

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 28, 2021

        Introduced by M. of A. CYMBROWITZ, OTIS -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Housing

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the public housing law, in relation to an affordable
          housing five-year capital plan

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The public housing law is amended by adding a new section
     2  20-a to read as follows:
     3    § 20-a. Affordable housing five-year capital plan. 1. For  the  fiscal
     4  year  commencing  on  April  first,  two thousand twenty-three and every
     5  fifth fiscal year thereafter, the governor shall submit to the  legisla-
     6  ture,  as part of the annual executive budget, a statewide comprehensive
     7  five-year capital plan to  support  the  development,  preservation  and
     8  capital improvement of affordable housing in New York state.
     9    2.  The  statewide comprehensive five-year capital plan to support the
    10  development, preservation and capital improvement of affordable  housing
    11  in  New  York state required pursuant to subdivision one of this section
    12  shall be developed in consultation with any state department, agency  or
    13  public  authority  which administers and/or plans for the development of
    14  any program intended to provide suitable  housing  accommodations  which
    15  may fall under the purview of the capital plan and shall provide for, at
    16  a minimum: the development of supportive housing units; the preservation
    17  and/or  capital improvement of public housing units of the New York city
    18  housing authority and other public housing authorities in the state; the
    19  development and/or rehabilitation  of  affordable  housing  targeted  to
    20  low-income  seniors;  the  rehabilitation  of site-specific multi-family
    21  rental housing currently under a regulatory agreement  or  extended  use
    22  agreement  with the division of housing and community renewal or another
    23  state, federal or local housing agency; the preservation and/or  capital
    24  improvement of Mitchell-Lama properties; the promotion of home ownership
    25  among  families  of  low-  and  moderate-income;  and  the repair and/or

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 3807                             2

     1  replacement of mobile and manufactured homes. Such plan  shall,  to  the
     2  greatest  extent  possible:  provide  for  both rental and homeownership
     3  opportunities affordable to low- and moderate-income  households  across
     4  the  state; address areas and populations with critical affordable hous-
     5  ing needs; and advance the  specific  housing  priorities  of  New  York
     6  state.
     7    3.  On  or before September first, two thousand twenty-three and on or
     8  before September first annually  thereafter,  and  on  or  before  March
     9  first,  two  thousand  twenty-four and on or before March first annually
    10  thereafter, the governor shall, as part of the  statewide  comprehensive
    11  five-year  capital  plan  to  support  the development, preservation and
    12  capital improvement of affordable housing in  New  York  state  required
    13  pursuant to subdivision one of this section and in consultation with the
    14  commissioner  of housing and community renewal, submit and make publicly
    15  available to the legislature and on the division's  website  information
    16  summarizing  the  activities  undertaken  pursuant  to  the funding made
    17  available in the enacted affordable housing capital plan. Such  informa-
    18  tion  shall  be  cumulative  and  shall include an itemized list of each
    19  project utilizing funds appropriated by the affordable  housing  capital
    20  plan  subsequent to the enactment of the capital plan, including a brief
    21  description of the project, street address, county, awardee, total budg-
    22  et, amount of capital subsidy appropriated  by  the  affordable  housing
    23  capital  plan,  relevant section of the affordable housing capital plan,
    24  bonded or cash, amount of each additional public funding source, funding
    25  program, number of units, area median income requirements if applicable,
    26  month and year construction will commence, projected date of  occupancy,
    27  and  project phase (in development, engineering, construction, complete,
    28  defunded).
    29    § 2. This act shall take effect one year after it shall have become  a
    30  law.