                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 1, 2017
        Introduced  by  M.  of A. ROSENTHAL, HOOPER -- read once and referred to
          the Committee on Transportation
        AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to the disqual-
          ification of school bus drivers for certain offenses  involving  chil-
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1.  Subdivision 4 of section 509-cc of the vehicle and traffic
     2  law, as amended by chapter 400 of the laws of 2011 and paragraph (c)  as
     3  amended  by  chapter  368  of  the  laws  of 2015, is amended to read as
     4  follows:
     5    (4) (a) The offenses referred to in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a)
     6  of subdivision one and paragraph (a) of subdivision two of this  section
     7  that  result  in  permanent  disqualification shall include a conviction
     8  under [sections] section 120.02, 120.12, 125.12, 125.13, 125.14, 125.15,
     9  125.20, 125.21, 125.22, 125.25, 125.26, 125.27, 130.20, 130.25,  130.30,
    10  130.35,  130.45, 130.50, 130.52, 130.53, 130.55, 130.60, 130.65, 130.66,
    11  130.67, 130.70, 130.75, 130.80, 130.85, 130.90, 130.95, 130.96,  135.25,
    12  150.20,  230.30, 230.32, 230.34, 235.21, 235.22, 260.20, 260.21, 263.05,
    13  263.10, 263.11, 263.15, 263.16 of the penal law or an attempt to  commit
    14  any  of the aforesaid offenses under section 110.00 of the penal law, or
    15  any offenses committed under a former section of  the  penal  law  which
    16  would  constitute violations of the aforesaid sections of the penal law,
    17  or any offenses committed outside  this  state  which  would  constitute
    18  violations of the aforesaid sections of the penal law.
    19    (b)  The offenses referred to in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) of
    20  subdivision one and paragraph (b) of subdivision  two  of  this  section
    21  that  result  in  permanent  disqualification shall include a conviction
    22  under sections 100.13, 105.15, 105.17, 115.08, 120.12,  120.70,  125.10,
    23  125.11,  130.40,  130.53,  [130.60,]  130.65-a,  135.20, 160.15, 220.18,
    24  220.21, 220.39, 220.41, 220.43, 220.44, 230.25, 260.00,  265.04  of  the
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4205                             2
     1  penal  law  or  an attempt to commit any of the aforesaid offenses under
     2  section 110.00 of the penal law,  or  any  offenses  committed  under  a
     3  former section of the penal law which would constitute violations of the
     4  aforesaid  sections  of the penal law, or any offenses committed outside
     5  this state which would constitute violations of the  aforesaid  sections
     6  of the penal law.
     7    (c)  The  offenses referred to in subparagraph (i) of paragraph (b) of
     8  subdivision one and subparagraph (i) of paragraph (c) of subdivision two
     9  of this section that result in disqualification for  a  period  of  five
    10  years  shall include a conviction under sections 100.10, 105.13, 115.05,
    11  120.03,  120.04,  120.04-a,  120.05,  120.10,  120.25,  121.12,  121.13,
    12  125.40,  125.45,  [130.20,  130.25,]  130.52,  130.55, 135.10, [135.55,]
    13  140.17, 140.25, 140.30, 145.12, 150.10, 150.15, 160.05, 160.10,  220.06,
    14  220.09,  220.16, 220.31, 220.34, 220.60, 220.65, 221.30, 221.50, 221.55,
    15  230.00, 230.05, 230.06, 230.11, 230.12, 230.13, 230.19, 230.20,  235.05,
    16  235.06,  235.07,  [235.21,]  240.06, 245.00, 260.10, [subdivision two of
    17  section 260.20] and sections 260.25,  265.02,  265.03,  265.08,  265.09,
    18  265.10,  265.12,  265.35 of the penal law or an attempt to commit any of
    19  the aforesaid offenses under section 110.00 of the  penal  law,  or  any
    20  similar  offenses  committed under a former section of the penal law, or
    21  any offenses committed under a former section of  the  penal  law  which
    22  would  constitute violations of the aforesaid sections of the penal law,
    23  or any offenses committed outside  this  state  which  would  constitute
    24  violations of the aforesaid sections of the penal law.
    25    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.