

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 1, 2021

        Introduced by M. of A. HEVESI -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Children and Families

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  social  services law, the education law and the
          public health law, in relation to providing supports and services  for
          youth suffering from adverse childhood experiences

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The social services law is amended by adding a new  section
     2  131-aaa to read as follows:
     3    §  131-aaa.  Availability  of  adverse childhood experiences services.
     4  Each local social services district shall be required to provide  appli-
     5  cants  and  recipients  of public assistance who are a parent, guardian,
     6  custodian or otherwise responsible for a child's care, with  educational
     7  materials developed pursuant to subdivision two of section three hundred
     8  seventy-c  of  the  social  services  law  to educate them about adverse
     9  childhood experiences, the importance  of  protective  factors  and  the
    10  availability  of  services  for  children  at risk for or suffering from
    11  adverse childhood experiences. The educational  materials  may  be  made
    12  available  electronically  and shall be provided at the time of applica-
    13  tion, recertification and any other instances the applicant or recipient
    14  makes contact with the local social services district.
    15    § 2. Article 5 of the social services law is amended by adding  a  new
    16  title 12-A to read as follows:
    17                                 TITLE 12-A
    19                            CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES
    20  Section  370-c.  Supports  and services for youth suffering from adverse
    21                   childhood experiences.
    22    § 370-c. Supports and services for youth suffering from adverse child-
    23  hood experiences. 1. Youth suffering from or at risk of  adverse  child-
    24  hood  experiences,  as  defined  in  paragraph (c) of subdivision one of

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4109                             2

     1  section twenty-d of this chapter, shall  be  eligible  for  a  range  of
     2  appropriate  services  and  supports,  which  shall be beneficial to the
     3  health and well-being of the youth. Such services  shall  be  culturally
     4  competent,  evidence  based  and trauma informed and include, but not be
     5  limited to appropriate health and  behavioral  health  services  covered
     6  under subdivision seven of section twenty-five hundred ten of the public
     7  health  law and subdivision two of section three hundred sixty-five-a of
     8  this article; preventive services provided pursuant to  subdivision  two
     9  of  section  four  hundred fifty-eight-m of this chapter, enhancement of
    10  protective factors and any  other  services  necessary  to  serve  youth
    11  suffering from adverse childhood experiences.
    12    2.  The  office  of children and family services, in consultation with
    13  the office of temporary and disability assistance, the office of  mental
    14  health, the office of addiction services and supports and the department
    15  of health, shall develop or utilize existing educational materials to be
    16  used  to  educate  parents,  guardians  and other authorized individuals
    17  about adverse childhood experiences including the  environmental  events
    18  that may impact or lead to adverse childhood experiences, the importance
    19  of  protective  factors and the availability of services for children at
    20  risk of or suffering from adverse childhood experiences.  Such  informa-
    21  tion  shall be made available electronically and shall be posted on each
    22  agency's website.
    23    § 3. Subdivision 7 of section  390  of  the  social  services  law  is
    24  amended by adding a new paragraph (c) to read as follows:
    25    (c)  The  office  of  children  and  family services shall implement a
    26  statewide campaign to educate parents and other potential  consumers  of
    27  child  day care programs about adverse childhood experiences, the impor-
    28  tance of protective factors, and the availability of services for  chil-
    29  dren  at  risk  for  or  experiencing  adverse  childhood experiences as
    30  defined in paragraph (c) of subdivision one of section twenty-d of  this
    31  chapter.  Such  statewide campaign, shall include but is not limited to,
    32  providing all licensed, registered and  enrolled  child  care  providers
    33  with  educational  materials  developed  pursuant  to subdivision two of
    34  section three hundred seventy-c of this chapter. The educational materi-
    35  als may be made  available  electronically  and  shall  be  provided  to
    36  parents and other potential consumers at the time of enrollment and once
    37  every six months during the time of their child's enrollment.
    38    §  4.  Section  305  of  the  education law is amended by adding a new
    39  subdivision 59 to read as follows:
    40    59. The commissioner shall make available educational materials devel-
    41  oped pursuant to subdivision two of section three hundred  seventy-c  of
    42  the  social  services  law to every school district and board of cooper-
    43  ative educational services for the purpose of educating parents, guardi-
    44  ans and other authorized individuals responsible for  the  child's  care
    45  about  adverse  childhood  experiences,  the  importance  of  protective
    46  factors, and the availability of services for children at  risk  for  or
    47  experiencing  adverse  childhood  experiences.  The  commissioner  shall
    48  provide that such educational materials are made available online pursu-
    49  ant to subdivision two of section three hundred seventy-c of the  social
    50  services law.
    51    §  5.  The public health law is amended by adding a new section 2509-b
    52  to read as follows:
    53    § 2509-b. Availability  of  adverse  childhood  experiences  services.
    54  Every  pediatrics  healthcare  provider licensed pursuant to article one
    55  hundred thirty-one of the education law shall be required to provide the
    56  parent, guardian, custodian or other authorized individual  of  a  child

        A. 4109                             3

     1  that  the pediatrician sees in their official capacity, with educational
     2  materials developed pursuant to subdivision two of section three hundred
     3  seventy-c of the social services law. Such  materials  may  be  provided
     4  electronically  and  shall  be  used  to  inform  and educate them about
     5  adverse childhood experiences, the importance of protective factors  and
     6  the  availability  of  services for children at risk for or experiencing
     7  adverse childhood experiences.
     8    § 6. Subdivision 7 of section  2510  of  the  public  health  law,  as
     9  amended  by  chapter  428  of  the  laws  of 2013, is amended to read as
    10  follows:
    11    7. "Covered health care services" means: the services  of  physicians,
    12  optometrists,  nurses,  nurse  practitioners, midwives and other related
    13  professional personnel  which  are  provided  on  an  outpatient  basis,
    14  including  routine well-child visits; diagnosis and treatment of illness
    15  and injury; inpatient health care services; laboratory tests; diagnostic
    16  x-rays; prescription and  non-prescription  drugs  and  durable  medical
    17  equipment;  radiation  therapy;  chemotherapy;  hemodialysis; outpatient
    18  blood  clotting  factor  products  and  other  treatments  and  services
    19  furnished  in  connection  with  the  care of hemophilia and other blood
    20  clotting  protein  deficiencies;  emergency   room   services;   hospice
    21  services;  emergency,  preventive  and  routine  dental  care, including
    22  medically necessary orthodontia but excluding cosmetic surgery; emergen-
    23  cy, preventive and routine vision care, including eyeglasses; speech and
    24  hearing services; and, inpatient and outpatient mental  health,  alcohol
    25  and substance abuse services as defined by the commissioner in consulta-
    26  tion  with  the  superintendent.  For  youth at risk for or experiencing
    27  adverse childhood experiences, as defined in subdivision one of  section
    28  three  hundred seventy-c of the social services law, covered health care
    29  services shall also include: (a) children's mental health rehabilitation
    30  services including, but not limited to, those covered by medical assist-
    31  ance pursuant to title eleven of article five  of  the  social  services
    32  law, community psychiatric support and treatment services, and psychoso-
    33  cial  rehabilitation  services,  assuming  such children's mental health
    34  rehabilitation services are provided by individuals acting within  their
    35  lawful scope of practice as established under the education law; and (b)
    36  trauma informed care that includes the identification of and appropriate
    37  reaction and treatment to adverse childhood experiences. "Covered health
    38  care  services" shall not include drugs, procedures and supplies for the
    39  treatment of erectile dysfunction when provided to,  or  prescribed  for
    40  use  by, a person who is required to register as a sex offender pursuant
    41  to article six-C of the correction law,  provided  that  any  denial  of
    42  coverage of such drugs, procedures or supplies shall provide the patient
    43  with  the  means of obtaining additional information concerning both the
    44  denial and the means of challenging such denial.
    45    § 7. This act shall take effect on the thirtieth day  after  it  shall
    46  have become a law.