

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 8, 2023

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  FAHY,  JACKSON,  DICKENS, THIELE, SEAWRIGHT,
          EPSTEIN, DINOWITZ, McDONALD -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on  Governmental  Operations  --  committee  discharged, bill amended,
          ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to  amend  the  executive  law,  in  relation  to  requiring  new
          construction  that  includes  dedicated  off-street parking to provide
          electric vehicle charging stations and electric vehicle ready  parking

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 378 of the executive law is amended by adding a new
     2  subdivision 17-a to read as follows:
     3    17-a. a. Standards to require new construction that includes dedicated
     4  off-street parking involving a garage, driveway, parking  lot  or  other
     5  off-street parking, to have:
     6    (i)  electric vehicle charging stations as defined in paragraph (b) of
     7  subdivision one of section three  hundred  thirty-nine-ll  of  the  real
     8  property law; and
     9    (ii) electric vehicle ready parking spaces.
    10    b. For the purposes of this subdivision:
    11    (i)  "electric vehicle ready parking space" shall mean a parking space
    12  with a dedicated branch circuit that is  not  less  than  20-ampere  and
    13  208/240-volt  and  equipped  with  circuit  breakers and other necessary
    14  electrical components, terminating in a receptacle, or outlet, as neces-
    15  sary to enable electric vehicle charging; provided that for two adjacent
    16  electric vehicle ready parking spaces, a single branch circuit of 40-am-
    17  pere or greater is permitted;
    18    (ii) "level 2 electric vehicle charging station" shall mean  an  elec-
    19  tric vehicle charging station that provides an alternating current power
    20  source  at  a  minimum  of 208/240 volts and 20-ampere. For two adjacent

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 3780--A                          2

     1  level 2 electric vehicle charging stations, a single branch  circuit  of
     2  40-ampere or greater is permitted;
     3    (iii)    "new construction" shall mean the erection of an entirely new
     4  structure  not  attached  or affiliated with any  existing  construction
     5  on  the property. "New construction" shall not include a new addition or
     6  capital improvement to existing construction nor  shall   it  constitute
     7  an addition to the property;
     8    (iv)  "mixed-use building" shall mean a building or structure used for
     9  both residential and commercial  purposes;  provided  that  a  mixed-use
    10  building  shall be considered residential if fifty per centum or less of
    11  the aggregate floor area of such building is used or held out for use as
    12  commercial space, community facility,  or  accessory  use  space  and  a
    13  mixed-use building shall be considered commercial if more than fifty per
    14  centum  of the aggregate floor area of such building is used or held out
    15  for use as commercial space, community facility, or accessory use space;
    16    (v) "direct current fast charging  station"  shall  mean  an  electric
    17  vehicle  charging  station that is capable of providing a direct current
    18  power source at a minimum of 150 kilowatts; and
    19    (vi) "electric  vehicle   energy   management   system" shall  mean  a
    20  system to control electric vehicle charging station loads comprised of a
    21  monitor  or monitors, communications equipment, a controller or control-
    22  lers, a timer or timers and other applicable devices.
    23    c. Standards promulgated pursuant to this  subdivision  shall  require
    24  that  the  number  of  electric  vehicle charging stations, and electric
    25  vehicle ready parking spaces pursuant to paragraph a of this subdivision
    26  shall be as follows:
    27    (i) a one, two or three-family home equipped with a  garage,  driveway
    28  or  parking  lot,  or  other off-street parking, shall have at least one
    29  electric vehicle ready parking space for each dwelling unit  up  to  the
    30  total number of parking spaces;
    31    (ii)  a  multi-unit residential building with off-street parking shall
    32  have one hundred percent of available parking spaces be at  least  elec-
    33  tric  vehicle  ready parking spaces, which shall include at least twenty
    34  percent of available parking spaces equipped with level 2 electric vehi-
    35  cle charging stations.  If there is a decimal in the calculation of  the
    36  percentage  of parking spaces, such decimal shall be rounded to the next
    37  largest whole number greater than zero. For buildings with  individually
    38  metered residential units and parking spaces specifically designated for
    39  the  use  of individual units, electric vehicle ready parking spaces and
    40  level 2 electric vehicle charging stations  installed  in  such  parking
    41  spaces  shall be wired to the individual unit's electrical meter, unless
    42  deemed infeasible by the local department of buildings or similar entity
    43  having jurisdiction;
    44    (iii) a commercial building with between one and  ten  parking  spaces
    45  shall  have  at least one available parking space be an electric vehicle
    46  ready parking space or equipped with a level 2 electric vehicle charging
    47  station or direct current fast charging station;
    48    (iv) a commercial building with eleven or more  parking  spaces  shall
    49  have  at  least  twenty  percent of available parking spaces be at least
    50  electric vehicle ready parking spaces, which shall include at least  ten
    51  percent of available parking spaces equipped with level 2 electric vehi-
    52  cle charging stations or direct current fast charging stations. If there
    53  is  a  decimal  in  the calculation of the percentage of parking spaces,
    54  such decimal shall be rounded to the nearest whole number  greater  than
    55  zero; and

        A. 3780--A                          3

     1    (v)  for a commercial building subject to the requirements of subpara-
     2  graph (iv) of this paragraph, the installation  of  one  direct  current
     3  fast  charging  station  shall  be  considered equivalent to ten level 2
     4  electric vehicle charging stations or  electric  vehicle  ready  parking
     5  spaces.
     6    d. Requirements for installation of electric vehicle charging stations
     7  and  electric vehicle ready parking spaces under this subdivision may be
     8  met by installing multiple electric vehicle charging stations  or  elec-
     9  tric  vehicle ready parking spaces on a single branch circuit, when used
    10  in conjunction with an electric  vehicle  energy  management  system  to
    11  control charging station loads.
    12    e.  The owner of a building subject to paragraph c of this subdivision
    13  may apply to the local department of buildings or similar entity  for  a
    14  waiver of the requirements of this subdivision, which such local depart-
    15  ment  of  buildings or similar entity may grant if such owner can demon-
    16  strate that the provisions present an undue hardship due to  limitations
    17  of  the  local  utility provider, or that the geographic location of the
    18  site is such that compliance would result in a significant burden on the
    19  owner.
    20    f. Standards promulgated pursuant to this  subdivision  shall  include
    21  requirements  for  clear and prominent signage denoting the availability
    22  and location of electric vehicle ready parking spaces and electric vehi-
    23  cle charging stations.
    24    g. Nothing in this  subdivision  shall  be  interpreted  or  otherwise
    25  construed  as  preempting a municipality from adopting standards, codes,
    26  rules, or regulations that are more strict than those contained in  this
    27  subdivision.
    28    §  2.  This  act  shall  take  effect April 1, 2024 and shall apply to
    29  contracts for new construction entered into on and after such date.