S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2009-2010 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                   January 27, 2009
       Introduced  by M. of A. AUBRY -- read once and referred to the Committee
         on Governmental Operations
       AN ACT to amend the executive law, in relation to soft body  stab-resis-
         tant or ballistic armor vests for police or correction officers
    1    Section 1. The section heading and subdivisions 1  and  2  of  section
    2  837-d  of the executive law, as added by chapter 84 of the laws of 1984,
    3  are amended to read as follows:
    4    Soft body STAB-RESISTANT  OR  ballistic  armor  vests  for  police  OR
    5  CORRECTION  officers.  1.  As  used in this section, the following terms
    6  have the following meanings:
    7    (a) "Eligible police OR CORRECTION officer" means a police officer  as
    8  defined  in  subdivision  thirty-four  of  section  1.20 of the criminal
    9  procedure law, OR A CORRECTION OFFICER, whose regular duties are such as
   10  the commissioner determines may expose the officer to  serious  physical
   11  injury which may result in death or disability;
   12    (b)  "Vest"  means  a  soft  body  STAB-RESISTANT  VEST OR A SOFT BODY
   13  ballistic armor vest;
   14    (c) "Municipal corporation" means a county,  city,  town,  village  or
   15  police district;
   16    (d)  "Public  authority" means an independent autonomous public corpo-
   17  ration created by special act of the legislature;
   18    (e) "Public benefit corporation"  means  a  corporation  organized  to
   19  construct or operate a public improvement wholly within the state;
   20    (f)  "State  agency"  means  a  department, board, bureau, commission,
   21  agency or other division of state government;
   22    (g) "Applicant" means a state agency,  municipal  corporation,  public
   23  authority, public benefit corporation, or the highest official thereof.
   24    2.  An  applicant  which  is  authorized  to  and  employs  police  OR
   25  CORRECTION officers may apply to the commissioner for  reimbursement  of
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 3489                             2
    1  funds  expended  for  the  purchase  of  vests  for  eligible  police OR
    2  CORRECTION officers.
    3    S  2.  Subdivision 4-a of section 837-d of the executive law, as added
    4  by chapter 555 of the laws of 1988, is amended to read as follows:
    5    4-a. An applicant for reimbursement pursuant  to  this  section  shall
    6  report  the  name of each eligible police OR CORRECTION officer for whom
    7  reimbursement is sought. The applicant shall report whether such  eligi-
    8  ble  police  OR  CORRECTION officer or officers have, at any time during
    9  the ten years immediately preceding the application  for  reimbursement,
   10  been  provided  with  any other vest for which reimbursement pursuant to
   11  this section was provided, the date of any such prior reimbursement  and
   12  any  other  information  that  the commissioner may require for accurate
   13  record-keeping and accountability and  for  evaluation  of  performance,
   14  wear and officer use of vests.
   15    S  3. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 6 of section 837-d of the executive
   16  law, as amended by chapter 555 of the laws of 1988, is amended  to  read
   17  as follows:
   18    (b)  the  [ballistic] THREAT specifications which the vest or any part
   19  thereof must be capable of defeating which shall  include,  but  not  be
   20  limited  to,  the ballistic specifications of any firearms considered to
   21  be standard issue to eligible police OR CORRECTION officers;
   22    S 4. Subdivision 6-a of section 837-d of the executive law,  as  added
   23  by chapter 555 of the laws of 1988, is amended to read as follows:
   24    6-a.  In  the  evaluation  of  an  application  for reimbursement, the
   25  commissioner shall, at the request of the applicant, give  consideration
   26  to the ballistic specifications of any firearm or firearms considered by
   27  the applicant to be standard issue to its police OR CORRECTION officers.
   28    S  5.  Subdivisions  8 and 9 of section 837-d of the executive law, as
   29  added by chapter 84 of the laws of 1984, are amended to read as follows:
   30    8. Neither the state nor the applicant or any employee  thereof  shall
   31  be  liable  to a police OR CORRECTION officer or officer's heirs, execu-
   32  tors, administrators or assigns, for the death of or injury to the offi-
   33  cer resulting from  any  defect  or  deficiency  in  a  vest  for  which
   34  reimbursement is made pursuant to this section.
   35    9.  A police OR CORRECTION officer who suffers an injury or death as a
   36  result of the officer's failure to wear a vest for  which  reimbursement
   37  is made pursuant to this section, and officer's heirs, executors, admin-
   38  istrators  or assigns shall not suffer any loss or be denied any benefit
   39  or right to which they are otherwise entitled; provided,  however,  that
   40  nothing contained herein shall prevent the officer from being subject to
   41  a  disciplinary proceeding for failure to obey a lawful order of a supe-
   42  rior officer requiring the officer to wear a vest.
   43    S 6. Subdivision 12 of section 837-d of the executive law, as added by
   44  chapter 555 of the laws of 1988, is amended to read as follows:
   45    12. The commissioner shall establish and maintain a record  containing
   46  the  name  of  each eligible police OR CORRECTION officer who receives a
   47  vest for which reimbursement has been provided pursuant to this section,
   48  the applicant to whom reimbursement for such vest is provided, the  date
   49  on  which such reimbursement was provided and any other information that
   50  the commissioner may require for accurate  record-keeping  and  account-
   51  ability  and  for  evaluation  of  performance,  wear and officer use of
   52  vests.
   53    S 7. Subdivision 13 of section 837-d of the executive law, as added by
   54  chapter 84 of the laws of 1984, is amended to read as follows:
   55    13.  Nothing  in  this  section  shall  be  deemed  to  supersede  the
   56  provisions  of section three of chapter eight hundred seventy-six of the
       A. 3489                             3
    1  laws of nineteen hundred eighty applicable to members of the division of
    2  state police or to alter a  valid  labor-management  agreement  covering
    3  employees of the state serving in police OR CORRECTION officer positions
    4  in  the security services negotiating unit established pursuant to arti-
    5  cle fourteen of the civil service law which is in effect on  the  effec-
    6  tive date of this section.
    7    S  8.  This act shall take effect immediately, provided, however, that
    8  rules and regulations required by this act to be adopted by the  commis-
    9  sioner  of the division of criminal justice services shall be adopted no
   10  later than the first day of January next succeeding the date on which it
   11  shall have become a law.