            S. 3526                                                  A. 3028
                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                SENATE - ASSEMBLY
                                    January 24, 2017
        IN SENATE -- Introduced by Sen. BRESLIN -- read twice and ordered print-
          ed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Local Govern-
        IN  ASSEMBLY -- Introduced by M. of A. FAHY -- read once and referred to
          the Committee on Local Governments
        AN ACT to amend the town law, in relation to  authorizing  the  town  of
          Bethlehem  to establish community preservation funds; to amend the tax
          law, in relation to authorizing the town of Bethlehem to impose a real
          estate transfer tax with revenues therefrom to be  deposited  in  said
          community  preservation  fund; and providing for the repeal of certain
          provisions upon expiration thereof
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  The  town  law is amended by adding a new section 64-k to
     2  read as follows:
     3    § 64-k. Town of Bethlehem preservation  funds.  1.  As  used  in  this
     4  section,  the  following  words and terms shall have the following mean-
     5  ings:
     6    (a) "Town" means the town of Bethlehem.
     7    (b) "Community  preservation"  shall  mean  and  include  any  of  the
     8  purposes outlined in subdivision five of this section.
     9    (c)  "Board" means the advisory board required pursuant to subdivision
    10  six of this section.
    11    (d) "Fund" means the community preservation fund created  pursuant  to
    12  subdivision two of this section.
    13    (e)  "Tax" shall mean the real estate transfer tax imposed pursuant to
    14  section fourteen hundred thirty-nine-bb  of  the  tax  law  or,  if  the
    15  context  clearly  indicates,  shall  mean  the  real estate transfer tax
    16  imposed pursuant to article thirty-one of the tax law.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 3526                             2                            A. 3028
     1    2. The town board of the town of Bethlehem is authorized to  establish
     2  by local law a community preservation fund pursuant to the provisions of
     3  this  section.  Deposits into the fund may include revenues of the local
     4  government from whatever source and shall include,  at  a  minimum,  all
     5  revenues from a tax imposed upon the transfer of real property interests
     6  in  such  town pursuant to article thirty-one-A-four of the tax law. The
     7  fund shall also be authorized to accept gifts of any such  interests  in
     8  land  or  of  funds.  Interest accrued by monies deposited into the fund
     9  shall be credited to the fund. In no event shall monies deposited in the
    10  fund be transferred to any other  account.  Nothing  contained  in  this
    11  section shall be construed to prevent the financing in whole or in part,
    12  pursuant  to the local finance law, of any acquisition authorized pursu-
    13  ant to this section. Monies from the fund may be utilized to  repay  any
    14  indebtedness  or  obligations incurred pursuant to the local finance law
    15  consistent with effectuating the purposes of this section.
    16    3. The purposes of the fund shall be exclusively: (a) to  implement  a
    17  plan  for  the  preservation  of community character as required by this
    18  section, (b) to acquire interests or rights in  real  property  for  the
    19  preservation  of  community character within the town including villages
    20  therein in accordance with such plan and  in  cooperation  with  willing
    21  sellers,  (c)  to establish a bank pursuant to a transfer of development
    22  rights program consistent with section two hundred sixty-one-a  of  this
    23  chapter,  and  (d)  to  provide a management and stewardship program for
    24  such interests and  rights  consistent  with  subdivision  ten  of  this
    25  section  and in accordance with such plan designed to preserve community
    26  character. Not more than ten percent of the fund shall be  utilized  for
    27  the management and stewardship program.
    28    4.  If  the implementation of the community preservation project plan,
    29  adopted by the town board, as provided  in  subdivision  seven  of  this
    30  section,  has  been  completed,  and  funds are no longer needed for the
    31  purposes outlined in this subdivision, then any remaining monies in  the
    32  fund  shall  be applied to reduce any bonded indebtedness or obligations
    33  incurred to effectuate the purposes of this section.
    34    5. Preservation of community character shall involve one  or  more  of
    35  the following:
    36    (a) preservation of open space;
    37    (b) establishment of parks, nature preserves, or recreation areas;
    38    (c)  preservation  of  land which is predominantly viable agricultural
    39  land, as defined in subdivision seven of section three  hundred  one  of
    40  the  agriculture  and  markets law, or unique and irreplaceable agricul-
    41  tural land, as defined in subdivision six of section three  hundred  one
    42  of the agriculture and markets law;
    43    (d) preservation of lands of exceptional scenic value;
    44    (e) preservation of freshwater marshes or other wetlands;
    45    (f) preservation of aquifer recharge areas;
    46    (g) preservation of undeveloped beach-lands or shoreline;
    47    (h)  establishment  of wildlife refuges for the purpose of maintaining
    48  native animal species diversity, including  the  protection  of  habitat
    49  essential to the recovery of rare, threatened or endangered species;
    50    (i) preservation of unique or threatened ecological areas;
    51    (j)  preservation of rivers and river areas in a natural, free-flowing
    52  condition;
    53    (k) preservation of forested land;
    54    (l) preservation of public access to lands for  public  use  including
    55  stream rights and waterways;

        S. 3526                             3                            A. 3028
     1    (m)  preservation  of historic places and properties listed on the New
     2  York state register of historic places and/or protected under a  munici-
     3  pal historic preservation ordinance or law; and
     4    (n) undertaking any of the purposes of this subdivision in furtherance
     5  of the establishment of a greenbelt.
     6    6.  The town board which has established a community preservation fund
     7  shall create an advisory board to review  and  make  recommendations  on
     8  proposed  acquisitions  of  interests in real property using monies from
     9  the fund. Such board shall consist of five or seven legal  residents  of
    10  the  municipality who shall serve without compensation. No member of the
    11  local legislative body shall serve on  the  board.  A  majority  of  the
    12  members  of  the board shall have demonstrated experience with conserva-
    13  tion or land preservation activities. The board shall act in an advisory
    14  capacity to the town board. At least one member of the board shall be an
    15  active farmer. Board members' terms shall be staggered.
    16    7. The town board which has established a community preservation  fund
    17  shall,  by  local law, adopt a community preservation project plan. Such
    18  plan shall list every project which the town plans to undertake pursuant
    19  to the community preservation fund. It shall include every parcel  which
    20  is  necessary  to  be acquired in the town in order to protect community
    21  character.  Such plan shall provide for a  detailed  evaluation  of  all
    22  available  land use alternatives to protect community character, includ-
    23  ing but not limited to: (a) fee simple  acquisition,  (b)  zoning  regu-
    24  lations,  including  density  reductions,  cluster development, and site
    25  plan and design requirements, (c) transfer of  development  rights,  (d)
    26  the  purchase  of  development  rights,  and (e) scenic and conservation
    27  easements. Said evaluation shall be as specific  as  practicable  as  to
    28  each  parcel selected for inclusion in such plan. Such plan shall estab-
    29  lish the priorities for preservation, and shall include the preservation
    30  of farmland as its highest priority. Funds from the community  preserva-
    31  tion  fund may only be expended for projects which have been included in
    32  such plan. Such plan shall be updated not  less  than  once  every  five
    33  years,  but in no event until at least three years after the adoption of
    34  the original plan. A copy of such plan shall  be  filed  with  the  town
    35  clerk,  the commissioner of environmental conservation, the commissioner
    36  of agriculture and markets and the commissioner of the office of  parks,
    37  recreation  and  historic  preservation. Such plan shall be completed at
    38  least sixty days before  the  submission  of  the  mandatory  referendum
    39  required  by  section fourteen hundred thirty-nine-bb of the tax law. If
    40  at the time of referendum, the town shall have in place an adopted  open
    41  space  plan, such plan shall be deemed sufficient to waive the preserva-
    42  tion plan requirements of this subdivision. Any monies expended from the
    43  community preservation  plan  shall,  however  be  consistent  with  the
    44  purposes  outlined  in  subdivisions  three and five of this section and
    45  with the open space plan for a period not to exceed twelve months.
    46    8. The town board which has established a community preservation  fund
    47  pursuant  to this section may study and consider establishing a transfer
    48  of development rights program to protect community character as provided
    49  for by section two hundred sixty-one-a of this chapter.  All  provisions
    50  of  such  section  two hundred sixty-one-a shall be complied with. If at
    51  any time during the life of the community preservation fund  a  transfer
    52  of  development  rights  program  is  established,  the town may utilize
    53  monies from the community preservation fund in order to create and  fund
    54  a  central bank of the transfer of development rights program. If at any
    55  time during the life of the community preservation fund, a  transfer  of

        S. 3526                             4                            A. 3028
     1  development  rights program is repealed by the town, all monies from the
     2  central bank shall be returned to the community preservation fund.
     3    9.  No interests or rights in real property shall be acquired pursuant
     4  to this section until a public hearing is held as  required  by  section
     5  two hundred forty-seven of the general municipal law; provided, however,
     6  that  nothing  herein  shall prevent the town board from entering into a
     7  conditional purchase agreement before a  public  hearing  is  held.  Any
     8  resolution  of  the  town  board  approving  an acquisition of rights or
     9  interest in real property pursuant to  this  section,  shall  find  that
    10  acquisition  was  the  best  alternative for the protection of community
    11  character of all the reasonable alternatives available to the town.
    12    10. Rights or interest in real  property  acquired  pursuant  to  this
    13  section  shall  be administered and managed in a manner which (a) allows
    14  public use and enjoyment  in  a  manner  compatible  with  the  natural,
    15  scenic,  historic  and open space character of such lands; (b) preserves
    16  the native biological diversity of such lands; (c) with regard  to  open
    17  spaces,  limits improvements to enhancing access for passive use of such
    18  lands such as nature trails, boardwalks, bicycle paths,  and  peripheral
    19  parking areas provided that such improvements do not degrade the ecolog-
    20  ical  value  of the land or threaten essential wildlife habitat; and (d)
    21  preserves cultural  property  consistent  with  accepted  standards  for
    22  historic  preservation.  Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of this
    23  subdivision there shall be no right to public use and enjoyment of  land
    24  used  in  conjunction  with  a  farm operation as defined by subdivision
    25  eleven of section three hundred one of the agriculture and markets  law.
    26  In  furthering  the  purposes  of  this section, the town may enter into
    27  agreements with corporations organized under the  not-for-profit  corpo-
    28  ration law and engage in land trust activities to manage lands including
    29  less  than  fee  interests  acquired  pursuant to the provisions of this
    30  section, provided that any such agreement shall contain a provision that
    31  such corporation shall keep the lands accessible to  the  public  unless
    32  such  corporation shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the town that
    33  public accessibility would be detrimental to the lands  or  any  natural
    34  resources associated therewith.
    35    11.  Rights  or  interests  in real property acquired with monies from
    36  such fund shall not be sold, leased, exchanged,  donated,  or  otherwise
    37  disposed  of  or  used  for  other  than  the purposes permitted by this
    38  section without the express authority of an act of  the  state  legisla-
    39  ture,  which  shall provide for the substitution of other lands of equal
    40  environmental value and fair  market  value  and  reasonably  equivalent
    41  usefulness  and  location  to those to be discontinued, sold or disposed
    42  of, and such other requirements as shall be approved by the state legis-
    43  lature. Any conservation easements, created under title three of article
    44  forty-nine of the environmental conservation  law,  which  are  acquired
    45  with  monies  from  such  fund  may  only be modified or extinguished as
    46  provided in section 49-0307 of such law.  Nothing in this section  shall
    47  preclude   the   town,   by  local  law,  from  establishing  additional
    48  restrictions to the  alienation  of  lands  acquired  pursuant  to  this
    49  section.  This  subdivision  shall  not apply to the sale of development
    50  rights by the town acquired pursuant to this section, where said sale is
    51  made by a central bank created by the town, pursuant to  a  transfer  of
    52  development  rights  program established by the town pursuant to section
    53  two hundred sixty-one-a of this chapter, provided, however that (a)  the
    54  lands  from  which  said  development  rights were acquired shall remain
    55  preserved in perpetuity by a permanent conservation  easement  or  other
    56  instrument  that  similarly preserves the community character referenced

        S. 3526                             5                            A. 3028
     1  in subdivision five of this section, and (b) the proceeds from such sale
     2  shall be deposited in the community preservation fund.
     3    §  2. The tax law is amended by adding a new article 31-A-4 to read as
     4  follows:
     5                               ARTICLE 31-A-4
     7  Section 1439-aaa. Definitions.
     8          1439-bbb. Imposition of tax.
     9          1439-ccc. Payment of tax.
    10          1439-ddd. Liability for tax.
    11          1439-eee. Exemptions.
    12          1439-fff. Credit.
    13          1439-ggg. Cooperative housing corporation transfers.
    14          1439-hhh. Designation of agents.
    15          1439-iii. Liability of recording officer.
    16          1439-jjj. Refunds.
    17          1439-kkk. Deposit and disposition of revenue.
    18          1439-lll. Judicial review.
    19          1439-mmm. Apportionment.
    20          1439-nnn. Miscellaneous.
    21          1439-ooo. Returns to be secret.
    22    § 1439-aaa. Definitions. When used in this article,  unless  otherwise
    23  expressly stated, the following words and terms shall have the following
    24  meanings:
    25    1. "Person" means an individual, partnership, limited liability compa-
    26  ny,  society,  association,  joint  stock  company, corporation, estate,
    27  receiver, trustee, assignee, referee or any other  person  acting  in  a
    28  fiduciary  or  representative  capacity, whether appointed by a court or
    29  otherwise, any combination of individuals, and any other form  of  unin-
    30  corporated enterprise owned or conducted by two or more persons.
    31    2.  "Controlling  interest"  means  (a)  in the case of a corporation,
    32  either fifty percent or more of the total combined voting power  of  all
    33  classes  of  stock  of such corporation, or fifty percent or more of the
    34  capital, profits or beneficial interest in such  voting  stock  of  such
    35  corporation, and (b) in the case of a partnership, association, trust or
    36  other  entity,  fifty percent or more of the capital, profits or benefi-
    37  cial interest in such partnership, association, trust or other entity.
    38    3. "Real property" means every estate or right,  legal  or  equitable,
    39  present  or future, vested or contingent, in lands, tenements or heredi-
    40  taments, including buildings, structures and other improvements thereon,
    41  which are located in whole or in part within the town of Bethlehem.   It
    42  shall not include rights to sepulture.
    43    4.  "Consideration"  means  the  price actually paid or required to be
    44  paid for the real property or interest therein, including payment for an
    45  option or contract to purchase real property, whether or  not  expressed
    46  in  the deed and whether paid or required to be paid by money, property,
    47  or any other thing of  value.  It  shall  include  the  cancellation  or
    48  discharge  of  an  indebtedness or obligation. It shall also include the
    49  amount of any mortgage, purchase money mortgage, lien  or  other  encum-
    50  brance,  whether  or not the underlying indebtedness is assumed or taken
    51  subject to.
    52    (a) In the case of a creation of a leasehold interest or the  granting
    53  of  an  option  with  use  and occupancy of real property, consideration
    54  shall include, but not be limited to, the value of the rental and  other
    55  payments  attributable  to the use and occupancy of the real property or
    56  interest therein, the value of any amount paid for an option to purchase

        S. 3526                             6                            A. 3028
     1  or renew and the value of rental or other payments attributable  to  the
     2  exercise of any option to renew.
     3    (b)  In  the  case of a creation of a subleasehold interest, consider-
     4  ation shall include, but not be limited to, the value  of  the  sublease
     5  rental  payments attributable to the use and occupancy of the real prop-
     6  erty, the value of any amount paid for an option to renew and the  value
     7  of  rental  or other payments attributable to the exercise of any option
     8  to renew less the value of the remaining  prime  lease  rental  payments
     9  required to be made.
    10    (c) In the case of a controlling interest in any entity that owns real
    11  property,  consideration  shall  mean  the fair market value of the real
    12  property or interest therein, apportioned based on the percentage of the
    13  ownership interest transferred or acquired in the entity.
    14    (d) In the case of an assignment or surrender of a leasehold  interest
    15  or the assignment or surrender of an option or contract to purchase real
    16  property,  consideration  shall  not  include the value of the remaining
    17  rental payments required to be made pursuant to the terms of such  lease
    18  or  the amount to be paid for the real property pursuant to the terms of
    19  the option or contract being assigned or surrendered.
    20    (e) In the case of (1) the original conveyance of shares of stock in a
    21  cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant or transfer
    22  of a proprietary leasehold by the cooperative corporation or cooperative
    23  plan sponsor, and (2) the subsequent conveyance by the owner thereof  of
    24  such  stock  in a cooperative housing corporation in connection with the
    25  grant or transfer of a proprietary  leasehold  for  a  cooperative  unit
    26  other than an individual residential unit, consideration shall include a
    27  proportionate  share of the unpaid principal of any mortgage on the real
    28  property of the cooperative housing corporation comprising  the  cooper-
    29  ative  dwelling  or dwellings.  Such share shall be determined by multi-
    30  plying the total unpaid principal of the mortgage  by  a  fraction,  the
    31  numerator of which shall be the number of shares of stock being conveyed
    32  in  the  cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant or
    33  transfer of a proprietary leasehold and the denominator of  which  shall
    34  be the total number of shares of stock in the cooperative housing corpo-
    35  ration.
    36    5.  "Conveyance"  means  the  transfer or transfers of any interest in
    37  real property by  any  method,  including  but  not  limited  to,  sale,
    38  exchange,  assignment, surrender, mortgage foreclosure, transfer in lieu
    39  of foreclosure, option,  trust  indenture,  taking  by  eminent  domain,
    40  conveyance upon liquidation or by a receiver, or transfer or acquisition
    41  of a controlling interest in any entity with an interest in real proper-
    42  ty.  Transfer of an interest in real property shall include the creation
    43  of a leasehold or sublease only where (a) the sum of  the  term  of  the
    44  lease  or sublease and any options for renewal exceeds forty-nine years,
    45  (b) substantial capital improvements are or may be made by  or  for  the
    46  benefit of the lessee or sublessee, and (c) the lease or sublease is for
    47  substantially  all  of  the  premises  constituting  the  real property.
    48  Notwithstanding the foregoing, conveyance of  real  property  shall  not
    49  include  a  conveyance  made pursuant to devise, bequest or inheritance;
    50  the creation, modification,  extension,  spreading,  severance,  consol-
    51  idation,  assignment, transfer, release or satisfaction of a mortgage; a
    52  mortgage subordination agreement, a  mortgage  severance  agreement,  an
    53  instrument given to perfect or correct a recorded mortgage; or a release
    54  of lien of tax pursuant to this chapter or the internal revenue code.
    55    6.  "Interest in the real property" includes title in fee, a leasehold
    56  interest, a beneficial interest, an encumbrance, development rights, air

        S. 3526                             7                            A. 3028
     1  space and air rights, or any other interest with the  right  to  use  or
     2  occupancy  of  real  property  or the right to receive rents, profits or
     3  other income derived from real property. It shall also include an option
     4  or  contract  to purchase real property. It shall not include a right of
     5  first refusal to purchase real property.
     6    7. "Grantor" means the person making the conveyance of  real  property
     7  or  interest  therein. Where the conveyance consists of a transfer or an
     8  acquisition of a controlling interest in an entity with an  interest  in
     9  real property, "grantor" means the entity with an interest in real prop-
    10  erty  or  a  shareholder  or  partner  transferring stock or partnership
    11  interest, respectively.
    12    8. "Grantee" means the person who obtains real  property  or  interest
    13  therein as a result of a conveyance.
    14    9.  "Fund"  means  a  community  preservation fund created pursuant to
    15  section sixty-four-k of the town law.
    16    10. "Recording officer" means the county clerk of the county of  Alba-
    17  ny.
    18    11. "Town" means the town of Bethlehem, county of Albany.
    19    12. "Treasurer" means the treasurer of the county of Albany.
    20    13. "Town supervisor" means the town supervisor of the town of Bethle-
    21  hem.
    22    14.  "Tax" shall mean the real estate transfer tax imposed pursuant to
    23  section fourteen hundred thirty-nine-bbb of  this  article  or,  if  the
    24  context  clearly  indicates,  shall  mean  the  real estate transfer tax
    25  imposed pursuant to article thirty-one of this chapter.
    26    15. "Residential real property"  means  property  which  satisfies  at
    27  least one of the following conditions:
    28    (a)  the  property classification code assigned to the property on the
    29  latest final assessment roll, as reported on the transfer  report  form,
    30  indicates  that  the  property  is  a one, two or three family home or a
    31  rural residence; or
    32    (b) the transfer report indicates that the property is a one,  two  or
    33  three  family  residential  property  that has been newly constructed on
    34  vacant land; or
    35    (c) the transfer report form indicates that the property is a residen-
    36  tial condominium.
    37    § 1439-bbb. Imposition of tax. Notwithstanding any other provisions of
    38  law to the contrary, the town of  Bethlehem,  acting  through  its  town
    39  board,  is hereby authorized and empowered to adopt a local law imposing
    40  in such town a tax on each conveyance of real property or interest ther-
    41  ein not to exceed a maximum of two percent of the consideration for such
    42  conveyance, subject to the exemptions  set  forth  in  section  fourteen
    43  hundred  thirty-nine-eee  of  this article; any such local law shall fix
    44  the rate of such tax. Provided, however, any such  local  law  imposing,
    45  repealing  or reimposing such tax shall be subject to a mandatory refer-
    46  endum pursuant to section twenty-three of the municipal home  rule  law.
    47  Notwithstanding  the foregoing, prior to adoption of such local law, the
    48  town must establish a community preservation fund  pursuant  to  section
    49  sixty-four-k  of the town law. Revenues from such tax shall be deposited
    50  in such fund and may be used solely for the purposes of such fund.  Such
    51  local  law shall apply to any conveyance occurring on or after the first
    52  day of a month to be designated by such town board, which  is  not  less
    53  than  sixty  days  after  the enactment of such local law, but shall not
    54  apply to conveyances made on or after  such  date  pursuant  to  binding
    55  written  contracts  entered  into  prior to such date, provided that the
    56  date of execution of such contract is confirmed by independent  evidence

        S. 3526                             8                            A. 3028
     1  such  as  the  recording  of the contract, payment of a deposit or other
     2  facts and circumstances as determined by the treasurer.
     3    §  1439-ccc.  Payment  of tax. 1. The real estate transfer tax imposed
     4  pursuant to this article shall be paid to the treasurer or the recording
     5  officer acting as the agent of the treasurer upon  designation  as  such
     6  agent  by  the treasurer. Such tax shall be paid at the same time as the
     7  real estate transfer tax imposed by article thirty-one of  this  chapter
     8  is  required  to  be  paid.  Such  treasurer  or recording officer shall
     9  endorse upon each deed or instrument effecting a  conveyance  a  receipt
    10  for the amount of the tax so paid.
    11    2.  A  return  shall  be  required  to be filed with such treasurer or
    12  recording officer for purposes of the real estate transfer  tax  imposed
    13  pursuant  to this article at the same time as a return is required to be
    14  filed for purposes of the real estate transfer tax  imposed  by  article
    15  thirty-one  of  this  chapter. The treasurer shall prescribe the form of
    16  return, the information which it shall contain,  and  the  documentation
    17  that  shall  accompany  the  return. Said form shall be identical to the
    18  real estate transfer tax return required to be filed pursuant to section
    19  fourteen hundred nine of this chapter, except that the  treasurer  shall
    20  adapt  said  form  to  reflect  the  provisions in this chapter that are
    21  inconsistent, different, or in addition to  the  provisions  of  article
    22  thirty-one  of  this  chapter.    The  real  estate transfer tax returns
    23  required to be filed pursuant to this section  shall  be  preserved  for
    24  three  years  and  thereafter  until such treasurer or recording officer
    25  orders them to be destroyed.
    26    3. The recording officer shall not record an  instrument  effecting  a
    27  conveyance unless the return required by this section has been filed and
    28  the  tax  imposed  pursuant  to  this  article  shall  have been paid as
    29  required in this section.
    30    § 1439-ddd. Liability for tax. 1. The real estate transfer  tax  shall
    31  be paid by the grantee. If the grantee has failed to pay the tax imposed
    32  pursuant  to this article or if the grantee is exempt from such tax, the
    33  grantor shall have the duty to pay the tax. Where the  grantor  has  the
    34  duty  to pay the tax because the grantee has failed to pay the tax, such
    35  tax shall be the joint and several liability  of  the  grantee  and  the
    36  grantor.
    37    2. For the purpose of the proper administration of this article and to
    38  prevent evasion of the tax hereby imposed, it shall be presumed that all
    39  conveyances  are  subject  to  the tax. Where the consideration includes
    40  property other than money, it shall be presumed that  the  consideration
    41  is the fair market value of the real property or interest therein. These
    42  presumptions  shall prevail until the contrary is proven, and the burden
    43  of proving the contrary shall be on the person liable for payment of the
    44  tax.
    45    § 1439-eee. Exemptions. 1. The following  shall  be  exempt  from  the
    46  payment of the real estate transfer tax imposed by this article:
    47    (a)  The state of New York, or any of its agencies, instrumentalities,
    48  political subdivisions,  or  public  corporations  (including  a  public
    49  corporation  created  pursuant  to  an agreement or compact with another
    50  state or the Dominion of Canada); and
    51    (b) The United Nations, the United States of America  or  any  of  its
    52  agencies or instrumentalities.
    53    2. The tax shall not apply to any of the following conveyances:
    54    (a)  Conveyances  to the United Nations, the United States of America,
    55  the state of New York, or any of their  instrumentalities,  agencies  or
    56  political  subdivisions  (or  any public corporation, including a public

        S. 3526                             9                            A. 3028
     1  corporation created pursuant to agreement or compact with another  state
     2  or the Dominion of Canada);
     3    (b) Conveyances which are or were used to secure a debt or other obli-
     4  gation;
     5    (c)  Conveyances  which,  without  additional  consideration, confirm,
     6  correct, modify or supplement a deed previously recorded;
     7    (d) Conveyances of real property without consideration  and  otherwise
     8  than in connection with a sale, including deeds conveying realty as bona
     9  fide gifts;
    10    (e) Conveyances given in connection with a tax sale;
    11    (f)  Conveyances  to  effectuate  a mere change of identity or form of
    12  ownership or organization where there is no change in beneficial  owner-
    13  ship, other than conveyances to a cooperative housing corporation of the
    14  real property comprising the cooperative dwelling or dwellings;
    15    (g) Conveyances which consist of a deed of partition;
    16    (h) Conveyances given pursuant to the federal bankruptcy act;
    17    (i)  Conveyances  of real property which consist of the execution of a
    18  contract to sell real property without the  use  or  occupancy  of  such
    19  property  or the granting of an option to purchase real property without
    20  the use or occupancy of such property;
    21    (j) Conveyances of real property or a  portion  or  portions  of  real
    22  property  that  are the subject of one or more of the following develop-
    23  ment restrictions:
    24    (1) agricultural, conservation, scenic, or an open space easement,
    25    (2) covenants or restrictions prohibiting development where the  prop-
    26  erty  or  portion  of  property  being  conveyed has had its development
    27  rights permanently removed,
    28    (3) a purchase of development rights agreement where the  property  or
    29  portion of property being conveyed has had its development rights perma-
    30  nently removed,
    31    (4)  a  transfer  of  development rights agreement, where the property
    32  being conveyed has had its development rights removed,
    33    (5) real property subject to any  locally  adopted  land  preservation
    34  agreement, provided said exemption is included in the local law imposing
    35  the tax authorized by this article;
    36    (k)  Conveyances  of real property, where the property is viable agri-
    37  cultural land as defined in subdivision seven of section  three  hundred
    38  one  of  the  agriculture  and markets law and the entire property to be
    39  conveyed is to be made subject to one of  the  development  restrictions
    40  provided  for  in  subparagraph two of paragraph (j) of this subdivision
    41  provided that said development restriction precludes the  conversion  of
    42  the property to a non-agricultural use for at least eight years from the
    43  date  of  transfer,  and said development restriction is evidenced by an
    44  easement, agreement,  or  other  suitable  instrument  which  is  to  be
    45  conveyed  to  the  town  simultaneously  with the conveyance of the real
    46  property; or
    47    (l) Conveyances of real property for open space,  parks,  or  historic
    48  preservation purposes to any not-for-profit tax exempt corporation oper-
    49  ated for conservation, environmental, or historic preservation purposes.
    50    3.  An exemption from the tax which is equal to the median sales price
    51  of residential real property within the applicable county, as determined
    52  by the office of real property services pursuant to section four hundred
    53  twenty-five of the real property  tax  law,  shall  be  allowed  on  the
    54  consideration  of the conveyance of improved or unimproved real property
    55  or an interest therein.

        S. 3526                            10                            A. 3028
     1    § 1439-fff. Credit. A grantee shall be allowed a  credit  against  the
     2  tax  due  on a conveyance of real property to the extent tax was paid by
     3  such grantee on a prior creation of a leasehold of all or a  portion  of
     4  the  same  real  property or on the granting of an option or contract to
     5  purchase  all  or  a  portion of the same real property by such grantee.
     6  Such credit shall be  computed  by  multiplying  the  tax  paid  on  the
     7  creation  of  the leasehold or on the granting of the option or contract
     8  by a fraction, the numerator of which is the value of the  consideration
     9  used  to  compute  such tax paid which is not yet due to such grantor on
    10  the date of the subsequent conveyance (and which such grantor  will  not
    11  be entitled to receive after such date), and the denominator of which is
    12  the total value of the consideration used to compute such tax paid.
    13    §  1439-ggg.  Cooperative  housing corporation transfers. 1.  Notwith-
    14  standing the definition of "controlling interest" contained in  subdivi-
    15  sion  two of section fourteen hundred thirty-nine-aaa of this article or
    16  anything to the contrary contained in subdivision five of section  four-
    17  teen  hundred  thirty-nine-aaa of this article, the tax imposed pursuant
    18  to this article shall apply to (a) the original conveyance of shares  of
    19  stock  in a cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant
    20  or transfer of a proprietary leasehold by the cooperative corporation or
    21  cooperative plan sponsor, and (b)  the  subsequent  conveyance  of  such
    22  stock  in a cooperative housing corporation in connection with the grant
    23  or transfer of a  proprietary  leasehold  by  the  owner  thereof.  With
    24  respect to any such subsequent conveyance where the property is an indi-
    25  vidual  residential  unit,  the  consideration for the interest conveyed
    26  shall exclude the value of any liens on certificates of stock  or  other
    27  evidences  of  an  ownership  interest in and a proprietary lease from a
    28  corporation or partnership formed for the purpose of cooperative  owner-
    29  ship  of  residential  interest  in real estate remaining thereon at the
    30  time of conveyance. In determining the tax on a conveyance described  in
    31  paragraph  (a)  of  this  subdivision,  a  credit shall be allowed for a
    32  proportionate part of the amount of any tax paid upon the conveyance  to
    33  the  cooperative housing corporation of the real property comprising the
    34  cooperative dwelling or dwellings to the  extent  that  such  conveyance
    35  effectuated a mere change of identity or form of ownership of such prop-
    36  erty  and not a change in the beneficial ownership of such property. The
    37  amount of the credit shall be determined by multiplying  the  amount  of
    38  tax paid upon the conveyance to the cooperative housing corporation by a
    39  percentage  representing the extent to which such conveyance effectuated
    40  a mere change of identity or form of ownership and not a change  in  the
    41  beneficial  ownership of such property, and then multiplying the result-
    42  ing product by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the number of
    43  shares of stock conveyed in a transaction described in paragraph (a)  of
    44  this subdivision, and the denominator of which shall be the total number
    45  of shares of stock of the cooperative housing corporation (including any
    46  stock  held by the corporation). In no event, however, shall such credit
    47  reduce the tax, on a conveyance  described  in  paragraph  (a)  of  this
    48  subdivision,  below zero, nor shall any such credit be allowed for a tax
    49  paid more than twenty-four months prior to the date on which occurs  the
    50  first  in  a  series of conveyances of shares of stock in an offering of
    51  cooperative housing corporation shares described  in  paragraph  (a)  of
    52  this subdivision.
    53    2.  Every cooperative housing corporation shall be required to file an
    54  information return with the treasurer by July  fifteenth  of  each  year
    55  covering  the  preceding  period of January first through June thirtieth
    56  and by January fifteenth of each year covering the preceding  period  of

        S. 3526                            11                            A. 3028
     1  July  first through December thirty-first. The return shall contain such
     2  information regarding the conveyance of shares of stock in  the  cooper-
     3  ative  housing  corporation as the treasurer may deem necessary, includ-
     4  ing,  but  not limited to, the names, addresses and employee identifica-
     5  tion numbers or social security numbers of the grantor and the  grantee,
     6  the  number  of  shares  conveyed,  the  date  of the conveyance and the
     7  consideration paid for such conveyance.
     8    § 1439-hhh. Designation of agents.  The  treasurer  is  authorized  to
     9  designate  the recording officer to act as his or her agent for purposes
    10  of collecting the tax authorized by this article.  The  treasurer  shall
    11  provide  for the manner in which such person may be designated as his or
    12  her agent subject to such terms and conditions as  the  treasurer  shall
    13  prescribe.   The real estate transfer tax shall be paid to such agent as
    14  provided in section fourteen hundred thirty-nine-ccc of this article.
    15    § 1439-iii. Liability of recording officer. A recording officer  shall
    16  not  be  liable for any inaccuracy in the amount of tax imposed pursuant
    17  to this article that he or she shall collect so long as he or she  shall
    18  compute and collect such tax on the amount of consideration or the value
    19  of  the  interest conveyed as such amounts are provided to him or her by
    20  the person paying the tax.
    21    § 1439-jjj. Refunds. Whenever the treasurer shall determine  that  any
    22  moneys  received  under the provisions of the local law enacted pursuant
    23  to this article were paid in error, he or she may cause such  moneys  to
    24  be  refunded  pursuant  to such requirements as he or she may prescribe,
    25  provided that any application for such refund is filed with the treasur-
    26  er within two years from the date the erroneous payment was made.
    27    § 1439-kkk. Deposit and disposition of revenue. 1. All  taxes,  penal-
    28  ties  and  interest  imposed  by the town under the authority of section
    29  fourteen hundred thirty-nine-bbb of this article, which are collected by
    30  the treasurer or his or her agents, shall be deposited in a single trust
    31  fund for the town and shall be kept in trust and separate and apart from
    32  all other monies in possession of the treasurer.  Moneys  in  such  fund
    33  shall  be deposited and secured in the manner provided by section ten of
    34  the general municipal law.  Pending expenditure from such  fund,  moneys
    35  therein  may be invested in the manner provided in section eleven of the
    36  general municipal law. Any interest earned or capital gain  realized  on
    37  the  moneys  so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become part of
    38  such fund.
    39    2. The treasurer shall retain such amount as he or she  may  determine
    40  to be necessary for refunds with respect to the tax imposed by the town,
    41  under  the authority of section fourteen hundred thirty-nine-bbb of this
    42  article, out of which the treasurer shall pay any refunds of such  taxes
    43  to  those  taxpayers  entitled to a refund pursuant to the provisions of
    44  this article.
    45    3. The treasurer, after reserving such refunds, shall on or before the
    46  twelfth day of each month pay to the town supervisor the  taxes,  penal-
    47  ties  and  interest  imposed  by the town under the authority of section
    48  fourteen hundred thirty-nine-bbb of this article, collected by the trea-
    49  surer, pursuant to this  article  during  the  next  preceding  calendar
    50  month.  The  amount so payable shall be certified to the town supervisor
    51  by the treasurer, who shall not be held liable  for  any  inaccuracy  in
    52  such  certification.  Provided,  however,  any such certification may be
    53  based on such information as may be available to the  treasurer  at  the
    54  time  such  certification  must  be made under this section.   Where the
    55  amount so paid over to the town in any such distribution is more or less
    56  than the amount due to the town, the amount of the overpayment or under-

        S. 3526                            12                            A. 3028
     1  payment shall be certified to the town supervisor by the treasurer,  who
     2  shall  not  be held liable for any inaccuracy in such certification. The
     3  amount of the overpayment or underpayment shall be so certified  to  the
     4  town supervisor as soon after the discovery of the overpayment or under-
     5  payment as reasonably possible and subsequent payments and distributions
     6  by the treasurer to the town shall be adjusted by subtracting the amount
     7  of  any such overpayment from or by adding the amount of any such under-
     8  payment to such number of subsequent payments and distributions  as  the
     9  treasurer  and  town supervisor shall consider reasonable in view of the
    10  overpayment or underpayment and all other facts and circumstances.
    11    4. All monies received from the treasurer shall be  deposited  in  the
    12  fund of the town, pursuant to section sixty-four-k of the town law.
    13    §  1439-lll. Judicial review. 1. Any final determination of the amount
    14  of any tax payable under section  fourteen  hundred  thirty-nine-ccc  of
    15  this  article  shall  be reviewable for error, illegality or unconstitu-
    16  tionality or any other reason whatsoever by a proceeding  under  article
    17  seventy-eight  of the civil practice law and rules if application there-
    18  for is made to the supreme court within four months after the giving  of
    19  the notice of such final determination, provided, however, that any such
    20  proceeding  under  article  seventy-eight  of the civil practice law and
    21  rules shall not be instituted unless (a) the amount of any tax sought to
    22  be reviewed, with such interest and penalties thereon as may be provided
    23  for by local law shall be first deposited and there is filed  an  under-
    24  taking,  issued  by  a surety company authorized to transact business in
    25  this state and approved by the state superintendent of insurance  as  to
    26  solvency  and responsibility, in such amount as a justice of the supreme
    27  court shall approve to the effect that if such proceeding  be  dismissed
    28  or the tax confirmed the petitioner will pay all costs and charges which
    29  may accrue in the prosecution of such proceeding or (b) at the option of
    30  the petitioner, such undertaking may be in a sum sufficient to cover the
    31  taxes,  interest  and  penalties  stated in such determination, plus the
    32  costs and charges which may accrue against it in the prosecution of  the
    33  proceeding,  in  which event the petitioner shall not be required to pay
    34  such taxes, interest or penalties as a condition precedent to the appli-
    35  cation.
    36    2. Where any tax imposed hereunder shall have been erroneously,  ille-
    37  gally  or  unconstitutionally  assessed or collected and application for
    38  the refund or revision thereof duly made to the proper fiscal officer or
    39  officers, and such officer or officers shall have made  a  determination
    40  denying  such refund or revision, such determination shall be reviewable
    41  by a proceeding under article seventy-eight of the  civil  practice  law
    42  and  rules;  provided,  however,  that (a) such proceeding is instituted
    43  within four months after the giving of the notice of such denial, (b)  a
    44  final  determination  of  tax  due  was  not previously made, and (c) an
    45  undertaking is filed with the proper fiscal officer or officers in  such
    46  amount  and  with  such sureties as a justice of the supreme court shall
    47  approve to the effect that if such proceeding be dismissed  or  the  tax
    48  confirmed,  the  petitioner  will  pay  all  costs and charges which may
    49  accrue in the prosecution of such proceeding.
    50    § 1439-mmm. Apportionment. A local law adopted by the town of  Bethle-
    51  hem,  pursuant to this article, shall provide for a method of apportion-
    52  ment for determining the amount of tax due whenever the real property or
    53  interest therein is situated within and without the town.
    54    § 1439-nnn. Miscellaneous. A local law adopted by the town of  Bethle-
    55  hem,  pursuant to this article, may contain such other provisions as the
    56  town deems necessary for the proper administration of  the  tax  imposed

        S. 3526                            13                            A. 3028
     1  pursuant  to  this article, including provisions concerning the determi-
     2  nation of tax, the imposition of interest on underpayments and  overpay-
     3  ments  and  the  imposition of civil penalties. Such provisions shall be
     4  identical  to  the  corresponding provisions of the real estate transfer
     5  tax imposed by article thirty-one  of  this  chapter,  so  far  as  such
     6  provisions  can  be  made applicable to the tax imposed pursuant to this
     7  article.
     8    § 1439-ooo. Returns to be secret. 1. Except in accordance with  proper
     9  judicial order or as otherwise provided by law, it shall be unlawful for
    10  the  treasurer or any officer or employee of the county or town, includ-
    11  ing any person engaged or retained on an independent contract basis,  to
    12  divulge  or  make  known  in  any  manner  the  particulars set forth or
    13  disclosed in any return required under a local law enacted  pursuant  to
    14  this  article.  However, that nothing in this section shall prohibit the
    15  recording officer from making a notation on an  instrument  effecting  a
    16  conveyance  indicating  the  amount  of tax paid. No recorded instrument
    17  effecting a conveyance shall be considered a return for purposes of this
    18  section.
    19    2. The officers charged with the custody of such returns shall not  be
    20  required  to  produce  any  of them or evidence of anything contained in
    21  them in any action or proceeding in any court, except on behalf  of  the
    22  county or town in any action or proceeding involving the collection of a
    23  tax due under a local law enacted pursuant to this article to which such
    24  county  or  town is a party, or a claimant, or on behalf of any party to
    25  any action or proceeding under the provisions of  a  local  law  enacted
    26  pursuant  to  this  article  when the returns or facts shown thereby are
    27  directly involved in such action or proceeding, in any of  which  events
    28  the  court  may require the production of, and may admit in evidence, so
    29  much of said returns or of the facts shown thereby, as are pertinent  to
    30  the action or proceeding and no more.
    31    3.  Nothing  herein  shall  be construed to prohibit the delivery to a
    32  grantor or grantee of an instrument effecting a conveyance or  the  duly
    33  authorized representative of a grantor or grantee of a certified copy of
    34  any  return  filed in connection with such instrument or to prohibit the
    35  publication of statistics so classified as to prevent the identification
    36  of particular returns and the items thereof, or the  inspection  by  the
    37  legal  representatives  of  such  county  or  town  of the return of any
    38  taxpayer who shall bring action to set aside or  review  the  tax  based
    39  thereon.
    40    4.  Any  officer  or  employee  of  such  county or town who willfully
    41  violates the provisions of this section shall be dismissed  from  office
    42  and be incapable of holding any public office in this state for a period
    43  of five years thereafter.
    44    §  3.  Severability.  If  any provision of this act or the application
    45  thereof shall for any reason be  adjudged  by  any  court  of  competent
    46  jurisdiction  to  be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or
    47  invalidate the remainder of this act, but shall be confined in its oper-
    48  ation to the provision thereof directly involved in the  controversy  in
    49  which such judgment shall have been rendered.
    50    §  4.  This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that
    51  section two of this act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after  it
    52  shall  have  become  a  law and shall expire December 31, 2037 when upon
    53  such date the provisions of such section shall be deemed repealed.