

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     January 7, 2021

        Introduced by M. of A. CAHILL -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Labor

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  labor law and the workers' compensation law, in
          relation to establishing the New York small contractor  safety  group,
          inc.  and  providing  for its functions, powers and duties, and estab-
          lishing the New York small contractor safety group fund within the New
          York state insurance fund and making an appropriation therefor

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  This  act  shall  be known and may be cited as the "small
     2  contractors relief act".
     3    § 2. The labor law is amended by adding a new article 25-D to read  as
     4  follows:
     5                                ARTICLE 25-D
     7  Section 863. Definitions.
     8          863-a. New  York  small  contractor  safety  group,  inc.  pilot
     9                   program.
    10          863-b. Management of the safety group; board of directors.
    11          863-c. Plan of operation.
    12          863-d. Membership.
    13          863-e. Securing coverage.
    14          863-f. Assessment of safety group members.
    15          863-g. Audit authority.
    16          863-h. Financial oversight of the safety group.
    17          863-i. Exemption from taxes.
    18          863-j. Mandatory work  safety  program  attendance  and  partic-
    19                   ipation.
    20          863-k. Expiration of pilot program.
    21          863-l. Rules and regulations.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1247                             2

     1    §  863.  Definitions. For purposes of this article the following terms
     2  shall have the following meanings:
     3    1. "Board" means the board of directors of the safety group.
     4    2.  "Liability  insurance"  means personal injury liability insurance,
     5  property damage liability insurance and employer's liability  insurance,
     6  as  such  terms are defined in paragraphs thirteen, fourteen and fifteen
     7  of subsection (a) of section one thousand one hundred  thirteen  of  the
     8  insurance law and shall also include any type of insurance deemed by the
     9  superintendent  of financial services to be substantially similar pursu-
    10  ant to paragraph thirty of subsection (a) of such section.
    11    3. "Small contractor" means any contractor which (i) is a resident  in
    12  this  state,  (ii)  is independently owned and operated, (iii) is either
    13  (A) a certified minority or women owned business as provided for in  law
    14  or  (B)  if  not such a certified minority or women owned business, both
    15  (1) in the fiscal year prior to  the  year  for  which  application  for
    16  coverage  under  this  article  is  requested, had less than one million
    17  dollars in gross revenues, and (2) provides adequate proof, as evidenced
    18  by a letter of rejection or otherwise  appropriate  documentation,  that
    19  after  written  application  for  liability  insurance  coverage from an
    20  insurer licensed in this state to provide such insurance,  it  has  been
    21  denied coverage for either the prior fiscal year, or the fiscal year for
    22  which  liability  insurance  is  requested.  Additionally, it shall also
    23  include contractors with a gross revenue of one million dollars or more,
    24  up to a limit to be determined by the safety group following actuarially
    25  prudent principles, provided that such contractors can provide  adequate
    26  proof  that they are unable to secure insurance coverage as provided for
    27  herein.
    28    4. "Safety group" means the New York small  contractor  safety  group,
    29  inc.    established in section eight hundred sixty-three-a of this arti-
    30  cle.
    31    § 863-a. New York small contractor safety group, inc.  pilot  program.
    32  There  is  hereby  created a pilot program to be conducted by a not-for-
    33  profit corporation to be known at the New York small  contractor  safety
    34  group,  inc.  To  the  extent  that the provisions of the not-for-profit
    35  corporation law do not conflict with the provisions of this article,  or
    36  with  the  plan  of  operation established pursuant to this article, the
    37  not-for-profit corporation law shall apply to the  safety  group,  which
    38  shall  be  a  type  c corporation pursuant to such law. If an applicable
    39  provision of this article or of the safety  group's  plan  of  operation
    40  relates to a matter embraced in a provision of the not-for-profit corpo-
    41  ration  law  but  is  not  in  conflict therewith, both provisions shall
    42  apply. The safety group shall perform its functions in  accordance  with
    43  its  plan of operation established and approved pursuant to this article
    44  and shall exercise its powers through the board herein established.
    45    § 863-b. Management of the safety group; board of directors. 1. Within
    46  forty-five days after the effective date of this article, there shall be
    47  appointed the board of the safety group,  which  board  shall  have  the
    48  authority  to  manage  the business and affairs of the safety group. The
    49  board shall consist of nine directors, three of whom shall  be  selected
    50  by  the governor, two of whom shall be appointed by the temporary presi-
    51  dent of the senate, two of whom shall be appointed  by  the  speaker  of
    52  assembly,  one  of  whom  shall  be appointed the minority leader of the
    53  senate, and one of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the
    54  assembly. Each member of the board shall be  appointed  for  a  term  of
    55  three  years,  provided  however, that of the initial members appointed,
    56  the members selected by the governor shall have a term of  three  years,

        A. 1247                             3

     1  the  members  appointed by the temporary president of the senate and the
     2  minority leader of the assembly shall be appointed for  a  term  of  two
     3  years,  and the members appointed by the speaker of the assembly and the
     4  minority leader of the senate shall be appointed for a term of one year.
     5  Members  who  are  appointed shall have experience in one or more of the
     6  fields of organized labor, construction, public bidding, work safety  or
     7  any  other  construction  related fields, and have in their professional
     8  capacity demonstrated a willing and conscientious effort to promote work
     9  safety and fair and equitable treatment of workers and management.
    10    2. The board shall have the power to remove for  cause  any  director.
    11  The  authority  that appointed a director shall have the power to remove
    12  such director for cause or without cause. At the expiration of a  direc-
    13  tor's  term, the authority that appointed such director shall re-appoint
    14  such director for an additional term or appoint a new director for  such
    15  subsequent  term.  A  vacancy  occurring in a director position shall be
    16  filled by the authority that originally made such selection or  appoint-
    17  ment.  A  vacancy in any one or more of the director positions shall not
    18  prevent the remaining directors from transacting any business,  provided
    19  a quorum is presented and voting.
    20    3.  All  of  the  directors shall have equal voting rights and five or
    21  more directors shall constitute a quorum, provided that if the number of
    22  directors in office is fewer than five, a quorum shall  consist  of  the
    23  number  of  directors  in office. The affirmative vote of five directors
    24  shall be necessary for the transaction of any business or  the  exercise
    25  of  any  power  or  function  of  the safety group, provided that if the
    26  number of directors in office is fewer than five, the  affirmative  vote
    27  of all directors in office shall be necessary for the transaction of any
    28  business  or  the exercise of any power or function of the safety group.
    29  The board may delegate to one or more of its directors, officers, agents
    30  or employees such powers and duties as it may deem proper.
    31    4. For their attendance at meetings, the directors of the safety group
    32  shall be entitled to compensation, as authorized by  the  board,  in  an
    33  amount not to exceed two hundred dollars per meeting per director and to
    34  reimbursement  of  their actual out-of-pocket expenses. Directors of the
    35  safety group, except as otherwise provided by law, may engage in private
    36  or public employment or in a profession or business.
    37    5. The safety group shall indemnify and hold  harmless  each  director
    38  and  officer  of the safety group from all liability, claims, or damages
    39  by reason of his or  her  acts  or  omissions  in  connection  with  the
    40  performance  of his or her duties as a director or officer of the safety
    41  group to the fullest extent permitted by the not-for-profit  corporation
    42  law,  and,  in furtherance thereof, the safety group shall obtain direc-
    43  tor's and officer's liability insurance  coverage  on  terms  consistent
    44  with  section seven hundred twenty-six of the not-for-profit corporation
    45  law.
    46    § 863-c. Plan of operation. 1. Within ninety days after the  effective
    47  date  of this article, the safety group shall file with the commissioner
    48  and the superintendent of financial  services  its  plan  of  operation,
    49  which  shall  be  designed  to assure the fair, reasonable and equitable
    50  administration of the safety group. The plan of operation and any subse-
    51  quent amendments thereto shall be filed with the  commissioner  and  the
    52  superintendent  of  financial  services,  who  shall have ninety days to
    53  approve or reject any proposal contained in such plan which they jointly
    54  determine does not conform to the intent of this  article.  Upon  trans-
    55  mission  to  the  safety group of such objections the group shall modify
    56  the plan accordingly and the plan shall then become operative.

        A. 1247                             4

     1    2. The plan of operation shall constitute the by-laws  of  the  safety
     2  group and shall, in addition to the requirements enumerated elsewhere in
     3  this  article,  (a) establish procedures for collecting and managing the
     4  assets of the safety group; (b) establish regular places and  times  for
     5  meetings  of  the  board  of  directors  and  the members; (c) establish
     6  accounting and record-keeping procedures for all financial  transactions
     7  of  the  safety group, its agents and the board of directors; (d) estab-
     8  lish a procedure for determining and collecting the  appropriate  amount
     9  of  assessments  and  surcharges  under  this article; (e) set forth the
    10  procedures by which the safety  group  may  exercise  the  audit  rights
    11  granted  to  it  under  this  article;  (f) establish procedures for the
    12  creation of a safety program, risk management  program  and  such  other
    13  programs  for the safety group's members as the board deems appropriate;
    14  (g) establish procedures for expelling members who fail to  satisfy  the
    15  safety  group's  safety  compliance  rules which rules shall provide for
    16  grace periods of coverage after expulsion as determined fair and equita-
    17  ble by the group; (h) establish rules for the calculation of  membership
    18  fee assessments; and (i) contain such additional provisions as the board
    19  may  deem necessary or proper for the execution of the powers and duties
    20  of the safety group.
    21    § 863-d. Membership. Membership in the safety group shall be  open  to
    22  all small contractors initially admitted as members of the group and all
    23  small  contractors  who  thereafter apply for insurance coverage and are
    24  determined to be eligible for insurance  coverage  as  provided  by  the
    25  group  and, as provided in the plan of operation. The safety group shall
    26  provide to its members a copy of the plan of operation  and  any  subse-
    27  quent amendments and shall inform its members of their rights and duties
    28  as members of the safety group.
    29    §  863-e.  Securing coverage. 1. Within two hundred seventy days after
    30  the effective date of this article, the safety  group  shall  take  such
    31  actions as are necessary to purchase liability insurance. Limitations on
    32  coverage  and other specific requirements for any such policy of liabil-
    33  ity insurance purchased by the group shall be as  provided  for  in  the
    34  plan of operation. No later than thirty days after the commencement of a
    35  new  policy  year the safety group shall file with the commissioner, and
    36  the superintendent of financial services a copy of the group  policy  it
    37  has purchased for that year.
    38    2.  The  safety  group  may  also  purchase  a group policy for excess
    39  liability insurance coverage on behalf of those of its members  desiring
    40  such excess liability insurance coverage.
    41    §  863-f.  Assessment of safety group members. 1. In order to meet the
    42  obligations and pay (a) the costs of the group general liability  insur-
    43  ance  policy  purchased pursuant to this article and (b) its expenses in
    44  carry out its powers, duties and obligations  under  this  article,  the
    45  safety  group  shall  ascertain by reasonable estimate the total funding
    46  necessary to carry on its operations. Based upon  such  estimation,  the
    47  safety  group  shall  assess  its  members  a  membership fee, to fairly
    48  reflect the cost of the liability insurance  coverage  procured  by  the
    49  safety  group  and the administration of the safety group. Fees shall be
    50  collected annually or more often as determined by the safety group  upon
    51  written notice that they shall be due within sixty days of the date upon
    52  which  such  notice  is  received.  The safety group shall determine the
    53  basis for calculating such fees in accordance with rules  set  forth  in
    54  the  plan of operation, which rules shall be applied in a fair and equi-
    55  table manner, and in an open and transparent manner so as to make  known
    56  the  basis upon which such calculations have been made. Upon calculation

        A. 1247                             5

     1  of the fee each member must pay, from  within  amounts  appropriated  by
     2  law,  the state shall make an initial capital contribution to the safety
     3  group in an amount equal to fifty percent of the amount of  the  fee  so
     4  assessed  for  the  purpose  of  providing initial capitalization of the
     5  safety group which will enable it to conduct business in  a  financially
     6  prudent  manner,  provided  however,  that  the  amount  of such initial
     7  capitalization provided  by  the  state  shall  not  exceed  twenty-five
     8  million dollars.
     9    2.  Should  the  safety  group determine that the membership fees that
    10  have been paid to it are inadequate to meet its obligations  under  this
    11  article,  the safety group shall determine the amount required to elimi-
    12  nate such deficiency. Based upon such amount,  the  safety  group  shall
    13  assess  its  members a surcharge, calculated on a similar basis as above
    14  determined for the original membership fee, in accordance with rules set
    15  forth in the plan of operation.
    16    3. To pay  the  costs  of  any  excess  liability  insurance  coverage
    17  purchased  pursuant to this article, the safety group shall assess those
    18  of its members who wish to obtain  such  excess  liability  insurance  a
    19  separate  fee, calculated in accordance with rules set forth in the plan
    20  of operation.
    21    § 863-g. Audit authority.  The  safety  group  shall  have  the  power
    22  directly or through its representatives to inspect the books and records
    23  of its members to verify (a) compliance with the requirements of member-
    24  ship  in  the safety group and (b) the accuracy of information furnished
    25  to the safety group. The safety group or its  representatives  shall  be
    26  afforded convenient access at all reasonable hours to all books, records
    27  and  other documents of its members that may be relevant to such audits.
    28  In addition the comptroller of this state shall have  the  authority  to
    29  periodically audit the books and records of the safety group in order to
    30  ensure its compliance with the law.
    31    §  863-h. Financial oversight of the safety group. No later than April
    32  first of each year, the safety group shall submit to the commissioner of
    33  labor and the superintendent of financial services  certified  financial
    34  statements  prepared  in  accordance  with generally accepted accounting
    35  principles by a certified public accountant. The members of  the  safety
    36  group  shall  be  required  on  and  after January first of each year to
    37  afford a certified public accountant convenient access at all reasonable
    38  hours to all books, records and other documents that may be relevant  to
    39  the preparation of such statements. Such commissioner and superintendent
    40  are  hereby  authorized  to undertake such studies and investigations it
    41  deems warranted to ensure the safety group is complying with all  appli-
    42  cable state laws.
    43    §  863-i.  Exemption from taxes. The safety group shall be exempt from
    44  payment of all fees and taxes levied by the state or any of its subdivi-
    45  sions, except taxes levied on real property.
    46    § 863-j. Mandatory work safety program attendance  and  participation.
    47  In  order to effectively carry out the intent of this article to provide
    48  liability insurance to small contractors, members of  the  safety  group
    49  shall  be required to attend and participate in work and job site safety
    50  training and satisfy the safety group's safety  compliance  rules  as  a
    51  condition to their membership. Any member who fails or refuses to extend
    52  its  full  cooperation  in attending or participating in such program or
    53  satisfying such safety compliance  rules  may  be  terminated  from  the
    54  group,  or  suspended until it brings itself into compliance. The safety
    55  group, in establishing the components of the  program  may  utilize  the

        A. 1247                             6

     1  expertise  of  large  contractors'  work and job safety programs, or the
     2  services of other experts in the field.
     3    §  863-k.  Expiration of pilot program. The provisions of this article
     4  shall for all purposes be conducted in the manner  of  a  pilot  program
     5  which  shall  expire  and be of no further force and effect on and after
     6  the date occurring five years after the date  upon  which  this  article
     7  shall  have  become a law, unless duly extended or made permanent by the
     8  legislature. One year prior to such date of expiration, the safety group
     9  shall submit a detailed analysis of the operation and  effectiveness  of
    10  the program to the temporary president of the senate, the speaker of the
    11  assembly, the commissioner, and the superintendent of financial services
    12  for  the  purposes  of  amending,  revising,  adding to or in any manner
    13  altering the provisions of this article, the plan of operation  then  in
    14  effect or any other significant changes to law, rule or regulation which
    15  would  improve  the provision of liability coverage afforded to insureds
    16  pursuant to the insurance policies provided by the safety group.
    17    § 863-l. Rules and regulations. The commissioner of labor on notice to
    18  the superintendent of financial services is hereby authorized to promul-
    19  gate any regulations as may be necessary for the  proper  implementation
    20  of this article.
    21    §  3. The workers' compensation law is amended by adding a new section
    22  87-j to read as follows:
    23    § 87-j. Authority to issue general liability insurance to the New York
    24  small contractor safety group, inc. 1. The state insurance fund is here-
    25  by authorized to issue  policies  of  general  liability  insurance  and
    26  liability  excess  insurance  policies, as needed, to the New York small
    27  contractor safety group, inc. in order  to  enable  such  not-for-profit
    28  corporation to provide coverage to members of the safety group.
    29    2.  A  separate fund shall be created within the state insurance fund,
    30  which shall be known as the "New  York  small  contractor  safety  group
    31  fund" (the "safety group fund"), and which shall consist of all premiums
    32  received  and  paid into the safety group fund on account of the general
    33  liability insurance and the liability excess insurance policies  to  the
    34  safety  group,  all  property and securities acquired by and through the
    35  use of moneys belonging to the safety group fund, and of interest earned
    36  upon moneys belonging to the safety group fund. The assets  and  liabil-
    37  ities  of  the  safety group fund shall be and remain separate and apart
    38  from the assets and liabilities of the  state  insurance  fund  and  its
    39  other funds, and no moneys of the safety group fund shall be transferred
    40  to  the  state insurance fund and its other funds. The safety group fund
    41  shall be exempt from payment of all fees and taxes levied by  the  state
    42  or any of its subdivisions, except taxes levied on real property.
    43    3.  An  annual  per  centum  of the premiums collected from the safety
    44  group shall be set aside towards the surplus of the  safety  group  fund
    45  until  such  time  as  in the judgment of the commissioners such surplus
    46  shall be sufficiently large  to  both  (a)  provide  for  adequate  loss
    47  reserves and (b) return to the state the amount of the initial appropri-
    48  ation  made  by  law  to  provide  state funds for the establishment and
    49  administration of the chapter of the laws of two thousand nineteen which
    50  established the New York small contractor safety group,  inc.  at  which
    51  time  that  amount  shall  be repaid to the state as provided for in the
    52  appropriation contained in such chapter. Thereafter the contribution  to
    53  such  surplus  may  be reduced or discontinued conditional upon constant
    54  maintenance of a sufficient  surplus  to  provide  against  catastrophe.
    55  Reserves  shall  be  set  up and maintained adequate to meet anticipated
    56  losses and carry all claims and policies to maturity.

        A. 1247                             7

     1    4. The entire expense of administering the safety group fund shall  be
     2  paid out of the safety group fund, which expenses shall be determined on
     3  an  equitable  basis  with  due  allowance  for the division of overhead
     4  expenses between the safety group fund and the state insurance fund  and
     5  its  other funds. There shall be submitted to the director of the budget
     6  quarterly financial statements on a calendar  year  basis.  In  no  case
     7  shall  the  amount  of  administrative expenditures so authorized for an
     8  entire year from the safety group fund exceed twenty-five per centum  of
     9  the earned premiums from the safety group fund for that year.
    10    §  4. The sum of twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000), or so much
    11  thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated from any  moneys  in
    12  the  state  treasury  in  the  general  fund  to the credit of the state
    13  purposes account not otherwise appropriated to the state insurance  fund
    14  for  the  initial  capital of the New York small contractor safety group
    15  fund in carrying out the provisions of this act. Such sum shall be paya-
    16  ble on the audit and warrant of the state comptroller on vouchers certi-
    17  fied or approved in the manner provided by law. No expenditure shall  be
    18  made  from  this appropriation until a certificate of approval of avail-
    19  ability shall have been issued by the director of the budget  and  filed
    20  with  the  state  comptroller  and a copy filed with the chairman of the
    21  senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means
    22  committee.  Such certificate may be amended from time  to  time  by  the
    23  director  of the budget and a copy of each such amendment shall be filed
    24  with the state comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance committee
    25  and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. The  director
    26  of the budget shall not issue any certificate of appropriation of avail-
    27  ability until the safety group fund has entered into a written agreement
    28  with  the  director of the budget providing for repayment by such corpo-
    29  ration to the state of New York of an amount equal to the  total  amount
    30  expended by the state from the appropriation made herein. Such repayment
    31  may  be  made over a number of years as agreed to by the director of the
    32  budget and the safety group fund, and as necessary  it  may  be  amended
    33  from  time  to  time  as the director of the budget and the safety group
    34  fund agree. A copy of each such agreement and  any  amendment  shall  be
    35  filed  with  the  state  comptroller, the chairman of the senate finance
    36  committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee.
    37    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.