S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2009-2010 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                   January 27, 2009
       Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  CROUCH, BURLING, MOLINARO, TOWNSEND, ERRIGO,
         McDONOUGH, KOLB -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M.  of  A.  BARCLAY,  DUPREY,
         HAWLEY,  QUINN  --  read once and referred to the Committee on Govern-
         mental Operations
       AN ACT to create a fire protection and emergency response task force  in
         rural areas
    1    Section 1. 1. There is hereby established a statewide fire  protection
    2  and  emergency  response task force comprised of eight members who shall
    3  develop a plan focusing  on  the  standards  and  training  requirements
    4  necessary  to effectuate fire protection and emergency response services
    5  in rural areas throughout the state of New  York.  Appointments  to  the
    6  task  force  shall  be  made as follows: two by the governor; two by the
    7  speaker of the assembly; two by the temporary president of  the  senate;
    8  one by the minority leader of the senate; and one by the minority leader
    9  of  the  assembly.   The appointments of the governor shall be a member,
   10  officer or employee of the Fireman's Association of  the  State  of  New
   11  York.
   12    2.  The  task  force shall examine current regulations and establish a
   13  set of standards that are applicable only in rural areas as  defined  in
   14  this  subdivision.  These standards shall be aimed at being less burden-
   15  some for rural areas than the  current  regulations  are  and  shall  be
   16  designed  to  encourage  citizens to volunteer their services.  The task
   17  force shall issue a report within ten months after the effective date of
   18  this section and shall make recommendations to the legislature regarding
   19  any suggested changes in the  law  or  to  existing  regulations.    For
   20  purposes  of this section, "rural areas" means counties within the state
   21  having a population of less than two hundred thousand, and  the  munici-
   22  palities,  individuals,  institutions,  communities,  programs  and such
   23  other entities or resources as are found therein.  In  counties  with  a
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 3626                             2
    1  population of two hundred thousand or greater, "rural areas" means towns
    2  with  population  densities  of  one  hundred  fifty persons or less per
    3  square mile, and the villages, individuals,  institutions,  communities,
    4  programs and such other entities or resources as are found therein.
    5    S 2. This act shall take effect immediately.