

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 1, 2021

        Introduced  by  M.  of A. COLTON, L. ROSENTHAL, ENGLEBRIGHT, COOK, GOTT-
          FRIED -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. J. RIVERA, WALKER -- read once
          and referred to the Committee on Labor

        AN ACT to amend the labor law, in relation to enacting CJ's Law--oil and
          gas drilling workplace safety act

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The labor law is amended by adding a new article 34 to read
     2  as follows:
     3                                 ARTICLE 34
     5  Section 960. Short title.
     6          961. Rules and regulations.
     7          962. Applicability of the workers' compensation law.
     8          963. Special requirements.
     9          964. Reports of injuries.
    10    §  960.  Short  title. This article shall be known and may be cited as
    11  "CJ's law--oil and gas drilling workplace safety act".
    12    § 961. Rules and regulations. 1. The department, in  conjunction  with
    13  the  department  of  environmental  conservation,  shall issue rules and
    14  regulations to provide for enhanced workplace  safety  requirements  and
    15  employee  training  requirements for all oil and gas drilling operations
    16  in the state. Such rules and regulations shall include, but shall not be
    17  limited to, requirements relating to exposure to chemicals,  work  hours
    18  for  both  drilling site employees and employees involved in transporta-
    19  tion, including truck drivers working on and off  the  drill  rig  site,
    20  safety  of  machinery,  proper  care  and  treatment of clothing worn on
    21  drilling sites, use  of  proper  masks  to  protect  worker  respiratory
    22  health, use of proper lighting, safety of living conditions for workers,
    23  safety  of  site location, including stability of ground surfaces neces-

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4047                             2

     1  sary to support all equipment used at drilling sites, and required dura-
     2  tion of training.
     3    2.  The  rules  and  regulations issued pursuant to subdivision one of
     4  this section shall be printed in English in at least fourteen point type
     5  and conspicuously posted in a visible and prominent location at each oil
     6  and gas drilling site location.
     7    § 962. Applicability of the workers'  compensation  law.  Pursuant  to
     8  section three of the workers' compensation law, all employees engaged in
     9  oil  and  gas  drilling  operations  in  the  state of New York shall be
    10  considered to be engaged in hazardous employment, for which compensation
    11  shall be payable for injuries or death incurred by such employees in the
    12  course of such hazardous employment. In the event any  covered  employer
    13  conducting  oil  and gas drilling operations in this state fails to make
    14  provision of payment of disability benefits as required by  section  two
    15  hundred  eleven of the workers' compensation law, such employer shall be
    16  subject to the penalties set forth in section two hundred twenty of  the
    17  workers' compensation law.
    18    §  963. Special requirements. All applicants for a new drilling permit
    19  for an oil and gas drilling  operation  shall  utilize  union  laborers;
    20  and/or laborers who have been trained or are undergoing training, appro-
    21  priate  for  the  type  of and scope of work to be performed, where such
    22  training is through a valid department apprenticeship  program  pursuant
    23  to  article  twenty-three of this chapter, or an educational institution
    24  or school chartered, licensed or registered by the department of  educa-
    25  tion,  or a provider approved by the department of education.  Following
    26  completion of training  required  by  this  section,  a  certificate  of
    27  completion  shall  be  issued by such department apprenticeship program,
    28  educational institution, school or provider, and shall be  conspicuously
    29  posted  at  each  site  location  where the holder of the certificate is
    30  employed and shall be made available to the public upon  request.    Any
    31  subcontractors  or other independent contractors at such permitted sites
    32  shall also agree to the employment of or contractual relation  with  the
    33  same  type  of  laborers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this
    34  section shall be construed to mandate an employer or contractor that  is
    35  subject to the provisions of this section to exclusively require the use
    36  of  union  labor  at  a  construction  site or to be in violation of any
    37  federal prohibition regarding the same.
    38    § 964. Reports of injuries. 1. A drilling permit holder must report to
    39  the commissioner any workplace accident occurring  at  the  oil  or  gas
    40  drilling  location  by  the close of business of the commissioner's next
    41  business day.  In the event a drilling permit holder fails to report any
    42  workplace accident pursuant to this subdivision, the commissioner may by
    43  order which particularly describes the nature of the  violation,  assess
    44  the  permit holder a civil penalty of not more than one thousand dollars
    45  for the first such violation, not more than two thousand dollars  for  a
    46  second violation and not more than three thousand dollars for a third or
    47  subsequent violation. Such penalty shall be paid to the commissioner for
    48  deposit  in  the  treasury  of the state. In assessing the amount of the
    49  penalty, the commissioner shall give due consideration to  the  size  of
    50  the  employer's business, the good faith of the employer, the history of
    51  previous violations  and  the  failure  with  any  other  record-keeping
    52  requirements.
    53    2.  The  commissioner must publish a quarterly report on all workplace
    54  accidents occurring at oil or gas drilling locations.    Such  quarterly
    55  reports  shall  be  available  for  public review, in writing and via an
    56  online format on the department's website.

        A. 4047                             3

     1    § 2. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after
     2  it shall have become a law; provided, however, that no  new  permits  or
     3  renewal permits for oil and gas drilling shall be issued until the rules
     4  and  regulations  referred  to  in  section one of this act take effect.
     5  Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of any rule
     6  or regulation necessary for the implementation of this act on its effec-
     7  tive  date  are  authorized  to  be made and completed on or before such
     8  effective date.