                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 17, 2017
        Introduced  by  M.  of A. RA, RAIA, CROUCH, McDONOUGH, GIGLIO, CURRAN --
          Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of  A.  LUPINACCI,  OAKS  --  read  once  and
          referred to the Committee on Real Property Taxation
        AN  ACT  to amend the real property tax law and the tax law, in relation
          to vacant redeveloped commercial property exemptions
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  The  real  property  tax  law  is amended by adding a new
     2  section 421-p to read as follows:
     3    § 421-p. Vacant redeveloped commercial property exemptions. 1.    Real
     4  property  that  is  constructed,  altered,  or improved upon vacant land
     5  subsequent to the first day of January, two thousand  eighteen  for  the
     6  purpose  of  commercial, business or industrial activity shall be exempt
     7  from taxation and special ad valorem levies, to the  extent  hereinafter
     8  provided.  For  the  purposes  of  these exemptions, the following terms
     9  shall have the following meanings: (a) "vacant land" means land, includ-
    10  ing land under water, which contains no enclosed, permanent  improvement
    11  that  has been neglected or abandoned for a period of eighteen months or
    12  more; and (b) "predominantly vacant land"  means  land,  including  land
    13  under  water, that has been neglected or abandoned for a period of eigh-
    14  teen months or more on which not more than fifteen percent  of  the  lot
    15  area  contains  enclosed, permanent improvements; in addition, such land
    16  may include existing foundations.
    17    2. (a) (i) For real property that is newly constructed,  improved  and
    18  on  vacant  land  and  the value of the construction exceeds two million
    19  dollars, such real property shall be exempt for a period of  five  years
    20  to  the  extent  of  fifty  per centum of the increase in assessed value
    21  thereof attributable to such construction and for an  additional  period
    22  of five years provided, however, that the extent of such exemption shall
    23  be  decreased  by  twenty-five  per  centum.    Such  exemption shall be
    24  computed with respect to the "exemption base."  The exemption base shall
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 2314                             2
     1  be the increase in assessed value as determined in the initial  year  of
     2  such ten year period following the filing of an original application.
     3    The  following  table  shall  illustrate  the  computation  of the tax
     4  exemption:
     5        Year of exemption                  Percentage of exemption
     6                1                                      50
     7                2                                      50
     8                3                                      50
     9                4                                      50
    10                5                                      50
    11                6                                      25
    12                7                                      25
    13                8                                      25
    14                9                                      25
    15                10                                     25
    16    (ii) For real property that is  newly  constructed,  improved  and  on
    17  vacant  land  and  the  value  of  the  construction does not exceed two
    18  million dollars, such real property shall be  exempt  for  a  period  of
    19  three  years  to  the  extent  of  fifty  per  centum of the increase in
    20  assessed value thereof attributable to  such  construction  and  for  an
    21  additional  period  of  two  years provided, however, that the extent of
    22  such exemption shall be decreased by twenty-five  per  centum  and  such
    23  exemption  shall  be  computed with respect to the "exemption base." The
    24  exemption base shall be the increase in assessed value as determined  in
    25  the  initial  year  of  such five year period following the filing of an
    26  original application.
    27    The following table  shall  illustrate  the  computation  of  the  tax
    28  exemption:
    29        Year of exemption                  Percentage of exemption
    30                1                                      50
    31                2                                      50
    32                3                                      50
    33                4                                      25
    34                5                                      25
    35    (b) No such exemption shall be granted unless:
    36    (1)  such construction, alteration or improvement was commenced subse-
    37  quent to the first day of January, two thousand eighteen or  such  later
    38  date as may be specified by local law or resolution;
    39    (2)  the cost of such construction, alteration, or improvement exceeds
    40  the sum of ten thousand dollars or such greater amount as may be  speci-
    41  fied by local law or resolution; and
    42    (3)  such construction, alteration, or improvement is completed as may
    43  be evidenced by a certificate of occupancy or other appropriate documen-
    44  tation as provided by the owner.
    45    (c) For purposes of this section the terms  construction,  alteration,
    46  and improvement shall not include ordinary maintenance and repairs.
    47    (d)  No  such exemption shall be granted concurrent with or subsequent
    48  to any other real property tax exemption granted to  the  same  improve-
    49  ments to real property, except, where during the period of such previous
    50  exemption,  payments in lieu of taxes or other payments were made to the
    51  local government in an amount that would have been equal to  or  greater
    52  than the amount of real property taxes that would have been paid on such
    53  improvements  had  such  property  been granted an exemption pursuant to
    54  this section. In such case, an exemption shall be granted for  a  number
    55  of  years  equal  to the exemption granted pursuant to this section less

        A. 2314                             3
     1  the number of years the property would have been previously exempt  from
     2  real property taxes.
     3    3.  Such exemption shall be granted only upon application by the owner
     4  of such real property on a form prescribed  by  the  commissioner.  Such
     5  application shall be filed with the assessor of the city, town, village,
     6  school district, or county having the power to assess property for taxa-
     7  tion  on  or  before  the  appropriate taxable status date of such city,
     8  town, village, school district or county and within one  year  from  the
     9  date of completion of such construction, alteration, or improvement.
    10    4.  If  the assessor is satisfied that the applicant is entitled to an
    11  exemption pursuant to this section, he or she shall approve the applica-
    12  tion and such real property shall thereafter be exempt from taxation and
    13  special ad valorem levies as herein provided commencing with the assess-
    14  ment roll prepared after the taxable status date referred to in subdivi-
    15  sion three of this section. The assessed value of any exemption  granted
    16  pursuant to this section shall be entered by the assessor on the assess-
    17  ment  roll  with  the taxable property, with the amount of the exemption
    18  shown in a separate column.
    19    5. The provisions of this section shall apply to  real  property  used
    20  primarily  for  the  buying,  selling,  storing  or  developing goods or
    21  services, the manufacture or assembly of goods or the processing of  raw
    22  materials for businesses with between one and one hundred employees with
    23  a  taxable income of no more than three hundred ninety thousand dollars.
    24  This section shall not apply to property used primarily for the furnish-
    25  ing of dwelling space or accommodations to  either  residents  or  tran-
    26  sients other than hotels or motels.
    27    6.  In  the  event that real property granted an exemption pursuant to
    28  this section ceases to be used  primarily  for  eligible  purposes,  the
    29  exemption granted pursuant to this section shall cease.
    30    7.  A  county,  city,  town or village may, by local law, and a school
    31  district, except a city school district to which  article  fifty-two  of
    32  the  education law applies, may, by resolution, reduce the per centum of
    33  exemption otherwise allowed pursuant to this section; provided, however,
    34  that a project in course of construction and exemptions  existing  prior
    35  in  time  to  passage  of  any such local law or resolution shall not be
    36  subject to any such reduction  so  effected.  Any  county,  city,  town,
    37  village  or school district that has reduced the per centum of exemption
    38  pursuant to this subdivision may thereafter, by local law or  resolution
    39  as  the  case may be, increase the per centum of exemption up to any per
    40  centum not exceeding the maximum allowed  by  subdivision  two  of  this
    41  section,  provided, however, that any such local law or resolution shall
    42  apply only  to  construction,  alterations,  or  improvements  commenced
    43  subsequent to the effective date of such local law or resolution. A copy
    44  of  all  such  local laws or resolutions shall be filed with the commis-
    45  sioner and the assessor of each assessing unit which comprises the coun-
    46  ty, city, town or school district or, in the  case  of  a  village,  the
    47  village assessor, or the applicable town or county assessor of a village
    48  which  has  adopted a local law provided in subdivision three of section
    49  fourteen hundred two of this chapter.
    50    8. A county, city, town or village may, by local  law,  and  a  school
    51  district,  except  a  city school district to which article fifty-two of
    52  the education law applies may, by resolution, establish a date  for  the
    53  commencement  of  effectiveness  of  exemptions offered pursuant to this
    54  section.
    55    § 2. Subsection (d) of section 615 of the tax law is amended by adding
    56  a new paragraph 5 to read as follows:

        A. 2314                             4
     1    (5) small business relocating to vacant or predominantly vacant  rede-
     2  veloped  commercial  property. A twenty percent deduction is allowed for
     3  small businesses with between one and one hundred employees and a  taxa-
     4  ble  income  of no more than three hundred ninety thousand dollars.  The
     5  small  business  is  eligible for the deduction if it has relocated to a
     6  vacant land or predominantly vacant land, as defined in subdivision  one
     7  of section four hundred twenty-one-p of the real property tax law, with-
     8  in  the  previous  taxable  year.   However, the small business may only
     9  receive the deduction upon the approval of the  real  property  taxation
    10  exemption  described in subdivision four of section four hundred twenty-
    11  one-p of the real property tax law. The deduction may be allowed for the
    12  same duration of time as the real property tax exemption provided.
    13    § 3. Section 209 of the tax law is amended by adding a new subdivision
    14  13 to read as follows:
    15    13. For any taxable year beginning after two  thousand  seventeen,  an
    16  eligible business with between one and one hundred employees and a taxa-
    17  ble  income of no more than three hundred ninety thousand dollars may be
    18  allowed to deduct twenty percent of its taxable income.  A  business  is
    19  eligible  if  it  has  relocated  on vacant land or predominantly vacant
    20  land, as defined in subdivision one of section four hundred twenty-one-p
    21  of the real property tax law, within the last  year,  and  has  received
    22  approval  for the real property taxation exemption described in subdivi-
    23  sion four of section four hundred twenty-one-p of the real property  tax
    24  law.  The  deduction may be allowed for the same duration of time as the
    25  real property tax exemption provided.
    26    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.