

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 10, 2023

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  STIRPE,  WALLACE,  WOERNER, CONRAD, LUPARDO,
          PALMESANO -- read once and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means

        AN ACT to amend the tax law, in relation to  pass-through  manufacturers
          zero percent tax rate

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subsection (b) of section 612 of the tax law is amended  by
     2  adding a new paragraph 44 to read as follows:
     3    (44)  Any  income,  gain,  loss  and  deduction,  to  the extent it is
     4  included in federal adjusted gross income  and  is,  when  combined  and
     5  combined  with  additions  for federal deprecation required by paragraph
     6  eight of this subsection  and  subtractions  for  New  York  allowed  by
     7  subsection  (k)  of  this  section,  less than zero, of an individual or
     8  trust from a qualified pass-through manufacturer, as  defined  in  para-
     9  graph forty-seven of subsection (c) of this section.
    10    §  2. Paragraph 39 of subsection (c) of section 612 of the tax law, as
    11  amended by section 1 of part C of chapter 59 of the  laws  of  2022,  is
    12  amended and a new paragraph 47 is added to read as follows:
    13    (39)  (A)  In  the  case  of  a  taxpayer who is a small business or a
    14  taxpayer who is a member, partner, or shareholder of a limited liability
    15  company, partnership, or New York S corporation, respectively, that is a
    16  small business, who or which has business income and/or farm  income  as
    17  defined  in  the  laws  of the United States, an amount equal to fifteen
    18  percent of the net items of income, gain, loss and  deduction  attribut-
    19  able  to  such  business  or  farm  entering into federal adjusted gross
    20  income, but not less than zero.
    21    (B) (i) For the purposes of this paragraph, the  term  small  business
    22  shall mean: (I) a sole proprietor who employs one or more persons during
    23  the  taxable  year and who has net business income or net farm income of
    24  greater than zero but less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars;

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4168                             2

     1    (II) a limited liability company, partnership, or New  York  S  corpo-
     2  ration  that during the taxable year employs one or more persons and has
     3  net farm income attributable to a farm business  that  is  greater  than
     4  zero but less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars;[or]
     5    (III)  a  limited liability company, partnership, or New York S corpo-
     6  ration that during the taxable year employs one or more persons and  has
     7  New  York gross business income attributable to a non-farm business that
     8  is greater than zero but less than one  million  five  hundred  thousand
     9  dollars[.]; or
    10    (IV) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term small business shall
    11  exclude  any  business that is a qualified pass-through manufacturer, as
    12  defined in paragraph forty-seven of this subsection for the current  tax
    13  year.
    14    (ii)  For purposes of this paragraph, the term New York gross business
    15  income shall mean: (I) in the case of a limited liability company  or  a
    16  partnership, New York source gross income as defined in subparagraph (B)
    17  of  paragraph three of subsection (c) of section six hundred fifty-eight
    18  of this article; and (II) in the case of a New York S  corporation,  New
    19  York  receipts  included  in  the  numerator of the apportionment factor
    20  determined under section two hundred ten-A of this chapter for the taxa-
    21  ble year.
    22    (C) To qualify for this modification in relation to a  non-farm  small
    23  business that is a limited liability company, partnership, or New York S
    24  corporation,  the  taxpayer's  income  attributable  to the net business
    25  income from its ownership interests in non-farm limited liability compa-
    26  nies, partnerships, or New York S corporations must  be  less  than  two
    27  hundred fifty thousand dollars.
    28    (47)  (A) Any income, gain, loss and deduction, to the extent included
    29  in federal adjusted gross income and is, when combined and combined with
    30  additions for federal depreciation required by paragraph eight  of  this
    31  subsection  and  subtractions  for New York allowed by subsection (k) of
    32  this section, greater than zero, of an individual or trust from a quali-
    33  fied pass-through manufacturer. Income  from  a  qualified  pass-through
    34  manufacturer  shall  include  wages  of  an  individual  controlling ten
    35  percent or more of the qualified business or entity. Income or loss from
    36  a qualified  pass-through  manufacturer  shall  not  include  an  amount
    37  representing  reasonable  compensation for personal services, as defined
    38  in the internal revenue code section one hundred sixty-two  regulations,
    39  for an individual controlling ten percent or more of the qualified busi-
    40  ness or entity.
    41    (B) The qualified pass-through manufacturer may be organized as a sole
    42  proprietorship,  a  partnership, a limited liability company electing to
    43  be treated as a partnership or sole proprietorship, or an S corporation.
    44    (C) For the purposes of this  subsection,  the  term  qualified  pass-
    45  through  manufacturer shall mean a business that is a qualified New York
    46  manufacturer, as defined by subparagraph (vi) of paragraph (a) of subdi-
    47  vision one of section two hundred ten of this chapter, except  that  the
    48  term "gross receipts" shall be replaced by "business receipts" in deter-
    49  mining whether the business is "principally engaged" in manufacturing. A
    50  qualified pass-through manufacturer shall not include a business that is
    51  currently participating in the START-UP NY program.
    52    §  3.  Paragraph  2 of subsection (a) of section 606 of the tax law is
    53  amended by adding a new subparagraph (B-1) to read as follows:
    54    (B-1) Property placed in service during the tax year that is otherwise
    55  eligible for the investment tax credit described in subparagraph (A)  of
    56  this  paragraph,  will  not be eligible for the investment tax credit if

        A. 4168                             3

     1  the use of the property is by a qualified pass-through manufacturer,  as
     2  defined  in  paragraph  forty-seven  of  subsection  (c)  of section six
     3  hundred twelve of this article for the current tax year.
     4    §  4.  Subdivision  1  of  section  210-B of the tax law is amended by
     5  adding a new paragraph (g) to read as follows:
     6     (g) Property placed in service during the tax year that is  otherwise
     7  eligible  for  the  investment tax credit described in this subdivision,
     8  will not be eligible for the investment tax credit if  the  use  of  the
     9  property is by a qualified New York manufacturer, as defined in subpara-
    10  graph (vi) of paragraph (a) of subsection one of section two hundred ten
    11  of this article for the current tax year.
    12    §  5.  For  purposes of determining the modifications of paragraphs 39
    13  and 47 of subsection (c) of section 612 of the tax law and  the  invest-
    14  ment  tax  credit  disallowance  of subparagraph (B-1) of paragraph 2 of
    15  subsection (a) of section 606 of the  tax  law,  the  amounts  shall  be
    16  multiplied  by the following percentages: (a) for tax years beginning on
    17  or after January 1, 2025: forty percent; (b) for tax years beginning  on
    18  or  after  January 1, 2026: eighty percent; and (c) for tax years begin-
    19  ning on or after January 1, 2027: one hundred percent.
    20    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately and  shall  apply  to  tax
    21  years beginning on or after January 1, 2025.