

                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 15, 2019

        Introduced by M. of A. RICHARDSON, CRUZ, ARROYO, EPSTEIN, D'URSO, ASHBY,
          once and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means -- recommitted to
          the Committee on Ways and Means in accordance with  Assembly  Rule  3,
          sec.  2  --  committee  discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as
          amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the tax law, in relation to providing a re-entry employ-
          ment incentive tax credit

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Section  210-B  of the tax law is amended by adding a new
     2  subdivision 55 to read as follows:
     3    55. Re-entry employment incentive tax credit. (a) A taxpayer shall  be
     4  allowed  a  credit,  to be computed as hereinafter provided, against the
     5  tax imposed by this article in the amount prescribed by this subdivision
     6  where such taxpayer employs one or more  qualifying  individuals  desig-
     7  nated pursuant to paragraph (c) of this subdivision.
     8    (b)  The  amount of the credit shall be as follows for each qualifying
     9  individual employed by the taxpayer:
    10    (i) fifty percent of the qualified wages in the first year of  employ-
    11  ment;
    12    (ii)  forty  percent  of qualified wages in the second year of employ-
    13  ment; and
    14    (iii) thirty percent of qualified wages in the third year  of  employ-
    15  ment.
    16    (c)  For  the  purposes  of  this subdivision, "qualifying individual"
    17  shall mean an individual hired by a taxpayer on or after January  first,
    18  two thousand twenty who:
    19    (i)  has  been  convicted  of  a felony in this state in the last five
    20  years, has been released from a  correctional  facility  as  defined  in
    21  subdivision  four  of section two of the correction law in the last five

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1556--A                          2

     1  years or is serving a period  of  post-release  supervision,  parole  or
     2  probation  for  the  conviction of a felony, provided that an individual
     3  shall be considered a qualified individual for each of  the  first  four
     4  years  of  employment  if  hired  by the taxpayer within the time period
     5  specified in this subparagraph;
     6    (ii) resides in this state; and
     7    (iii) receives qualified wages for at least  three  continuous  months
     8  from the taxpayer during the taxable year.
     9    (d) For the purposes of this subdivision, "qualified wages" shall mean
    10  wages  paid  or  incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year to the
    11  qualified individual, provided that the amount of qualified wages  which
    12  may  be  taken into account when calculating the credit pursuant to this
    13  subdivision shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars per year.
    14    (e) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary,  the  credit
    15  and  carryover  of  such  credit  allowed under this subdivision for any
    16  taxable years shall not, in the aggregate, reduce the tax due  for  such
    17  year to less than the higher of the amounts prescribed in paragraphs (c)
    18  and  (d)  of  subdivision  one  of this section, any amount of credit or
    19  carryover of such credit thus not deductible in such taxable year may be
    20  carried over to the following year or years and may be deducted from the
    21  tax for such year or years. In addition, the amount of such credit,  and
    22  carryovers  of  such  credit  to the taxable year, deducted from the tax
    23  otherwise due may not, in the aggregate, exceed fifty percent of the tax
    24  imposed under section two hundred nine of this article computed  without
    25  regard to any credit provided by this section.
    26    §  2. Section 606 of the tax law is amended by adding a new subsection
    27  (k-1) to read as follows:
    28    (k-1) Re-entry employment incentive tax credit. (1) A  taxpayer  shall
    29  be allowed a credit, to be computed as hereinafter provided, against the
    30  tax  imposed by this article in the amount prescribed by this subsection
    31  where such taxpayer employs one or more  qualifying  individuals  desig-
    32  nated pursuant to paragraph three of this subsection.
    33    (2)  The  amount of the credit shall be as follows for each qualifying
    34  individual employed by the taxpayer:
    35    (i) Fifty percent of the qualified wages in the first year of  employ-
    36  ment;
    37    (ii)  Forty  percent  of qualified wages in the second year of employ-
    38  ment; and
    39    (iii) Thirty percent of qualified wages in the third year  of  employ-
    40  ment.
    41    (3) For the purposes of this subsection, "qualifying individual" shall
    42  mean  an  individual  hired by a taxpayer on or after January first, two
    43  thousand twenty who:
    44    (i) has been convicted of a felony in this  state  in  the  last  five
    45  years,  has  been  released  from  a correctional facility as defined in
    46  subdivision four of section two of the correction law in the  last  five
    47  years  or  is  serving  a  period of post-release supervision, parole or
    48  probation for the conviction of a felony, provided  that  an  individual
    49  shall  be  considered  a qualified individual for each of the first four
    50  years of employment if hired by the  taxpayer  within  the  time  period
    51  specified in this subparagraph;
    52    (ii) resides in this state; and
    53    (iii)  receives  qualified  wages for at least three continuous months
    54  from the taxpayer during the taxable year.
    55    (4) For the purposes of this subsection, "qualified wages" shall  mean
    56  wages  paid  or  incurred by the taxpayer during the taxable year to the

        A. 1556--A                          3

     1  qualified individual, provided that the amount of qualified wages  which
     2  may  be  taken into account when calculating the credit pursuant to this
     3  subsection shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars per year.
     4    (5)  Notwithstanding  any  provision  of  law  to the contrary, if the
     5  amount of the credit and carryovers of such credit  allowed  under  this
     6  subsection for any taxable year shall exceed the taxpayer's tax for such
     7  year, any amount of credit or carryovers of such credit thus not deduct-
     8  ible  in  such taxable year may be carried over to the following year or
     9  years and may be deducted from the tax for such year or years. In  addi-
    10  tion,  the  amount  of such credit, and carryovers of such credit to the
    11  taxable year, deducted from the tax otherwise due may not, in the aggre-
    12  gate, exceed fifty percent of the tax imposed under section six  hundred
    13  one  of  this part computed without regard to any credit provided for by
    14  this section.
    15    § 3. Subparagraph (B) of paragraph 1 of subsection (i) of section  606
    16  of  the  tax  law  is  amended  by adding a new clause (xlvi) to read as
    17  follows:

    18  (xlvi) Re-entry employment           Amount of credit
    19  incentive tax credit under           under subdivision
    20  subsection (k-1)                     fifty-five of section
    21                                       two hundred ten-B

    22    § 4. This act shall take effect on the sixtieth  day  after  it  shall
    23  have become a law.