                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 14, 2019
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  PAULIN,  SANTABARBARA, FAHY -- read once and
          referred to the Committee on Transportation
        AN ACT to establish the  passenger  safety  task  force  on  safety  for
          passengers transported by stretch limousines
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Passenger safety task force. 1. The passenger  safety  task
     2  force  (the  "task  force")  is hereby established, and shall consist of
     3  twenty members including two co-chairs who will share joint responsibil-
     4  ity for carrying out its charge. The chairs shall be the commissioner of
     5  the New York state department of motor vehicles, or his or her designee,
     6  and the commissioner of the New York state department of transportation,
     7  or his or her designee. The additional eighteen members shall include:
     8    a. eleven representatives, each of whom shall be an owner  or  commer-
     9  cial  operator  of  stretch  limousines from each of the eleven New York
    10  state department of transportation regions;
    11    b. the superintendent of the New York state  police,  or  his  or  her
    12  designee;
    13    c.  two members who shall be appointed by the governor, one of whom is
    14  a community safety advocate;
    15    d. two members who shall be appointed by the  temporary  president  of
    16  the senate, one of whom is a community safety advocate; and
    17    e.  two members who shall by appointed by the speaker of the assembly,
    18  one of whom is a community safety advocate.
    19    2. Members of the task force shall serve without compensation.
    20    3. The task force shall undertake a review of the actions and measures
    21  that are needed to ensure safe, adequate, efficient and reliable passen-
    22  ger transportation by stretch limousine and shall issue a  final  report
    23  and make recommendations regarding:
    24    a.  the  promotion of enhanced coordination and uniformity between the
    25  New York state department of motor  vehicles  and  the  New  York  state
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1316                             2
     1  department  of transportation regarding the regulation of stretch limou-
     2  sines;
     3    b. the establishment and adoption of a uniform safety training program
     4  for  drivers.  Such program should include a component which shall train
     5  drivers to conduct a safety demonstration  with  passengers  instructing
     6  them on the use of seatbelts and any other relevant safety measures that
     7  may be deemed useful;
     8    c. the appropriateness of extending federal regulations that currently
     9  apply  to  bus drivers to stretch limousines, including, but not limited
    10  to extending the requirement for alcohol and drug testing to drivers  of
    11  vehicles with ten occupants or more;
    12    d.  establishing  a  limit  on  the  maximum  allowable time frame for
    13  stretch limousines to be permitted to operate on state roadways, includ-
    14  ing a possible limit of ten years or 350,000 miles;
    15    e. the need for additional safety measures, including  traffic  safety
    16  measures  such  as prohibiting drivers from making U-turns or the use of
    17  hands-free devices while operating a stretch limousine except  in  cases
    18  of  emergency  or  for  purposes of dispatch, and requiring that certain
    19  safety features be installed in these vehicles, including but not limit-
    20  ed to requiring multiple anti-intrusion  bars  in  side  panels,  carbon
    21  monoxide monitors, and rear view cameras; and
    22    f. increasing the minimum age for drivers to obtain a license to oper-
    23  ate stretch limousines.
    24    4. The task force shall, within six months of convening, issue a final
    25  report  and  recommendations to the governor, the temporary president of
    26  the senate, and the speaker of the assembly.
    27    5. For the purposes of this section, "stretch  limousine"  shall  mean
    28  any  for  hire  vehicle  with  a chassis which was manufactured and then
    29  altered for the purpose of transporting ten or more occupants, including
    30  the driver.
    31    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.