

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 25, 2023

        Introduced  by M. of A. NORRIS, HAWLEY, MORINELLO, BYRNES -- Multi-Spon-
          sored by -- M.  of A. SAYEGH -- read once and referred to the  Commit-
          tee on Energy -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted
          as  amended  and  recommitted to said committee -- again reported from
          said committee with  amendments,  ordered  reprinted  as  amended  and
          recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  to  amend the executive law, in relation to the encroachment or
          adverse effect upon military operations  by  tall  energy  structures,
          major renewable energy facilities or wind energy facilities

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The executive law is amended by adding a new section 720 to
     2  read as follows:
     3    § 720. Encroachment or adverse effect upon military operations by tall
     4  energy structures, major renewable  energy  facilities  or  wind  energy
     5  facilities. 1. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms
     6  shall have the following meanings:
     7    (a)  "Tall  energy structure" shall mean any structure that has as its
     8  primary use the generation or transmission of energy and  which  is  two
     9  hundred or more feet in height.
    10    (b)  "Major  renewable  energy  facility"  shall  mean any facility as
    11  defined under paragraph (h) of subdivision two of section  ninety-four-c
    12  of this chapter.
    13    2.  The  construction or operation of any tall energy structure, major
    14  renewable energy facility or wind energy facility in  this  state  shall
    15  not  encroach upon or otherwise have an adverse impact on military oper-
    16  ations and readiness of any military installation or branch of the mili-
    17  tary.
    18    3. A local government or the New York state board on  electric  gener-
    19  ation  siting  and  the environment (hereinafter, "the board"), prior to
    20  approving an application for the construction of a tall energy structure

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 2273--B                          2

     1  shall require the applicant to provide the local government or the board
     2  with the following:
     3    (a)  a  written determination of no hazard to air navigation issued by
     4  the Federal Aviation Administration  pursuant  to  14  C.F.R.  Part  77,
     5  Subpart D; and
     6    (b)  in  coordination  with any affected military installation and the
     7  state division of homeland security and emergency  services,  a  written
     8  determination  resolving any adverse impact to military operations iden-
     9  tified during the aeronautics study  conducted  pursuant  to  14  C.F.R.
    10  Part 77, Subpart D.
    11    A proposed tall energy structure shall be subject to the provisions of
    12  subdivision  two  of  this  section  even if the local government or the
    13  board either does not require an application prior to  the  construction
    14  of  a tall energy structure or does not require the application outlined
    15  in this subdivision.
    16    4. The board, prior to approving an application for  the  construction
    17  of a major renewable energy facility shall require the applicant to file
    18  an  application with the Federal Aviation Administration under 49 U.S.C.
    19  § 44718, and provide the board with the following:
    20    (a) a written determination of no hazard to air navigation  issued  by
    21  the  Federal  Aviation  Administration  pursuant  to  14 C.F.R. Part 77,
    22  Subpart D; and
    23    (b) in coordination with any affected military  installation  and  the
    24  state  division  of  homeland security and emergency services, a written
    25  determination resolving any adverse impact to military operations  iden-
    26  tified  during  the  aeronautics  study  conducted pursuant to 14 C.F.R.
    27  Part 77, Subpart D.
    28    The major renewable energy facility shall be subject to the provisions
    29  of subdivision two of this section even if the  board  either  does  not
    30  require  an application prior to the construction of the major renewable
    31  energy facility or does not require the  application  outlined  in  this
    32  subdivision.
    33    5.  Prior  to  any  planned construction of a wind energy facility, an
    34  applicant shall provide the local government or the board considering an
    35  application with a map showing  the  specific  location  and  tower  hub
    36  height, with rotor diameter, for each proposed wind turbine.
    37    6.  A local government or the board may not approve an application for
    38  the construction of a wind energy facility unless the applicant provides
    39  the following documentation:
    40    (a) a completed department  of  defense  siting  clearinghouse  formal
    41  review; and
    42    (b)  a  written determination of no hazard to air navigation issued by
    43  the Federal Aviation Administration  pursuant  to  14  C.F.R.  Part  77,
    44  Subpart D.
    45    7. Notwithstanding subdivision six of this section, a local government
    46  or  the  board may approve an application for the construction of a wind
    47  energy facility conditioned upon the applicant providing the  documenta-
    48  tion set out in subdivision six of this section.
    49    8.  If  any dispute arises between a local government or the board and
    50  an applicant or military installation relating to the  approval  of  any
    51  tall  energy  structure,  major renewable energy facility or wind energy
    52  facility, the local government or the board shall provide notice to  the
    53  governor  or  the  governor's  designee  to facilitate resolution of the
    54  dispute.
    55    9. A local government or the board shall not require any other  formal
    56  written  approval from a military installation to approve an application

        A. 2273--B                          3

     1  for the construction of a tall energy structure, a major renewable ener-
     2  gy facility or a wind energy facility.
     3    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.