

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 13, 2023

        Introduced by M. of A. JACOBSON -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Education

        AN  ACT  to amend the education law, in relation to the establishment of
          school election wards in  union  free  school  districts  and  central
          school districts

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 1702 of the education law is amended  by  adding  a
     2  new subdivision 4 to read as follows:
     3    4.  a.  Notwithstanding  any other provision of law to the contrary, a
     4  board of education of a union free school district  may,  by  resolution
     5  and  subject  to a mandatory referendum, establish school election wards
     6  for purposes of electing individual trustees. There shall  be  at  least
     7  three,  but  no  more  than  nine, school election wards within a school
     8  district. One trustee shall be chosen from each ward  by  the  qualified
     9  voters  therein.    Within  such  resolution,  a  board of education may
    10  require that a trustee elected to represent a ward shall be  a  resident
    11  of  such  ward.  Such  resolution  shall  also provide for the signature
    12  requirements for nominating petitions  consistent  with  the  applicable
    13  provisions of this chapter.
    14    b.  (i)  A resolution by the board of education, which shall be passed
    15  no less than one hundred eighty days prior to a related referendum being
    16  placed before the qualified voters of the  school  district  during  the
    17  annual  meeting  and  election, shall include an assessment and finding,
    18  which  shall  take  into  account  any  historic  disenfranchisement  or
    19  discrimination  against  any  group  of  individuals  within  the school
    20  district based upon race, gender,  ethnicity,  religion,  socio-economic
    21  status,  or  sexual orientation, including that no disenfranchisement or
    22  discrimination would result from the adoption  of  the  proposed  resol-
    23  ution.  The  board of education shall conduct no fewer than three public
    24  hearings on such resolution.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1195                             2

     1    (ii) Such public hearings shall be conducted not less than thirty  nor
     2  more than ninety days prior to a vote on the resolution by a majority of
     3  the  qualified  voters  of  the  district. The district clerk shall give
     4  notice of the public hearing by publishing a notice  five  times  within
     5  fifteen days preceding the hearing, on the district's website and in two
     6  newspapers  if there shall be two, or in one newspaper if there shall be
     7  but one, having general circulation within  such  district.  But  if  no
     8  newspaper shall then have general circulation therein, said notice shall
     9  be  posted in at least twenty of the most public places in said district
    10  fifteen days before the time of the first hearing.
    11    (iii) Following such public hearings, a proposition  for  approval  of
    12  such  resolution and the boundaries of proposed school election wards by
    13  a majority of the qualified voters of such district shall  be  submitted
    14  at  the  next succeeding annual meeting and election. The district clerk
    15  shall give notice of such proposition by publishing notice prior to  the
    16  election, in the same manner and publication as the public hearings, set
    17  forth  in  this  section,  specifying  the time when and place or places
    18  where such election will be held, the hours during which the polls  will
    19  remain  open  for the purpose of receiving ballots, and setting forth in
    20  full the language of the proposition to be approved  at  such  election.
    21  In any event, such election shall be held in at least one location with-
    22  in  each  of  the  proposed  school  election wards and the hours of the
    23  election shall commence no later than six o'clock  in  the  morning  and
    24  shall end no earlier than nine o'clock in the evening.
    25    (iv)  At  least  fifteen days prior to conducting public hearings, the
    26  board of education shall define and publish, by  resolution,  boundaries
    27  of  each  of  the  proposed  school election wards.   Should such map be
    28  altered as a result of the public hearings, the  amended  map  shall  be
    29  published  pursuant  to this paragraph no later than fifteen days before
    30  the election.   Such wards shall  be  contiguous  and  each  ward  shall
    31  contain as nearly as possible the same number of inhabitants.  Each ward
    32  shall  also  conform  as closely as possible with the attendance zone of
    33  the school district, conform as closely as possible with geographic  and
    34  other  physical  boundaries, and retain contiguous communities of inter-
    35  est.
    36    (v) A map of each ward and the boundaries  thereof  shall  be  created
    37  with  the  original filed with the district clerk within ten days of the
    38  resolution and copies thereof filed in the board  of  elections  of  the
    39  county.   Upon each issuance of a federal decennial census, the board of
    40  education shall either: (1) make a written finding that,  upon  examina-
    41  tion  of the decennial census, the current school election wards contain
    42  nearly as possible the same number of inhabitants and that no  discrimi-
    43  nation  or  disenfranchisement  would  result  if  the wards remained as
    44  established; or (2) the school election  wards  shall  be  redefined  by
    45  resolution  of  the  board of education, after a public hearing thereon,
    46  and approval by the qualified voters of  the  school  district.  If  the
    47  qualified  voters of the school district shall not approve of the resol-
    48  ution, the board of education  shall  submit  a  second  resolution  for
    49  approval  by the qualified voters of the school district, after a public
    50  hearing thereon, within ninety days. If  the  qualified  voters  of  the
    51  school  district shall not approve of such resolution for a second time,
    52  the board of education shall continue the membership and  terms  of  the
    53  current  board  until the next annual meeting and election at which time
    54  the terms of all current trustees shall terminate. At  the  next  annual
    55  meeting  and election, trustees shall be elected by a vote of the quali-

        A. 1195                             3

     1  fied voters of the school district pursuant to  article  forty-three  of
     2  this chapter.
     3    (vi)  After a school election ward system shall have been established,
     4  the term of every existing trustee shall terminate on the thirtieth  day
     5  of  June next succeeding the first annual meeting and election following
     6  voter approval of the referendum, at  which  time  the  terms  for  each
     7  elected school ward trustee shall commence.
     8    c.  The  term  of  office  of each trustee from a school election ward
     9  shall be three, four, or five years, to be determined at the  discretion
    10  of  the  board  of  education  by  resolution  prior  to the referendum;
    11  provided however that the resolution shall also designate  that  in  the
    12  first  annual  meeting  and  election  after  the  adoption  of a school
    13  election ward system, the initial terms shall be divided into  terms  of
    14  three, four, or five years so that as nearly as possible an equal number
    15  of trustees shall be elected each year. In each election cycle thereaft-
    16  er, the terms of office shall be uniform.  In each school election ward,
    17  the  candidate  receiving  a  plurality of votes in each school election
    18  ward shall be declared elected to that position.
    19    d. Whenever a vacancy shall occur or exist in the  office  of  a  ward
    20  trustee  of  a board of education, such vacancy shall be filled pursuant
    21  to this article and part one of article forty-three of this chapter.
    22    e. Except as provided in this  subdivision,  all  provisions  of  this
    23  article,  article  forty-one, and article forty-three of this chapter or
    24  of any other general law relating to or affecting the election of  trus-
    25  tees  in  a  union  free  school district shall apply to school election
    26  wards organized pursuant to this subdivision  and  to  the  election  of
    27  trustees  by  the  qualified  voters of a school district as established
    28  pursuant to paragraph f and subparagraph (iv) of  paragraph  b  of  this
    29  subdivision.
    30    f.  A  board  of  education  of a union free school district which has
    31  established school election wards pursuant to this subdivision  may,  by
    32  resolution  and  subject  to  a mandatory referendum, abolish the school
    33  election ward system and return to election of trustees by a vote of the
    34  qualified voters of the school district.  Adoption,  assessment,  public
    35  hearing  and  notice,  and  voting  requirements  of such resolution and
    36  referendum shall comply with the provisions of subparagraphs (i),  (ii),
    37  and (iii) of paragraph b of this subdivision.
    38    g.  For  the  purpose  of  this  subdivision, "contiguous community of
    39  interest" means a contiguous population which shares common  social  and
    40  economic  interests that should be included within a single district for
    41  purposes of its effective and fair representation.
    42    § 2. Section 1804 of the education law is  amended  by  adding  a  new
    43  subdivision 13 to read as follows:
    44    13.  a.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a
    45  board of education of a central school district may, by  resolution  and
    46  subject  to  a mandatory referendum, establish school election wards for
    47  purposes of electing individual school board  members.  There  shall  be
    48  five,  seven or nine school election wards within a school district. One
    49  member shall be chosen from each ward by the qualified  voters  therein.
    50  Within  such  resolution, a board of education may require that a member
    51  elected to represent a ward shall be  a  resident  of  such  ward.  Such
    52  resolution  shall  also provide for the signature requirements for nomi-
    53  nating petitions consistent with the applicable provisions of this chap-
    54  ter.
    55    b. (i) A resolution by the board of education, which shall  be  passed
    56  no less than one hundred eighty days prior to a related referendum being

        A. 1195                             4

     1  placed  before  the  qualified  voters of the school district during the
     2  annual meeting and election, shall include an  assessment  and  finding,
     3  which  shall  take  into  account  any  historic  disenfranchisement  or
     4  discrimination  against  any  group  of  individuals  within  the school
     5  district based upon race, gender,  ethnicity,  religion,  socio-economic
     6  status,  or  sexual orientation, including that no disenfranchisement or
     7  discrimination would result from the adoption  of  the  proposed  resol-
     8  ution.  The  board of education shall conduct no fewer than three public
     9  hearings on such resolution.
    10    (ii) Such public hearings shall be conducted not less than thirty  nor
    11  more than ninety days prior to a vote on the resolution by a majority of
    12  the  qualified voters of the district. The public hearings shall be held
    13  at a school district building or other appropriate building, each within
    14  a different proposed  school  election  ward.  If  there  is  no  school
    15  district  building  or  other appropriate building within three separate
    16  proposed school election wards, a meeting shall be held  at  the  school
    17  building  or  other  appropriate  building  closest  in proximity to the
    18  proposed school election ward or wards  containing  no  school  district
    19  buildings  or other appropriate buildings. The district clerk shall give
    20  notice of the public hearing by publishing a notice  five  times  within
    21  fifteen  days  preceding  the hearings, on the district's website and in
    22  two newspapers if there shall be two, or in one newspaper if there shall
    23  be but one, having general circulation within such district. But  if  no
    24  newspaper shall then have general circulation therein, said notice shall
    25  be  posted in at least twenty of the most public places in said district
    26  fifteen days before the time of the first hearing.
    27    (iii) Following such public hearings, a proposition  for  approval  of
    28  such  resolution and the boundaries of proposed school election wards by
    29  a majority of the qualified voters of such district shall  be  submitted
    30  at  the  next succeeding annual meeting and election. The district clerk
    31  shall give notice of such proposition by publishing notice prior to  the
    32  election,  in the same manner and publication as the public hearing, set
    33  forth in this section, specifying the time  when  and  place  or  places
    34  where  such election will be held, the hours during which the polls will
    35  remain open for the purpose of receiving ballots, and setting  forth  in
    36  full the language of the proposition to be approved at such election. In
    37  any  event,  such election shall be held in at least one location within
    38  each of the proposed school election wards and the hours of the election
    39  shall commence no later than six o'clock in the morning and shall end no
    40  earlier than nine o'clock in the evening.
    41    (iv) At least fifteen days prior to conducting  public  hearings,  the
    42  board  of  education shall define and publish, by resolution, boundaries
    43  of each of the school election wards. Should such map be  altered  as  a
    44  result of the public hearings, the amended map shall be published pursu-
    45  ant  to  this  paragraph no later than fifteen days before the election.
    46  Such wards shall be contiguous and each ward shall contain as nearly  as
    47  possible the same number of inhabitants. Each ward shall also conform as
    48  closely  as  possible  with  the attendance zone of the school district,
    49  conform as closely as possible with geographic and other physical bound-
    50  aries, and retain contiguous communities of interest.
    51    (v) A map of each ward and the boundaries  thereof  shall  be  created
    52  with  the  original filed with the district clerk within ten days of the
    53  resolution and copies thereof filed in the board  of  elections  of  the
    54  county.   Upon each issuance of a federal decennial census, the board of
    55  education shall either: (1) make a written finding that,  upon  examina-
    56  tion  of the decennial census, the current school election wards contain

        A. 1195                             5

     1  nearly as possible the same number of inhabitants and that no  discrimi-
     2  nation  or  disenfranchisement  would  result  if  the wards remained as
     3  established; or (2) the school election  wards  shall  be  redefined  by
     4  resolution  of  the  board of education, after a public hearing thereon,
     5  and approval by the qualified voters of  the  school  district.  If  the
     6  qualified  voters of the school district shall not approve of the resol-
     7  ution, the board of education  shall  submit  a  second  resolution  for
     8  approval  by the qualified voters of the school district, after a public
     9  hearing thereon, within ninety days. If  the  qualified  voters  of  the
    10  school  district shall not approve of such resolution for a second time,
    11  the board of education shall continue the membership and  terms  of  the
    12  current  board  until the next annual meeting and election at which time
    13  the terms of all current members shall terminate.  At  the  next  annual
    14  meeting  and  election, members shall be elected by a vote of the quali-
    15  fied voters of the school district pursuant to  article  forty-three  of
    16  this chapter.
    17    (vi)  After a school election ward system shall have been established,
    18  the term of every existing member shall terminate on the  thirtieth  day
    19  of  June next succeeding the first annual meeting and election following
    20  voter approval of the referendum, at  which  time  the  terms  for  each
    21  elected school ward member shall commence.
    22    c.  The  term  of  office  of  each  school board member from a school
    23  election ward shall be three, four, or five years, to be  determined  at
    24  the  discretion  of  the  board  of education by resolution prior to the
    25  referendum; provided however that the resolution  shall  also  designate
    26  that  in  the  first annual meeting and election after the adoption of a
    27  school election ward system, the initial terms  shall  be  divided  into
    28  terms  of  three,  four,  or five years so that as nearly as possible an
    29  equal number of trustees shall be elected each year.  In  each  election
    30  cycle thereafter, the terms of office shall be uniform. In each election
    31  ward, the candidate receiving a plurality of votes in each election ward
    32  shall be declared elected to that position.
    33    d.  Whenever  a vacancy shall occur or exist in the office of a member
    34  of a board of education, such vacancy shall be filled pursuant  to  this
    35  article and part one of article forty-three of this chapter.
    36    e.  Except  as  provided  in  this subdivision, all provisions of this
    37  article, article forty-one, and article forty-three of this  chapter  or
    38  of any other general law relating to or affecting the election of school
    39  board  members  in  a  central  school  district  shall  apply to school
    40  election wards  organized  pursuant  to  this  subdivision  and  to  the
    41  election  of  members  by  the  qualified voters of a school district as
    42  established pursuant to paragraph f and subparagraph (iv) of paragraph b
    43  of this subdivision.
    44    f. A board of education of a central school district which has  estab-
    45  lished school election wards pursuant to this subdivision may, by resol-
    46  ution and subject to a mandatory referendum, abolish the school election
    47  ward  system  and return to election of trustees by a vote of the quali-
    48  fied voters of the school district. Adoption, assessment, public hearing
    49  and notice, and voting requirements of such  resolution  and  referendum
    50  shall  comply  with the provisions of subparagraphs (i), (ii), and (iii)
    51  of paragraph b of this subdivision.
    52    g. For the purpose  of  this  subdivision,  "contiguous  community  of
    53  interest"  means  a contiguous population which shares common social and
    54  economic interests that should be included within a single district  for
    55  purposes of its effective and fair representation.
    56    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.