                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 14, 2019
          WEPRIN, D'URSO -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. CARROLL -- read  once
          and referred to the Committee on Health
        AN  ACT  to amend the public health law, in relation to establishing the
          clinical trial access and education fund
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  The  public health law is amended by adding a new section
     2  2424 to read as follows:
     3    § 2424. Clinical trial access and education fund. 1. Definitions.  For
     4  the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the follow-
     5  ing meanings:
     6    a. "Eligible applicant" means (i) a medical  school  that  sponsors  a
     7  clinical  trial,  (ii) a not-for-profit organization with experience and
     8  expertise working  with  patients  with  life-threatening  or  disabling
     9  conditions or diseases, (iii) a health care provider organization, asso-
    10  ciation  or  society, (iv) a general hospital defined in article twenty-
    11  eight of this chapter, (v) a county or city health department, or (vi) a
    12  municipality.
    13    b. "Clinical trial" shall have the  same  meaning  as  in  subdivision
    14  two-b of section forty-nine hundred of this chapter.
    15    2.  Establishment  of  fund.  There  is  hereby established within the
    16  department a clinical trial access and education fund. Subject to appro-
    17  priations, the department shall provide grants to eligible applicants on
    18  a competitive request for proposal basis to provide one or more  of  the
    19  following services to patients with life-threatening or disabling condi-
    20  tions  or  diseases,  as  such  terms  are defined in section forty-nine
    21  hundred of this chapter, to facilitate access to or education  on  clin-
    22  ical trials of treatments for the patient's condition or disease:
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 1035                             2
     1    a. transportation services and lodging to provide patients with access
     2  to clinical trials or other related treatments while enrolled in a clin-
     3  ical  trial or to access testing and other services to determine patient
     4  eligibility for a clinical trial;
     5    b.  patient outreach and education services to educate patients, their
     6  families and health care  providers  about  the  existence  of  and  how
     7  patients  may enroll in clinical trials, under section two hundred seven
     8  of this chapter; and
     9    c. patient navigation services to help patients to determine  if  they
    10  are eligible for clinical trials, to help patients to enroll in clinical
    11  trials  and to assist patients in dealing with insurance or other issues
    12  which serve as barriers to patient enrollment in clinical trials.
    13    3. Applications. The commissioner shall establish an application proc-
    14  ess by which eligible applicants  may  apply  for  a  grant  under  this
    15  section.  The application shall include:
    16    a. the geographic area in which the services shall be provided;
    17    b. a detailed description of the services to be provided;
    18    c.  applicant's experience working with patients with life-threatening
    19  or disabling conditions or diseases;
    20    d. applicant's ability to provide patient outreach or  clinical  trial
    21  education  and navigation services, or coordinate or provide transporta-
    22  tion and lodging for patients; and
    23    e. any other information that  the  commissioner  deems  relevant  and
    24  appropriate.
    25    The commissioner shall give preference to eligible applicants who have
    26  experience  and expertise working with patients with life-threatening or
    27  disabling conditions or diseases and providing patient outreach,  educa-
    28  tion and health care navigation services.
    29    4.  Reports. Grantees shall file an annual report with the commission-
    30  er, in such form and with such information and data as the  commissioner
    31  prescribes  detailing the expenditure of grant funds and summarizing the
    32  efforts undertaken to increase patient access to clinical trials.
    33    5. The commissioner shall make  regulations  reasonably  necessary  to
    34  implement the provisions of this section.
    35    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.