

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    February 3, 2023

        Introduced  by  M. of A. FALL -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Health

        AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to the sale, manufac-
          ture, and distribution of vapor products

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Subdivisions  3  and  4  of section 1399-cc of the public
     2  health law, subdivision 3 as amended by chapter 100 of the laws of  2019
     3  and  subdivision  4  as  amended by chapter 542 of the laws of 2014, are
     4  amended to read as follows:
     5    3. Sale of  tobacco  products,  herbal  cigarettes,  liquid  nicotine,
     6  shisha  or  electronic cigarettes in such places, [other than] including
     7  by a vending machine, shall be made only to  an  individual  who  demon-
     8  strates,  through (a) a valid driver's license or non-driver's identifi-
     9  cation card issued by the commissioner of motor  vehicles,  the  federal
    10  government, any United States territory, commonwealth or possession, the
    11  District  of  Columbia, a state government within the United States or a
    12  provincial government of the dominion of Canada, or (b) a valid passport
    13  issued by the United States government or any other country, or  (c)  an
    14  identification  card  issued  by  the armed forces of the United States,
    15  indicating that the individual is at least twenty-one years of age. Such
    16  identification need not be required of  any  individual  who  reasonably
    17  appears to be at least twenty-five years of age, provided, however, that
    18  such  appearance shall not constitute a defense in any proceeding alleg-
    19  ing the sale of a tobacco product, herbal cigarettes,  liquid  nicotine,
    20  shisha  or electronic cigarettes to an individual under twenty-one years
    21  of age.
    22    4. (a) Any person  operating  a  place  of  business  wherein  tobacco
    23  products, herbal cigarettes, liquid nicotine, shisha or electronic ciga-
    24  rettes  are  sold  or offered for sale [may] shall perform a transaction
    25  scan as a precondition for such purchases.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 3404                             2

     1    (b) In any instance where the information  deciphered  by  the  trans-
     2  action  scan  fails  to  match  the  information printed on the driver's
     3  license or non-driver identification card, or if  the  transaction  scan
     4  indicates  that  the  information  is false or fraudulent, the attempted
     5  transaction shall be denied.
     6    (c)  In  any  proceeding  pursuant to section thirteen hundred ninety-
     7  nine-ee of this article, it shall be an affirmative  defense  that  such
     8  person had produced a driver's license or non-driver identification card
     9  apparently  issued by a governmental entity, successfully completed that
    10  transaction scan, and that the tobacco  product,  herbal  cigarettes  or
    11  liquid  nicotine  had  been  sold,  delivered or given to such person in
    12  reasonable reliance upon such identification and  transaction  scan.  In
    13  evaluating the applicability of such affirmative defense the commission-
    14  er  shall  take into consideration any written policy adopted and imple-
    15  mented by the seller to effectuate the provisions of this  chapter.  Use
    16  of  a  transaction scan shall not excuse any person operating a place of
    17  business wherein tobacco products, herbal cigarettes,  liquid  nicotine,
    18  shisha  or  electronic  cigarettes are sold, or the agent or employee of
    19  such  person,  from  the  exercise  of  reasonable  diligence  otherwise
    20  required by this chapter. Notwithstanding the above provisions, any such
    21  affirmative  defense  shall  not  be applicable in any civil or criminal
    22  proceeding, or in any other forum.
    23    § 2. Section 1399-dd of the public health law, as amended  by  chapter
    24  448 of the laws of 2012 and subdivision (d) as amended by chapter 100 of
    25  the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
    26    §  1399-dd.  Sale of tobacco products, herbal cigarettes or electronic
    27  cigarettes in vending machines. No person, firm, partnership, company or
    28  corporation shall operate a  vending  machine  which  dispenses  tobacco
    29  products, herbal cigarettes or electronic cigarettes unless such machine
    30  is  located: (a) in a bar as defined in subdivision one of section thir-
    31  teen hundred ninety-nine-n of this chapter, or the bar area  of  a  food
    32  service establishment with a valid, on-premises full liquor license; (b)
    33  in  a  private club; (c) in a tobacco business as defined in subdivision
    34  eight of section thirteen hundred ninety-nine-aa of this article; or (d)
    35  in a place of employment which has an insignificant portion of its regu-
    36  lar workforce comprised of people under the age of twenty-one years  and
    37  only  in  such  locations that are not accessible to the general public;
    38  provided, however, that in such locations the vending machine is located
    39  in plain view and under the direct supervision and control of the person
    40  in charge of the location or his or her designated  agent  or  employee;
    41  and  provided  further, that in such locations the vending machine shall
    42  not be operable until the person in charge of such location  or  his  or
    43  her designated agent or employee has verified that the person seeking to
    44  operate  such vending machine is over twenty-one years of age in accord-
    45  ance with the provisions of subdivisions three and four of section thir-
    46  teen hundred ninety-nine-cc of this article.
    47    § 3. Section 1399-ll of the public health law, as amended by section 3
    48  of part EE of chapter 56 of the laws of 2020, is amended by adding three
    49  new subdivisions 1-b, 1-c and 1-d to read as follows:
    50    1-b. (a) The commissioner shall establish a vapor product  distributor
    51  permit  to  be  issued to persons engaged in the business of shipping or
    52  causing to be shipped any vapor products intended or reasonably expected
    53  to be used with or for the consumption of nicotine to any person in this
    54  state. An application for  a  vapor  product  distributor  permit  shall
    55  include:

        A. 3404                             3

     1    (i)  the  name,  telephone number, and primary business address of the
     2  applicant;
     3    (ii) the name, telephone number, and address of any of the applicant's
     4  distribution facilities in this state;
     5    (iii)  the  name,  telephone  number, title, and address of any person
     6  responsible for any of the applicant's distribution facilities  in  this
     7  state;
     8    (iv)  written consent allowing the division of state police to conduct
     9  a state or national criminal history  background  check  on  any  person
    10  listed on the application;
    11    (v)  a  non-refundable initial application fee to be determined by the
    12  commissioner; and
    13    (vi) any other information the commissioner shall  deem  relevant  and
    14  appropriate.
    15    (b) Every person who is engaged in the business of shipping or causing
    16  to  be  shipped any vapor products intended or reasonably expected to be
    17  used with or for the consumption of nicotine to any person in this state
    18  shall first obtain a vapor product distributor permit from  the  commis-
    19  sioner.
    20    (c) A vapor product distributor permit shall be valid for one calendar
    21  year from the date of issuance unless earlier suspended or revoked. Upon
    22  the  expiration  of  the  term  stated  on the vapor product distributor
    23  permit, such permit shall be null and void. A vapor product  distributor
    24  permit  shall  not  be assignable or transferable and shall be destroyed
    25  immediately upon the holder of such permit ceasing  to  do  business  as
    26  specified in such permit.
    27    (d) The department shall publish and maintain on its website a list of
    28  all holders of a vapor product distributor permit.
    29    1-c. (a) The commissioner shall establish a vapor product manufacturer
    30  permit  to be issued to persons engaged in the business of manufacturing
    31  any vapor products intended or reasonably expected to be  used  with  or
    32  for the consumption of nicotine to any person in this state. An applica-
    33  tion for a vapor product manufacturer permit shall include:
    34    (i)  the  name,  telephone number, and primary business address of the
    35  applicant;
    36    (ii) the name, telephone number, and address of any of the applicant's
    37  manufacturing facilities in this state;
    38    (iii) the name, telephone number, title, and  address  of  any  person
    39  responsible  for any of the applicant's manufacturing facilities in this
    40  state;
    41    (iv) verification that the applicant's facilities in this state comply
    42  with applicable tobacco products good manufacturing practices promulgat-
    43  ed under 21 U.S.C. § 387f(e) of the federal  Food,  Drug,  and  Cosmetic
    44  Act;
    45    (v)  verification  that  the  manufacturer  is  in compliance with the
    46  applicable ingredient listing required by 21 U.S.C. § 387d(a)(1) of  the
    47  federal  Food,  Drug,  and  Cosmetic  Act, and article seventeen of this
    48  chapter;
    49    (vi) written consent allowing the division of state police to  conduct
    50  a  state  or  national  criminal  history background check on any person
    51  listed on the application;
    52    (vii) a non-refundable initial application fee to be determined by the
    53  commissioner; and
    54    (viii) any other information the commissioner shall deem relevant  and
    55  appropriate.

        A. 3404                             4

     1    (b)  Every  person who is engaged in the business of manufacturing any
     2  vapor products intended or reasonably expected to be used  with  or  for
     3  the  consumption  of  nicotine  to  any person in this state shall first
     4  obtain a vapor product manufacturer permit from the commissioner.
     5    (c) A vapor product manufacturer permit shall be valid for five calen-
     6  dar years from the date of issuance unless earlier suspended or revoked.
     7  Upon the expiration of the term stated on the vapor product manufacturer
     8  permit, such permit shall be null and void. A vapor product manufacturer
     9  permit  shall  not  be assignable or transferable and shall be destroyed
    10  immediately upon the holder of such permit ceasing  to  do  business  as
    11  specified in such permit.
    12    (d) The department shall publish and maintain on its website a list of
    13  all holders of a vapor product manufacturer permit.
    14    1-d.  It  shall  be unlawful for a vapor products dealer under article
    15  twenty-eight-C of the tax law to purchase  vapor  products  from  anyone
    16  other  than a holder of a vapor product distributor permit issued pursu-
    17  ant to subdivision one-b, or a holder of a  vapor  product  manufacturer
    18  permit issued pursuant to subdivision one-c of this section.
    19    §  4.  The section heading and subdivision 5 of section 1399-ll of the
    20  public health law, as amended by section 3 of part EE of chapter  56  of
    21  the laws of 2020, are amended to read as follows:
    22    §  1399-ll. Unlawful shipment [or], transport, or manufacture of ciga-
    23  rettes and vapor products.
    24    5. Any person who violates the provisions of subdivision one, subdivi-
    25  sion one-a, paragraph (b) of subdivision one-b, paragraph (b) of  subdi-
    26  vision  one-c,  subdivision  one-d,  or  subdivision two of this section
    27  shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor and for a second or  subsequent
    28  violation shall be guilty of a class E felony. In addition to the crimi-
    29  nal  penalty, any person who violates the provisions of subdivision one,
    30  subdivision one-a, paragraph (b) of subdivision one-b, paragraph (b)  of
    31  subdivision  one-c,  subdivision  one-d,  or subdivision two or three of
    32  this section shall be subject to a  civil  penalty  not  to  exceed  the
    33  greater  of  (a)  five thousand dollars for each such violation; (b) one
    34  hundred dollars for each  pack  of  cigarettes  shipped,  caused  to  be
    35  shipped  or  transported  in  violation  of such subdivision; or (c) one
    36  hundred dollars for each vapor product intended or  reasonably  expected
    37  to be used with or for the consumption of nicotine shipped, caused to be
    38  shipped or transported in violation of such subdivision or paragraph.
    39    §  5.  Section 1399-aa of the public health law is amended by adding a
    40  new subdivision 19 to read as follows:
    41    19. "Illicit vapor product" means any vapor product that:
    42    (a) was not manufactured, prepared,  compounded,  or  processed  by  a
    43  person  or  entity registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
    44  pursuant to 21 U.S.C. § 387e;
    45    (b) is not manufactured by the manufacturer indicated on  the  product
    46  packaging, label, or container; or
    47    (c)  is  not on the state's vapor product registry pursuant to section
    48  thirteen hundred ninety-nine-kk-one of this article.
    49    § 6. The public  health  law  is  amended  by  adding  a  new  section
    50  1399-dd-2 to read as follows:
    51    §  1399-dd-2.  Sale of illicit vapor products. 1. It shall be unlawful
    52  for any  person  knowingly,  directly  or  indirectly,  to  manufacture,
    53  distribute,  sell,  barter,  or  furnish in this state any illicit vapor
    54  product.
    55    2. Any person who violates the provisions of subdivision one  of  this
    56  section  shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor for a first violation,

        A. 3404                             5

     1  and for a second or subsequent violation shall be guilty of  a  class  E
     2  felony.
     3    §  7.  The  public  health  law  is  amended  by  adding a new section
     4  1399-kk-1 to read as follows:
     5    § 1399-kk-1. Vapor product directory. 1. Beginning January first,  two
     6  thousand twenty-four, every manufacturer of a vapor product that is sold
     7  or  intended  to  be  sold  in this state, whether directly or through a
     8  distributor, or vapor products dealer,  shall  execute  and  deliver  an
     9  attestation  under the penalty of perjury to the attorney general certi-
    10  fying that, as of the date of such attestation:
    11    (a) such vapor product was on the United States' markets as of  August
    12  eighth,  two  thousand eighteen, and such manufacturer has applied for a
    13  marketing order for such vapor product by submitting a Premarket Tobacco
    14  Product Application to the U.S.  Food  and  Drug  Administration  on  or
    15  before September ninth, two thousand twenty-two; or
    16    (b) such manufacturer has received a marketing order or other authori-
    17  zation  under 21 U.S.C. § 387j for such vapor product from the U.S. Food
    18  and Drug Administration.
    19    2. Every manufacturer of a vapor product that is sold or  intended  to
    20  be  sold  in  this  state, whether directly or through a distributor, or
    21  vapor products dealer, shall notify the attorney general  within  thirty
    22  days  of  any  material  change  to an attestation submitted pursuant to
    23  subdivision one of this section, including if the U.S.   Food  and  Drug
    24  Administration  has issued a market order or other authorization, issued
    25  a no marketing order, or has ordered such manufacturer  to  remove  such
    26  vapor product, either temporarily or permanently, from the U.S. market.
    27    3.  The attorney general shall develop a vapor product directory list-
    28  ing all manufacturers that have provided attestations in compliance with
    29  subdivision one of this section, and all vapor products that are  listed
    30  in  such attestations.   The attorney general shall publish and maintain
    31  such vapor product directory on its website.
    32    4. It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly,  directly  or  indi-
    33  rectly,  to  manufacture,  distribute,  sell, barter, or furnish in this
    34  state any vapor product that is not included in the vapor product direc-
    35  tory established pursuant to this section.
    36    § 8. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    37  it shall have become a law.