                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 15, 2019
        Introduced by M. of A. L. ROSENTHAL, MOSLEY -- read once and referred to
          the Committee on Cities
        AN  ACT  relating to the sale, lease or other disposition of property of
          the New York city department of education, New York  city  educational
          construction  fund,  New  York city school construction authority, and
          New York city housing authority
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  1.  Notwithstanding  any  law,  rule or regulation to the
     2  contrary, ninety days prior to the issuance or execution  of  a  request
     3  for proposal, any letters of intent or request for expressions of inter-
     4  est for any sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of land or build-
     5  ings,  the New York city housing authority, the New York city department
     6  of education, the New York city educational construction fund,  and  the
     7  New York city school construction authority shall provide advance notice
     8  of  all  preliminary  and final plans related to the use, development or
     9  improvement of land subject to city land-use regulation to the  affected
    10  community  board or boards and the office of the affected borough presi-
    11  dent.
    12    2. Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary,  sixty
    13  days  prior  to  the  issuance  or  execution of request for proposal or
    14  request for expressions of interest for any  sale,  lease,  exchange  or
    15  other  disposition  of  land  or  buildings,  the  New York city housing
    16  authority, the New York city department of education, the New York  city
    17  educational construction fund, and the New York city school construction
    18  authority  shall conduct a public hearing review process in consultation
    19  with the affected community board  or  boards  and  the  office  of  the
    20  affected borough presidents.
    21    3.  Notwithstanding  any  law,  rule or regulation to the contrary, in
    22  addition to complying with the provisions of  this  section,  any  sale,
    23  lease,  exchange  or  other  disposition of land or buildings of the New
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1462                             2
     1  York city housing authority, the New York city department of  education,
     2  the  New  York city educational construction fund, and the New York city
     3  school construction authority shall be subject to and shall comply  with
     4  the provisions of New York city's uniform land use review procedure.
     5    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.