

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 23, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. JEAN-PIERRE, BARCLAY, COLTON, COOK, DAVILA, HYND-
          MAN, DICKENS, SIMON, JOYNER, WILLIAMS -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Higher Education

        AN  ACT to amend the education law, in relation to  creating the "foster
          care higher education scholarship pilot program";  and  providing  for
          the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may  be  cited  as
     2  the "foster care higher education scholarship pilot program".
     3    §  2.  Section  604  of  the  education law is amended by adding a new
     4  subdivision 13 to read as follows:
     5    13. Foster care higher education scholarship pilot program pursuant to
     6  section six hundred sixty-eight-h of this title.
     7    § 3. The education law is amended by adding a  new  section  668-h  to
     8  read as follows:
     9    §  668-h.  Foster  care higher education scholarship pilot program. 1.
    10  Purpose. The president shall establish a pilot program for  the  purpose
    11  of  granting  scholarship  awards  to  enhance  opportunities for higher
    12  education for children and young adults who are receiving, or  who  have
    13  received,  foster  care  services  in  New  York state. Such scholarship
    14  awards shall be available for  the  tuition  and  non-tuition  costs  of
    15  eligible  students  enrolled in approved in-state undergraduate programs
    16  or vocational training programs.
    17    2. Definitions. As used in this section, the term:
    18    (a) "Tuition" means the total semester, quarter, or credit  hour  cost
    19  of instruction to the student as periodically published in the catalogue
    20  of  the institutions, specifically excluding mandatory fees, book charg-
    21  es, and room and board.
    22    (b) "Non-tuition cost of  attendance"  means  (i)  the  actual  amount
    23  charged by the institution for room and board, and (ii) an allowance for

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 2123                             2

     1  transportation,  books, supplies, and personal expenses as determined by
     2  the president and as approved by the director of  the  budget,  provided
     3  that  such  determination shall be made no later than  December first of
     4  each  year  for  use  in  the  succeeding  academic year. In the event a
     5  student does not incur room or board charges at the  institution,  "non-
     6  tuition  cost  of attendance" shall mean an allowance for room and board
     7  as determined by the president and approved by the director of the budg-
     8  et. In determining allowances pursuant to this paragraph, the  president
     9  may  take  into  consideration  the  allowances provided for in the Pell
    10  grant program pursuant to section 1070-a  of  title  20  of  the  United
    11  states Code.
    12    (c)  "Part-time  study"  means  enrollment for at least three but less
    13  than twelve semester hours  per  semester,  or  the  equivalent,  in  an
    14  approved undergraduate program.
    15    (d) "Full-time study" shall mean enrollment for at least twelve credit
    16  hours  per  semester,  or  the  equivalent, in an approved undergraduate
    17  program.
    18    (e) "Approved vocational training programs"  means  in-state  programs
    19  offered by agencies approved by the commissioner for funding pursuant to
    20  this  section.  The  commissioner  shall  approve  only  such non-credit
    21  programs which are at least three hundred twenty clock hours in  length,
    22  and  which  meet standards of instructional quality established in regu-
    23  lations by the commissioner. These standards shall include, but  not  be
    24  limited  to,  qualifications of administrative and instructional person-
    25  nel, quality of  facilities  and  equipment,  recordkeeping,  admission,
    26  grading,  attendance,  and record of placement of completers which meets
    27  standards of acceptability as established by the commissioner.
    28    3. Eligibility. (a) An applicant shall be eligible for  a  scholarship
    29  award  pursuant  to this section if, at the time of the initial applica-
    30  tion to the corporation, the applicant has applied for and been selected
    31  to receive for the first time an education and training voucher pursuant
    32  to paragraph i of section 677 of the United States code  for  the  first
    33  academic year following enactment of the legislation and:
    34    (1) is a legal resident of New York state;
    35    (2) is sixteen to twenty-three years of age;
    36    (3)  has  received  foster  care  services  pursuant  to section three
    37  hundred fifty-eight-a of the social services law or article ten  of  the
    38  family  court  act  for  a  period  of nine months or more following the
    39  child's sixteenth birthday or has been adopted after the age of sixteen;
    40    (4) has received (i) a certificate of graduation from a school provid-
    41  ing secondary education from a state within the United States;  or  (ii)
    42  the recognized equivalent of such certificate; or (iii) received a pass-
    43  ing  score on a federally approved ability to benefit test that has been
    44  identified by  the  board  of  regents  as  satisfying  the  eligibility
    45  requirements of this section and has been independently administered and
    46  evaluated as defined by the commissioner; and
    47    (5)  is  matriculated in (i) an approved undergraduate program or (ii)
    48  an approved in-state vocational training program. Pursuant to  paragraph
    49  a of subdivision four of section six hundred sixty-one of this part, the
    50  institution  or  vocational  training program shall be one that has been
    51  approved and operating in this state for at least one year, and has been
    52  approved for participation in federal  student  financial  aid  programs
    53  authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.
    54    (b) Applications for a scholarship award shall be made on forms and in
    55  the manner prescribed by the corporation.

        A. 2123                             3

     1    4.  Amount.  (a)  The president shall grant annual scholarships in the
     2  following amounts:
     3    (1)  If  the recipient attends an undergraduate program at an institu-
     4  tion of the city university of New York or an institution of  the  state
     5  university  of  New  York, the annual award shall be an amount equal to:
     6  the tuition charged at the applicable institution of the state universi-
     7  ty of New York or  the  city  university  of  New  York  provided  that,
     8  notwithstanding  any  provision  of  law  to  the  contrary, the tuition
     9  charged to award recipients shall not exceed that charged to state resi-
    10  dent students attending such institution; the mandatory fees charged  at
    11  such institution; and the non-tuition costs of attendance at such insti-
    12  tution  or  college,  provided  that the scholarship shall not exceed an
    13  amount that is equal to the total costs  of  attendance  determined  for
    14  federal Title IV student financial aid purposes, less all other scholar-
    15  ships  and  grants provided by New York state, other states, the federal
    16  government, or other governments excluding  loans,  and  the  amount  of
    17  educational  benefits  excluding loans paid under any program that would
    18  duplicate the purposes of this program, provided that  any  scholarships
    19  or  grants provided to a recipient by the institution which are intended
    20  to fund any portion of the difference between the  annual  award  amount
    21  and  the actual costs of attendance at any such institution shall not be
    22  considered to duplicate the purposes of this program.
    23    (2) If the recipient attends any other approved undergraduate  program
    24  or  vocational  training program within New York state, the annual award
    25  shall be based upon an amount equal to: the  tuition  charged  to  state
    26  resident  students attending a four-year college of the state university
    27  of New York; the average mandatory fees charged at four-year colleges of
    28  the state university of New York, or the actual tuition and fees charged
    29  to the recipient, whichever is less; and the average non-tuition cost of
    30  attendance, as determined by the president and as approved by the direc-
    31  tor of the budget, for a student at the state university of New York  or
    32  the  actual  non-tuition cost of attendance at such institution incurred
    33  by the recipient, whichever is less, provided that the scholarship shall
    34  not exceed an amount that is equal  to  the  total  cost  of  attendance
    35  determined for federal Title IV student financial aid purposes, less all
    36  other  scholarships and grants provided by New York state, other states,
    37  the federal government, or other governments excluding  loans,  and  the
    38  amount  of  educational  benefits excluding loans paid under any program
    39  that would duplicate the purposes of this  program,  provided  that  any
    40  scholarships  or grants provided to a recipient by the institution which
    41  are intended to fund any portion of the difference  between  the  annual
    42  award  amount and the actual costs of attendance at any such institution
    43  shall not be considered to duplicate the purposes of this program.
    44    (b) Nothing contained in this section shall modify  or  eliminate  the
    45  obligations of a social services official pursuant to subdivision ten of
    46  section three hundred ninety-eight of the social services law who, for a
    47  foster  child  in attendance at a college or university away from his or
    48  her foster family boarding home, group home,  agency  boarding  home  or
    49  institution, makes foster payments to such college or university in lieu
    50  of  payment  to the foster parents or authorized agency, for the purpose
    51  of room and board.
    52    (c) In no event shall the combination of  all  student  financial  aid
    53  received  by  a student exceed a recipient's total cost of attendance at
    54  the institution being attended.
    55    5. Additional services. If a student qualifying for  the  foster  care
    56  higher education scholarship pilot program has matriculated in an under-

        A. 2123                             4

     1  graduate  institution  of  the  state  university  of New York, the city
     2  university of New York, or a non-public institution of higher  education
     3  which  operates  an  education  opportunity program pursuant to sections
     4  sixty-four  hundred  fifty-one  or  sixty-four hundred fifty-two of this
     5  chapter, the student should be provided access to the  support  services
     6  provided  under  this  education opportunity program, including remedial
     7  courses, developmental and  compensatory  courses  and  summer  classes,
     8  special tutoring, counseling, and guidance services.
     9    6.  Duration. (a) Each recipient enrolled in an approved undergraduate
    10  program shall receive awards for more than eight semesters of full  time
    11  undergraduate study, or the equivalent of four academic years.
    12    (b)  No  recipient enrolled in an approved vocational training program
    13  shall receive awards for more than four semesters of full-time study  or
    14  the equivalent of two academic years of full-time study.
    15    7.  Requirements.  (a)  Each  recipient  of  an award pursuant to this
    16  section shall enroll in  an  approved  full-time  or  part-time  degree,
    17  diploma  or  certificate  program  or  course of undergraduate study and
    18  retain satisfactory academic standing.
    19    (b) Each recipient of a scholarship award  pursuant  to  this  section
    20  shall  be  required  to  complete  a new application for each subsequent
    21  academic year and must meet the eligibility requirements  set  forth  in
    22  subparagraphs  one through five of paragraph (a) of subdivision three of
    23  this section, provided that no recipient  shall  receive  awards  for  a
    24  period  of time exceeding the provisions set forth in subdivision six of
    25  this section.
    26    (c) Each applicant shall have completed the following at the  time  of
    27  initial  application and each application for subsequent academic years:
    28  (1) applied for a tuition assistance program award pursuant  to  section
    29  six  hundred  sixty-seven of this subpart, (2) completed and submitted a
    30  federal student aid application pursuant to section 1090 of  the  United
    31  States  code, and (3) applied for and been selected to receive an educa-
    32  tional and training voucher pursuant to paragraph i of  section  677  of
    33  the United States code. Pursuant to paragraph (a) of subdivision four of
    34  this section, when determining the annual award amount, any grant aid or
    35  financial  assistance  received, excluding   loans, shall be utilized to
    36  offset the total cost of attendance  determined  for  federal  Title  IV
    37  student  financial  aid  purposes to the maximum extent possible, except
    38  that nothing shall require that aid received which may be  used  towards
    39  costs other than tuition shall be applied toward the cost of tuition.
    40    8.  Reports  and  the  evaluation  of  the  pilot  program.  Upon  the
    41  completion of two years of operation and four years  of  operation,  the
    42  president  shall  evaluate  and assess the results of the pilot program,
    43  including the following:
    44    (a) The retention rate of all scholarship  recipients  enrolled  in  a
    45  four-year undergraduate program upon two years of operation;
    46    (b)  The  retention  rate  of all scholarship recipients enrolled in a
    47  four-year undergraduate program with  access  to  the  services  offered
    48  under  an  education opportunity program pursuant to sections sixty-four
    49  hundred fifty-one and sixty-four hundred fifty-two of this chapter  upon
    50  two years of operation;
    51    (c)  The  degree completion rate of scholarship recipients enrolled in
    52  vocational training programs upon two years of operation;
    53    (d) The degree completion rate of scholarship recipients  enrolled  as
    54  full-time students in a two-year undergraduate program upon two years of
    55  operation;

        A. 2123                             5

     1    (e)  The  degree completion rate of scholarship recipients enrolled as
     2  full-time students in a two-year undergraduate program  with  access  to
     3  the  services offered under an education opportunity program pursuant to
     4  sections sixty-four hundred fifty-one and sixty-four  hundred  fifty-two
     5  of this chapter upon two years of operation;
     6    (f)  The  degree completion rate of scholarship recipients enrolled as
     7  full-time students in a four-year undergraduate program upon four  years
     8  of operation;
     9    (g)  The  degree completion rate of scholarship recipients enrolled as
    10  full-time students in a four-year undergraduate program with  access  to
    11  the  services offered under an education opportunity program pursuant to
    12  sections sixty-four hundred fifty-one and sixty-four  hundred  fifty-two
    13  of this chapter upon four years of operation;
    14    (h) The retention rate of scholarship recipients enrolled as part-time
    15  students in an undergraduate program upon four years of operation; and
    16    (i) The retention rate of scholarship recipients enrolled as part-time
    17  students in an undergraduate program with access to the services offered
    18  under  an  education opportunity program pursuant to sections sixty-four
    19  hundred fifty-one and sixty-four hundred fifty-two of this chapter  upon
    20  four years of operation.
    21    9.  Rules  and  regulations.  The corporation in consultation with the
    22  commissioner of the  office  of  children  and  family  services,  shall
    23  promulgate any rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of
    24  the provisions of this section.
    25    §  4.  This act shall take effect immediately; and shall be applicable
    26  for awards made for the academic year which begins on the first of  July
    27  next  succeeding  such effective date and shall expire four years later,
    28  when upon such date the provisions of this act shall be deemed repealed.