S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2015-2016 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                    January 8, 2015
       Introduced by M. of A. CORWIN -- read once and referred to the Committee
         on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions
       AN  ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to the composi-
         tion of the board of the Niagara Frontier transportation authority
    1    Section  1.  Subdivision 1 of section 1299-c of the public authorities
    2  law, as amended by chapter 220 of the laws of 2012 and paragraph (c)  as
    3  amended  by  chapter  176  of  the  laws  of 2012, is amended to read as
    4  follows:
    5    1. (a) There is hereby created the  "Niagara  Frontier  transportation
    6  authority."  The authority shall be a body corporate and politic consti-
    7  tuting a public benefit corporation. The authority shall  consist  of  a
    8  chairman, [ten] TWELVE other members and shall have [two] ONE non-voting
    9  [members]  MEMBER as described in [paragraphs (b) and (c)] PARAGRAPH (B)
   10  of this subdivision appointed by the governor by and with the advice and
   11  consent of the senate. The chairman and all members shall  be  residents
   12  of  the  district.  Of the [ten] TWELVE members other than the chairman,
   13  one shall be appointed upon the written recommendation of the Erie coun-
   14  ty executive [and], one shall be appointed upon the written  recommenda-
   15  tion  of  the  Erie  county  legislature,  AND TWO SHALL BE APPOINTED AS
   18  chairman and each of the members shall be appointed for a term of  eight
   19  years,  provided  however, that the chairman first appointed shall serve
   20  for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred seventy-three, and of
   21  the eight other members first appointed, one  shall  serve  for  a  term
   22  ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred sixty-eight, two shall serve for
   23  a  term  ending  June  thirtieth, nineteen hundred sixty-nine, one shall
   24  serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen  hundred  seventy,  two
   25  shall  serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred seventy-
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 1081                             2
    1  one, one shall serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nineteen  hundred
    2  seventy-two  and one shall serve for a term ending June thirtieth, nine-
    3  teen hundred seventy-three. The term of one of the members appointed  to
    4  memberships  first  created  by  law after April first, nineteen hundred
    5  sixty-nine shall end on June thirtieth, nineteen  hundred  seventy-four,
    6  and the term of the other such member shall end on June thirtieth, nine-
    7  teen  hundred  seventy-five. Following the expiration of any term ending
    8  on or after June thirtieth, nineteen hundred eighty-seven,  each  member
    9  shall  be  appointed for a term of five years beginning on the day after
   10  the expiration date of such prior term; provided, however, that the term
   11  of the member first appointed upon the  written  recommendation  of  the
   12  Erie  county  executive  and the term of the member first appointed upon
   13  the written recommendation of the Erie county legislature shall be for a
   14  term ending on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred ninety-six.
   15    (b) The [first] non-voting member of the authority who  shall  not  be
   16  considered in determining a quorum, shall be recommended to the governor
   17  by  the  labor  organization representing the plurality of the employees
   18  within the authority and shall be a resident  of  the  Niagara  Frontier
   19  transportation  district  as described in section twelve hundred ninety-
   20  nine-b of this title. Such [first] non-voting member shall be  appointed
   21  for a term of eight years, provided, however, that if at any time during
   22  the  term  of appointment such non-voting member ceases to be affiliated
   23  with the labor organization  representing  the  plurality  of  employees
   24  within  the  authority,  then  such  labor  organization may at any time
   25  during such term recommend a new member to the governor who shall  serve
   26  the  remainder of the term. If the local bargaining unit decertifies its
   27  existing union affiliation and certifies a new union,  the  union  which
   28  represents  the plurality of the employees may recommend a new member to
   29  the governor who shall serve the remainder of the term.  The chairman of
   30  the authority, at his or her discretion,  may  exclude  such  non-voting
   31  member  from  attending  any portion of a meeting of the authority or of
   32  any committee held for the purpose of discussing negotiations with labor
   33  organizations, pending litigation involving the labor  organization,  or
   34  the investigation, evaluation, or discipline of an employee.
   35    (c)  There shall [also] be [a second non-voting member] TWO MEMBERS of
   36  the authority[, who shall not be considered in determining a quorum. The
   37  second non-voting member shall be]  appointed  by  the  governor  as  [a
   38  representative]  REPRESENTATIVES  of  the  transit  dependent  community
   39  and/or people with disabilities. The [second non-voting member]  MEMBERS
   40  shall be appointed for a term of five years.
   41    S 2. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
   42  it shall have become a law.