S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2011-2012 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                   January 24, 2011
       Introduced  by M. of A. BRENNAN, MILLMAN, ORTIZ -- Multi-Sponsored by --
         M. of A. GLICK, GOTTFRIED, ROBINSON -- read once and referred  to  the
         Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions
       AN  ACT  to amend the New York city charter, in relation to the Atlantic
         Yards arena and redevelopment project
    1    Section  1.  It  is  the  intent of the legislature to ensure that the
    2  empire state development corporation abides by the rights of  the  citi-
    3  zenry  of the city of New York and the democratically enacted urban land
    4  use procedure set forth in section 197-a of the New  York  city  charter
    5  and  commonly  known  as  the  URLUP process with respect to the general
    6  project plan approved and identified as the "Atlantic  Yards  arena  and
    7  redevelopment project" in a memorandum of understanding signed on Febru-
    8  ary  18,  2005  in order that such project results in a vote of the city
    9  council. Further, community boards 2, 6 and  8  within  the  borough  of
   10  Brooklyn requested in September 2004 that such Atlantic Yards project be
   11  subject to the URLUP process.
   12    S  2.  Subdivision a of section 197-a of the New York city charter, as
   13  amended by a vote of the people of the city of New York at  the  general
   14  election held in November of 1989, is amended to read as follows:
   15    a.  Plans for the development, growth, and improvement of the city and
   16  of its boroughs and community districts  may  be  proposed  by  (1)  the
   17  mayor,  (2)  the  city  planning  commission, (3) the department of city
   18  planning, (4) a borough president with respect to  land  located  within
   19  his  or  her  borough,  (5) a borough board with respect to land located
   20  within its borough, [or] (6) a community  board  with  respect  to  land
   21  located  within its community district, OR (7) AN AGENCY OF THE STATE OF
   23  ADDED THIS PARAGRAPH.   A community board,   borough  board  or  borough
   24  president  that  proposes  any  such plan shall submit the plan together
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 3300                             2
    1  with a written recommendation to the city planning commission for deter-
    2  minations  pursuant  to  subdivision  b  of  this  section.    Any  such
    3  submission  may  be  made by a community board, borough board or borough
    4  president  only  after  the  board or borough president proposing such a
    5  plan has held a public hearing on the plan.
    6    S 3. The empire state development corporation shall cease and  discon-
    7  tinue  all action in furtherance of the general project plan as approved
    8  and identified as the "Atlantic Yards arena and  redevelopment  project"
    9  in a memorandum of understanding signed on February 18, 2005, and submit
   10  the  plan  as  an  expedited  application  to the city of New York for a
   11  development project pursuant to the uniform land  use  review  procedure
   12  set forth in section 197-c of the New York city charter. Notwithstanding
   13  the provisions of this section, the empire state development corporation
   14  shall  complete any outstanding contract where an immediate cessation or
   15  discontinuance would constitute waste and shall be  allowed  to  provide
   16  information  about  the  intended  project  at  any public hearing or in
   17  response to any written inquiry, subject to the provisions of the public
   18  officers law.
   19    S 4. The plans for the Atlantic Yards arena and redevelopment  project
   20  shall  be  submitted  as  an  expedited  application by the empire state
   21  development corporation to the New  York  city  planning  commission  by
   22  August  15, 2011. The empire state development corporation shall provide
   23  any further information requested by the  city  planning  commission  as
   24  soon  as  is  practicable  after  such  request has been made, provided,
   25  however, that the application shall be deemed complete for  purposes  of
   26  the expedited review procedure provided by the provisions of this act no
   27  later than September 15, 2011. Notwithstanding the time requirements set
   28  forth in section 197-c of the New York city charter, such plans shall be
   29  subject to and reviewed in accordance with such section. If there exists
   30  insufficient  information  for  the  city  council  to  take action, the
   31  borough president, affected community board or boards or  borough  board
   32  may take note of such facts.
   33    S  5. Notwithstanding the time requirements set forth in section 197-c
   34  of the New York city charter, the affected  community  board  or  boards
   35  shall  comply  with the provisions of such section and submit its recom-
   36  mendations to the city planning commission  on  or  before  October  15,
   37  2011.
   38    S  6. Notwithstanding the time requirements set forth in section 197-c
   39  of the New York city charter, the borough board shall  comply  with  the
   40  provisions  of  such  section and submit its recommendations to the city
   41  planning commission on or before November 7, 2011.
   42    S 7. Notwithstanding the time requirements set forth in section  197-c
   43  of  the New York city charter, the city planning commission shall submit
   44  its recommendations to the city council on or before December 1, 2011.
   45    S 8. Notwithstanding the time requirements set forth in section  197-c
   46  of the New York city charter, the city council shall approve, disapprove
   47  or  amend  the  plans  for  the  Atlantic  Yards arena and redevelopment
   48  project submitted by the empire state redevelopment corporation pursuant
   49  to the provisions of this act on or before December 31, 2011.
   50    S 9. This act shall take effect immediately.