                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 24, 2019
        Introduced by M. of A. LAVINE, ENGLEBRIGHT, D'URSO, RAIA, MONTESANO, RA,
          M. L. MILLER  --  read  once and referred to the Committee on Ways and
        AN ACT to amend subpart H of part C of chapter 20 of the laws  of  2015,
          relating to appropriating money for certain municipal corporations and
          school  districts,  in  relation  to  authorizing funds in the case of
          certain tax certiorari challenges or agreed upon settlements;  and  to
          permit  certain  boards  of  education  to  establish a tax certiorari
          stabilization reserve fund
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1. Section 1 of subpart H of part C of chapter 20 of the laws
     2  of 2015, relating to appropriating money for  certain  municipal  corpo-
     3  rations  and  school  districts,  as amended by section 1 of part AAA of
     4  chapter 59 of the laws of 2018, is amended to read as follows:
     5    Section 1. Contingent  upon  available  funding,  and  not  to  exceed
     6  $69,000,000  moneys  from  the  urban  development  corporation shall be
     7  available for a local government entity, which for the purposes of  this
     8  section  shall  mean  a  county, city, town, village, school district or
     9  special district, where (i) on or  after  June  25,  2015,  an  electric
    10  generating  facility  located  within  such  local government entity has
    11  ceased operations, and (ii) the closing of such facility  has  caused  a
    12  reduction  in  the  real property tax collections or payments in lieu of
    13  taxes of at least twenty percent owed by such electric generating facil-
    14  ity; or where, on or after April 1, 2019, a  successful  tax  certiorari
    15  challenge  or an agreed upon settlement to the assessment of an electric
    16  generating facility by the Long Island Power authority has  resulted  in
    17  either  a  reduction in the real property tax collections or payments in
    18  lieu of taxes of at least twenty percent, or in regards to a  settlement
    19  agreement  a  reduction  in  real  property taxes or payments in lieu of
    20  taxes of at least twenty percent in the aggregate over the term  of  the
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 2585                             2
     1  settlement  agreement,  owed by such electric generating facility or has
     2  resulted in a real property tax levy increase of over twenty percent  of
     3  a  local government entity. Such moneys attributable to the cessation of
     4  operations,  a  successful  tax  certiorari challenge, or an agreed upon
     5  settlement, shall be paid annually on a first come, first  served  basis
     6  by  the  urban  development  corporation to such local government entity
     7  within a reasonable time upon confirmation from the state office of real
     8  property tax services or  the  local  industrial  development  authority
     9  established  pursuant  to  titles eleven and fifteen of article eight of
    10  the public authorities law, or the local industrial  development  agency
    11  established  pursuant to article eighteen-A of the general municipal law
    12  that such cessation, tax certiorari judgment, or an agreed upon  settle-
    13  ment has resulted in a reduction in the real property tax collections or
    14  payments in lieu of taxes, provided, however, that the urban development
    15  corporation shall not provide assistance to such local government entity
    16  for  more  than  seven  years  in the case of the closing of an electric
    17  generating facility or in the case  of  a  tax  certiorari  judgment  or
    18  agreed  upon settlement for not more than fifteen years, and shall award
    19  payments reflecting the loss of revenues due to the cessation  of  oper-
    20  ations, tax certiorari judgment or an agreed upon settlement as follows:
    21          Award [Year] Years        Maximum Potential Award
    22              1           no more than eighty percent of loss of revenues
    23              2           no more than seventy percent of loss of revenues
    24              3           no more than sixty percent of loss of revenues
    25              4           no more than fifty percent of loss of revenues
    26              5           no more than forty percent of loss of revenues
    27              6           no more than thirty percent of loss of revenues
    28              7-15        no more than twenty percent of loss of revenues
    29    A  local  government  entity shall be eligible for only one payment of
    30  funds hereunder per year. A local government entity may seek  assistance
    31  under  the  electric  generation  facility  cessation and tax certiorari
    32  mitigation fund (i) once a generator has submitted  its  notice  to  the
    33  federally  designated  electric  bulk  system operator (BSO) serving the
    34  state of New York of its intent to retire the facility or of its  intent
    35  to  voluntarily  remove the facility from service subject to any return-
    36  to-service provisions of any tariff, and that the facility also is inel-
    37  igible to participate in the markets operated by the BSO; or (ii) once a
    38  final judgment or settlement agreement in a  tax  certiorari  proceeding
    39  has  been  filed or executed.  The date of submission of a local govern-
    40  ment entity's application for assistance shall establish  the  order  in
    41  which  assistance is paid to program applicants, except that in no event
    42  shall assistance be paid to a local government entity  until  such  time
    43  that  an  electric  generating facility has either (i) retired or become
    44  ineligible to participate in the markets operated by the BSO, or (ii)  a
    45  final  judgment  or  settlement agreement in a tax certiorari proceeding
    46  has been filed or executed.   For purposes of this  section,  any  local
    47  government  entity  seeking  assistance  under  the  electric generation
    48  facility cessation and tax certiorari mitigation  fund  must  submit  an
    49  attestation to the department of public service that either (i) a facil-
    50  ity is no longer producing electricity and is no longer participating in
    51  markets  operated  by  the  BSO,  or (ii) a final judgment or settlement
    52  agreement in a tax certiorari proceeding has  been  filed  or  executed.
    53  [After] For facilities that have ceased operations after receipt of such
    54  attestation,  the department of public service shall confirm such infor-

        A. 2585                             3
     1  mation with the BSO. In the case that the BSO confirms to the department
     2  of public service that the facility is no longer  producing  electricity
     3  and  participating  in  markets operated by such BSO, it shall be deemed
     4  that  the  electric generating facility located within the local govern-
     5  ment entity has ceased operation. The department of public service shall
     6  provide such confirmation to  the  urban  development  corporation  upon
     7  receipt.  [The] For a facility with a tax certiorari judgment or settle-
     8  ment, the department of public service shall submit such attestation  to
     9  the  urban  development corporation upon receipt of the determination of
    10  the amount of such annual payment which shall be determined by the pres-
    11  ident of the urban development corporation based on the  amount  of  the
    12  differential between the annual real property taxes and payments in lieu
    13  of taxes imposed upon the facility, exclusive of interest and penalties,
    14  during the last year of operations and either (i) the current real prop-
    15  erty  taxes  and  payments  in  lieu of taxes imposed upon the facility,
    16  exclusive of interest and penalties after the cessation of operations or
    17  final judgment or settlement agreement in a tax  certiorari  proceeding,
    18  or  (ii) the annual reduction on real property taxes or payments in lieu
    19  of taxes during the term of a settlement agreement from a tax certiorari
    20  proceeding.  The total amount awarded from this program shall not exceed
    21  $69,000,000.
    22    § 2. Tax certiorari stabilization reserve fund. (a) Definitions.    As
    23  used in this section:
    24    (i)  "Board of education" or "board" shall mean the board of education
    25  of either: the Port Jefferson union free  school  district,  the  North-
    26  port-East  Northport union free school district, the North Shore central
    27  school district, the Island Park union  free  school  district,  or  any
    28  other  school  district  that  is  impacted  by  a tax certiorari action
    29  brought by the Long Island Power Authority.
    30    (ii) "Tax certiorari stabilization reserve fund" shall  mean  the  tax
    31  certiorari  stabilization  reserve  fund  established  pursuant  to this
    32  section.
    33    (iii) "School district" or "district"  shall  mean  either:  the  Port
    34  Jefferson union free school district, the Northport-East Northport union
    35  free  school  district,  the  North  Shore  central school district, the
    36  Island Park union free school district, or  any  other  school  district
    37  that  is  impacted by a tax certiorari action brought by the Long Island
    38  Power Authority.
    39    (b) The board of education is hereby authorized  to  establish  a  tax
    40  certiorari  stabilization reserve fund to lessen or prevent increases in
    41  the school district's real property tax levy resulting from decreases in
    42  revenue due to a tax certiorari settlement or judgment provided,  howev-
    43  er, that no such fund shall be established unless approved by a majority
    44  vote  of  the voters present and voting on a separate ballot proposition
    45  therefor at either a special district meeting which the board of  educa-
    46  tion  may  call  for  such purpose or at the annual district meeting and
    47  election, to be noticed and conducted in either case in accordance  with
    48  article  41  of  the  education law. Such separate proposition shall set
    49  forth the maximum allowable balance to be deposited and held in the  tax
    50  certiorari  stabilization  reserve  fund.  Moneys shall be paid into and
    51  withdrawn from the fund and the fund shall be administered as follows:
    52    (i) The board of education is hereby authorized  to  receive  payments
    53  into its tax certiorari stabilization reserve fund from any annual funds
    54  it  is  eligible to receive from the electric generating facility cessa-
    55  tion fund. Such received allocations from the electric generating facil-

        A. 2585                             4
     1  ity cessation fund shall not count against the district's maximum allow-
     2  able fund balance for its tax certiorari stabilization reserve fund.
     3    (ii)  Moneys  may  be  withdrawn from the tax certiorari stabilization
     4  reserve fund for any fiscal year to be expended for any  lawful  purpose
     5  to  lessen  or prevent increases in the district's tax levy. Withdrawals
     6  from the fund shall  be  disclosed  in  a  manner  consistent  with  the
     7  required  disclosures  of  similar  reserve  funds held by the district,
     8  including disclosures of similar reserve funds  held  by  the  district,
     9  including  disclosures required by the property tax report card prepared
    10  by the district pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 7  of  section
    11  1716  of  the  education  law; and deposits and withdrawals made in each
    12  fiscal year shall be subject to the district's  annual  budget  approval
    13  process.
    14    §  3.  This act shall take effect immediately, provided, however, that
    15  the amendments to section 1 of subpart H of part C of chapter 20 of  the
    16  laws of 2015 made by section one of this act shall not affect the repeal
    17  of such subpart and shall be deemed repealed therewith.