

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     January 7, 2021

        Introduced  by M. of A. WALLACE -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on  Veterans'  Affairs  --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,
          ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the executive law, in relation to creating the women
          veterans advisory committee

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Legislative  findings.  Women  make  up 15 percent of the
     2  veterans of the armed forces of the United States and continue to be  an
     3  increasingly  integral part of the operations of the armed forces of the
     4  United States around the world.  Few  studies  have  been  conducted  to
     5  determine  and  understand the unique challenges that women veterans may
     6  have, both post deployment and following separation  from  active  duty.
     7  Many  veterans  who  are women do not self-identify as veterans and may,
     8  therefore, fail to consider  various  programs  and  benefits  that  are
     9  available to them as a result of their military service.
    10    §  2. Paragraph (c) of subdivision 3 of section 361-b of the executive
    11  law, as amended by chapter 480 of the laws of 2019, is amended  to  read
    12  as follows:
    13    (c)  liaison  between  the  division,  the United States department of
    14  veterans affairs center for women veterans, the United States department
    15  of veterans affairs advisory committee on women veterans, state veterans
    16  nursing homes, state agencies, community groups, women veterans advisory
    17  committee pursuant to section three hundred sixty-one-c of this article,
    18  advocates and other veterans and military organizations  and  interested
    19  parties;
    20    §  3.  The  executive  law is amended by adding a new section 361-c to
    21  read as follows:
    22    § 361-c. Women veterans advisory committee.   1.  The  women  veterans
    23  advisory  committee  is hereby created consisting of eight members, with
    24  members appointed as follows:  (a) two members by the governor; (b)  two

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1140--A                          2

     1  members by the temporary president of the senate; (c) two members by the
     2  speaker  of the assembly; and (d) one member each by the minority leader
     3  of the senate and the minority leader of the assembly.    All  appointed
     4  members  must  be  women,  and  veterans who served in the United States
     5  armed forces including members of the reserve  component.  Each  veteran
     6  shall  have  received an honorable discharge or have a qualifying condi-
     7  tion as defined in section three hundred fifty of this article.
     8    2. In making appointments pursuant to subdivision one of this section,
     9  the following shall be considered:
    10    (a) whether the appointments provide a  geographical  balance  between
    11  the  urban  and  rural  areas  of  this state and represent the cultural
    12  diversity of this state; and
    13    (b) the level of activity of the woman in the veteran community.
    14    3. The committee shall elect a chair from among its members.
    15    4. Each member of the committee shall serve a term of four years.
    16    5. A vacancy on the committee shall be filled for the remainder of the
    17  unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment.
    18    6. The committee shall meet at least four times per year at  the  call
    19  of the chair.
    20    7.  A majority of the members of the committee appointed constitutes a
    21  quorum.
    22    8. Each member of the committee:
    23    (a) serves without compensation, except that a member of the committee
    24  who is a state officer or employee may receive her regular  compensation
    25  while engaging in the business of the committee; and
    26    (b)  while  engaged  in  the business of the committee, is entitled to
    27  receive the per diem allowance and travel expenses  provided  for  state
    28  officers and employees generally.
    29    9. The committee shall:
    30    (a)  support  and  assist  the  division of veterans' services and the
    31  women veterans coordinator pursuant to section three hundred sixty-one-b
    32  of this article in:
    33    (i) locating, educating and advocating for all women veterans in  this
    34  state;
    35    (ii) identifying the unique needs of women veterans;
    36    (iii) conducting outreach and education through various means, includ-
    37  ing,  without  limitation,  the organization of statewide women veterans
    38  events, the promotion of benefits and health care for women veterans and
    39  the development of programs that inform students, business  leaders  and
    40  educators about the important role women play in the armed forces of the
    41  United States;
    42    (iv)  educating  women  veterans  as to benefits and programs that are
    43  available to them;
    44    (v) at least annually, making such recommendations as  may  be  deemed
    45  necessary  or  advisable  to  the  governor,  the state legislature, the
    46  office of the director of the division of veterans'  services  and  such
    47  other offices of this state as may be appropriate;
    48    (vi)  making  information  available regarding job and career opportu-
    49  nities;
    50    (vii) providing outreach regarding available  resources  for  veterans
    51  with a qualifying condition as defined in section three hundred fifty of
    52  this article; and
    53    (viii)  advocating  on  behalf  of  women  veterans to ensure that the
    54  programs and policies of this state and of the United States  department
    55  of veterans' affairs remain open to women and mindful of the elements of
    56  the experience of a veteran that are unique to women.

        A. 1140--A                          3

     1    (b)  submit  a  report  on  or before February fifteenth of each year,
     2  outlining the activities of the committee during the preceding  calendar
     3  year and any recommendations of the committee to the governor and legis-
     4  lature.   The  report  must  include,  without  limitation,  information
     5  pertaining to:
     6    (i) the demographics of women veterans;
     7    (ii) the current contributions that women veterans have made on behalf
     8  of the United States and this state;
     9    (iii) the unique needs of the population of women veterans;
    10    (iv)  recommendations  regarding  what steps should be taken to reduce
    11  misinformation and improve support for programs for women veterans; and
    12    (v) outreach activities undertaken by the committee.
    13    10. The division of veterans' services shall help support the  commit-
    14  tee's activities.
    15    § 4. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after
    16  it shall have become a law.