S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                   January 17, 2013
       Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  BLANKENBUSH -- read once and referred to the
         Committee on Real Property  Taxation  --  committee  discharged,  bill
         amended,  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit-
       AN ACT to establish an energy system tax stabilization reserve  fund  in
         the Lowville Central School District to lessen or prevent increases in
         the school district's real property tax levy
    1    Section 1. Legislative findings. The legislature hereby finds that the
    2  private development and ownership of wind energy systems located  within
    3  the  Lowville  Central  School District may result in instability in the
    4  real property tax base and the budgets of the district due to the uncer-
    5  tainty with the assessments of such wind energy systems at the time  the
    6  payments in lieu of taxes terminate.
    7    S 2. Definitions. As used in this act:
    8    (a)  "Board  of  education" or "board" means the board of education of
    9  the Lowville Central School District.
   10    (b) "Energy system tax stabilization reserve fund" or "fund" means the
   11  energy system tax stabilization reserve  fund  established  pursuant  to
   12  this act.
   13    (c)  "Payments  in lieu of taxes" or "payments" means payments in lieu
   14  of taxes receivable by the school district pursuant to contracts entered
   15  into in accordance with section 487 of the  real  property  tax  law  or
   16  subdivision  15  of section 858 of the general municipal law on any wind
   17  energy system located wholly or partially within  the  Lowville  Central
   18  School District.
   19    (d)  "School district" or "district" means the Lowville Central School
   20  District.
   21    (e) "Wind energy systems" shall be defined as in section  487  of  the
   22  real  property  tax law and shall include the land upon which the system
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 2613--A                          2
    1  is located, any equipment used in such generation, and equipment leading
    2  from the system to the interconnection with the transmission system.
    3    S 3. The board of education is hereby authorized to establish an ener-
    4  gy  system tax stabilization reserve fund to lessen or prevent increases
    5  in the school district's real property tax levy resulting from decreases
    6  in revenue due to changes in the amount of or termination of payments in
    7  lieu of taxes receivable by the school district provided, however,  that
    8  no  such fund shall be established unless approved by a majority vote of
    9  the qualified voters of the district present and voting  on  a  separate
   10  ballot  proposition  therefor at either a special district meeting which
   11  the board of education may call for such  purposes,  or  at  the  annual
   12  district  meeting  and  election,  to be noticed and conducted in either
   13  case in accordance with the provisions of article 41  of  the  education
   14  law.  Further,  the  notice  of  the  special district meeting or annual
   15  district meeting and election,  as  applicable,  at  which  such  ballot
   16  proposition shall be presented to the voters, shall explain the means by
   17  which  moneys  shall  be  paid  into and withdrawn from such fund as set
   18  forth hereinafter in subdivisions (a) and (c) of this section.    Moneys
   19  shall  be  paid  into and withdrawn from the fund, and the fund shall be
   20  administered, as follows:
   21    (a) For any school district fiscal year commencing after the effective
   22  date of this act and after the establishment of the  energy  system  tax
   23  stabilization  reserve  fund,  the board of education may determine that
   24  there shall be paid into the fund all or any portion of  the  amount  by
   25  which  the  payments  in lieu of taxes receivable by the school district
   26  for such fiscal year is not required  to  prevent  an  increase  in  the
   27  school  tax  levy  from  the immediately preceding fiscal year, provided
   28  that no payment into the reserve fund shall cause  the  balance  of  the
   29  fund  to exceed 100 percent of the budget for such immediately preceding
   30  fiscal year. Such determination may be amended to reduce the amount paid
   31  into the fund in the event that the district's original proposed  budget
   32  is not approved by the voters.
   33    (b)  The  board  of  education is hereby authorized to make a one-time
   34  deposit into the energy system tax  stabilization  reserve  fund  in  an
   35  amount  not  to exceed the balance over any maximum allowable balance as
   36  required by any other law that accrued prior to the establishment of the
   37  energy system tax stabilization reserve fund as a result of the  receipt
   38  of any payment in lieu of taxes, provided, however, that no such deposit
   39  shall be made unless approved by a majority vote of the qualified voters
   40  of  the  district  present  and  voting on a separate ballot proposition
   41  therefor at either a special district meeting which the board of  educa-
   42  tion  may  call  for such purpose, or at the annual district meeting and
   43  election, to be noticed and conducted in either case in accordance  with
   44  the  provisions of article 41 of the education law.  Further, the notice
   45  of the special district meeting or annual district meeting and election,
   46  as applicable, at which such ballot proposition shall  be  presented  to
   47  the  voters,  shall explain the means by which moneys shall be paid into
   48  and withdrawn from such fund as set forth  hereinafter  in  subdivisions
   49  (a) and (c) of this section.
   50    (c)  Moneys  may be withdrawn from the energy system tax stabilization
   51  reserve fund subject to the following limitations:
   52    (1) For any fiscal year for which payments in lieu of taxes receivable
   53  by the school district equal or  exceed  the  amount  of  such  payments
   54  received  for  the immediately preceding fiscal year, no amount shall be
   55  withdrawn from the fund.
       A. 2613--A                          3
    1    (2) For any fiscal year for which payments in lieu of taxes receivable
    2  by the school district  are  less  than  the  amount  of  such  payments
    3  received  for the immediately preceding fiscal year, the board of educa-
    4  tion may authorize a withdrawal from the fund in an amount not to exceed
    5  the  amount  of the payments received for the immediately preceding year
    6  less the amount of the payments receivable for the fiscal year for which
    7  the budget and tax levy is being determined provided, however,  that  no
    8  such withdrawal shall be made unless approved by a majority of the qual-
    9  ified  voters  of  the  district present and voting on a separate ballot
   10  proposition therefor at the annual district  meeting  and  election,  in
   11  accordance with the provisions of article 41 of the education law.
   12    (3)  For any fiscal year for which the school district does not antic-
   13  ipate receiving any payments in lieu of taxes, the  board  of  education
   14  may  authorize a withdrawal from the fund in an amount not to exceed the
   15  amount of such payments received for the last preceding fiscal year  for
   16  which  such  payments  were  received plus the amount, if any, which the
   17  board of education authorized to be withdrawn from  the  fund  for  such
   18  last  preceding  fiscal  year provided, however, that no such withdrawal
   19  shall be made unless approved by a majority of the qualified  voters  of
   20  the  district present and voting on a separate ballot proposition there-
   21  for at the annual district meeting and election in accordance  with  the
   22  provisions of article 41 of the education law.
   23    (4)  Notwithstanding  paragraph 1 of this subdivision, and in addition
   24  to any withdrawal from the fund authorized pursuant to paragraph 2 or  3
   25  of  this  subdivision,  moneys  may  be  withdrawn from the fund for any
   26  fiscal year to be expended  for  any  other  lawful  purpose,  provided,
   27  however,  that  no  such withdrawal and expenditure shall be made unless
   28  approved by a majority vote of the  qualified  voters  of  the  district
   29  present and voting on a separate ballot proposition therefor at either a
   30  special  district meeting which the board of education may call for such
   31  purpose, or at the annual district meeting and election, to  be  noticed
   32  and  conducted in either case in accordance with the provisions of arti-
   33  cle 41 of the education law, such purposes as may  be  set  forth  in  a
   34  separate proposition submitted by the board of education and approved by
   35  the qualified voters of the school district.
   36    (d)  Determinations  by  the  board of education to pay money into the
   37  energy system tax stabilization  reserve  fund,  authorizations  by  the
   38  board  to  withdraw  money  from the fund, and decisions by the board to
   39  submit a ballot proposition to the voters authorizing a withdrawal  from
   40  the  fund  shall  be made on or before the last date provided by law for
   41  the  submission  to  the  state  education  department  of  the   school
   42  district's property tax report card pursuant to subdivision 7 of section
   43  1716 of the education law.
   44    (e)  The  moneys  in  the energy system tax stabilization reserve fund
   45  shall be deposited, invested and accounted for in  the  manner  provided
   46  for  in  subdivisions  2  and  6 of section 3651 and section 3652 of the
   47  education law.
   48    S 4. The property tax report card  prepared  by  the  school  district
   49  pursuant  to  subdivision  7  of section 1716 of the education law shall
   50  contain the following information relating  to  the  energy  system  tax
   51  stabilization  reserve fund: (a) the balance of the fund as of the start
   52  of the current fiscal year, (b) all deposits  or  withdrawals  from  the
   53  fund  for the current fiscal year, (c) an analysis of the impact of such
   54  withdrawals on the school district's tax levy  for  the  current  fiscal
   55  year, (d) proposed deposits and withdrawals for the ensuing fiscal year,
   56  and  (e)  an  analysis of the impact of such proposed deposits and with-
       A. 2613--A                          4
    1  drawals on the projected tax levy for the ensuing  fiscal  year  if  the
    2  proposed budget is adopted.
    3    S  5. When computing the school district's tax levy limit for a school
    4  year pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 2023-a of the education law:
    5    (a) The payments in lieu of taxes receivable for the prior school year
    6  shall be decreased by  any  amount  paid  into  the  energy  system  tax
    7  stabilization  reserve  fund for such prior school year and increased by
    8  any amount withdrawn from the fund for such prior school year.
    9    (b) The payments in lieu of taxes receivable in the coming fiscal year
   10  shall be decreased by the amount to be paid into the energy  system  tax
   11  stabilization  reserve fund for such coming fiscal year and increased by
   12  any amount to be withdrawn from  the  energy  system  tax  stabilization
   13  reserve fund for such coming fiscal year.
   14    S  6.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of subdivision (c) of section
   15  three of this act and section four of this act, if this act  shall  take
   16  effect  later  than fourteen days prior to the last date provided by law
   17  for the submission to the  state  education  department  of  the  school
   18  district's  property  tax  report card for the school district's ensuing
   19  fiscal year, then a determination by the board of education to pay money
   20  into the fund for the ensuing fiscal year may be made on or  before  the
   21  last  date provided by law for the levy of taxes for such ensuing fiscal
   22  year. Upon making such determination to pay money  into  the  fund,  the
   23  board shall cause to be posted on the school district's website a state-
   24  ment  containing  the amount of the payment into the fund and the effect
   25  of the payment on the projected tax levy for the ensuing fiscal year.
   26    S 7. This act shall take effect immediately.