

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 19, 2021

        Introduced  by M. of A. WEINSTEIN, WEPRIN, SEAWRIGHT, BRONSON, L. ROSEN-
          THAL, TAYLOR -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A.  CYMBROWITZ,  GLICK  --
          read once and referred to the Committee on Judiciary

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the civil practice law and rules and the surrogate's
          court procedure act, in relation to addressing delay in payment  of  a
          settlement where the settlement requires court approval

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 1207 of  the  civil  practice  law  and  rules,  as
     2  amended  by  chapter  355  of  the  laws  of 1986, is amended to read as
     3  follows:
     4    § 1207. Settlement of action or claim by infant,  judicially  declared
     5  incompetent  or  conservatee,  by  whom motion made; special proceeding;
     6  notice; order of settlement. (a) Upon motion of a guardian of the  prop-
     7  erty or guardian ad litem of an infant or, if there is no such guardian,
     8  then  of  a  parent having legal custody of an infant, or if there is no
     9  such parent, by another person having legal custody, or if the infant is
    10  married, by an adult spouse residing with the infant, or of the  commit-
    11  tee  of  the property of a person judicially declared to be incompetent,
    12  or of the conservator of the property of a conservatee,  the  court  may
    13  order  settlement of any action commenced by or on behalf of the infant,
    14  incompetent or conservatee. If no action has been commenced,  a  special
    15  proceeding  may  be commenced upon petition of such a representative for
    16  settlement of any claim by the infant, incompetent or conservatee in any
    17  court where an action for the amount of the  proposed  settlement  could
    18  have  been  commenced.    Unless otherwise provided by rule of the chief
    19  administrator of the courts, if no motion term is being held  and  there
    20  is  no  justice  of  the  supreme  court available in a county where the
    21  action or an action on the claim is triable, such a motion may be  made,
    22  or special proceeding may be commenced, in a county court and the county
    23  judge  shall  act  with the same power as a justice of the supreme court

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 2547                             2

     1  even though the amount of the settlement may exceed  the  jurisdictional
     2  limits  of  the  county court. Notice of the motion or petition shall be
     3  given as directed by the court. An order on such a motion shall have the
     4  effect  of a judgment. Such order, or the judgment in a special proceed-
     5  ing, shall be entered without costs and shall approve the  fee  for  the
     6  infant's, incompetent's or conservatee's attorney, if any.
     7    (b) Such order, or the judgment in a special proceeding, shall provide
     8  for  the  payment  of interest on the settlement amount at the statutory
     9  interest rate on judgments, to be computed commencing the fifteenth day,
    10  or where the settling defendant is a municipal or state  entity  as  set
    11  forth in subdivision (b) or (c) of section five thousand three-a of this
    12  chapter  then commencing from the sixty-first day following the day that
    13  the proposed settlement is entered into and  continuing  until  the  day
    14  that  the  order  or  judgment  is signed. Where the proposed settlement
    15  includes an annuity to provide for periodic payments, interest shall not
    16  be computed on the present  value  of  the  annuity  provided  that  the
    17  defendant  timely  funds  the  annuity, but interest shall accrue on any
    18  periodic payment made later than the payment schedule set forth  in  the
    19  proposed settlement. The date and terms of the proposed settlement shall
    20  be  set  forth to all counsel or parties in writing, or in a court tran-
    21  script, and a copy of the writing or transcript shall be provided to the
    22  court in order to calculate the days of interest.
    23    § 2. Paragraphs 7 and 8 of subdivision (a) of rule 1208 of  the  civil
    24  practice  law and rules, paragraph 7 as amended and paragraph 8 as added
    25  by chapter 844 of the laws of 1968, are amended and a new paragraph 9 is
    26  added to read as follows:
    27    7. whether reimbursement  for  medical  or  other  expenses  has  been
    28  received from any source; [and]
    29    8.  whether the infant's or incompetent's representative or any member
    30  of the infant's or incompetent's family has made  a  claim  for  damages
    31  alleged  to have been suffered as a result of the same occurrence giving
    32  rise to the infant's or incompetent's claim and, if so, the amount  paid
    33  or  to be paid in settlement of such claim or if such claim has not been
    34  settled the reasons therefor[.]; and
    35    9. the daily rate of interest on the settlement computed  pursuant  to
    36  subdivision  (b)  of  section twelve hundred seven of this article and a
    37  copy of the court transcript or writing setting forth the date and terms
    38  of the proposed settlement.
    39    § 3. Rule 1208 of the civil practice  law  and  rules  is  amended  by
    40  adding a new subdivision (g) to read as follows:
    41    (g)  Delivery  of  order.    Upon  signing the order, or judgment in a
    42  special proceeding, the court shall send a copy of the order or judgment
    43  to the attorney representing the infant or incompetent, or if  there  is
    44  no attorney, to the representative of the infant or incompetent.
    45    §  4.  Subdivisions  (a),  (b)  and (c) of section 5003-a of the civil
    46  practice law and rules, as added by chapter 269 of the laws of 1992, are
    47  amended to read as follows:
    48    (a) When an action to recover damages has been settled,  any  settling
    49  defendant,  except  those defendants to whom subdivisions (b) and (c) of
    50  this section apply, shall pay all sums due  to  any  settling  plaintiff
    51  within  twenty-one  days,  or if it is an action which requires judicial
    52  approval of settlement, within fourteen days of tender, by the  settling
    53  plaintiff  to  the  settling defendant, of a duly executed release and a
    54  stipulation discontinuing action executed  on  behalf  of  the  settling
    55  plaintiff.

        A. 2547                             3

     1    (b)  When an action to recover damages has been settled and the settl-
     2  ing defendant is a municipality  or  any  subdivision  thereof,  or  any
     3  public  corporation  that  is not indemnified by the state, it shall pay
     4  all sums due to any settling plaintiff within ninety days, or if  it  is
     5  an  action  which requires judicial approval of settlement, within sixty
     6  days of tender, by the  settling  plaintiff  to  it,  of  duly  executed
     7  release and a stipulation discontinuing action executed on behalf of the
     8  settling plaintiff. The provisions of this [paragraph] subdivision shall
     9  not  inure to the benefit of any insurance carrier for a municipality or
    10  any subdivision thereof, or any public corporation that  is  not  indem-
    11  nified  by  the state. Any such insurance carrier shall pay all sums due
    12  to any settling plaintiff in accordance with the provisions of  subdivi-
    13  sion (a) of this section.
    14    (c)  When an action to recover damages has been settled and the settl-
    15  ing defendant is the state, an officer or employee of the state entitled
    16  to indemnification pursuant to section seventeen of the public  officers
    17  law,  or  a public benefit corporation indemnified by the state, payment
    18  of all sums due to any settling plaintiff shall be  made  within  ninety
    19  days,  or if it is an action which requires judicial approval of settle-
    20  ment, within sixty days of  the  comptroller's  determination  that  all
    21  papers  required  to effectuate the settlement have been received by him
    22  or her.  The provisions of this [paragraph] subdivision shall not  inure
    23  to  the  benefit  of  any insurance carrier for the state, an officer or
    24  employee of the state entitled to indemnification  pursuant  to  section
    25  seventeen  of  the  public officers law, or a public benefit corporation
    26  indemnified by the state. Any such insurance carrier shall pay all  sums
    27  due  to  any  settling  plaintiff  in  accordance with the provisions of
    28  subdivision (a) of this section.
    29    § 5. Section 2220 of the surrogate's court procedure act is amended by
    30  adding a new subdivision 6 to read as follows:
    31    6. The order or decree shall provide for the payment  of  interest  on
    32  the settlement amount at the statutory interest rate on judgments, to be
    33  computed  from  the  fifteenth day, or where the settling defendant is a
    34  municipal or state entity as set forth in  subdivision  (b)  or  (c)  of
    35  section  five thousand three-a of the civil practice law and rules, then
    36  from the sixty-first day following the day that the proposed  settlement
    37  is  entered into and continuing until the day that the order or judgment
    38  is signed. Where the proposed settlement includes an annuity to  provide
    39  for  periodic  payment,  interest  shall  not be computed on the present
    40  value of the annuity provided that the defendant timely funds the annui-
    41  ty, but interest shall accrue on any periodic payment  made  later  than
    42  the payment schedule set forth in the proposed settlement.  The date and
    43  terms  of  the  proposed settlement shall be set forth to all counsel or
    44  parties in writing, or in a court transcript, and a copy of the  writing
    45  or  transcript  shall be provided to the court in order to calculate the
    46  days of interest.
    47    § 6. This act shall take effect on the first of January next  succeed-
    48  ing the date on which it shall have become a law, and shall apply to all
    49  actions settled on or after such effective date.