

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 9, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. PAULIN -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Health

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the public health law, in relation to protecting the
          confidentiality of vaccine information; and to  repeal  provisions  of
          the public health law relating thereto

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision 11-a of section 2168 of the public health  law,
     2  as  added  by  a chapter of the laws of 2022, amending the public health
     3  law relating to protecting the confidentiality of  vaccine  information,
     4  as  proposed  in  legislative  bills numbers S. 6541-A and A. 7326-A, is
     5  amended to read as follows:
     6    11-a. The commissioner, or in the city of New York,  the  commissioner
     7  of  the department of health and mental hygiene, may only share registry
     8  information maintained by the department, or in the case of the citywide
     9  immunization registry, the city of New York under the provisions of this
    10  section with the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,  or
    11  successor  agency,  for  public health purposes in summary, statistical,
    12  aggregate, or other form such that no individual person can  be  identi-
    13  fied,  except  that  either  such commissioner may disclose identifiable
    14  registrant information to the federal Centers for  Disease  Control  and
    15  Prevention,  or  its  successor agency, when the commissioner has deter-
    16  mined that the disclosure is in the best interests of the registrant  or
    17  will  contribute  to  the  protection  of  public health[,] and that the
    18  objective of the disclosure cannot be served by  disclosure  limited  to
    19  de-identified  information,  [and]  or the federal health officials have
    20  committed in writing not to redisclose to or share  registrant  informa-
    21  tion  with  any  other  federal agency, including but not limited to the
    22  department of homeland security, immigration  and  customs  enforcement,
    23  customs  and  border  protection,  or  any  successor agency, or any law
    24  enforcement agency; provided that either such commissioner may forgo the

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4132                             2

     1  written commitment if requiring written commitment would result  in  the
     2  actual withholding of federal funds.
     3    §  2.  Paragraph  (d)  of  subdivision 4 of section 2168 of the public
     4  health law, as amended by a chapter of the laws of  2022,  amending  the
     5  public  health law relating to protecting the confidentiality of vaccine
     6  information, as proposed in legislative bills numbers S. 6541-A  and  A.
     7  7326-A, is amended to read as follows:
     8    (d)  [(i)  Identifiable  registrant  information is not (1) subject to
     9  discovery, subpoena, warrant, or other means  of  legal  compulsion  for
    10  release  to  any  person or (2) admissible in any civil, administrative,
    11  criminal, or family court proceeding, except for the purposes of  inves-
    12  tigations and prosecutions of allegations of computer tampering or bill-
    13  ing  fraud related to vaccination records, fraudulent statements related
    14  to an individual's vaccination status, an act of violence  or  attempted
    15  violence  occurring  at  the site of a vaccination provider's or vaccine
    16  navigator's business, or medical  malpractice.    Disclosure  for  these
    17  purposes  shall be subject to in camera review and approval by the court
    18  and, if the use is initiated by a party other than the individual  whose
    19  registry  information is sought, the information must be highly material
    20  and relevant for the purpose.
    21    (ii) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit commissioners
    22  of local social services districts or the commissioner of the office  of
    23  children  and  family  services  from  accessing identifiable registrant
    24  information under paragraph (d) of subdivision eight of this section.] A
    25  person, institution or agency to whom such immunization  information  is
    26  furnished  or  to whom, access to records or information has been given,
    27  shall not divulge any part thereof so as to  disclose  the  identity  of
    28  such  person  to whom such information or record relates, except insofar
    29  as such disclosure is necessary for the best interests of the person  or
    30  other persons, consistent with the purposes of this section.
    31    §  3. Paragraphs (f), (g) and (i) of subdivision 1, subparagraph (iii)
    32  of paragraph (c), subparagraphs (ii) and (iv) of paragraph (d) and para-
    33  graph (e) of subdivision 2 and subdivision 3  of  section  2169  of  the
    34  public  health  law, as added by a chapter of the laws of 2022, amending
    35  the public health law relating  to  protecting  the  confidentiality  of
    36  vaccine  information, as proposed in legislative bills numbers S. 6541-A
    37  and A.  7326-A, are amended to read as follows:
    38    (f) The term "personal information" shall  mean  information  obtained
    39  from  or  about  an individual, in connection with their registering for
    40  [or receiving] a vaccination, that directly  or  indirectly  identifies,
    41  relates  to,  describes,  is  capable of being associated with, or could
    42  reasonably be linked to a particular individual, household, or  personal
    43  device.  Information is reasonably linkable to an individual, household,
    44  or  personal  device if it can be used on its own or in combination with
    45  other reasonably available  information,  [regardless  of  whether  such
    46  other  information is held by the vaccine navigator or vaccine provider]
    47  when such information is held by the vaccine navigator, to  identify  an
    48  individual, household, or a personal device.
    49    (g) The term "service attendant to the delivery of immunization" shall
    50  mean  [scheduling and billing for] facilitating an immunization appoint-
    51  ment, sending reminders about immunization, arranging transportation  to
    52  or from a vaccine provider, or reporting to the department, the New York
    53  City  department  of  health  and  mental hygiene, or other local health
    54  agency on  whose  behalf  such  vaccine  navigator  is  performing  such
    55  services.

        A. 4132                             3

     1    (i)  The  term "vaccine navigator" shall mean any person that collects
     2  personal information from an individual in order to register that  indi-
     3  vidual  for immunization or to help that individual register for immuni-
     4  zation, provided the department, a local  public  health  agency,  or  a
     5  person  that  administers  vaccines  or  their designees are not vaccine
     6  navigators [if they only store vaccine recipient personal information in
     7  medical records protected under the federal Health Insurance Portability
     8  and Accountability Act of 1996, its implementing regulations, or section
     9  eighteen of this chapter].
    10    (iii) Without consent under this subdivision, personal information and
    11  any evidence derived therefrom shall not be subject to  or  provided  in
    12  response  to  any  legal process or be admissible for any purpose in any
    13  judicial or administrative  action  or  proceeding  unless  provided  in
    14  response  pursuant  to warrants, court-ordered subpoenas, administrative
    15  subpoenas, or grand jury subpoenas.
    16    (ii) A [person] vaccine navigator may only possess or  use  de-identi-
    17  fied  information  pertaining  to  services attendant to the delivery of
    18  immunization if the [person] vaccine navigator maintains technical safe-
    19  guards and  policies  and  procedures  that  prevent  re-identification,
    20  whether  intentional  or  unintentional,  of  any  individual, as may be
    21  required by the commissioner (or  the  New  York  city  commissioner  of
    22  health  and  mental  hygiene, in the case of information collected by or
    23  under authority of the New York city department  of  health  and  mental
    24  hygiene. The commissioner (or the New York city commissioner as the case
    25  may  be)  shall  require  safeguards, policies and procedures under this
    26  paragraph as the commissioner deems practicable.
    27    [(iv) This section does not prevent disclosure of personal information
    28  sought for the purposes of  investigations and prosecutions  of  allega-
    29  tions  of  computer  tampering  or  billing fraud related to vaccination
    30  records, fraudulent statements related to  an  individual's  vaccination
    31  status,  an  act of violence or attempted violence occurring at the site
    32  of a vaccination provider's or vaccine navigator's business, or  medical
    33  malpractice,  professional  discipline,  or defense of any claim brought
    34  against a vaccine navigator or provider.  Disclosure for these  purposes
    35  shall  be  subject to in camera review and approval by the court and, if
    36  the use is initiated by a party other than the individual whose registry
    37  information is sought, the information must be highly material and rele-
    38  vant for the purpose.]
    39    (e) A vaccine navigator  that  maintains  personal  information  shall
    40  establish  appropriate  administrative,  technical,  and  physical safe-
    41  guards, policies, and  procedures  that  ensure  the  security  of  that
    42  personal  information.  The safeguards, policies, and procedures must be
    43  appropriate to the volume and nature of the personal  information  main-
    44  tained  and the size, revenue, and sophistication of the vaccine naviga-
    45  tor and must ensure that personal information is encrypted and protected
    46  at least as much as or more than other confidential information  in  the
    47  vaccine  navigator's possession. The commissioner or, in the city of New
    48  York, the commissioner of the department of health  and  mental  hygiene
    49  [shall]  may  make  regulations  as reasonably necessary to require that
    50  personal information possessed, used, or under the control of a  vaccine
    51  navigator shall be subject to technical safeguards, policies, and proce-
    52  dures for storage, transmission, use, and protection of the information.
    53  The regulations must take into account the different sizes, revenues and
    54  sophistications  of  different vaccine navigators, as well as the volume
    55  and nature of the personal information they maintain.

        A. 4132                             4

     1    3. Vaccine providers. A vaccine provider shall not delay or  condition
     2  the  provision  of any service attendant to the delivery of immunization
     3  by inviting or requiring an individual seeking vaccination  to  complete
     4  an application for a customer discount card or account or share personal
     5  information  that will be stored outside of a [medical] record protected
     6  under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of
     7  1996, its implementing regulations, or section eighteen of this  chapter
     8  for  purposes other than services attendant to the delivery of immuniza-
     9  tion, or by engaging in any other activity unrelated to the provision of
    10  such a service that the commissioner designates by regulation.
    11    § 4. Subdivisions 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20 of section 2180 of the
    12  public health law, as added by a chapter of the laws of  2022,  amending
    13  the  public  health  law  relating  to protecting the confidentiality of
    14  vaccine information, as proposed in legislative bills numbers S.  6541-A
    15  and A. 7326-A, are REPEALED and subdivision 19 is renumbered subdivision
    16  13.
    17    §  5.  Section 2183 of the public health law, as added by a chapter of
    18  the laws of 2022, amending the public health law relating to  protecting
    19  the  confidentiality  of vaccine information, as proposed in legislative
    20  bills numbers S. 6541-A and A. 7326-A, is amended to read as follows:
    21    § 2183. Immunity passports. 1. Any covered entity that requires  proof
    22  of COVID-19 immunization shall permit the use of physical immunity pass-
    23  ports.    No  covered  entity may require digital, electronic, or smart-
    24  phone-based proof of immunity.   Notwithstanding  this  section,  anyone
    25  requiring  an immunization passport shall accept a valid COVID-19 Vacci-
    26  nation Record Card  allocated  to  COVID-19  vaccine  providers  by  the
    27  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Prevention  for  that  purpose. The
    28  provisions of this section shall apply  to  valid  COVID-19  Vaccination
    29  Record  Cards allocated to COVID-19 vaccine providers by the Centers for
    30  Disease Control and Prevention.
    31    2. [Any covered entity that requires the use of an  immunity  passport
    32  shall delete any personal information derived from the immunity passport
    33  about the individual to whom the immunity passport pertains within twen-
    34  ty-four hours of receiving it, except that where a covered entity has an
    35  ongoing  relationship  with  an individual, the covered entity may store
    36  the fact that the individual has received a COVID-19 vaccine, as well as
    37  a copy of the individual's immunity passport, provided that:
    38    (a) the covered entity first obtains the individual's informed, affir-
    39  mative, and voluntary consent to store such information, and
    40    (b) the covered entity stores any copy  of  an  individual's  immunity
    41  passport and any personal information derived from the immunity passport
    42  as  if  they were subject to the confidentiality requirements of title I
    43  of the Americans with Disabilities Act 42 U.S.C. 12112(d) and its imple-
    44  menting regulations, 29 CFR 1630.14.
    45    3. An immunity passport provider shall not use  or  disclose  personal
    46  information  derived  from an immunity passport beyond what is adequate,
    47  relevant, and necessary to identify an individual as having  received  a
    48  COVID-19  vaccine  or  a  COVID-19  test  result  and shall not collect,
    49  access, receive, capture, store, maintain,  use,  or  disclose  personal
    50  information  pertaining  to where or when an individual uses an immunity
    51  passport.
    52    4. (a) Except as provided in this subdivision, no  covered  entity  or
    53  immunity passport provider may:
    54    (i)  provide personal information derived from an immunity passport or
    55  otherwise make such personal information accessible, directly  or  indi-
    56  rectly, to a law enforcement agent or entity or immigration authority;

        A. 4132                             5

     1    (ii) provide such personal information or otherwise make such personal
     2  information  accessible, directly or indirectly, to any other individual
     3  or entity except as explicitly authorized by this section.
     4    (b)  Except  as  provided  in  this  subdivision, personal information
     5  derived from an immunity passport, and any evidence  derived  therefrom,
     6  shall  not be subject to or provided in response to any legal process or
     7  be admissible for any purpose in any judicial or  administrative  action
     8  or proceeding.
     9    (c)    Personal information derived from an immunity passport, and any
    10  evidence derived therefrom, may be disclosed for the purposes of  inves-
    11  tigations and prosecutions of allegations of computer tampering or frau-
    12  dulent   statements  related  to  an  individual's  vaccination  status.
    13  Disclosure for these purposes shall be subject to in camera  review  and
    14  approval by the court and, if the use is initiated by a party other than
    15  the  individual  whose  personal  information is sought, the information
    16  must be highly material and relevant for the purpose.
    17    5. The commissioner shall make regulations as reasonably necessary  to
    18  ensure that individuals who are medically contraindicated from receiving
    19  the  COVID-19 vaccine are nonetheless able to obtain reasonable accommo-
    20  dations to enable them to access the services of a covered entity, in  a
    21  manner  that  does not impose an undue hardship on the covered entity or
    22  present a direct threat that cannot be addressed by a reasonable  accom-
    23  modation.
    24    6.] Nothing in this section requires a covered entity to require proof
    25  of   COVID-19  immunity  or  to  independently  verify  the  information
    26  contained in an immunity passport.
    27    [7.] 3. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit a  covered
    28  entity's  obligations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, article
    29  fifteen of the executive law, the civil rights law, or any other  feder-
    30  al, state, or local anti-discrimination law.
    31    [8.] 4. Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the prac-
    32  tices  of a health care provider, as defined in section eighteen of this
    33  chapter, a hospital or nursing home as defined in  article  twenty-eight
    34  of  this chapter, a health practitioner as defined in section twenty-one
    35  hundred sixty-four of this chapter, a facility, as  defined  in  section
    36  33.13  of  the  mental  hygiene  law,  or  a correctional health service
    37  governed by the department of corrections and community supervision, the
    38  rules of the board of correction in the city of New York,  or  a  county
    39  board  of correction, with respect to records concerning their patients'
    40  vaccinations.
    41    § 6. This act shall take effect on the  same  date  and  in  the  same
    42  manner  as a chapter of the laws of 2022, amending the public health law
    43  relating to protecting the confidentiality of  vaccine  information,  as
    44  proposed  in  legislative  bills  numbers S. 6541-A and A. 7326-A, takes
    45  effect.