                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 17, 2017
        Introduced  by  M. of A. ORTIZ -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. COLTON,
          McDONOUGH, ZEBROWSKI -- read once and referred  to  the  Committee  on
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the public health law, in relation to establishing a
          dietary supplements safety committee
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The public health law is amended by adding a new section 25
     2  to read as follows:
     3    § 25. Dietary supplements safety committee.  1. There is hereby estab-
     4  lished  in the department the dietary supplements safety committee to be
     5  composed of eighteen members who shall be  appointed  in  the  following
     6  manner:  three  shall  be  appointed  by  the temporary president of the
     7  senate; two shall be appointed by the minority  leader  of  the  senate;
     8  three  shall  be  appointed by the speaker of the assembly; two shall be
     9  appointed by the minority leader of the assembly;  and  eight  shall  be
    10  appointed  by the governor. The governor shall designate the chairperson
    11  of the committee.  The members of the committee shall be  representative
    12  of  the  public health field, health care services providers, dieticians
    13  and nutritionists.  Such appointing officials shall  either  replace  or
    14  reappoint  the members of such committee for three year terms, according
    15  to the following schedule:
    16    (a) Effective January first, two thousand nineteen: Any three original
    17  appointees of the governor, one  original  appointee  of  the  temporary
    18  president  of  the  senate, one original appointee of the speaker of the
    19  assembly and one original  appointee  of  the  minority  leader  of  the
    20  senate;
    21    (b)  Effective  January  first,  two thousand twenty: Any three of the
    22  remaining original appointees of the  governor,  one  of  the  remaining
    23  original appointees of the temporary president of the senate, one of the
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 2277                             2
     1  remaining  original  appointees  of  the speaker of the assembly and one
     2  original appointee of the minority leader of the assembly;
     3    (c)  Effective January first, two thousand twenty-one: The two remain-
     4  ing original appointees of the governor, the remaining original appoint-
     5  ee of the temporary president of  the  senate,  the  remaining  original
     6  appointee  of  the  speaker  of  the  assembly,  the  remaining original
     7  appointee of the  minority  leader  of  the  senate  and  the  remaining
     8  original appointee of the minority leader of the assembly;
     9    (d)  Replacements  or  reappointments  thereafter shall be made at the
    10  expiration of the term of each member, by the  appointing  official  who
    11  originally appointed such member; and
    12    (e)  Vacancies shall be filled by appointment in like manner for unex-
    13  pired terms.
    14    2. The committee shall evaluate the safety  and  efficacy  of  dietary
    15  supplements  and  its  duties  shall include, but not be limited to, the
    16  following:
    17    (a) establish a system of reporting  adverse  events  associated  with
    18  dietary supplements and support voluntary reporting by consumers, health
    19  practitioners and others;
    20    (b)  assess  available  data  and make specific recommendations to the
    21  commissioner regarding banning the sale of certain  dietary  supplements
    22  the committee deems harmful; and
    23    (c)  establish  a  public health education campaign on dietary supple-
    24  ments, with variations specifically directed to target different groups.
    25    3. The advisory council shall meet at least three times a year, at the
    26  request of the chairperson.
    27    4. The members of the council shall receive no compensation for  their
    28  services,  but  shall  be  allowed  their  actual and necessary expenses
    29  incurred in the performance of their duties.
    30    5. The commissioner is hereby  authorized  to  ban  the  sale  of  any
    31  dietary supplement sold or offered for sale in this state upon recommen-
    32  dation by the committee. Any such ban may be limited in its scope to ban
    33  the sale of any such supplement to minors only.
    34    6.  For  purposes of this section, the term "dietary supplement" means
    35  (a) a product (other than tobacco) that is intended  to  supplement  the
    36  diet  and  that  bears  or contains one or more of the following dietary
    37  ingredients: a vitamin, a mineral, an herb or other botanical, an  amino
    38  acid, a dietary substance for the use by a person to supplement the diet
    39  by  increasing  the  total  daily  intake, or a concentrate, metabolite,
    40  constituent, extract, or combinations of these ingredients; (b) intended
    41  for ingestion in pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid form; and (c)  labeled
    42  as  a  "dietary  supplement"  pursuant to the federal Dietary Supplement
    43  Health and Education Act, 21 U.S.C. 321, as amended.
    44    § 2. This act shall take effect  January  1,  2018.  The  appointments
    45  required  to  be  made  pursuant  to  subdivision 1 of section 25 of the
    46  public health law, as added by section one of this act, shall be made on
    47  or before such effective date.