificate by the
    52  department and shall not practice unless and until a conditional  regis-
    53  tration  certificate  is issued as provided in subdivision three of this
    54  section. The individual licensee shall determine the selection of cours-
    55  es or programs of study pursuant to subdivision four of this section.

        A. 4676                             5
     1    3. The department, in its discretion, may issue a  conditional  regis-
     2  tration  to  a  licensee  who  fails  to  meet  the continuing education
     3  requirements established in subdivision two  of  this  section  but  who
     4  agrees  to  make  up  any deficiencies and take any additional education
     5  which  the department may require. The fee for such a conditional regis-
     6  tration shall be the same as, and in addition to, the fee for the trien-
     7  nial registration. The duration of such conditional  registration  shall
     8  be  determined  by  the  department. Any licensee who is notified of the
     9  denial of registration for failure to submit evidence,  satisfactory  to
    10  the  department,  of completion of required continuing education and who
    11  practices denturology without  such  registration,  may  be  subject  to
    12  disciplinary  proceedings  pursuant to section sixty-five hundred ten of
    13  this title.
    14    4. As used in this section, "acceptable formal  continuing  education"
    15  shall  mean formal programs of learning which contribute to professional
    16  practice and which meet the standards prescribed by regulations  of  the
    17  commissioner. To fulfill the mandatory continuing education requirement,
    18  programs  must be taken from sponsors approved by the department, pursu-
    19  ant to the regulations of the commissioner.
    20    5. The mandatory continuing education fee of thirty-five dollars shall
    21  be payable on or before the first day  of  each  triennial  registration
    22  period,  and shall be paid in addition to the triennial registration fee
    23  required by section sixty-six hundred sixteen of this article.
    24    § 6618. Limited permits. The department shall issue a  limited  permit
    25  to  an applicant who meets all requirements for admission to the licens-
    26  ing examination. All practice under a limited permit shall be under  the
    27  direct  personal  supervision of a dentist. Limited permits shall be for
    28  one year and may be renewed at the discretion of the department for  one
    29  additional  year.  The  fee for each limited permit and for each renewal
    30  shall be forty dollars.
    31    § 6619. Rules and regulations for denturology. The commissioner  shall
    32  promulgate rules and regulations regarding the curriculum required for a
    33  license  in denturology. Such curriculum shall include, but shall not be
    34  limited to instruction in:
    35    1. head and neck anatomy;
    36    2. anatomy and physiology;
    37    3. dental material;
    38    4. dental histology;
    39    5. denturology theory and practice;
    40    6. infection control;
    41    7. preventive dentistry;
    42    8. pharmacology;
    43    9. medical terminology;
    44    10. pathophysiology-oral cavity;
    45    11. gerontology;
    46    12. radiology; and
    47    13. applied kinesiology.
    48    § 9. This act shall take effect on the first of July  next  succeeding
    49  the date on which it shall have become a law.