S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2015-2016 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                    January 8, 2015
       Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  FAHY,  LUPARDO, CAMARA, SCARBOROUGH, JAFFEE,
         MEL,  SKARTADOS,  THIELE -- read once and referred to the Committee on
       AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to the transportation  of
         children  attending pre-kindergarten; and repealing certain provisions
         of such law relating thereto
    1    Section  1. Paragraph a of subdivision 1 of section 3635 of the educa-
    2  tion law, as amended by section 11 of part A of chapter 97 of  the  laws
    3  of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    4    a.  Sufficient  transportation facilities (including the operation and
    5  maintenance of motor vehicles) shall be provided by the school  district
    6  for all the children residing within the school district to and from the
    7  school  they  legally  attend,  who  are  in need of such transportation
    8  because of the remoteness  of  the  school  to  the  child  or  for  the
    9  promotion  of  the  best interest of such children.  Such transportation
   10  shall be provided for all children FOUR YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER attending
   11  grades [kindergarten] PRE-KINDERGARTEN through eight who live more  than
   12  two miles from the school which they legally attend and for all children
   13  attending grades nine through twelve who live more than three miles from
   14  the school which they legally attend and shall be provided for each such
   15  child  up  to  a  distance  of fifteen miles, the distances in each case
   16  being measured by the nearest available route from home to  school.  The
   17  cost of providing such transportation between two or three miles, as the
   18  case  may  be, and fifteen miles shall be considered for the purposes of
   19  this chapter to be a charge upon the district and an ordinary contingent
   20  expense of the district. Transportation for a lesser distance  than  two
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 1103                             2
    1  miles  in  the  case  of  children FOUR YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER attending
    2  grades [kindergarten] PRE-KINDERGARTEN through eight or three  miles  in
    3  the  case  of  children  attending  grades nine through twelve and for a
    4  greater distance than fifteen miles may be provided by the district with
    5  the approval of the qualified voters, and, if provided, shall be offered
    6  equally  to all children in like circumstances residing in the district;
    7  provided, however, that this requirement shall not apply to  transporta-
    8  tion  offered  pursuant  to  section thirty-six hundred thirty-five-b of
    9  this article.
   10    S 2. Paragraph a of subdivision 1 of section  3635  of  the  education
   11  law, as amended by chapter 69 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as
   12  follows:
   13    a.  Sufficient  transportation facilities (including the operation and
   14  maintenance of motor vehicles) shall be provided by the school  district
   15  for all the children residing within the school district to and from the
   16  school  they  legally  attend,  who  are  in need of such transportation
   17  because of the remoteness  of  the  school  to  the  child  or  for  the
   18  promotion  of  the  best  interest of such children. Such transportation
   19  shall be provided for all children FOUR YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER attending
   20  grades [kindergarten] PRE-KINDERGARTEN through eight who live more  than
   21  two miles from the school which they legally attend and for all children
   22  attending grades nine through twelve who live more than three miles from
   23  the school which they legally attend and shall be provided for each such
   24  child  up  to  a  distance  of fifteen miles, the distances in each case
   25  being measured by the nearest available route from home to  school.  The
   26  cost of providing such transportation between two or three miles, as the
   27  case  may  be, and fifteen miles shall be considered for the purposes of
   28  this chapter to be a charge upon the district and an ordinary contingent
   29  expense of the district.  Transportation for a lesser distance than  two
   30  miles  in  the  case  of  children FOUR YEARS OF AGE AND OLDER attending
   31  grades [kindergarten] PRE-KINDERGARTEN through eight or three  miles  in
   32  the  case  of  children  attending  grades nine through twelve and for a
   33  greater distance than fifteen miles may be  provided  by  the  district,
   34  and,  if  provided,  shall  be  offered  equally to all children in like
   35  circumstances residing in the district;  provided,  however,  that  this
   36  requirement  shall  not  apply  to  transportation  offered  pursuant to
   37  section thirty-six hundred thirty-five-b of this article.
   38    S 3. Paragraph g of subdivision 1 of section 3635 of the education law
   39  is REPEALED.
   40    S 4. Paragraph e of subdivision 1 of section  3635  of  the  education
   41  law,  as  amended by chapter 665 of the laws of 1990, is amended to read
   42  as follows:
   43    e. In lieu of the transportation provided pursuant  to  the  foregoing
   44  provisions  of  this  subdivision,  a  board  of  education  may, at its
   45  discretion, provide transportation to any child FOUR YEARS  OF  AGE  AND
   46  OLDER  attending  grades  [kindergarten]  PRE-KINDERGARTEN through eight
   47  between the school such child legally attends  and  before-and/or-after-
   48  school  child  care  locations.  For the purposes of this subdivision, a
   49  before-and/or-after-school child care location shall mean a place, other
   50  than the child's home, where care for less than twenty-four hours a  day
   51  is provided on a regular basis for a child who attends school within the
   52  school  district, provided that such place is situated within the school
   53  district. This definition includes, but is not limited to, a variety  of
   54  child  care services such as day care centers, family day care homes and
   55  in-home care by non-relatives. Such transportation may be  provided  for
   56  children  FOUR  YEARS  OF  AGE AND OLDER attending grades [kindergarten]
       A. 1103                             3
    1  PRE-KINDERGARTEN through eight where the  distance  between  the  school
    2  they  legally attend and before-and/or-after-school child care locations
    3  is more than two miles, and may be provided for  up  to  a  distance  of
    4  fifteen  miles,  the distance in each case being measured by the nearest
    5  available route from before-and/or-after-school child care locations  to
    6  the  school they legally attend, except that transportation for a lesser
    7  distance than two miles or a greater distance than fifteen miles may  be
    8  provided  if  transportation  for such distances is provided to students
    9  between home and school. Where a child receives  transportation  from  a
   10  before-school  child  care  location  to  the  school  he or she legally
   11  attends, such child shall be entitled to receive transportation from the
   12  school he or she legally attends to his or her  home  or  to  an  after-
   13  school child care location in accordance with this subdivision.  Where a
   14  child  receives transportation from the school he or she legally attends
   15  to an after-school child care location, such child shall be entitled  to
   16  receive transportation from home to the school he or she legally attends
   17  in  accordance  with this subdivision. Transportation may be provided to
   18  any child FOUR YEARS OF AGE OR  OLDER  attending  grades  [kindergarten]
   19  PRE-KINDERGARTEN  through  eight  between  the  school the child legally
   20  attends and before-and/or-after-school child care locations upon written
   21  request of the parent or legal guardian submitted  not  later  than  the
   22  first  day of April preceding the next school year, provided, however, a
   23  parent or guardian of a child not residing in the district on such  date
   24  shall  submit  a  written  request within thirty days after establishing
   25  residence in the district and provided  further  that  in  order  to  be
   26  considered  eligible  for  such  transportation  in the nineteen hundred
   27  eighty-seven--eighty-eight school year, such request must  be  submitted
   28  by  August first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven. The provision of trans-
   29  portation to or from before-and/or-after-school child care locations, if
   30  provided, shall be offered equally to all children in like circumstances
   31  residing in the district, provided that a board of education  furnishing
   32  transportation  pursuant  to  this  paragraph may limit the provision of
   33  such transportation to child care locations located within  the  attend-
   34  ance zone of the school the child attends, and to child day care centers
   35  and  school  age  child care programs licensed or registered pursuant to
   36  section three hundred ninety of the social services law located anywhere
   37  within the school district. The cost of  providing  such  transportation
   38  between  two or three miles, as the case may be, and fifteen miles shall
   39  be considered for the purposes of this chapter to be a charge  upon  the
   40  district.  Such  substitute transportation expense shall be eligible for
   41  state aid in accordance with clause one of paragraph  b  of  subdivision
   42  seven of section thirty-six hundred two of this chapter. Nothing in this
   43  subdivision shall be construed to impose a duty upon boards of education
   44  to  provide  transportation  to or from before-and/or-after-school child
   45  care locations. Nothing  in  this  subdivision  shall  be  construed  to
   46  authorize  boards  of  education  to provide to any child transportation
   47  between a before-and/or-after-school day care location and that  child's
   48  home.
   49    S  5. This act shall take effect immediately, provided that the amend-
   50  ments to paragraph a of subdivision 1 of section 3635 of  the  education
   51  law  made  by section one of this act shall be subject to the expiration
   52  and reversion of such paragraph when upon such date  the  provisions  of
   53  section two of this act shall take effect.