

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 13, 2023

        Introduced  by M. of A. JACOBSON, STECK -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Insurance

        AN ACT to amend the insurance law and the vehicle and  traffic  law,  in
          relation to supplementary uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage
          for police agencies

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subparagraph (A)  of  paragraph  2  of  subsection  (f)  of
     2  section  3420 of the insurance law, as amended by section 19 of part III
     3  of chapter 59 of the laws of 2019, is amended to read as follows:
     4    (A) Any such policy shall, at the option of the insured, also  provide
     5  supplementary  uninsured/underinsured  motorists  insurance  for  bodily
     6  injury, in an amount up to the bodily injury liability insurance  limits
     7  of  coverage  provided  under  such  policy, subject to a maximum of two
     8  hundred fifty thousand dollars because of bodily injury to or  death  of
     9  one  person  in  any  one  accident  and,  subject to such limit for one
    10  person, up to five hundred thousand dollars because of bodily injury  to
    11  or  death  of  two  or  more  persons in any one accident, or a combined
    12  single limit policy of five hundred thousand dollars because  of  bodily
    13  injury  to  or death of one or more persons in any one accident; and any
    14  such policy insuring against loss resulting from  liability  imposed  by
    15  law  for  bodily  injury or death suffered by any natural person arising
    16  out of the ownership, maintenance, and use of an altered  motor  vehicle
    17  commonly  referred to as a "stretch limousine" having a seating capacity
    18  of eight or more passengers used in the business of carrying  or  trans-
    19  porting    passengers    for    hire,    shall   provide   supplementary
    20  uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance  for  bodily  injury,  in  an
    21  amount  of  a combined single limit of one million five hundred thousand
    22  dollars because of bodily injury or death of one or more persons in  any
    23  one  accident.  Provided  however,  an  insurer issuing any such policy,
    24  except a policy insuring against loss resulting from  liability  imposed

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1178                             2

     1  by law for bodily injury or death suffered by any natural person arising
     2  out  of  the ownership, maintenance, and use of an altered motor vehicle
     3  commonly referred to as a "stretch limousine" having a seating  capacity
     4  of  eight  or more passengers used in the business of carrying or trans-
     5  porting passengers for hire, in lieu of  offering  to  the  insured  the
     6  coverages stated above, may provide supplementary uninsured/underinsured
     7  motorists  insurance  for  bodily  injury, in an amount up to the bodily
     8  injury liability insurance limits of coverage provided under such  poli-
     9  cy,  subject  to  a  maximum  of one hundred thousand dollars because of
    10  bodily injury to or death of one person in any one accident and, subject
    11  to such limit for one person,  up  to  three  hundred  thousand  dollars
    12  because  of  bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in any one
    13  accident, or a combined single limit policy of  three  hundred  thousand
    14  dollars  because  of bodily injury to or death of one or more persons in
    15  any one accident, if  such  insurer  also  makes  available  a  personal
    16  umbrella  policy  with  liability  coverage  limits  up to at least five
    17  hundred thousand dollars which also provides coverage for  supplementary
    18  uninsured/underinsured       motorists       claims.       Supplementary
    19  uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance shall  provide  coverage,  in
    20  any  state  or  Canadian  province, if the limits of liability under all
    21  bodily injury liability bonds and insurance policies  of  another  motor
    22  vehicle liable for damages are in a lesser amount than the bodily injury
    23  liability  insurance  limits  of  coverage provided by such policy. Upon
    24  written   request   by   any    insured    covered    by    supplemental
    25  uninsured/underinsured motorists insurance or his duly authorized repre-
    26  sentative  and  upon  disclosure  by the insured of the insured's bodily
    27  injury  and  supplemental  uninsured/underinsured  motorists   insurance
    28  coverage  limits,  the insurer of any other owner or operator of another
    29  motor vehicle against which a claim has been made  for  damages  to  the
    30  insured shall disclose, within forty-five days of the request, the bodi-
    31  ly  injury liability insurance limits of its coverage provided under the
    32  policy or all bodily injury liability bonds. The time of the insured  to
    33  make  any  supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist claim, shall be
    34  tolled during the period the insurer of any other owner or  operator  of
    35  another  motor  vehicle  that  may be liable for damages to the insured,
    36  fails to so disclose its coverage. As a condition precedent to the obli-
    37  gation   of   the   insurer   to    pay    under    the    supplementary
    38  uninsured/underinsured  motorists  insurance  coverage,  the  limits  of
    39  liability of all bodily injury liability  bonds  or  insurance  policies
    40  applicable  at the time of the accident shall be exhausted by payment of
    41  judgments or settlements.  As used in this subsection,  "motor  vehicle"
    42  shall include fire vehicles, as defined in section one hundred fifteen-a
    43  of  the  vehicle  and  traffic  law,  and police vehicles, as defined in
    44  section one hundred thirty-two-a of the vehicle and traffic law.
    45    § 2. Paragraph 5 of subsection (f) of section 3420  of  the  insurance
    46  law, as amended by chapter 11 of the laws of 2013, is amended to read as
    47  follows:
    48    (5)  This  paragraph  shall  apply  to self-insurance or a policy that
    49  provides supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance  cover-
    50  age  for  bodily injury and is a policy: (A) issued or delivered in this
    51  state that insures against liability arising out of the ownership, main-
    52  tenance, and use of a fire vehicle, as defined in  section  one  hundred
    53  fifteen-a  of  the  vehicle  and  traffic law, where the fire vehicle is
    54  principally garaged or used in this  state,  or  a  police  vehicle,  as
    55  defined  in  section one hundred thirty-two-a of the vehicle and traffic
    56  law; or (B) as specified in paragraph one of  this  subsection.    Every

        A. 1178                             3

     1  such  policy that insures a fire department, fire company, as defined in
     2  section one hundred of the general municipal law, an ambulance  service,
     3  [or] a voluntary ambulance service, as defined in section three thousand
     4  one  of the public health law, or a police agency, as defined in section
     5  eight hundred thirty-five of  the  executive  law,  shall  provide  such
     6  supplementary uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance coverage no less
     7  than  the  bodily injury liability insurance limits of coverage provided
     8  under such policy to an individual employed by or who is a member of the
     9  fire department, fire company, ambulance service, [or]  voluntary  ambu-
    10  lance  service,  or  police agency and who is injured by an uninsured or
    11  underinsured motor vehicle while acting in the scope of the individual's
    12  duties for the fire department, fire company,  ambulance  service,  [or]
    13  voluntary  ambulance service, or police agency covered under the policy,
    14  except with respect to the use or operation by such an individual  of  a
    15  motor vehicle not covered under the policy.
    16    §  3.  Subdivision 2 of section 388 of the vehicle and traffic law, as
    17  amended by chapter 608 of the laws  of  1960,  is  amended  to  read  as
    18  follows:
    19    2.  As  used  in  this  section, "vehicle" means a "motor vehicle", as
    20  defined in section one hundred twenty-five of this chapter, except  fire
    21  and  police  vehicles,  self-propelled combines, self-propelled corn and
    22  hay harvesting machines and tractors used exclusively  for  agricultural
    23  purposes,  and shall also include "semitrailer" and "trailer" as defined
    24  in article one of this chapter, whether or not such vehicles are used or
    25  operated upon a public highway; provided, however, that for purposes  of
    26  paragraph  two of subdivision (f) of section three thousand four hundred
    27  twenty of the insurance law, the term "motor vehicle" shall include fire
    28  vehicles, as defined in section one hundred fifteen-a of  this  chapter,
    29  and  police  vehicles, as defined in section one hundred thirty-two-a of
    30  this chapter. For the purpose of this section, self-propelled  caterpil-
    31  lar or crawler-type equipment while being operated on the contract site,
    32  shall not be defined as motor vehicles.
    33    §  4.  This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply to poli-
    34  cies and contracts issued, renewed, modified, altered or amended  on  or
    35  after such effective date.